import 'dart:math' as math; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:vector_math/vector_math_64.dart'; main() { runTest(); } const int numSystems = 1000; const int numFrames = 1000; void runTest() { int timeStart; timeStart = new; // Create systems List<TestParticleSystem> systems = <TestParticleSystem>[]; for (int i = 0; i < numSystems; i++) systems.add(new TestParticleSystem()); int timeAfterCreate = new; print("TIME creation ${(timeAfterCreate - timeStart) / 1000.0}"); timeStart = new; // Update systems for (int frame = 0; frame < numFrames; frame++) { for (int i = 0; i < numSystems; i++) { systems[i].update(1.0 / 60.0); } } int timeAfterUpdates = new; print("TIME updates ${(timeAfterUpdates - timeStart) / 1000.0}"); timeStart = new; // Calculate matrices for (int frame = 0; frame < numFrames; frame++) { for (int i = 0; i < numSystems; i++) { systems[i].paint(); } } int timeAfterMatrices = new; print("TIME matrices ${(timeAfterMatrices - timeStart) / 1000.0}"); } class TestParticle { Vector2 pos; Vector2 startPos; double colorPos; double deltaColorPos; double size; double deltaSize; double rotation; double deltaRotation; double timeToLive; Vector2 dir; double radialAccel; double tangentialAccel; Float64List simpleColorSequence; Matrix4 transform; } class TestParticleSystem { double life; double lifeVar; Vector2 posVar; double startSize; double startSizeVar; double endSize; double endSizeVar; double startRotation; double startRotationVar; double endRotation; double endRotationVar; double direction; double directionVar; double speed; double speedVar; double radialAcceleration; double radialAccelerationVar; double tangentialAcceleration; double tangentialAccelerationVar; Vector2 gravity; int maxParticles; int numParticlesToEmit; double emissionRate; List<TestParticle> _particles; double _emitCounter; int _numEmittedParticles = 0; TestParticleSystem({ 1.5, this.lifeVar: 0.0, this.startSize: 2.5, this.startSizeVar: 0.5, this.endSize: 0.0, this.endSizeVar: 0.0, this.startRotation: 0.0, this.startRotationVar: 0.0, this.endRotation: 0.0, this.endRotationVar: 0.0, this.direction: 0.0, this.directionVar: 360.0, this.speed: 100.0, this.speedVar: 50.0, this.radialAcceleration: 0.0, this.radialAccelerationVar: 0.0, this.tangentialAcceleration: 0.0, this.tangentialAccelerationVar: 0.0, this.gravity, this.maxParticles: 100, this.emissionRate: 50.0, this.numParticlesToEmit: 0}) { posVar = new; _particles = new List<TestParticle>(); _emitCounter = 0.0; gravity = new; } void update(double dt) { // Create new particles double rate = 1.0 / emissionRate; if (_particles.length < maxParticles) { _emitCounter += dt; } while(_particles.length < maxParticles && _emitCounter > rate && (numParticlesToEmit == 0 || _numEmittedParticles < numParticlesToEmit)) { // Add a new particle _addParticle(); _emitCounter -= rate; } // Iterate over all particles for (int i = _particles.length -1; i >= 0; i--) { TestParticle particle = _particles[i]; // Manage life time particle.timeToLive -= dt; if (particle.timeToLive <= 0) { _particles.removeAt(i); continue; } // Update the particle // Radial acceleration Vector2 radial; if (particle.pos[0] != 0 || particle.pos[1] != 0) { radial = new Vector2.copy(particle.pos).normalize(); } else { radial = new; } Vector2 tangential = new Vector2.copy(radial); radial.scale(particle.radialAccel); // Tangential acceleration double newY = tangential.x; tangential.x = -tangential.y; tangential.y = newY; tangential.scale(particle.tangentialAccel); // (gravity + radial + tangential) * dt Vector2 accel = (gravity + radial + tangential).scale(dt); particle.dir += accel; // Update particle position particle.pos[0] += particle.dir[0] * dt; particle.pos[1] += particle.dir[1] * dt; // Size particle.size = math.max(particle.size + particle.deltaSize * dt, 0.0); // Angle particle.rotation += particle.deltaRotation * dt; // Color if (particle.simpleColorSequence != null) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { particle.simpleColorSequence[i] += particle.simpleColorSequence[i + 4] * dt; } } else { particle.colorPos = math.min(particle.colorPos + particle.deltaColorPos * dt, 1.0); } } } void _addParticle() { TestParticle particle = new TestParticle(); // Time to live particle.timeToLive = math.max(life + lifeVar * randomSignedDouble(), 0.0); // Position Vector2 srcPos = new; particle.pos = new Vector2(srcPos.x + posVar.x * randomSignedDouble(), srcPos.y + posVar.y * randomSignedDouble()); // Size particle.size = math.max(startSize + startSizeVar * randomSignedDouble(), 0.0); double endSizeFinal = math.max(endSize + endSizeVar * randomSignedDouble(), 0.0); particle.deltaSize = (endSizeFinal - particle.size) / particle.timeToLive; // Rotation particle.rotation = startRotation + startRotationVar * randomSignedDouble(); double endRotationFinal = endRotation + endRotationVar * randomSignedDouble(); particle.deltaRotation = (endRotationFinal - particle.rotation) / particle.timeToLive; // Direction double dirRadians = radians(direction + directionVar * randomSignedDouble()); Vector2 dirVector = new Vector2(math.cos(dirRadians), math.sin(dirRadians)); double speedFinal = speed + speedVar * randomSignedDouble(); particle.dir = dirVector.scale(speedFinal); // Radial acceleration particle.radialAccel = radialAcceleration + radialAccelerationVar * randomSignedDouble(); // Tangential acceleration particle.tangentialAccel = tangentialAcceleration + tangentialAccelerationVar * randomSignedDouble(); // Colors particle.simpleColorSequence = new Float64List(8); particle.simpleColorSequence[0] = 255.0; particle.simpleColorSequence[1] = 255.0; particle.simpleColorSequence[2] = 255.0; particle.simpleColorSequence[3] = 255.0; particle.simpleColorSequence[4] = 255.0; particle.simpleColorSequence[5] = 0.0; particle.simpleColorSequence[6] = 0.0; particle.simpleColorSequence[7] = 0.0; // Transform particle.transform = new Matrix4.identity(); // Add particle _particles.add(particle); _numEmittedParticles++; } void paint() { if (!printed) { printed = true; } for (int i = _particles.length -1; i >= 0; i--) { TestParticle particle = _particles[i]; particle.rotation + randomSignedDouble(); // Transform double c = math.cos(radians(particle.rotation)); double s = math.sin(radians(particle.rotation)); // Create transformation matrix for scale, position and rotation Matrix4 matrix = new Matrix4(c * particle.size, s * particle.size, 0.0, 0.0, -s * particle.size, c * particle.size, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, particle.pos.x, particle.pos.y, 0.0, 1.0); particle.transform.multiply(matrix); } } } math.Random _random = new math.Random(); bool printed = false; // Random methods double randomDouble() { return _random.nextDouble(); } double randomSignedDouble() { return _random.nextDouble() * 2.0 - 1.0; } int randomInt(int max) { return _random.nextInt(max); }