// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as path; import 'application_package.dart'; import 'build_configuration.dart'; import 'process.dart'; final Logger _logging = new Logger('flutter_tools.device'); abstract class Device { final String id; static Map<String, Device> _deviceCache = {}; static Device _unique(String id, Device constructor(String id)) { return _deviceCache.putIfAbsent(id, () => constructor(id)); } Device._(this.id); /// Install an app package on the current device bool installApp(ApplicationPackage app); /// Check if the device is currently connected bool isConnected(); /// Check if the current version of the given app is already installed bool isAppInstalled(ApplicationPackage app); TargetPlatform get platform; Future<int> logs({bool clear: false}); /// Start an app package on the current device Future<bool> startApp(ApplicationPackage app); /// Stop an app package on the current device Future<bool> stopApp(ApplicationPackage app); } class IOSDevice extends Device { static final String defaultDeviceID = 'default_ios_id'; static const String _macInstructions = 'To work with iOS devices, please install ideviceinstaller. ' 'If you use homebrew, you can install it with ' '"\$ brew install ideviceinstaller".'; static const String _linuxInstructions = 'To work with iOS devices, please install ideviceinstaller. ' 'On Ubuntu or Debian, you can install it with ' '"\$ apt-get install ideviceinstaller".'; String _installerPath; String get installerPath => _installerPath; String _listerPath; String get listerPath => _listerPath; String _informerPath; String get informerPath => _informerPath; String _debuggerPath; String get debuggerPath => _debuggerPath; String _loggerPath; String get loggerPath => _loggerPath; String _pusherPath; String get pusherPath => _pusherPath; String _name; String get name => _name; factory IOSDevice({String id, String name}) { IOSDevice device = Device._unique(id ?? defaultDeviceID, (String id) => new IOSDevice._(id)); device._name = name; return device; } IOSDevice._(String id) : super._(id) { _installerPath = _checkForCommand('ideviceinstaller'); _listerPath = _checkForCommand('idevice_id'); _informerPath = _checkForCommand('ideviceinfo'); _debuggerPath = _checkForCommand('idevicedebug'); _loggerPath = _checkForCommand('idevicesyslog'); _pusherPath = _checkForCommand( 'ios-deploy', 'To copy files to iOS devices, please install ios-deploy. ' 'You can do this using homebrew as follows:\n' '\$ brew tap flutter/flutter\n' '\$ brew install ios-deploy', 'Copying files to iOS devices is not currently supported on Linux.'); } static List<IOSDevice> getAttachedDevices([IOSDevice mockIOS]) { List<IOSDevice> devices = []; for (String id in _getAttachedDeviceIDs(mockIOS)) { String name = _getDeviceName(id, mockIOS); devices.add(new IOSDevice(id: id, name: name)); } return devices; } static Iterable<String> _getAttachedDeviceIDs([IOSDevice mockIOS]) { String listerPath = (mockIOS != null) ? mockIOS.listerPath : _checkForCommand('idevice_id'); String output; try { output = runSync([listerPath, '-l']); } catch (e) { return []; } return output.trim() .split('\n') .where((String s) => s != null && s.length > 0); } static String _getDeviceName(String deviceID, [IOSDevice mockIOS]) { String informerPath = (mockIOS != null) ? mockIOS.informerPath : _checkForCommand('ideviceinfo'); return runSync([informerPath, '-k', 'DeviceName', '-u', deviceID]); } static final Map<String, String> _commandMap = {}; static String _checkForCommand(String command, [String macInstructions = _macInstructions, String linuxInstructions = _linuxInstructions]) { return _commandMap.putIfAbsent(command, () { try { command = runCheckedSync(['which', command]).trim(); } catch (e) { if (Platform.isMacOS) { _logging.severe(macInstructions); } else if (Platform.isLinux) { _logging.severe(linuxInstructions); } else { _logging.severe('$command is not available on your platform.'); } } return command; }); } @override bool installApp(ApplicationPackage app) { try { if (id == defaultDeviceID) { runCheckedSync([installerPath, '-i', app.localPath]); } else { runCheckedSync([installerPath, '-u', id, '-i', app.localPath]); } return true; } catch (e) { return false; } return false; } @override bool isConnected() { Iterable<String> ids = _getAttachedDeviceIDs(); for (String id in ids) { if (id == this.id || this.id == defaultDeviceID) { return true; } } return false; } @override bool isAppInstalled(ApplicationPackage app) { try { String apps = runCheckedSync([installerPath, '-l']); if (new RegExp(app.id, multiLine: true).hasMatch(apps)) { return true; } } catch (e) { return false; } return false; } @override Future<bool> startApp(ApplicationPackage app) async { if (!isAppInstalled(app)) { return false; } // idevicedebug hangs forever after launching the app, so kill it after // giving it plenty of time to send the launch command. return await runAndKill( [debuggerPath, 'run', app.id], new Duration(seconds: 3) ).then( (_) { return true; }, onError: (e) { _logging.info('Failure running $debuggerPath: ', e); return false; } ); } @override Future<bool> stopApp(ApplicationPackage app) async { // Currently we don't have a way to stop an app running on iOS. return false; } Future<bool> pushFile( ApplicationPackage app, String localFile, String targetFile) async { if (Platform.isMacOS) { runSync([ pusherPath, '-t', '1', '--bundle_id', app.id, '--upload', localFile, '--to', targetFile ]); return true; } else { // TODO(iansf): It may be possible to make this work on Linux. Since this // functionality appears to be the only that prevents us from // supporting iOS on Linux, it may be worth putting some time // into investigating this. // See https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=192655 return false; } return false; } @override TargetPlatform get platform => TargetPlatform.iOS; /// Note that clear is not supported on iOS at this time. Future<int> logs({bool clear: false}) async { if (!isConnected()) { return 2; } return await runCommandAndStreamOutput([loggerPath], prefix: 'iOS dev: ', filter: new RegExp(r'.*SkyShell.*')); } } class IOSSimulator extends Device { static final String defaultDeviceID = 'default_ios_sim_id'; static const String _macInstructions = 'To work with iOS devices, please install ideviceinstaller. ' 'If you use homebrew, you can install it with ' '"\$ brew install ideviceinstaller".'; static String _xcrunPath = path.join('/usr', 'bin', 'xcrun'); String _iOSSimPath; String get iOSSimPath => _iOSSimPath; String get xcrunPath => _xcrunPath; String _name; String get name => _name; factory IOSSimulator({String id, String name, String iOSSimulatorPath}) { IOSSimulator device = Device._unique(id ?? defaultDeviceID, (String id) => new IOSSimulator._(id)); device._name = name; if (iOSSimulatorPath == null) { iOSSimulatorPath = path.join('/Applications', 'iOS Simulator.app', 'Contents', 'MacOS', 'iOS Simulator'); } device._iOSSimPath = iOSSimulatorPath; return device; } IOSSimulator._(String id) : super._(id); static String _getRunningSimulatorID([IOSSimulator mockIOS]) { String xcrunPath = mockIOS != null ? mockIOS.xcrunPath : _xcrunPath; String output = runCheckedSync([xcrunPath, 'simctl', 'list', 'devices']); Match match; Iterable<Match> matches = new RegExp(r'[^\(]+\(([^\)]+)\) \(Booted\)', multiLine: true).allMatches(output); if (matches.length > 1) { // More than one simulator is listed as booted, which is not allowed but // sometimes happens erroneously. Kill them all because we don't know // which one is actually running. _logging.warning('Multiple running simulators were detected, ' 'which is not supposed to happen.'); for (Match m in matches) { if (m.groupCount > 0) { _logging.warning('Killing simulator ${m.group(1)}'); runSync([xcrunPath, 'simctl', 'shutdown', m.group(1)]); } } } else if (matches.length == 1) { match = matches.first; } if (match != null && match.groupCount > 0) { return match.group(1); } else { _logging.info('No running simulators found'); return null; } } String _getSimulatorPath() { String deviceID = id == defaultDeviceID ? _getRunningSimulatorID() : id; String homeDirectory = path.absolute(Platform.environment['HOME']); if (deviceID == null) { return null; } return path.join(homeDirectory, 'Library', 'Developer', 'CoreSimulator', 'Devices', deviceID); } String _getSimulatorAppHomeDirectory(ApplicationPackage app) { String simulatorPath = _getSimulatorPath(); if (simulatorPath == null) { return null; } return path.join(simulatorPath, 'data'); } static List<IOSSimulator> getAttachedDevices([IOSSimulator mockIOS]) { List<IOSSimulator> devices = []; String id = _getRunningSimulatorID(mockIOS); if (id != null) { // TODO(iansf): get the simulator's name // String name = _getDeviceName(id, mockIOS); devices.add(new IOSSimulator(id: id)); } return devices; } Future<bool> boot() async { if (!Platform.isMacOS) { return false; } if (isConnected()) { return true; } if (id == defaultDeviceID) { runDetached([iOSSimPath]); Future<bool> checkConnection([int attempts = 20]) async { if (attempts == 0) { _logging.info('Timed out waiting for iOS Simulator $id to boot.'); return false; } if (!isConnected()) { _logging.info('Waiting for iOS Simulator $id to boot...'); return await new Future.delayed(new Duration(milliseconds: 500), () => checkConnection(attempts - 1)); } return true; } return await checkConnection(); } else { try { runCheckedSync([xcrunPath, 'simctl', 'boot', id]); } catch (e) { _logging.warning('Unable to boot iOS Simulator $id: ', e); return false; } } return false; } @override bool installApp(ApplicationPackage app) { if (!isConnected()) { return false; } try { if (id == defaultDeviceID) { runCheckedSync([xcrunPath, 'simctl', 'install', 'booted', app.localPath]); } else { runCheckedSync([xcrunPath, 'simctl', 'install', id, app.localPath]); } return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } @override bool isConnected() { if (!Platform.isMacOS) { return false; } String simulatorID = _getRunningSimulatorID(); if (simulatorID == null) { return false; } else if (id == defaultDeviceID) { return true; } else { return _getRunningSimulatorID() == id; } } @override bool isAppInstalled(ApplicationPackage app) { try { String simulatorHomeDirectory = _getSimulatorAppHomeDirectory(app); return FileSystemEntity.isDirectorySync(simulatorHomeDirectory); } catch (e) { return false; } } @override Future<bool> startApp(ApplicationPackage app) async { if (!isAppInstalled(app)) { return false; } try { if (id == defaultDeviceID) { runCheckedSync( [xcrunPath, 'simctl', 'launch', 'booted', app.id]); } else { runCheckedSync([xcrunPath, 'simctl', 'launch', id, app.id]); } return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } @override Future<bool> stopApp(ApplicationPackage app) async { // Currently we don't have a way to stop an app running on iOS. return false; } Future<bool> pushFile( ApplicationPackage app, String localFile, String targetFile) async { if (Platform.isMacOS) { String simulatorHomeDirectory = _getSimulatorAppHomeDirectory(app); runCheckedSync( ['cp', localFile, path.join(simulatorHomeDirectory, targetFile)]); return true; } return false; } @override TargetPlatform get platform => TargetPlatform.iOSSimulator; Future<int> logs({bool clear: false}) async { if (!isConnected()) { return 2; } String homeDirectory = path.absolute(Platform.environment['HOME']); String simulatorDeviceID = _getRunningSimulatorID(); String logFilePath = path.join(homeDirectory, 'Library', 'Logs', 'CoreSimulator', simulatorDeviceID, 'system.log'); if (clear) { runSync(['rm', logFilePath]); } return await runCommandAndStreamOutput(['tail', '-f', logFilePath], prefix: 'iOS sim: ', filter: new RegExp(r'.*SkyShell.*')); } } class AndroidDevice extends Device { static const String _ADB_PATH = 'adb'; static const int _observatoryPort = 8181; static final String defaultDeviceID = 'default_android_device'; String productID; String modelID; String deviceCodeName; String _adbPath; String get adbPath => _adbPath; bool _hasAdb = false; bool _hasValidAndroid = false; factory AndroidDevice( {String id: null, String productID: null, String modelID: null, String deviceCodeName: null}) { AndroidDevice device = Device._unique(id ?? defaultDeviceID, (String id) => new AndroidDevice._(id)); device.productID = productID; device.modelID = modelID; device.deviceCodeName = deviceCodeName; return device; } /// mockAndroid argument is only to facilitate testing with mocks, so that /// we don't have to rely on the test setup having adb available to it. static List<AndroidDevice> getAttachedDevices([AndroidDevice mockAndroid]) { List<AndroidDevice> devices = []; String adbPath = (mockAndroid != null) ? mockAndroid.adbPath : _getAdbPath(); try { runCheckedSync([adbPath, 'version']); } catch (e) { _logging.severe('Unable to find adb. Is "adb" in your path?'); return devices; } List<String> output = runSync([adbPath, 'devices', '-l']).trim().split('\n'); // 015d172c98400a03 device usb:340787200X product:nakasi model:Nexus_7 device:grouper RegExp deviceRegex1 = new RegExp( r'^(\S+)\s+device\s+.*product:(\S+)\s+model:(\S+)\s+device:(\S+)$'); // 0149947A0D01500C device usb:340787200X RegExp deviceRegex2 = new RegExp(r'^(\S+)\s+device\s+\S+$'); RegExp unauthorizedRegex = new RegExp(r'^(\S+)\s+unauthorized\s+\S+$'); // Skip first line, which is always 'List of devices attached'. for (String line in output.skip(1)) { // Skip lines like: // * daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 * // * daemon started successfully * if (line.startsWith('* daemon ')) continue; if (deviceRegex1.hasMatch(line)) { Match match = deviceRegex1.firstMatch(line); String deviceID = match[1]; String productID = match[2]; String modelID = match[3]; String deviceCodeName = match[4]; devices.add(new AndroidDevice( id: deviceID, productID: productID, modelID: modelID, deviceCodeName: deviceCodeName )); } else if (deviceRegex2.hasMatch(line)) { Match match = deviceRegex2.firstMatch(line); String deviceID = match[1]; devices.add(new AndroidDevice(id: deviceID)); } else if (unauthorizedRegex.hasMatch(line)) { Match match = unauthorizedRegex.firstMatch(line); String deviceID = match[1]; _logging.warning( 'Device $deviceID is not authorized.\n' 'You might need to check your device for an authorization dialog.' ); } else { _logging.warning( 'Unexpected failure parsing device information from adb output:\n' '$line\n' 'Please report a bug at https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/new'); } } return devices; } AndroidDevice._(id) : super._(id) { _adbPath = _getAdbPath(); _hasAdb = _checkForAdb(); // Checking for Jelly Bean only needs to be done if we are starting an // app, but it has an important side effect, which is to discard any // progress messages if the adb server is restarted. _hasValidAndroid = _checkForSupportedAndroidVersion(); if (!_hasAdb || !_hasValidAndroid) { _logging.warning('Unable to run on Android.'); } } static String getAndroidSdkPath() { if (Platform.environment.containsKey('ANDROID_HOME')) { String androidHomeDir = Platform.environment['ANDROID_HOME']; if (FileSystemEntity.isDirectorySync( path.join(androidHomeDir, 'platform-tools'))) { return androidHomeDir; } else if (FileSystemEntity.isDirectorySync( path.join(androidHomeDir, 'sdk', 'platform-tools'))) { return path.join(androidHomeDir, 'sdk'); } else { _logging.warning('Android SDK not found at $androidHomeDir'); return null; } } else { _logging.warning('Android SDK not found. The ANDROID_HOME variable must be set.'); return null; } } static String _getAdbPath() { if (Platform.environment.containsKey('ANDROID_HOME')) { String androidHomeDir = Platform.environment['ANDROID_HOME']; String adbPath1 = path.join(androidHomeDir, 'sdk', 'platform-tools', 'adb'); String adbPath2 = path.join(androidHomeDir, 'platform-tools', 'adb'); if (FileSystemEntity.isFileSync(adbPath1)) { return adbPath1; } else if (FileSystemEntity.isFileSync(adbPath2)) { return adbPath2; } else { _logging.info('"adb" not found at\n "$adbPath1" or\n "$adbPath2"\n' + 'using default path "$_ADB_PATH"'); return _ADB_PATH; } } else { return _ADB_PATH; } } List<String> adbCommandForDevice(List<String> args) { List<String> result = <String>[adbPath]; if (id != defaultDeviceID) { result.addAll(['-s', id]); } result.addAll(args); return result; } bool _isValidAdbVersion(String adbVersion) { // Sample output: 'Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.31' Match versionFields = new RegExp(r'(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)').firstMatch(adbVersion); if (versionFields != null) { int majorVersion = int.parse(versionFields[1]); int minorVersion = int.parse(versionFields[2]); int patchVersion = int.parse(versionFields[3]); if (majorVersion > 1) { return true; } if (majorVersion == 1 && minorVersion > 0) { return true; } if (majorVersion == 1 && minorVersion == 0 && patchVersion >= 32) { return true; } return false; } _logging.warning( 'Unrecognized adb version string $adbVersion. Skipping version check.'); return true; } bool _checkForAdb() { try { String adbVersion = runCheckedSync([adbPath, 'version']); if (_isValidAdbVersion(adbVersion)) { return true; } String locatedAdbPath = runCheckedSync(['which', 'adb']); _logging.severe('"$locatedAdbPath" is too old. ' 'Please install version 1.0.32 or later.\n' 'Try setting ANDROID_HOME to the path to your Android SDK install. ' 'Android builds are unavailable.'); } catch (e, stack) { _logging.severe('"adb" not found in \$PATH. ' 'Please install the Android SDK or set ANDROID_HOME ' 'to the path of your Android SDK install.'); _logging.info(e); _logging.info(stack); } return false; } bool _checkForSupportedAndroidVersion() { try { // If the server is automatically restarted, then we get irrelevant // output lines like this, which we want to ignore: // adb server is out of date. killing.. // * daemon started successfully * runCheckedSync(adbCommandForDevice(['start-server'])); String ready = runSync(adbCommandForDevice(['shell', 'echo', 'ready'])); if (ready.trim() != 'ready') { _logging.info('Android device not found.'); return false; } // Sample output: '22' String sdkVersion = runCheckedSync(adbCommandForDevice(['shell', 'getprop', 'ro.build.version.sdk'])) .trimRight(); int sdkVersionParsed = int.parse(sdkVersion, onError: (String source) => null); if (sdkVersionParsed == null) { _logging.severe('Unexpected response from getprop: "$sdkVersion"'); return false; } if (sdkVersionParsed < 16) { _logging.severe('The Android version ($sdkVersion) on the target device ' 'is too old. Please use a Jelly Bean (version 16 / 4.1.x) device or later.'); return false; } return true; } catch (e) { _logging.severe('Unexpected failure from adb: ', e); } return false; } String _getDeviceSha1Path(ApplicationPackage app) { return '/data/local/tmp/sky.${app.id}.sha1'; } String _getDeviceApkSha1(ApplicationPackage app) { return runCheckedSync(adbCommandForDevice(['shell', 'cat', _getDeviceSha1Path(app)])); } String _getSourceSha1(ApplicationPackage app) { var sha1 = new SHA1(); var file = new File(app.localPath); sha1.add(file.readAsBytesSync()); return CryptoUtils.bytesToHex(sha1.close()); } @override bool isAppInstalled(ApplicationPackage app) { if (!isConnected()) { return false; } if (runCheckedSync(adbCommandForDevice(['shell', 'pm', 'path', app.id])) == '') { _logging.info( 'TODO(iansf): move this log to the caller. ${app.name} is not on the device. Installing now...'); return false; } if (_getDeviceApkSha1(app) != _getSourceSha1(app)) { _logging.info( 'TODO(iansf): move this log to the caller. ${app.name} is out of date. Installing now...'); return false; } return true; } @override bool installApp(ApplicationPackage app) { if (!isConnected()) { _logging.info('Android device not connected. Not installing.'); return false; } if (!FileSystemEntity.isFileSync(app.localPath)) { _logging.severe('"${app.localPath}" does not exist.'); return false; } print('Installing ${app.name} on device.'); runCheckedSync(adbCommandForDevice(['install', '-r', app.localPath])); runCheckedSync(adbCommandForDevice(['shell', 'echo', '-n', _getSourceSha1(app), '>', _getDeviceSha1Path(app)])); return true; } void _forwardObservatoryPort() { // Set up port forwarding for observatory. String portString = 'tcp:$_observatoryPort'; runCheckedSync(adbCommandForDevice(['forward', portString, portString])); } bool startBundle(AndroidApk apk, String bundlePath, bool poke, bool checked) { if (!FileSystemEntity.isFileSync(bundlePath)) { _logging.severe('Cannot find $bundlePath'); return false; } if (!poke) _forwardObservatoryPort(); String deviceTmpPath = '/data/local/tmp/dev.flx'; runCheckedSync(adbCommandForDevice(['push', bundlePath, deviceTmpPath])); List<String> cmd = adbCommandForDevice([ 'shell', 'am', 'start', '-a', 'android.intent.action.RUN', '-d', deviceTmpPath, ]); if (checked) cmd.addAll(['--ez', 'enable-checked-mode', 'true']); cmd.add(apk.launchActivity); runCheckedSync(cmd); return true; } @override Future<bool> startApp(ApplicationPackage app) async { // Android currently has to be started with startBundle(...). assert(false); return false; } Future<bool> stopApp(ApplicationPackage app) async { final AndroidApk apk = app; runSync(adbCommandForDevice(['shell', 'am', 'force-stop', apk.id])); return true; } @override TargetPlatform get platform => TargetPlatform.android; void clearLogs() { runSync(adbCommandForDevice(['logcat', '-c'])); } Future<int> logs({bool clear: false}) async { if (!isConnected()) { return 2; } if (clear) { clearLogs(); } return await runCommandAndStreamOutput(adbCommandForDevice([ 'logcat', '-v', 'tag', // Only log the tag and the message '-s', 'flutter:V', 'chromium:D', 'ActivityManager:W', '*:F', ]), prefix: 'android: '); } void startTracing(AndroidApk apk) { runCheckedSync(adbCommandForDevice([ 'shell', 'am', 'broadcast', '-a', '${apk.id}.TRACING_START' ])); } String stopTracing(AndroidApk apk) { clearLogs(); runCheckedSync(adbCommandForDevice([ 'shell', 'am', 'broadcast', '-a', '${apk.id}.TRACING_STOP' ])); RegExp traceRegExp = new RegExp(r'Saving trace to (\S+)', multiLine: true); RegExp completeRegExp = new RegExp(r'Trace complete', multiLine: true); String tracePath = null; bool isComplete = false; while (!isComplete) { String logs = runSync(adbCommandForDevice(['logcat', '-d'])); Match fileMatch = traceRegExp.firstMatch(logs); if (fileMatch[1] != null) { tracePath = fileMatch[1]; } isComplete = completeRegExp.hasMatch(logs); } if (tracePath != null) { runSync(adbCommandForDevice(['shell', 'run-as', apk.id, 'chmod', '777', tracePath])); runSync(adbCommandForDevice(['pull', tracePath])); runSync(adbCommandForDevice(['shell', 'rm', tracePath])); return path.basename(tracePath); } _logging.warning('No trace file detected. ' 'Did you remember to start the trace before stopping it?'); return null; } @override bool isConnected() => _hasValidAndroid; } class DeviceStore { final AndroidDevice android; final IOSDevice iOS; final IOSSimulator iOSSimulator; List<Device> get all { List<Device> result = <Device>[]; if (android != null) result.add(android); if (iOS != null) result.add(iOS); if (iOSSimulator != null) result.add(iOSSimulator); return result; } DeviceStore({ this.android, this.iOS, this.iOSSimulator }); factory DeviceStore.forConfigs(List<BuildConfiguration> configs) { AndroidDevice android; IOSDevice iOS; IOSSimulator iOSSimulator; for (BuildConfiguration config in configs) { switch (config.targetPlatform) { case TargetPlatform.android: assert(android == null); List<AndroidDevice> androidDevices = AndroidDevice.getAttachedDevices(); if (config.deviceId != null) { android = androidDevices.firstWhere( (AndroidDevice dev) => (dev.id == config.deviceId), orElse: () => null); if (android == null) { print('Warning: Device ID ${config.deviceId} not found'); } } else if (androidDevices.length == 1) { android = androidDevices[0]; } else if (androidDevices.length > 1) { print('Warning: Multiple Android devices are connected, but no device ID was specified.'); } break; case TargetPlatform.iOS: assert(iOS == null); iOS = new IOSDevice(); break; case TargetPlatform.iOSSimulator: assert(iOSSimulator == null); iOSSimulator = new IOSSimulator(); break; case TargetPlatform.mac: case TargetPlatform.linux: break; } } return new DeviceStore(android: android, iOS: iOS, iOSSimulator: iOSSimulator); } }