// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'dart:ui' as ui;

import 'package:newton/newton.dart';
import 'package:flutter/animation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart';
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';

import 'basic.dart';
import 'framework.dart';
import 'gesture_detector.dart';
import 'homogeneous_viewport.dart';
import 'mixed_viewport.dart';
import 'notification_listener.dart';
import 'page_storage.dart';

// The gesture velocity properties are pixels/second, config min,max limits are pixels/ms
const double _kMillisecondsPerSecond = 1000.0;
const double _kMinFlingVelocity = -kMaxFlingVelocity * _kMillisecondsPerSecond;
const double _kMaxFlingVelocity = kMaxFlingVelocity * _kMillisecondsPerSecond;

final Tolerance kPixelScrollTolerance = new Tolerance(
  velocity: 1.0 / (0.050 * ui.window.devicePixelRatio),  // logical pixels per second
  distance: 1.0 / ui.window.devicePixelRatio  // logical pixels

typedef void ScrollListener(double scrollOffset);
typedef double SnapOffsetCallback(double scrollOffset);

/// A base class for scrollable widgets that reacts to user input and generates
/// a scrollOffset.
abstract class Scrollable extends StatefulComponent {
    Key key,
    this.scrollDirection: ScrollDirection.vertical,
    this.snapAlignmentOffset: 0.0
  }) : super(key: key) {
    assert(scrollDirection == ScrollDirection.vertical ||
           scrollDirection == ScrollDirection.horizontal);

  final double initialScrollOffset;
  final ScrollDirection scrollDirection;
  final ScrollListener onScrollStart;
  final ScrollListener onScroll;
  final ScrollListener onScrollEnd;
  final SnapOffsetCallback snapOffsetCallback;
  final double snapAlignmentOffset;

  /// The state from the closest instance of this class that encloses the given context.
  static ScrollableState of(BuildContext context) {
    return context.ancestorStateOfType(const TypeMatcher<ScrollableState>());

  /// Scrolls the closest enclosing scrollable to make the given context visible.
  static Future ensureVisible(BuildContext context, { Duration duration, Curve curve }) {
    assert(context.findRenderObject() is RenderBox);
    // TODO(abarth): This function doesn't handle nested scrollable widgets.

    ScrollableState scrollable = Scrollable.of(context);
    if (scrollable == null)
      return new Future.value();

    RenderBox targetBox = context.findRenderObject();
    Size targetSize = targetBox.size;

    RenderBox scrollableBox = scrollable.context.findRenderObject();
    Size scrollableSize = scrollableBox.size;

    double scrollOffsetDelta;
    switch (scrollable.config.scrollDirection) {
      case ScrollDirection.vertical:
        Point targetCenter = targetBox.localToGlobal(new Point(0.0, targetSize.height / 2.0));
        Point scrollableCenter = scrollableBox.localToGlobal(new Point(0.0, scrollableSize.height / 2.0));
        scrollOffsetDelta = targetCenter.y - scrollableCenter.y;
      case ScrollDirection.horizontal:
        Point targetCenter = targetBox.localToGlobal(new Point(targetSize.width / 2.0, 0.0));
        Point scrollableCenter = scrollableBox.localToGlobal(new Point(scrollableSize.width / 2.0, 0.0));
        scrollOffsetDelta = targetCenter.x - scrollableCenter.x;

    ExtentScrollBehavior scrollBehavior = scrollable.scrollBehavior;
    double scrollOffset = (scrollable.scrollOffset + scrollOffsetDelta)
      .clamp(scrollBehavior.minScrollOffset, scrollBehavior.maxScrollOffset);

    if (scrollOffset != scrollable.scrollOffset)
      return scrollable.scrollTo(scrollOffset, duration: duration, curve: curve);

    return new Future.value();

  ScrollableState createState();

abstract class ScrollableState<T extends Scrollable> extends State<T> {
  void initState() {
    _animation = new SimulationStepper(_setScrollOffset);
    _scrollOffset = PageStorage.of(context)?.readState(context) ?? config.initialScrollOffset ?? 0.0;

  SimulationStepper _animation;

  double get scrollOffset => _scrollOffset;
  double _scrollOffset;

  Offset get scrollOffsetVector {
    if (config.scrollDirection == ScrollDirection.horizontal)
      return new Offset(scrollOffset, 0.0);
    return new Offset(0.0, scrollOffset);

  /// Convert a position or velocity measured in terms of pixels to a scrollOffset.
  /// Scrollable gesture handlers convert their incoming values with this method.
  /// Subclasses that define scrollOffset in units other than pixels must
  /// override this method.
  double pixelToScrollOffset(double pixelValue) => pixelValue;

  double scrollDirectionVelocity(Offset scrollVelocity) {
    return config.scrollDirection == ScrollDirection.horizontal
      ? -scrollVelocity.dx
      : -scrollVelocity.dy;

  ScrollBehavior _scrollBehavior;
  ScrollBehavior createScrollBehavior();
  ScrollBehavior get scrollBehavior {
    if (_scrollBehavior == null)
      _scrollBehavior = createScrollBehavior();
    return _scrollBehavior;

  GestureDragStartCallback _getDragStartHandler(ScrollDirection direction) {
    if (config.scrollDirection != direction || !scrollBehavior.isScrollable)
      return null;
    return _handleDragStart;

  GestureDragUpdateCallback _getDragUpdateHandler(ScrollDirection direction) {
    if (config.scrollDirection != direction || !scrollBehavior.isScrollable)
      return null;
    return _handleDragUpdate;

  GestureDragEndCallback _getDragEndHandler(ScrollDirection direction) {
    if (config.scrollDirection != direction || !scrollBehavior.isScrollable)
      return null;
    return _handleDragEnd;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new GestureDetector(
      onVerticalDragStart: _getDragStartHandler(ScrollDirection.vertical),
      onVerticalDragUpdate: _getDragUpdateHandler(ScrollDirection.vertical),
      onVerticalDragEnd: _getDragEndHandler(ScrollDirection.vertical),
      onHorizontalDragStart: _getDragStartHandler(ScrollDirection.horizontal),
      onHorizontalDragUpdate: _getDragUpdateHandler(ScrollDirection.horizontal),
      onHorizontalDragEnd: _getDragEndHandler(ScrollDirection.horizontal),
      behavior: HitTestBehavior.opaque,
      child: new Listener(
        child: buildContent(context),
        onPointerDown: _handlePointerDown

  Widget buildContent(BuildContext context);

  Future _animateTo(double newScrollOffset, Duration duration, Curve curve) {
    _animation.value = scrollOffset;
    return _animation.animateTo(newScrollOffset, duration: duration, curve: curve);

  bool _scrollOffsetIsInBounds(double offset) {
    if (scrollBehavior is! ExtentScrollBehavior)
      return false;
    ExtentScrollBehavior behavior = scrollBehavior;
    return offset >= behavior.minScrollOffset && offset < behavior.maxScrollOffset;

  Simulation _createFlingSimulation(double velocity) {
    final Simulation simulation =  scrollBehavior.createFlingScrollSimulation(scrollOffset, velocity);
    if (simulation != null) {
      final double endVelocity = pixelToScrollOffset(kPixelScrollTolerance.velocity);
      final double endDistance = pixelToScrollOffset(kPixelScrollTolerance.distance);
      simulation.tolerance = new Tolerance(velocity: endVelocity.abs(), distance: endDistance);
    return simulation;

  double snapScrollOffset(double value) {
    return config.snapOffsetCallback == null ? value : config.snapOffsetCallback(value);

  bool get snapScrollOffsetChanges => config.snapOffsetCallback != null;

  Simulation _createSnapSimulation(double velocity) {
    if (!snapScrollOffsetChanges || velocity == 0.0 || !_scrollOffsetIsInBounds(scrollOffset))
      return null;

    Simulation simulation = _createFlingSimulation(velocity);
    if (simulation == null)
        return null;

    double endScrollOffset = simulation.x(double.INFINITY);
    if (endScrollOffset.isNaN)
      return null;

    double snappedScrollOffset = snapScrollOffset(endScrollOffset + config.snapAlignmentOffset);
    double alignedScrollOffset = snappedScrollOffset - config.snapAlignmentOffset;
    if (!_scrollOffsetIsInBounds(alignedScrollOffset))
      return null;

    double snapVelocity = velocity.abs() * (alignedScrollOffset - scrollOffset).sign;
    double endVelocity = pixelToScrollOffset(kPixelScrollTolerance.velocity * velocity.sign);
    Simulation toSnapSimulation =
      scrollBehavior.createSnapScrollSimulation(scrollOffset, alignedScrollOffset, snapVelocity, endVelocity);
    if (toSnapSimulation == null)
      return null;

    double offsetMin = math.min(scrollOffset, alignedScrollOffset);
    double offsetMax = math.max(scrollOffset, alignedScrollOffset);
    return new ClampedSimulation(toSnapSimulation, xMin: offsetMin, xMax: offsetMax);

  Future _startToEndAnimation(Offset scrollVelocity) {
    double velocity = scrollDirectionVelocity(scrollVelocity);
    Simulation simulation = _createSnapSimulation(velocity) ?? _createFlingSimulation(velocity);
    if (simulation == null)
      return new Future.value();
    return _animation.animateWith(simulation);

  void dispose() {

  void _setScrollOffset(double newScrollOffset) {
    if (_scrollOffset == newScrollOffset)
    setState(() {
      _scrollOffset = newScrollOffset;
    PageStorage.of(context)?.writeState(context, _scrollOffset);
    new ScrollNotification(this, _scrollOffset).dispatch(context);

  Future scrollTo(double newScrollOffset, { Duration duration, Curve curve: Curves.ease }) {
    if (newScrollOffset == _scrollOffset)
      return new Future.value();

    if (duration == null) {
      return new Future.value();

    return _animateTo(newScrollOffset, duration, curve);

  Future scrollBy(double scrollDelta, { Duration duration, Curve curve }) {
    double newScrollOffset = scrollBehavior.applyCurve(_scrollOffset, scrollDelta);
    return scrollTo(newScrollOffset, duration: duration, curve: curve);

  Future fling(Offset scrollVelocity) {
    if (scrollVelocity != Offset.zero)
      return _startToEndAnimation(scrollVelocity);
    if (!_animation.isAnimating)
      return settleScrollOffset();
    return new Future.value();

  Future settleScrollOffset() {
    return _startToEndAnimation(Offset.zero);

  void dispatchOnScrollStart() {
    if (config.onScrollStart != null)

  // Derived classes can override this method and call super.dispatchOnScroll()
  void dispatchOnScroll() {
    if (config.onScroll != null)

  void dispatchOnScrollEnd() {
    if (config.onScrollEnd != null)

  void _handlePointerDown(_) {

  void _handleDragStart(_) {

  void _handleDragUpdate(double delta) {
    // We negate the delta here because a positive scroll offset moves the
    // the content up (or to the left) rather than down (or the right).

  double _toScrollVelocity(double velocity) {
    return pixelToScrollOffset(velocity.clamp(_kMinFlingVelocity, _kMaxFlingVelocity) / _kMillisecondsPerSecond);

  Future _handleDragEnd(Offset pixelScrollVelocity) {
    final Offset scrollVelocity = new Offset(_toScrollVelocity(pixelScrollVelocity.dx), _toScrollVelocity(pixelScrollVelocity.dy));
    return fling(scrollVelocity).then((_) {

class ScrollNotification extends Notification {
  ScrollNotification(this.scrollable, this.position);
  final ScrollableState scrollable;
  final double position;

/// A simple scrollable widget that has a single child. Use this component if
/// you are not worried about offscreen widgets consuming resources.
class ScrollableViewport extends Scrollable {
    Key key,
    double initialScrollOffset,
    ScrollDirection scrollDirection: ScrollDirection.vertical,
    ScrollListener onScroll
  }) : super(
    key: key,
    scrollDirection: scrollDirection,
    initialScrollOffset: initialScrollOffset,
    onScroll: onScroll

  final Widget child;

  ScrollableViewportState createState() => new ScrollableViewportState();

class ScrollableViewportState extends ScrollableState<ScrollableViewport> {
  ScrollBehavior createScrollBehavior() => new OverscrollWhenScrollableBehavior();
  OverscrollWhenScrollableBehavior get scrollBehavior => super.scrollBehavior;

  double _viewportSize = 0.0;
  double _childSize = 0.0;
  void _handleViewportSizeChanged(Size newSize) {
    _viewportSize = config.scrollDirection == ScrollDirection.vertical ? newSize.height : newSize.width;
    setState(() {
  void _handleChildSizeChanged(Size newSize) {
    _childSize = config.scrollDirection == ScrollDirection.vertical ? newSize.height : newSize.width;
    setState(() {
  void _updateScrollBehavior() {
    // if you don't call this from build(), you must call it from setState().
      contentExtent: _childSize,
      containerExtent: _viewportSize,
      scrollOffset: scrollOffset

  Widget buildContent(BuildContext context) {
    return new SizeObserver(
      onSizeChanged: _handleViewportSizeChanged,
      child: new Viewport(
        scrollOffset: scrollOffsetVector,
        scrollDirection: config.scrollDirection,
        child: new SizeObserver(
          onSizeChanged: _handleChildSizeChanged,
          child: config.child

/// A mashup of [ScrollableViewport] and [BlockBody]. Useful when you have a small,
/// fixed number of children that you wish to arrange in a block layout and that
/// might exceed the height of its container (and therefore need to scroll).
class Block extends StatelessComponent {
  Block(this.children, {
    Key key,
    this.scrollDirection: ScrollDirection.vertical,
  }) : super(key: key) {
    assert(!children.any((Widget child) => child == null));

  final List<Widget> children;
  final EdgeDims padding;
  final double initialScrollOffset;
  final ScrollDirection scrollDirection;
  final ScrollListener onScroll;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    Widget contents = new BlockBody(children, direction: scrollDirection);
    if (padding != null)
      contents = new Padding(padding: padding, child: contents);
    return new ScrollableViewport(
      initialScrollOffset: initialScrollOffset,
      scrollDirection: scrollDirection,
      onScroll: onScroll,
      child: contents

abstract class ScrollableListPainter extends Painter {
  void attach(RenderObject renderObject) {
    assert(renderObject is RenderBox);
    assert(renderObject is HasScrollDirection);

  RenderBox get renderObject => super.renderObject;

  ScrollDirection get scrollDirection {
    HasScrollDirection scrollable = renderObject as dynamic;
    return scrollable?.scrollDirection;

  Size get viewportSize => renderObject.size;

  double get contentExtent => _contentExtent;
  double _contentExtent = 0.0;
  void set contentExtent (double value) {
    assert(value != null);
    assert(value >= 0.0);
    if (_contentExtent == value)
    _contentExtent = value;

  double get scrollOffset => _scrollOffset;
  double _scrollOffset = 0.0;
  void set scrollOffset (double value) {
    assert(value != null);
    if (_scrollOffset == value)
    _scrollOffset = value;

  /// Called when a scroll starts. Subclasses may override this method to
  /// initialize some state or to play an animation. The returned Future should
  /// complete when the computation triggered by this method has finished.
  Future scrollStarted() => new Future.value();

  /// Similar to scrollStarted(). Called when a scroll ends. For fling scrolls
  /// "ended" means that the scroll animation either stopped of its own accord
  /// or was canceled  by the user.
  Future scrollEnded() => new Future.value();

/// An optimized scrollable widget for a large number of children that are all
/// the same size (extent) in the scrollDirection. For example for
/// ScrollDirection.vertical itemExtent is the height of each item. Use this
/// widget when you have a large number of children or when you are concerned
// about offscreen widgets consuming resources.
abstract class ScrollableWidgetList extends Scrollable {
    Key key,
    double initialScrollOffset,
    ScrollDirection scrollDirection: ScrollDirection.vertical,
    ScrollListener onScroll,
    SnapOffsetCallback snapOffsetCallback,
    double snapAlignmentOffset: 0.0,
    this.itemsWrap: false,
  }) : super(
    key: key,
    initialScrollOffset: initialScrollOffset,
    scrollDirection: scrollDirection,
    onScroll: onScroll,
    snapOffsetCallback: snapOffsetCallback,
    snapAlignmentOffset: snapAlignmentOffset
  ) {
    assert(itemExtent != null);

  final bool itemsWrap;
  final double itemExtent;
  final EdgeDims padding;
  final ScrollableListPainter scrollableListPainter;

abstract class ScrollableWidgetListState<T extends ScrollableWidgetList> extends ScrollableState<T> {
  /// Subclasses must implement `get itemCount` to tell ScrollableWidgetList
  /// how many items there are in the list.
  int get itemCount;
  int _previousItemCount;

  Size _containerSize = Size.zero;

  void didUpdateConfig(T oldConfig) {

    bool scrollBehaviorUpdateNeeded =
      config.padding != oldConfig.padding ||
      config.itemExtent != oldConfig.itemExtent ||
      config.scrollDirection != oldConfig.scrollDirection;

    if (config.itemsWrap != oldConfig.itemsWrap) {
      _scrollBehavior = null;
      scrollBehaviorUpdateNeeded = true;

    if (itemCount != _previousItemCount) {
      _previousItemCount = itemCount;
      scrollBehaviorUpdateNeeded = true;

    if (scrollBehaviorUpdateNeeded)

  ScrollBehavior createScrollBehavior() => new OverscrollBehavior();
  ExtentScrollBehavior get scrollBehavior => super.scrollBehavior;

  double get _containerExtent {
    return config.scrollDirection == ScrollDirection.vertical
      ? _containerSize.height
      : _containerSize.width;

  void _handleSizeChanged(Size newSize) {
    setState(() {
      _containerSize = newSize;

  double get _leadingPadding {
    EdgeDims padding = config.padding;
    if (config.scrollDirection == ScrollDirection.vertical)
      return padding != null ? padding.top : 0.0;
    return padding != null ? padding.left : -.0;

  double get _trailingPadding {
    EdgeDims padding = config.padding;
    if (config.scrollDirection == ScrollDirection.vertical)
      return padding != null ? padding.bottom : 0.0;
    return padding != null ? padding.right : 0.0;

  EdgeDims get _crossAxisPadding {
    EdgeDims padding = config.padding;
    if (padding == null)
      return null;
    if (config.scrollDirection == ScrollDirection.vertical)
      return new EdgeDims.only(left: padding.left, right: padding.right);
    return new EdgeDims.only(top: padding.top, bottom: padding.bottom);

  double get _contentExtent {
    if (itemCount == null)
      return null;
    double contentExtent = config.itemExtent * itemCount;
    if (config.padding != null)
      contentExtent += _leadingPadding + _trailingPadding;
    return contentExtent;

  void _updateScrollBehavior() {
    // if you don't call this from build(), you must call it from setState().
    if (config.scrollableListPainter != null)
      config.scrollableListPainter.contentExtent = _contentExtent;
      contentExtent: _contentExtent,
      containerExtent: _containerExtent,
      scrollOffset: scrollOffset

  void dispatchOnScrollStart() {

  void dispatchOnScroll() {
    if (config.scrollableListPainter != null)
      config.scrollableListPainter.scrollOffset = scrollOffset;

  void dispatchOnScrollEnd() {

  Widget buildContent(BuildContext context) {
    if (itemCount != _previousItemCount) {
      _previousItemCount = itemCount;

    return new SizeObserver(
      onSizeChanged: _handleSizeChanged,
      child: new Container(
        padding: _crossAxisPadding,
        child: new HomogeneousViewport(
          builder: _buildItems,
          itemsWrap: config.itemsWrap,
          itemExtent: config.itemExtent,
          itemCount: itemCount,
          direction: config.scrollDirection,
          startOffset: scrollOffset - _leadingPadding,
          overlayPainter: config.scrollableListPainter

  List<Widget> _buildItems(BuildContext context, int start, int count) {
    List<Widget> result = buildItems(context, start, count);
    assert(result.every((Widget item) => item.key != null));
    return result;

  List<Widget> buildItems(BuildContext context, int start, int count);


/// A general scrollable list for a large number of children that might not all
/// have the same height. Prefer [ScrollableWidgetList] when all the children
/// have the same height because it can use that property to be more efficient.
/// Prefer [ScrollableViewport] with a single child.
class ScrollableMixedWidgetList extends Scrollable {
    Key key,
    double initialScrollOffset,
    ScrollListener onScroll,
    SnapOffsetCallback snapOffsetCallback,
    double snapAlignmentOffset: 0.0,
  }) : super(
    key: key,
    initialScrollOffset: initialScrollOffset,
    onScroll: onScroll,
    snapOffsetCallback: snapOffsetCallback,
    snapAlignmentOffset: snapAlignmentOffset

  final IndexedBuilder builder;
  final Object token;
  final InvalidatorAvailableCallback onInvalidatorAvailable;

  ScrollableMixedWidgetListState createState() => new ScrollableMixedWidgetListState();

class ScrollableMixedWidgetListState extends ScrollableState<ScrollableMixedWidgetList> {
  void initState() {
      contentExtent: double.INFINITY

  ScrollBehavior createScrollBehavior() => new OverscrollBehavior();
  OverscrollBehavior get scrollBehavior => super.scrollBehavior;

  void _handleSizeChanged(Size newSize) {
    setState(() {
        containerExtent: newSize.height,
        scrollOffset: scrollOffset

  bool _contentChanged = false;

  void didUpdateConfig(ScrollableMixedWidgetList oldConfig) {
    if (config.token != oldConfig.token) {
      // When the token changes the scrollable's contents may have changed.
      // Remember as much so that after the new contents have been laid out we
      // can adjust the scrollOffset so that the last page of content is still
      // visible.
      _contentChanged = true;

  void _handleExtentsUpdate(double newExtents) {
    double newScrollOffset;
    setState(() {
      newScrollOffset = scrollBehavior.updateExtents(
        contentExtent: newExtents ?? double.INFINITY,
        scrollOffset: scrollOffset
    if (_contentChanged) {
      _contentChanged = false;

  Widget buildContent(BuildContext context) {
    return new SizeObserver(
      onSizeChanged: _handleSizeChanged,
      child: new MixedViewport(
        startOffset: scrollOffset,
        builder: config.builder,
        token: config.token,
        onInvalidatorAvailable: config.onInvalidatorAvailable,
        onExtentsUpdate: _handleExtentsUpdate