// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:flutter_devicelab/framework/framework.dart'; import 'package:flutter_devicelab/framework/ios.dart'; import 'package:flutter_devicelab/framework/utils.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as path; /// Tests that iOS .frameworks can be built on module projects. Future<void> main() async { await task(() async { section('Create module project'); final Directory tempDir = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('flutter_module_test.'); final Directory projectDir = Directory(path.join(tempDir.path, 'hello')); try { await inDirectory(tempDir, () async { await flutter( 'create', options: <String>['--org', 'io.flutter.devicelab', '--template', 'module', 'hello'], ); }); section('Add plugins'); final File pubspec = File(path.join(projectDir.path, 'pubspec.yaml')); String content = pubspec.readAsStringSync(); content = content.replaceFirst( '\ndependencies:\n', '\ndependencies:\n device_info: 0.4.1\n package_info: 0.4.0+9\n', ); pubspec.writeAsStringSync(content, flush: true); await inDirectory(projectDir, () async { await flutter( 'packages', options: <String>['get'], ); }); // First, build the module in Debug to copy the debug version of Flutter.framework. // This proves "flutter build ios-framework" re-copies the relevant Flutter.framework, // otherwise building plugins with bitcode will fail linking because the debug version // of Flutter.framework does not contain bitcode. await inDirectory(projectDir, () async { await flutter( 'build', options: <String>[ 'ios', '--debug', '--no-codesign', ], ); }); // This builds all build modes' frameworks by default section('Build frameworks'); const String outputDirectoryName = 'flutter-frameworks'; await inDirectory(projectDir, () async { await flutter( 'build', options: <String>[ 'ios-framework', '--xcframework', '--output=$outputDirectoryName' ], ); }); final String outputPath = path.join(projectDir.path, outputDirectoryName); section('Check debug build has Dart snapshot as asset'); checkFileExists(path.join( outputPath, 'Debug', 'App.framework', 'flutter_assets', 'vm_snapshot_data', )); section('Check debug build has no Dart AOT'); // There's still an App.framework with a dylib, but it's empty. checkFileExists(path.join( outputPath, 'Debug', 'App.framework', 'App', )); final String debugAppFrameworkPath = path.join( outputPath, 'Debug', 'App.framework', 'App', ); final String aotSymbols = await dylibSymbols(debugAppFrameworkPath); if (aotSymbols.contains('architecture') || aotSymbols.contains('_kDartVmSnapshot')) { throw TaskResult.failure('Debug App.framework contains AOT'); } await _checkFrameworkArchs(debugAppFrameworkPath, 'Debug'); // Xcode changed the name of this generated directory in Xcode 12. const String xcode11ArmDirectoryName = 'ios-armv7_arm64'; const String xcode12ArmDirectoryName = 'ios-arm64_armv7'; final String xcode11AppFrameworkDirectory = path.join( outputPath, 'Debug', 'App.xcframework', xcode11ArmDirectoryName, 'App.framework', 'App', ); final String xcode12AppFrameworkDirectory = path.join( outputPath, 'Debug', 'App.xcframework', xcode12ArmDirectoryName, 'App.framework', 'App', ); // This seemed easier than an explicit Xcode version check. String xcodeArmDirectoryName; if (exists(File(xcode11AppFrameworkDirectory))) { xcodeArmDirectoryName = xcode11ArmDirectoryName; } else if (exists(File(xcode12AppFrameworkDirectory))) { xcodeArmDirectoryName = xcode12ArmDirectoryName; } else { throw const FileSystemException('Expected App.framework binary to exist.'); } checkFileExists(path.join( outputPath, 'Debug', 'App.xcframework', 'ios-x86_64-simulator', 'App.framework', 'App', )); section('Check profile, release builds has Dart AOT dylib'); for (final String mode in <String>['Profile', 'Release']) { final String appFrameworkPath = path.join( outputPath, mode, 'App.framework', 'App', ); await _checkFrameworkArchs(appFrameworkPath, mode); await _checkBitcode(appFrameworkPath, mode); final String aotSymbols = await dylibSymbols(appFrameworkPath); if (!aotSymbols.contains('_kDartVmSnapshot')) { throw TaskResult.failure('$mode App.framework missing Dart AOT'); } checkFileNotExists(path.join( outputPath, mode, 'App.framework', 'flutter_assets', 'vm_snapshot_data', )); checkFileExists(path.join( outputPath, mode, 'App.xcframework', xcodeArmDirectoryName, 'App.framework', 'App', )); checkFileNotExists(path.join( outputPath, mode, 'App.xcframework', 'ios-x86_64-simulator', 'App.framework', 'App', )); } section("Check all modes' engine dylib"); for (final String mode in <String>['Debug', 'Profile', 'Release']) { final String engineFrameworkPath = path.join( outputPath, mode, 'Flutter.framework', 'Flutter', ); await _checkFrameworkArchs(engineFrameworkPath, mode); await _checkBitcode(engineFrameworkPath, mode); checkFileExists(path.join( outputPath, mode, 'Flutter.xcframework', xcodeArmDirectoryName, 'Flutter.framework', 'Flutter', )); final String simulatorFrameworkPath = path.join( outputPath, mode, 'Flutter.xcframework', 'ios-x86_64-simulator', 'Flutter.framework', 'Flutter', ); if (mode == 'Debug') { checkFileExists(simulatorFrameworkPath); } else { checkFileNotExists(simulatorFrameworkPath); } } section("Check all modes' engine header"); for (final String mode in <String>['Debug', 'Profile', 'Release']) { checkFileContains( <String>['#include "FlutterEngine.h"'], path.join(outputPath, mode, 'Flutter.framework', 'Headers', 'Flutter.h'), ); } section('Check all modes have plugins'); for (final String mode in <String>['Debug', 'Profile', 'Release']) { final String pluginFrameworkPath = path.join( outputPath, mode, 'device_info.framework', 'device_info', ); await _checkFrameworkArchs(pluginFrameworkPath, mode); await _checkBitcode(pluginFrameworkPath, mode); checkFileExists(path.join( outputPath, mode, 'device_info.xcframework', xcodeArmDirectoryName, 'device_info.framework', 'device_info', )); checkFileExists(path.join( outputPath, mode, 'device_info.xcframework', xcodeArmDirectoryName, 'device_info.framework', 'Headers', 'DeviceInfoPlugin.h', )); final String simulatorFrameworkPath = path.join( outputPath, mode, 'device_info.xcframework', 'ios-x86_64-simulator', 'device_info.framework', 'device_info', ); final String simulatorFrameworkHeaderPath = path.join( outputPath, mode, 'device_info.xcframework', 'ios-x86_64-simulator', 'device_info.framework', 'Headers', 'DeviceInfoPlugin.h', ); if (mode == 'Debug') { checkFileExists(simulatorFrameworkPath); checkFileExists(simulatorFrameworkHeaderPath); } else { checkFileNotExists(simulatorFrameworkPath); checkFileNotExists(simulatorFrameworkHeaderPath); } } section('Check all modes have generated plugin registrant'); for (final String mode in <String>['Debug', 'Profile', 'Release']) { final String registrantFrameworkPath = path.join( outputPath, mode, 'FlutterPluginRegistrant.framework', 'FlutterPluginRegistrant' ); await _checkFrameworkArchs(registrantFrameworkPath, mode); await _checkBitcode(registrantFrameworkPath, mode); checkFileExists(path.join( outputPath, mode, 'FlutterPluginRegistrant.framework', 'Headers', 'GeneratedPluginRegistrant.h', )); checkFileExists(path.join( outputPath, mode, 'FlutterPluginRegistrant.xcframework', xcodeArmDirectoryName, 'FlutterPluginRegistrant.framework', 'Headers', 'GeneratedPluginRegistrant.h', )); final String simulatorHeaderPath = path.join( outputPath, mode, 'FlutterPluginRegistrant.xcframework', 'ios-x86_64-simulator', 'FlutterPluginRegistrant.framework', 'Headers', 'GeneratedPluginRegistrant.h', ); if (mode == 'Debug') { checkFileExists(simulatorHeaderPath); } else { checkFileNotExists(simulatorHeaderPath); } } // This builds all build modes' frameworks by default section('Build podspec'); const String cocoapodsOutputDirectoryName = 'flutter-frameworks-cocoapods'; await inDirectory(projectDir, () async { await flutter( 'build', options: <String>[ 'ios-framework', '--cocoapods', '--force', // Allow podspec creation on master. '--output=$cocoapodsOutputDirectoryName' ], ); }); final String cocoapodsOutputPath = path.join(projectDir.path, cocoapodsOutputDirectoryName); for (final String mode in <String>['Debug', 'Profile', 'Release']) { checkFileExists(path.join( cocoapodsOutputPath, mode, 'Flutter.podspec', )); checkDirectoryExists(path.join( cocoapodsOutputPath, mode, 'App.framework', )); checkDirectoryExists(path.join( cocoapodsOutputPath, mode, 'FlutterPluginRegistrant.framework', )); checkDirectoryExists(path.join( cocoapodsOutputPath, mode, 'device_info.framework', )); checkDirectoryExists(path.join( cocoapodsOutputPath, mode, 'package_info.framework', )); } return TaskResult.success(null); } on TaskResult catch (taskResult) { return taskResult; } catch (e) { return TaskResult.failure(e.toString()); } finally { rmTree(tempDir); } }); } Future<void> _checkFrameworkArchs(String frameworkPath, String mode) async { checkFileExists(frameworkPath); final String archs = await fileType(frameworkPath); if (!archs.contains('armv7')) { throw TaskResult.failure('$mode $frameworkPath armv7 architecture missing'); } if (!archs.contains('arm64')) { throw TaskResult.failure('$mode $frameworkPath arm64 architecture missing'); } final bool containsSimulator = archs.contains('x86_64'); final bool isDebug = mode == 'Debug'; // Debug should contain the simulator archs. // Release and Profile should not. if (containsSimulator != isDebug) { throw TaskResult.failure('$mode $frameworkPath x86_64 architecture ${isDebug ? 'missing' : 'present'}'); } } Future<void> _checkBitcode(String frameworkPath, String mode) async { checkFileExists(frameworkPath); // Bitcode only needed in Release mode for archiving. if (mode == 'Release' && !await containsBitcode(frameworkPath)) { throw TaskResult.failure('$frameworkPath does not contain bitcode'); } }