// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;

import 'base_code_gen.dart';
import 'logical_key_data.dart';
import 'physical_key_data.dart';
import 'utils.dart';

String _toUpperCammel(String lowerCammel) {
  return lowerCammel.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + lowerCammel.substring(1);

/// Generates the common/testing/key_codes.h based on the information in the key
/// data structure given to it.
class KeyCodesCcGenerator extends BaseCodeGenerator {
  KeyCodesCcGenerator(super.keyData, super.logicalData);

  /// Gets the generated definitions of PhysicalKeyboardKeys.
  String get _physicalDefinitions {
    final OutputLines<int> lines = OutputLines<int>('Physical Key list');
    for (final PhysicalKeyEntry entry in keyData.entries) {
      lines.add(entry.usbHidCode, '''
constexpr uint64_t kPhysical${_toUpperCammel(entry.constantName)} = ${toHex(entry.usbHidCode)};''');
    return lines.sortedJoin().trimRight();

  /// Gets the generated definitions of PhysicalKeyboardKeys.
  String get _logicalDefinitions {
    final OutputLines<int> lines = OutputLines<int>('Logical Key list', behavior: DeduplicateBehavior.kSkip);
    for (final LogicalKeyEntry entry in logicalData.entries) {
      lines.add(entry.value, '''
constexpr uint64_t kLogical${_toUpperCammel(entry.constantName)} = ${toHex(entry.value, digits: 11)};''');
    return lines.sortedJoin().trimRight();

  String get templatePath => path.join(dataRoot, 'key_codes_h.tmpl');

  Map<String, String> mappings() {
    return <String, String>{
      'LOGICAL_KEY_DEFINITIONS': _logicalDefinitions,
      'PHYSICAL_KEY_DEFINITIONS': _physicalDefinitions,