// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'basic.dart';
import 'transitions.dart';
import 'framework.dart';
import 'gesture_detector.dart';

const Duration _kCardDismissDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 200);
const Duration _kCardResizeDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 300);
const Curve _kCardResizeTimeCurve = const Interval(0.4, 1.0, curve: Curves.ease);
const double _kMinFlingVelocity = 700.0;
const double _kMinFlingVelocityDelta = 400.0;
const double _kFlingVelocityScale = 1.0 / 300.0;
const double _kDismissCardThreshold = 0.4;

/// The direction in which a [Dismissable] can be dismissed.
enum DismissDirection {
  /// The [Dismissable] can be dismissed by dragging either up or down.

  /// The [Dismissable] can be dismissed by dragging either left or right.

  /// The [Dismissable] can be dismissed by dragging left only.

  /// The [Dismissable] can be dismissed by dragging right only.

  /// The [Dismissable] can be dismissed by dragging up only.

  /// The [Dismissable] can be dismissed by dragging down only.

/// Can be dismissed by dragging in one or more directions.
/// The child is draggable in the indicated direction(s). When released (or
/// flung), the child disappears off the edge and the dismissable widget
/// animates its height (or width, whichever is perpendicular to the dismiss
/// direction) to zero.
class Dismissable extends StatefulComponent {
    Key key,
    this.direction: DismissDirection.horizontal
  }) : super(key: key);

  final Widget child;

  /// Called when the widget changes size (i.e., when contracting after being dismissed).
  final VoidCallback onResized;

  /// Called when the widget has been dismissed, after finishing resizing.
  final VoidCallback onDismissed;

  /// The direction in which the widget can be dismissed.
  final DismissDirection direction;

  _DismissableState createState() => new _DismissableState();

class _DismissableState extends State<Dismissable> {
  void initState() {
    _moveController = new AnimationController(duration: _kCardDismissDuration)

  AnimationController _moveController;
  Animation<FractionalOffset> _moveAnimation;

  AnimationController _resizeController;
  Animation<double> _resizeAnimation;

  double _dragExtent = 0.0;
  bool _dragUnderway = false;

  void dispose() {

  bool get _directionIsXAxis {
    return config.direction == DismissDirection.horizontal
        || config.direction == DismissDirection.left
        || config.direction == DismissDirection.right;

  bool get _isActive {
    return _dragUnderway || _moveController.isAnimating;

  Size _findSize() {
    RenderBox box = context.findRenderObject();
    assert(box != null);
    return box.size;

  void _handleDragStart(_) {
    _dragUnderway = true;
    if (_moveController.isAnimating) {
      _dragExtent = _moveController.value * _findSize().width * _dragExtent.sign;
    } else {
      _dragExtent = 0.0;
      _moveController.value = 0.0;
    setState(() {

  void _handleDragUpdate(double delta) {
    if (!_isActive || _moveController.isAnimating)

    double oldDragExtent = _dragExtent;
    switch (config.direction) {
      case DismissDirection.horizontal:
      case DismissDirection.vertical:
        _dragExtent += delta;

      case DismissDirection.up:
      case DismissDirection.left:
        if (_dragExtent + delta < 0)
          _dragExtent += delta;

      case DismissDirection.down:
      case DismissDirection.right:
        if (_dragExtent + delta > 0)
          _dragExtent += delta;
    if (oldDragExtent.sign != _dragExtent.sign) {
      setState(() {
    if (!_moveController.isAnimating) {
      _moveController.value = _dragExtent.abs() / (_directionIsXAxis ? _findSize().width : _findSize().height);

  void _updateMoveAnimation() {
    _moveAnimation = new Tween<FractionalOffset>(
      begin: FractionalOffset.zero,
      end: _directionIsXAxis ?
             new FractionalOffset(_dragExtent.sign, 0.0) :
             new FractionalOffset(0.0, _dragExtent.sign)

  bool _isFlingGesture(Velocity velocity) {
    double vx = velocity.pixelsPerSecond.dx;
    double vy = velocity.pixelsPerSecond.dy;
    if (_directionIsXAxis) {
      if (vx.abs() - vy.abs() < _kMinFlingVelocityDelta)
        return false;
      switch(config.direction) {
        case DismissDirection.horizontal:
          return vx.abs() > _kMinFlingVelocity;
        case DismissDirection.left:
          return -vx > _kMinFlingVelocity;
          return vx > _kMinFlingVelocity;
    } else {
      if (vy.abs() - vx.abs() < _kMinFlingVelocityDelta)
        return false;
      switch(config.direction) {
        case DismissDirection.vertical:
          return vy.abs() > _kMinFlingVelocity;
        case DismissDirection.up:
          return -vy > _kMinFlingVelocity;
          return vy > _kMinFlingVelocity;
    return false;

  void _handleDragEnd(Velocity velocity) {
    if (!_isActive || _moveController.isAnimating)
    _dragUnderway = false;
    if (_moveController.isCompleted) {
    } else if (_isFlingGesture(velocity)) {
      double flingVelocity = _directionIsXAxis ? velocity.pixelsPerSecond.dx : velocity.pixelsPerSecond.dy;
      _dragExtent = flingVelocity.sign;
      _moveController.fling(velocity: flingVelocity.abs() * _kFlingVelocityScale);
    } else if (_moveController.value > _kDismissCardThreshold) {
    } else {

  void _handleDismissStatusChanged(AnimationStatus status) {
    if (status == AnimationStatus.completed && !_dragUnderway)

  void _startResizeAnimation() {
    assert(_moveController != null);
    assert(_resizeController == null);
    _resizeController = new AnimationController(duration: _kCardResizeDuration)
    setState(() {
      _resizeAnimation = new Tween<double>(
        begin: _directionIsXAxis ? _findSize().height : _findSize().width,
        end: 0.0
      ).animate(new CurvedAnimation(
        parent: _resizeController,
        curve: _kCardResizeTimeCurve

  void _handleResizeProgressChanged() {
    if (_resizeController.isCompleted) {
      if (config.onDismissed != null)
    } else {
      if (config.onResized != null)

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    if (_resizeAnimation != null) {
      // we've been dragged aside, and are now resizing.
      assert(() {
        if (_resizeAnimation.status != AnimationStatus.forward) {
          assert(_resizeAnimation.status == AnimationStatus.completed);
          throw new WidgetError(
            'Dismissable widget completed its resize animation without being removed from the tree.\n'
            'Make sure to implement the onDismissed handler and to immediately remove the Dismissable\n'
            'widget from the application once that handler has fired.'
        return true;
      return new AnimatedBuilder(
        animation: _resizeAnimation,
        builder: (BuildContext context, Widget child) {
          return new SizedBox(
            width: !_directionIsXAxis ? _resizeAnimation.value : null,
            height: _directionIsXAxis ? _resizeAnimation.value : null

    // we are not resizing. (we may be being dragged aside.)
    return new GestureDetector(
      onHorizontalDragStart: _directionIsXAxis ? _handleDragStart : null,
      onHorizontalDragUpdate: _directionIsXAxis ? _handleDragUpdate : null,
      onHorizontalDragEnd: _directionIsXAxis ? _handleDragEnd : null,
      onVerticalDragStart: _directionIsXAxis ? null : _handleDragStart,
      onVerticalDragUpdate: _directionIsXAxis ? null : _handleDragUpdate,
      onVerticalDragEnd: _directionIsXAxis ? null : _handleDragEnd,
      behavior: HitTestBehavior.opaque,
      child: new SlideTransition(
        position: _moveAnimation,
        child: config.child