// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:developer' show Timeline, Flow; import 'dart:isolate'; import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; import 'constants.dart'; /// Signature for the callback passed to [compute]. /// /// {@macro flutter.foundation.compute.types} /// /// Instances of [ComputeCallback] must be top-level functions or static methods /// of classes, not closures or instance methods of objects. /// /// {@macro flutter.foundation.compute.limitations} typedef ComputeCallback<Q, R> = FutureOr<R> Function(Q message); /// Spawn an isolate, run `callback` on that isolate, passing it `message`, and /// (eventually) return the value returned by `callback`. /// /// This is useful for operations that take longer than a few milliseconds, and /// which would therefore risk skipping frames. For tasks that will only take a /// few milliseconds, consider [scheduleTask] instead. /// /// {@template flutter.foundation.compute.types} /// `Q` is the type of the message that kicks off the computation. /// /// `R` is the type of the value returned. /// {@endtemplate} /// /// The `callback` argument must be a top-level function, not a closure or an /// instance or static method of a class. /// /// {@template flutter.foundation.compute.limitations} /// There are limitations on the values that can be sent and received to and /// from isolates. These limitations constrain the values of `Q` and `R` that /// are possible. See the discussion at [SendPort.send]. /// {@endtemplate} /// /// The `debugLabel` argument can be specified to provide a name to add to the /// [Timeline]. This is useful when profiling an application. Future<R> compute<Q, R>(ComputeCallback<Q, R> callback, Q message, { String debugLabel }) async { if (!kReleaseMode) { debugLabel ??= callback.toString(); } final Flow flow = Flow.begin(); Timeline.startSync('$debugLabel: start', flow: flow); final ReceivePort resultPort = ReceivePort(); final ReceivePort errorPort = ReceivePort(); Timeline.finishSync(); final Isolate isolate = await Isolate.spawn<_IsolateConfiguration<Q, FutureOr<R>>>( _spawn, _IsolateConfiguration<Q, FutureOr<R>>( callback, message, resultPort.sendPort, debugLabel, flow.id, ), errorsAreFatal: true, onExit: resultPort.sendPort, onError: errorPort.sendPort, ); final Completer<R> result = Completer<R>(); errorPort.listen((dynamic errorData) { assert(errorData is List<dynamic>); assert(errorData.length == 2); final Exception exception = Exception(errorData[0]); final StackTrace stack = StackTrace.fromString(errorData[1]); if (result.isCompleted) { Zone.current.handleUncaughtError(exception, stack); } else { result.completeError(exception, stack); } }); resultPort.listen((dynamic resultData) { assert(resultData == null || resultData is R); if (!result.isCompleted) result.complete(resultData); }); await result.future; Timeline.startSync('$debugLabel: end', flow: Flow.end(flow.id)); resultPort.close(); errorPort.close(); isolate.kill(); Timeline.finishSync(); return result.future; } @immutable class _IsolateConfiguration<Q, R> { const _IsolateConfiguration( this.callback, this.message, this.resultPort, this.debugLabel, this.flowId, ); final ComputeCallback<Q, R> callback; final Q message; final SendPort resultPort; final String debugLabel; final int flowId; R apply() => callback(message); } Future<void> _spawn<Q, R>(_IsolateConfiguration<Q, FutureOr<R>> configuration) async { R result; await Timeline.timeSync( '${configuration.debugLabel}', () async { result = await configuration.apply(); }, flow: Flow.step(configuration.flowId), ); Timeline.timeSync( '${configuration.debugLabel}: returning result', () { configuration.resultPort.send(result); }, flow: Flow.step(configuration.flowId), ); }