// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:async';

import '../base/common.dart';
import '../base/file_system.dart';
import '../base/os.dart';
import '../dart/pub.dart';
import '../project.dart';
import '../runner/flutter_command.dart';

class PackagesCommand extends FlutterCommand {
  PackagesCommand() {
    addSubcommand(new PackagesGetCommand('get', false));
    addSubcommand(new PackagesGetCommand('upgrade', true));
    addSubcommand(new PackagesTestCommand());
    addSubcommand(new PackagesPassthroughCommand());

  final String name = 'packages';

  List<String> get aliases => const <String>['pub'];

  final String description = 'Commands for managing Flutter packages.';

  Future<Null> runCommand() async { }

class PackagesGetCommand extends FlutterCommand {
  PackagesGetCommand(this.name, this.upgrade) {
      negatable: false,
      help: 'Use cached packages instead of accessing the network.'

  final String name;

  final bool upgrade;

  String get description {
    return '${ upgrade ? "Upgrade" : "Get" } packages in a Flutter project.';

  String get invocation {
    return '${runner.executableName} packages $name [<target directory>]';

  Future<void> _runPubGet (String directory) async {
    await pubGet(context: PubContext.pubGet,
      directory: directory,
      upgrade: upgrade ,
      offline: argResults['offline'],
      checkLastModified: false,

  Future<Null> runCommand() async {
    if (argResults.rest.length > 1)
      throwToolExit('Too many arguments.\n$usage');

    final String target = findProjectRoot(
      argResults.rest.length == 1 ? argResults.rest[0] : null
    if (target == null) {
       'Expected to find project root in '
       '${ argResults.rest.length == 1 ? argResults.rest[0] : "current working directory" }.'

    await _runPubGet(target);
    final FlutterProject rootProject = new FlutterProject(fs.directory(target));

    // Get/upgrade packages in example app as well
    if (rootProject.hasExampleApp) {
      final FlutterProject exampleProject = rootProject.example;
      await _runPubGet(exampleProject.directory.path);

class PackagesTestCommand extends FlutterCommand {
  PackagesTestCommand() {

  String get name => 'test';

  String get description {
    return 'Run the "test" package.\n'
           'This is similar to "flutter test", but instead of hosting the tests in the\n'
           'flutter environment it hosts the tests in a pure Dart environment. The main\n'
           'differences are that the "dart:ui" library is not available and that tests\n'
           'run faster. This is helpful for testing libraries that do not depend on any\n'
           'packages from the Flutter SDK. It is equivalent to "pub run test".';

  String get invocation {
    return '${runner.executableName} packages test [<tests...>]';

  Future<Null> runCommand() => pub(<String>['run', 'test']..addAll(argResults.rest), context: PubContext.runTest, retry: false);

class PackagesPassthroughCommand extends FlutterCommand {
  PackagesPassthroughCommand() {

  String get name => 'pub';

  String get description {
    return 'Pass the remaining arguments to Dart\'s "pub" tool.\n'
           'This runs the "pub" tool in a Flutter context.';

  String get invocation {
    return '${runner.executableName} packages pub [<arguments...>]';

  Future<Null> runCommand() => pubInteractively(argResults.rest);