// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
import 'package:completion/completion.dart';
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:unified_analytics/unified_analytics.dart';

import '../artifacts.dart';
import '../base/common.dart';
import '../base/context.dart';
import '../base/file_system.dart';
import '../base/terminal.dart';
import '../base/utils.dart';
import '../cache.dart';
import '../convert.dart';
import '../globals.dart' as globals;
import '../tester/flutter_tester.dart';
import '../version.dart';
import '../web/web_device.dart';

/// Common flutter command line options.
abstract final class FlutterGlobalOptions {
  static const String kColorFlag = 'color';
  static const String kContinuousIntegrationFlag = 'ci';
  static const String kDeviceIdOption = 'device-id';
  static const String kDisableAnalyticsFlag = 'disable-analytics';
  static const String kEnableAnalyticsFlag = 'enable-analytics';
  static const String kLocalEngineOption = 'local-engine';
  static const String kLocalEngineSrcPathOption = 'local-engine-src-path';
  static const String kLocalEngineHostOption = 'local-engine-host';
  static const String kLocalWebSDKOption = 'local-web-sdk';
  static const String kMachineFlag = 'machine';
  static const String kPackagesOption = 'packages';
  static const String kPrefixedErrorsFlag = 'prefixed-errors';
  static const String kQuietFlag = 'quiet';
  static const String kShowTestDeviceFlag = 'show-test-device';
  static const String kShowWebServerDeviceFlag = 'show-web-server-device';
  static const String kSuppressAnalyticsFlag = 'suppress-analytics';
  static const String kVerboseFlag = 'verbose';
  static const String kVersionCheckFlag = 'version-check';
  static const String kVersionFlag = 'version';
  static const String kWrapColumnOption = 'wrap-column';
  static const String kWrapFlag = 'wrap';
  static const String kDebugLogsDirectoryFlag = 'debug-logs-dir';

class FlutterCommandRunner extends CommandRunner<void> {
  FlutterCommandRunner({ bool verboseHelp = false }) : super(
    'Manage your Flutter app development.\n'
      'Common commands:\n'
      '  flutter create <output directory>\n'
      '    Create a new Flutter project in the specified directory.\n'
      '  flutter run [options]\n'
      '    Run your Flutter application on an attached device or in an emulator.',
  ) {
        abbr: 'v',
        negatable: false,
        help: 'Noisy logging, including all shell commands executed.\n'
              'If used with "--help", shows hidden options. '
              'If used with "flutter doctor", shows additional diagnostic information. '
              '(Use "-vv" to force verbose logging in those cases.)');
        negatable: false,
        help: 'Causes lines sent to stderr to be prefixed with "ERROR:".',
        hide: !verboseHelp);
        negatable: false,
        hide: !verboseHelp,
        help: 'Reduce the amount of output from some commands.');
        hide: !verboseHelp,
        help: 'Toggles output word wrapping, regardless of whether or not the output is a terminal.',
        defaultsTo: true);
        hide: !verboseHelp,
        help: 'Sets the output wrap column. If not set, uses the width of the terminal. No '
              'wrapping occurs if not writing to a terminal. Use "--no-wrap" to turn off wrapping '
              'when connected to a terminal.');
        abbr: 'd',
        help: 'Target device id or name (prefixes allowed).');
        negatable: false,
        help: 'Reports the version of this tool.');
        negatable: false,
        hide: !verboseHelp,
        help: 'When used with the "--version" flag, outputs the information using JSON.');
        hide: !verboseHelp,
        help: 'Whether to use terminal colors (requires support for ANSI escape sequences).',
        defaultsTo: true);
        defaultsTo: true,
        hide: !verboseHelp,
        help: 'Allow Flutter to check for updates when this command runs.');
        negatable: false,
        help: 'Enable telemetry reporting each time a flutter or dart '
              'command runs.');
        negatable: false,
        help: 'Disable telemetry reporting each time a flutter or dart '
              'command runs, until it is re-enabled.');
        negatable: false,
        help: 'Suppress analytics reporting for the current CLI invocation.');
        hide: !verboseHelp,
        help: 'Path to your "package_config.json" file.');
    if (verboseHelp) {
      argParser.addSeparator('Local build selection options (not normally required):');

        hide: !verboseHelp,
        help: 'Path to your engine src directory, if you are building Flutter locally.\n'
              'Defaults to \$$kFlutterEngineEnvironmentVariableName if set, otherwise defaults to '
              'the path given in your pubspec.yaml dependency_overrides for $kFlutterEnginePackageName, '
              'if any.');

        hide: !verboseHelp,
        help: 'Name of a build output within the engine out directory, if you are building Flutter locally.\n'
              'Use this to select a specific version of the engine if you have built multiple engine targets.\n'
              'This path is relative to "--local-engine-src-path" (see above).');

        hide: !verboseHelp,
        help: 'The host operating system for which engine artifacts should be selected, if you are building Flutter locally.\n'
              'This is only used when "--local-engine" is also specified.\n'
              'By default, the host is determined automatically, but you may need to specify this if you are building on one '
              'platform (e.g. MacOS ARM64) but intend to run Flutter on another (e.g. Android).');

        hide: !verboseHelp,
        help: 'Name of a build output within the engine out directory, if you are building Flutter locally.\n'
              'Use this to select a specific version of the web sdk if you have built multiple engine targets.\n'
              'This path is relative to "--local-engine-src-path" (see above).');

    if (verboseHelp) {
      argParser.addSeparator('Options for testing the "flutter" tool itself:');
        negatable: false,
        hide: !verboseHelp,
        help: 'List the special "flutter-tester" device in device listings. '
              'This headless device is used to test Flutter tooling.');
        negatable: false,
        hide: !verboseHelp,
        help: 'List the special "web-server" device in device listings.',
      negatable: false,
      help: 'Enable a set of CI-specific test debug settings.',
      hide: !verboseHelp,
      help: 'Path to a directory where logs for debugging may be added.',
      hide: !verboseHelp,

  ArgParser get argParser => _argParser;
  final ArgParser _argParser = ArgParser(
    allowTrailingOptions: false,
    usageLineLength: globals.outputPreferences.wrapText ? globals.outputPreferences.wrapColumn : null,

  String get usageFooter {
    return wrapText('Run "flutter help -v" for verbose help output, including less commonly used options.',
      columnWidth: globals.outputPreferences.wrapColumn,
      shouldWrap: globals.outputPreferences.wrapText,

  String get usage {
    final String usageWithoutDescription = super.usage.substring(description.length + 2);
    final String prefix = wrapText(description,
      shouldWrap: globals.outputPreferences.wrapText,
      columnWidth: globals.outputPreferences.wrapColumn,
    return '$prefix\n\n$usageWithoutDescription';

  ArgResults parse(Iterable<String> args) {
    try {
      // This is where the CommandRunner would call argParser.parse(args). We
      // override this function so we can call tryArgsCompletion instead, so the
      // completion package can interrogate the argParser, and as part of that,
      // it calls argParser.parse(args) itself and returns the result.
      return tryArgsCompletion(args.toList(), argParser);
    } on ArgParserException catch (error) {
      if (error.commands.isEmpty) {

      Command<void>? command = commands[error.commands.first];
      for (final String commandName in error.commands.skip(1)) {
        command = command?.subcommands[commandName];


  Future<void> run(Iterable<String> args) {
    // Have invocations of 'build', 'custom-devices', and 'pub' print out
    // their sub-commands.
    // TODO(ianh): Move this to the Build command itself somehow.
    if (args.length == 1) {
      if (args.first == 'build') {
        args = <String>['build', '-h'];
      } else if (args.first == 'custom-devices') {
        args = <String>['custom-devices', '-h'];
      } else if (args.first == 'pub') {
        args = <String>['pub', '-h'];

    return super.run(args);

  Future<void> runCommand(ArgResults topLevelResults) async {
    final Map<Type, Object?> contextOverrides = <Type, Object?>{};

    // If the flag for enabling or disabling telemetry is passed in,
    // we will return out
    if (topLevelResults.wasParsed(FlutterGlobalOptions.kDisableAnalyticsFlag) ||
        topLevelResults.wasParsed(FlutterGlobalOptions.kEnableAnalyticsFlag)) {

    // Don't set wrapColumns unless the user said to: if it's set, then all
    // wrapping will occur at this width explicitly, and won't adapt if the
    // terminal size changes during a run.
    int? wrapColumn;
    if (topLevelResults.wasParsed(FlutterGlobalOptions.kWrapColumnOption)) {
      try {
        wrapColumn = int.parse(topLevelResults[FlutterGlobalOptions.kWrapColumnOption] as String);
        if (wrapColumn < 0) {
      } on FormatException {

    // If we're not writing to a terminal with a defined width, then don't wrap
    // anything, unless the user explicitly said to.
    final bool useWrapping = topLevelResults.wasParsed(FlutterGlobalOptions.kWrapFlag)
        ? topLevelResults[FlutterGlobalOptions.kWrapFlag] as bool
        : globals.stdio.terminalColumns != null && topLevelResults[FlutterGlobalOptions.kWrapFlag] as bool;
    contextOverrides[OutputPreferences] = OutputPreferences(
      wrapText: useWrapping,
      showColor: topLevelResults[FlutterGlobalOptions.kColorFlag] as bool?,
      wrapColumn: wrapColumn,

    if (((topLevelResults[FlutterGlobalOptions.kShowTestDeviceFlag] as bool?) ?? false)
        || topLevelResults[FlutterGlobalOptions.kDeviceIdOption] == FlutterTesterDevices.kTesterDeviceId) {
      FlutterTesterDevices.showFlutterTesterDevice = true;
    if (((topLevelResults[FlutterGlobalOptions.kShowWebServerDeviceFlag] as bool?) ?? false)
        || topLevelResults[FlutterGlobalOptions.kDeviceIdOption] == WebServerDevice.kWebServerDeviceId) {
      WebServerDevice.showWebServerDevice = true;

    // Set up the tooling configuration.
    final EngineBuildPaths? engineBuildPaths = await globals.localEngineLocator?.findEnginePath(
      engineSourcePath: topLevelResults[FlutterGlobalOptions.kLocalEngineSrcPathOption] as String?,
      localEngine: topLevelResults[FlutterGlobalOptions.kLocalEngineOption] as String?,
      localHostEngine: topLevelResults[FlutterGlobalOptions.kLocalEngineHostOption] as String?,
      localWebSdk: topLevelResults[FlutterGlobalOptions.kLocalWebSDKOption] as String?,
      packagePath: topLevelResults[FlutterGlobalOptions.kPackagesOption] as String?,
    if (engineBuildPaths != null) {
      contextOverrides.addAll(<Type, Object?>{
        Artifacts: Artifacts.getLocalEngine(engineBuildPaths),

    await context.run<void>(
      overrides: contextOverrides.map<Type, Generator>((Type type, Object? value) {
        return MapEntry<Type, Generator>(type, () => value);
      body: () async {
        globals.logger.quiet = (topLevelResults[FlutterGlobalOptions.kQuietFlag] as bool?) ?? false;

        if (globals.platform.environment['FLUTTER_ALREADY_LOCKED'] != 'true') {
          await globals.cache.lock();

        if ((topLevelResults[FlutterGlobalOptions.kSuppressAnalyticsFlag] as bool?) ?? false) {
          globals.flutterUsage.suppressAnalytics = true;

        final bool machineFlag = topLevelResults[FlutterGlobalOptions.kMachineFlag] as bool? ?? false;
        final bool ci = await globals.botDetector.isRunningOnBot;
        final bool redirectedCompletion = !globals.stdio.hasTerminal &&
            (topLevelResults.command?.name ?? '').endsWith('-completion');
        final bool isMachine = machineFlag || ci || redirectedCompletion;
        final bool versionCheckFlag = topLevelResults[FlutterGlobalOptions.kVersionCheckFlag] as bool? ?? false;
        final bool explicitVersionCheckPassed = topLevelResults.wasParsed(FlutterGlobalOptions.kVersionCheckFlag) && versionCheckFlag;

        if (topLevelResults.command?.name != 'upgrade' &&
            (explicitVersionCheckPassed || (versionCheckFlag && !isMachine))) {
          await globals.flutterVersion.checkFlutterVersionFreshness();

        // See if the user specified a specific device.
        final String? specifiedDeviceId = topLevelResults[FlutterGlobalOptions.kDeviceIdOption] as String?;
        if (specifiedDeviceId != null) {
          globals.deviceManager?.specifiedDeviceId = specifiedDeviceId;

        if ((topLevelResults[FlutterGlobalOptions.kVersionFlag] as bool?) ?? false) {
            commandPath: 'version',
            result: 'success',
            commandHasTerminal: globals.stdio.hasTerminal,
          final FlutterVersion version = globals.flutterVersion.fetchTagsAndGetVersion(
            clock: globals.systemClock,
          final String status;
          if (machineFlag) {
            final Map<String, Object> jsonOut = version.toJson();
            jsonOut['flutterRoot'] = Cache.flutterRoot!;
            status = const JsonEncoder.withIndent('  ').convert(jsonOut);
          } else {
            status = version.toString();
        if (machineFlag && topLevelResults.command?.name != 'analyze') {
          throwToolExit('The "--machine" flag is only valid with the "--version" flag or the "analyze --suggestions" command.', exitCode: 2);
        await super.runCommand(topLevelResults);

  /// Get the root directories of the repo - the directories containing Dart packages.
  List<String> getRepoRoots() {
    final String root = globals.fs.path.absolute(Cache.flutterRoot!);
    // not bin, and not the root
    return <String>['dev', 'examples', 'packages'].map<String>((String item) {
      return globals.fs.path.join(root, item);

  /// Get all pub packages in the Flutter repo.
  List<Directory> getRepoPackages() {
    return getRepoRoots()
      .expand<String>((String root) => _gatherProjectPaths(root))
      .map<Directory>((String dir) => globals.fs.directory(dir))

  static List<String> _gatherProjectPaths(String rootPath) {
    if (globals.fs.isFileSync(globals.fs.path.join(rootPath, '.dartignore'))) {
      return <String>[];

    final List<String> projectPaths = globals.fs.directory(rootPath)
      .listSync(followLinks: false)
      .expand((FileSystemEntity entity) {
        if (entity is Directory && !globals.fs.path.split(entity.path).contains('.dart_tool')) {
          return _gatherProjectPaths(entity.path);
        return <String>[];

    if (globals.fs.isFileSync(globals.fs.path.join(rootPath, 'pubspec.yaml'))) {

    return projectPaths;