// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'byte_stream.dart'; /// Converts a [Map] from parameter names to values to a URL query string. /// /// mapToQuery({"foo": "bar", "baz": "bang"}); /// //=> "foo=bar&baz=bang" String mapToQuery(Map<String, String> map, {Encoding encoding}) { List<List<String>> pairs = <List<String>>[]; map.forEach((String key, String value) => pairs.add(<String>[Uri.encodeQueryComponent(key, encoding: encoding), Uri.encodeQueryComponent(value, encoding: encoding)])); return pairs.map((List<String> pair) => "${pair[0]}=${pair[1]}").join("&"); } /// Like [String.split], but only splits on the first occurrence of the pattern. /// This will always return an array of two elements or fewer. /// /// split1("foo,bar,baz", ","); //=> ["foo", "bar,baz"] /// split1("foo", ","); //=> ["foo"] /// split1("", ","); //=> [] List<String> split1(String toSplit, String pattern) { if (toSplit.isEmpty) return <String>[]; int index = toSplit.indexOf(pattern); if (index == -1) return <String>[toSplit]; return <String>[ toSplit.substring(0, index), toSplit.substring(index + pattern.length) ]; } /// Returns the [Encoding] that corresponds to [charset]. Returns [fallback] if /// [charset] is null or if no [Encoding] was found that corresponds to /// [charset]. Encoding encodingForCharset(String charset, [Encoding fallback = LATIN1]) { if (charset == null) return fallback; Encoding encoding = Encoding.getByName(charset); return encoding == null ? fallback : encoding; } /// Returns the [Encoding] that corresponds to [charset]. Throws a /// [FormatException] if no [Encoding] was found that corresponds to [charset]. /// [charset] may not be null. Encoding requiredEncodingForCharset(String charset) { Encoding encoding = Encoding.getByName(charset); if (encoding != null) return encoding; throw new FormatException('Unsupported encoding "$charset".'); } /// A regular expression that matches strings that are composed entirely of /// ASCII-compatible characters. final RegExp _kAsciiOnly = new RegExp(r"^[\x00-\x7F]+$"); /// Returns whether [string] is composed entirely of ASCII-compatible /// characters. bool isPlainAscii(String string) => _kAsciiOnly.hasMatch(string); /// Converts [input] into a [Uint8List]. /// /// If [input] is a [TypedData], this just returns a view on [input]. Uint8List toUint8List(dynamic input) { if (input is Uint8List) return input; if (input is TypedData) return new Uint8List.view(input.buffer); return new Uint8List.fromList(input); } /// If [stream] is already a [ByteStream], returns it. Otherwise, wraps it in a /// [ByteStream]. ByteStream toByteStream(Stream<List<int>> stream) { if (stream is ByteStream) return stream; return new ByteStream(stream); } /// Calls [onDone] once [stream] (a single-subscription [Stream]) is finished. /// The return value, also a single-subscription [Stream] should be used in /// place of [stream] after calling this method. Stream/*<T>*/ onDone/*<T>*/(Stream/*<T>*/ stream, void onDone()) => stream.transform(new StreamTransformer.fromHandlers(handleDone: (EventSink<dynamic> sink) { // ignore: always_specify_types sink.close(); onDone(); })); // TODO(nweiz): remove this when issue 7786 is fixed. /// Pipes all data and errors from [stream] into [sink]. When [stream] is done, /// [sink] is closed and the returned [Future] is completed. Future<dynamic> store(Stream<dynamic> stream, EventSink<dynamic> sink) { Completer<dynamic> completer = new Completer<dynamic>(); stream.listen(sink.add, onError: sink.addError, onDone: () { sink.close(); completer.complete(); }); return completer.future; } /// Pipes all data and errors from [stream] into [sink]. Completes [Future] once /// [stream] is done. Unlike [store], [sink] remains open after [stream] is /// done. Future<dynamic> writeStreamToSink(Stream<dynamic> stream, EventSink<dynamic> sink) { Completer<dynamic> completer = new Completer<dynamic>(); stream.listen(sink.add, onError: sink.addError, onDone: () => completer.complete()); return completer.future; } /// A pair of values. class Pair<E, F> { E first; F last; Pair(this.first, this.last); @override String toString() => '($first, $last)'; @override bool operator==(dynamic other) { if (other is! Pair) return false; return other.first == first && other.last == last; } @override int get hashCode => first.hashCode ^ last.hashCode; } /// Configures [future] so that its result (success or exception) is passed on /// to [completer]. void chainToCompleter(Future<dynamic> future, Completer<dynamic> completer) { future.then(completer.complete, onError: completer.completeError); }