// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart'; import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; import 'basic.dart'; import 'binding.dart'; import 'framework.dart'; import 'overlay.dart'; /// Signature for determining whether the given data will be accepted by a [DragTarget]. typedef bool DragTargetWillAccept<T>(T data); /// Signature for causing a [DragTarget] to accept the given data. typedef void DragTargetAccept<T>(T data); /// Signature for building children of a [DragTarget]. /// /// The `candidateData` argument contains the list of drag data that is hovering /// over this [DragTarget] and that has passed [DragTarget.onWillAccept]. The /// `rejectedData` argument contains the list of drag data that is hovering over /// this [DragTarget] and that will not be accepted by the [DragTarget]. typedef Widget DragTargetBuilder<T>(BuildContext context, List<T> candidateData, List<dynamic> rejectedData); /// Signature for when a [Draggable] is dropped without being accepted by a [DragTarget]. typedef void DraggableCanceledCallback(Velocity velocity, Offset offset); /// Where the [Draggable] should be anchored during a drag. enum DragAnchor { /// Display the feedback anchored at the position of the original child. If /// feedback is identical to the child, then this means the feedback will /// exactly overlap the original child when the drag starts. child, /// Display the feedback anchored at the position of the touch that started /// the drag. If feedback is identical to the child, then this means the top /// left of the feedback will be under the finger when the drag starts. This /// will likely not exactly overlap the original child, e.g. if the child is /// big and the touch was not centered. This mode is useful when the feedback /// is transformed so as to move the feedback to the left by half its width, /// and up by half its width plus the height of the finger, since then it /// appears as if putting the finger down makes the touch feedback appear /// above the finger. (It feels weird for it to appear offset from the /// original child if it's anchored to the child and not the finger.) pointer, } /// Subclass this widget to customize the gesture used to start a drag. abstract class DraggableBase<T> extends StatefulWidget { /// Initializes fields for subclasses. /// /// The [child] and [feedback] arguments must not be null. If /// [maxSimultaneousDrags] is non-null, it must be positive. DraggableBase({ Key key, @required this.child, @required this.feedback, this.data, this.childWhenDragging, this.feedbackOffset: Offset.zero, this.dragAnchor: DragAnchor.child, this.maxSimultaneousDrags, this.onDraggableCanceled }) : super(key: key) { assert(child != null); assert(feedback != null); assert(maxSimultaneousDrags == null || maxSimultaneousDrags > 0); } /// The data that will be dropped by this draggable. final T data; /// The widget below this widget in the tree. final Widget child; /// The widget to show instead of [child] when a drag is under way. /// /// If this is null, then [child] will be used instead (and so the /// drag source representation will change while a drag is under /// way). final Widget childWhenDragging; /// The widget to show under the pointer when a drag is under way. final Widget feedback; /// The feedbackOffset can be used to set the hit test target point for the /// purposes of finding a drag target. It is especially useful if the feedback /// is transformed compared to the child. final Offset feedbackOffset; /// Where this widget should be anchored during a drag. final DragAnchor dragAnchor; /// How many simultaneous drags to support. When null, no limit is applied. /// Set this to 1 if you want to only allow the drag source to have one item /// dragged at a time. final int maxSimultaneousDrags; /// Called when the draggable is dropped without being accepted by a [DragTarget]. final DraggableCanceledCallback onDraggableCanceled; /// Should return a new MultiDragGestureRecognizer instance /// constructed with the given arguments. MultiDragGestureRecognizer<MultiDragPointerState> createRecognizer(GestureMultiDragStartCallback onStart); @override _DraggableState<T> createState() => new _DraggableState<T>(); } /// Makes its child draggable starting from tap down. class Draggable<T> extends DraggableBase<T> { /// Creates a widget that can be dragged starting from tap down. /// /// The [child] and [feedback] arguments must not be null. If /// [maxSimultaneousDrags] is non-null, it must be positive. Draggable({ Key key, @required Widget child, @required Widget feedback, T data, Widget childWhenDragging, Offset feedbackOffset: Offset.zero, DragAnchor dragAnchor: DragAnchor.child, int maxSimultaneousDrags, DraggableCanceledCallback onDraggableCanceled }) : super( key: key, child: child, feedback: feedback, data: data, childWhenDragging: childWhenDragging, feedbackOffset: feedbackOffset, dragAnchor: dragAnchor, maxSimultaneousDrags: maxSimultaneousDrags, onDraggableCanceled: onDraggableCanceled ); @override ImmediateMultiDragGestureRecognizer createRecognizer(GestureMultiDragStartCallback onStart) { return new ImmediateMultiDragGestureRecognizer()..onStart = onStart; } } /// Makes its child draggable. When competing with other gestures, /// this will only start the drag horizontally. class HorizontalDraggable<T> extends DraggableBase<T> { /// Creates a widget that can be dragged. /// /// The [child] and [feedback] arguments must not be null. If /// [maxSimultaneousDrags] is non-null, it must be positive. HorizontalDraggable({ Key key, @required Widget child, @required Widget feedback, T data, Widget childWhenDragging, Offset feedbackOffset: Offset.zero, DragAnchor dragAnchor: DragAnchor.child, int maxSimultaneousDrags, DraggableCanceledCallback onDraggableCanceled }) : super( key: key, child: child, feedback: feedback, data: data, childWhenDragging: childWhenDragging, feedbackOffset: feedbackOffset, dragAnchor: dragAnchor, maxSimultaneousDrags: maxSimultaneousDrags, onDraggableCanceled: onDraggableCanceled ); @override HorizontalMultiDragGestureRecognizer createRecognizer(GestureMultiDragStartCallback onStart) { return new HorizontalMultiDragGestureRecognizer()..onStart = onStart; } } /// Makes its child draggable. When competing with other gestures, /// this will only start the drag vertically. class VerticalDraggable<T> extends DraggableBase<T> { /// Creates a widget that can be dragged. /// /// The [child] and [feedback] arguments must not be null. If /// [maxSimultaneousDrags] is non-null, it must be positive. VerticalDraggable({ Key key, @required Widget child, @required Widget feedback, T data, Widget childWhenDragging, Offset feedbackOffset: Offset.zero, DragAnchor dragAnchor: DragAnchor.child, int maxSimultaneousDrags, DraggableCanceledCallback onDraggableCanceled }) : super( key: key, child: child, feedback: feedback, data: data, childWhenDragging: childWhenDragging, feedbackOffset: feedbackOffset, dragAnchor: dragAnchor, maxSimultaneousDrags: maxSimultaneousDrags, onDraggableCanceled: onDraggableCanceled ); @override VerticalMultiDragGestureRecognizer createRecognizer(GestureMultiDragStartCallback onStart) { return new VerticalMultiDragGestureRecognizer()..onStart = onStart; } } /// Makes its child draggable starting from long press. class LongPressDraggable<T> extends DraggableBase<T> { /// Creates a widget that can be dragged starting from long press. /// /// The [child] and [feedback] arguments must not be null. If /// [maxSimultaneousDrags] is non-null, it must be positive. LongPressDraggable({ Key key, @required Widget child, @required Widget feedback, T data, Widget childWhenDragging, Offset feedbackOffset: Offset.zero, DragAnchor dragAnchor: DragAnchor.child, int maxSimultaneousDrags, DraggableCanceledCallback onDraggableCanceled }) : super( key: key, child: child, feedback: feedback, data: data, childWhenDragging: childWhenDragging, feedbackOffset: feedbackOffset, dragAnchor: dragAnchor, maxSimultaneousDrags: maxSimultaneousDrags, onDraggableCanceled: onDraggableCanceled ); @override DelayedMultiDragGestureRecognizer createRecognizer(GestureMultiDragStartCallback onStart) { return new DelayedMultiDragGestureRecognizer() ..onStart = (Point position) { Drag result = onStart(position); if (result != null) HapticFeedback.vibrate(); return result; }; } } class _DraggableState<T> extends State<DraggableBase<T>> { @override void initState() { super.initState(); _recognizer = config.createRecognizer(_startDrag); } @override void dispose() { _recognizer.dispose(); super.dispose(); } GestureRecognizer _recognizer; int _activeCount = 0; void _routePointer(PointerEvent event) { if (config.maxSimultaneousDrags != null && _activeCount >= config.maxSimultaneousDrags) return; _recognizer.addPointer(event); } _DragAvatar<T> _startDrag(Point position) { if (config.maxSimultaneousDrags != null && _activeCount >= config.maxSimultaneousDrags) return null; Point dragStartPoint; switch (config.dragAnchor) { case DragAnchor.child: final RenderBox renderObject = context.findRenderObject(); dragStartPoint = renderObject.globalToLocal(position); break; case DragAnchor.pointer: dragStartPoint = Point.origin; break; } setState(() { _activeCount += 1; }); return new _DragAvatar<T>( overlay: Overlay.of(context, debugRequiredFor: config), data: config.data, initialPosition: position, dragStartPoint: dragStartPoint, feedback: config.feedback, feedbackOffset: config.feedbackOffset, onDragEnd: (Velocity velocity, Offset offset, bool wasAccepted) { setState(() { _activeCount -= 1; if (!wasAccepted && config.onDraggableCanceled != null) config.onDraggableCanceled(velocity, offset); }); } ); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { assert(Overlay.of(context, debugRequiredFor: config) != null); final bool canDrag = config.maxSimultaneousDrags == null || _activeCount < config.maxSimultaneousDrags; final bool showChild = _activeCount == 0 || config.childWhenDragging == null; return new Listener( onPointerDown: canDrag ? _routePointer : null, child: showChild ? config.child : config.childWhenDragging ); } } /// A widget that receives data when a [Draggable] widget is dropped. class DragTarget<T> extends StatefulWidget { /// Creates a widget that receives drags. /// /// The [builder] argument must not be null. const DragTarget({ Key key, @required this.builder, this.onWillAccept, this.onAccept }) : super(key: key); /// Called to build the contents of this widget. /// /// The builder can build different widgets depending on what is being dragged /// into this drag target. final DragTargetBuilder<T> builder; /// Called to determine whether this widget is interested in receiving a given /// piece of data being dragged over this drag target. final DragTargetWillAccept<T> onWillAccept; /// Called when an acceptable piece of data was dropped over this drag target. final DragTargetAccept<T> onAccept; @override _DragTargetState<T> createState() => new _DragTargetState<T>(); } class _DragTargetState<T> extends State<DragTarget<T>> { final List<T> _candidateData = new List<T>(); final List<dynamic> _rejectedData = new List<dynamic>(); bool didEnter(dynamic data) { assert(!_candidateData.contains(data)); assert(!_rejectedData.contains(data)); if (data is T && (config.onWillAccept == null || config.onWillAccept(data))) { setState(() { _candidateData.add(data); }); return true; } _rejectedData.add(data); return false; } void didLeave(dynamic data) { assert(_candidateData.contains(data) || _rejectedData.contains(data)); setState(() { _candidateData.remove(data); _rejectedData.remove(data); }); } void didDrop(dynamic data) { assert(_candidateData.contains(data)); setState(() { _candidateData.remove(data); }); if (config.onAccept != null) config.onAccept(data); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { assert(config.builder != null); return new MetaData( metaData: this, behavior: HitTestBehavior.translucent, child: config.builder(context, _candidateData, _rejectedData) ); } } enum _DragEndKind { dropped, canceled } typedef void _OnDragEnd(Velocity velocity, Offset offset, bool wasAccepted); // The lifetime of this object is a little dubious right now. Specifically, it // lives as long as the pointer is down. Arguably it should self-immolate if the // overlay goes away, or maybe even if the Draggable that created goes away. // This will probably need to be changed once we have more experience with using // this widget. class _DragAvatar<T> extends Drag { _DragAvatar({ OverlayState overlay, this.data, Point initialPosition, this.dragStartPoint: Point.origin, this.feedback, this.feedbackOffset: Offset.zero, this.onDragEnd }) { assert(overlay != null); assert(dragStartPoint != null); assert(feedbackOffset != null); _entry = new OverlayEntry(builder: _build); overlay.insert(_entry); _position = initialPosition; updateDrag(initialPosition); } final T data; final Point dragStartPoint; final Widget feedback; final Offset feedbackOffset; final _OnDragEnd onDragEnd; _DragTargetState<T> _activeTarget; List<_DragTargetState<T>> _enteredTargets = <_DragTargetState<T>>[]; Point _position; Offset _lastOffset; OverlayEntry _entry; // Drag API @override void update(DragUpdateDetails details) { _position += details.delta; updateDrag(_position); } @override void end(DragEndDetails details) { finishDrag(_DragEndKind.dropped, details.velocity); } @override void cancel() { finishDrag(_DragEndKind.canceled); } void updateDrag(Point globalPosition) { _lastOffset = globalPosition - dragStartPoint; _entry.markNeedsBuild(); HitTestResult result = new HitTestResult(); WidgetsBinding.instance.hitTest(result, globalPosition + feedbackOffset); List<_DragTargetState<T>> targets = _getDragTargets(result.path).toList(); bool listsMatch = false; if (targets.length >= _enteredTargets.length && _enteredTargets.isNotEmpty) { listsMatch = true; Iterator<_DragTargetState<T>> iterator = targets.iterator; for (int i = 0; i < _enteredTargets.length; i += 1) { iterator.moveNext(); if (iterator.current != _enteredTargets[i]) { listsMatch = false; break; } } } // If everything's the same, bail early. if (listsMatch) return; // Leave old targets. _leaveAllEntered(); // Enter new targets. _DragTargetState<T> newTarget = targets.firstWhere((_DragTargetState<T> target) { _enteredTargets.add(target); return target.didEnter(data); }, orElse: () => null ); _activeTarget = newTarget; } Iterable<_DragTargetState<T>> _getDragTargets(List<HitTestEntry> path) sync* { // Look for the RenderBoxes that corresponds to the hit target (the hit target // widgets build RenderMetaData boxes for us for this purpose). for (HitTestEntry entry in path) { if (entry.target is RenderMetaData) { RenderMetaData renderMetaData = entry.target; if (renderMetaData.metaData is _DragTargetState<T>) yield renderMetaData.metaData; } } } void _leaveAllEntered() { for (int i = 0; i < _enteredTargets.length; i += 1) _enteredTargets[i].didLeave(data); _enteredTargets.clear(); } void finishDrag(_DragEndKind endKind, [Velocity velocity]) { bool wasAccepted = false; if (endKind == _DragEndKind.dropped && _activeTarget != null) { _activeTarget.didDrop(data); wasAccepted = true; _enteredTargets.remove(_activeTarget); } _leaveAllEntered(); _activeTarget = null; _entry.remove(); _entry = null; // TODO(ianh): consider passing _entry as well so the client can perform an animation. if (onDragEnd != null) onDragEnd(velocity ?? Velocity.zero, _lastOffset, wasAccepted); } Widget _build(BuildContext context) { return new Positioned( left: _lastOffset.dx, top: _lastOffset.dy, child: new IgnorePointer( child: feedback ) ); } }