// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:math' as math;

import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;

import '../application_package.dart';
import '../base/common.dart';
import '../base/context.dart';
import '../base/file_system.dart';
import '../base/io.dart';
import '../base/platform.dart' as p;
import '../base/process.dart';
import '../base/process_manager.dart';
import '../build_info.dart';
import '../device.dart';
import '../flx.dart' as flx;
import '../globals.dart';
import '../protocol_discovery.dart';
import 'mac.dart';

const String _xcrunPath = '/usr/bin/xcrun';

/// Test device created by Flutter when no other device is available.
const String _kFlutterTestDeviceSuffix = '(Flutter)';

class IOSSimulators extends PollingDeviceDiscovery {
  IOSSimulators() : super('IOSSimulators');

  bool get supportsPlatform => p.platform.isMacOS;

  List<Device> pollingGetDevices() => IOSSimulatorUtils.instance.getAttachedDevices();

class IOSSimulatorUtils {
  /// Returns [IOSSimulatorUtils] active in the current app context (i.e. zone).
  static IOSSimulatorUtils get instance => context[IOSSimulatorUtils];

  List<IOSSimulator> getAttachedDevices() {
    if (!XCode.instance.isInstalledAndMeetsVersionCheck)
      return <IOSSimulator>[];

    return SimControl.instance.getConnectedDevices().map((SimDevice device) {
      return new IOSSimulator(device.udid, name: device.name, category: device.category);

/// A wrapper around the `simctl` command line tool.
class SimControl {
  /// Returns [SimControl] active in the current app context (i.e. zone).
  static SimControl get instance => context[SimControl];

  Future<bool> boot({ String deviceName }) async {
    if (_isAnyConnected())
      return true;

    if (deviceName == null) {
      SimDevice testDevice = _createTestDevice();
      if (testDevice == null) {
        return false;
      deviceName = testDevice.name;

    // `xcrun instruments` requires a template (-t). @yjbanov has no idea what
    // "template" is but the built-in 'Blank' seems to work. -l causes xcrun to
    // quit after a time limit without killing the simulator. We quit after
    // 1 second.
    List<String> args = <String>[_xcrunPath, 'instruments', '-w', deviceName, '-t', 'Blank', '-l', '1'];
    printTrace(args.join(' '));
    printStatus('Waiting for iOS Simulator to boot...');

    bool connected = false;
    int attempted = 0;
    while (!connected && attempted < 20) {
      connected = _isAnyConnected();
      if (!connected) {
        printStatus('Still waiting for iOS Simulator to boot...');
        await new Future<Null>.delayed(new Duration(seconds: 1));

    if (connected) {
      printStatus('Connected to iOS Simulator.');
      return true;
    } else {
      printStatus('Timed out waiting for iOS Simulator to boot.');
      return false;

  SimDevice _createTestDevice() {
    SimDeviceType deviceType = _findSuitableDeviceType();
    if (deviceType == null)
      return null;

    String runtime = _findSuitableRuntime();
    if (runtime == null)
      return null;

    // Delete any old test devices
      .where((SimDevice d) => d.name.endsWith(_kFlutterTestDeviceSuffix))

    // Create new device
    String deviceName = '${deviceType.name} $_kFlutterTestDeviceSuffix';
    List<String> args = <String>[_xcrunPath, 'simctl', 'create', deviceName, deviceType.identifier, runtime];
    printTrace(args.join(' '));

    return getDevices().firstWhere((SimDevice d) => d.name == deviceName);

  SimDeviceType _findSuitableDeviceType() {
    List<Map<String, dynamic>> allTypes = _list(SimControlListSection.devicetypes);
    List<Map<String, dynamic>> usableTypes = allTypes
      .where((Map<String, dynamic> info) => info['name'].startsWith('iPhone'))
      ..sort((Map<String, dynamic> r1, Map<String, dynamic> r2) => -compareIphoneVersions(r1['identifier'], r2['identifier']));

    if (usableTypes.isEmpty) {
        'No suitable device type found.\n'
        'You may launch an iOS Simulator manually and Flutter will attempt to use it.'

    return new SimDeviceType(

  String _findSuitableRuntime() {
    List<Map<String, dynamic>> allRuntimes = _list(SimControlListSection.runtimes);
    List<Map<String, dynamic>> usableRuntimes = allRuntimes
      .where((Map<String, dynamic> info) => info['name'].startsWith('iOS'))
      ..sort((Map<String, dynamic> r1, Map<String, dynamic> r2) => -compareIosVersions(r1['version'], r2['version']));

    if (usableRuntimes.isEmpty) {
        'No suitable iOS runtime found.\n'
        'You may launch an iOS Simulator manually and Flutter will attempt to use it.'

    return usableRuntimes.first['identifier'];

  void _deleteDevice(SimDevice device) {
    try {
      List<String> args = <String>[_xcrunPath, 'simctl', 'delete', device.name];
      printTrace(args.join(' '));
    } catch(e) {

  /// Runs `simctl list --json` and returns the JSON of the corresponding
  /// [section].
  /// The return type depends on the [section] being listed but is usually
  /// either a [Map] or a [List].
  dynamic _list(SimControlListSection section) {
    // Sample output from `simctl list --json`:
    // {
    //   "devicetypes": { ... },
    //   "runtimes": { ... },
    //   "devices" : {
    //     "com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-8-2" : [
    //       {
    //         "state" : "Shutdown",
    //         "availability" : " (unavailable, runtime profile not found)",
    //         "name" : "iPhone 4s",
    //         "udid" : "1913014C-6DCB-485D-AC6B-7CD76D322F5B"
    //       },
    //       ...
    //   },
    //   "pairs": { ... },

    List<String> command = <String>[_xcrunPath, 'simctl', 'list', '--json', section.name];
    printTrace(command.join(' '));
    ProcessResult results = processManager.runSync(command);
    if (results.exitCode != 0) {
      printError('Error executing simctl: ${results.exitCode}\n${results.stderr}');
      return <String, Map<String, dynamic>>{};

    return JSON.decode(results.stdout)[section.name];

  /// Returns a list of all available devices, both potential and connected.
  List<SimDevice> getDevices() {
    List<SimDevice> devices = <SimDevice>[];

    Map<String, dynamic> devicesSection = _list(SimControlListSection.devices);

    for (String deviceCategory in devicesSection.keys) {
      List<Map<String, String>> devicesData = devicesSection[deviceCategory];

      for (Map<String, String> data in devicesData) {
        devices.add(new SimDevice(deviceCategory, data));

    return devices;

  /// Returns all the connected simulator devices.
  List<SimDevice> getConnectedDevices() {
    return getDevices().where((SimDevice device) => device.isBooted).toList();

  bool _isAnyConnected() => getConnectedDevices().isNotEmpty;

  bool isInstalled(String appId) {
    return exitsHappy(<String>[

  void install(String deviceId, String appPath) {
    runCheckedSync(<String>[_xcrunPath, 'simctl', 'install', deviceId, appPath]);

  void uninstall(String deviceId, String appId) {
    runCheckedSync(<String>[_xcrunPath, 'simctl', 'uninstall', deviceId, appId]);

  void launch(String deviceId, String appIdentifier, [List<String> launchArgs]) {
    List<String> args = <String>[_xcrunPath, 'simctl', 'launch', deviceId, appIdentifier];
    if (launchArgs != null)

/// Enumerates all data sections of `xcrun simctl list --json` command.
class SimControlListSection {
  const SimControlListSection._(this.name);

  final String name;

  static const SimControlListSection devices = const SimControlListSection._('devices');
  static const SimControlListSection devicetypes = const SimControlListSection._('devicetypes');
  static const SimControlListSection runtimes = const SimControlListSection._('runtimes');
  static const SimControlListSection pairs = const SimControlListSection._('pairs');

/// A simulated device type.
/// Simulated device types can be listed using the command
/// `xcrun simctl list devicetypes`.
class SimDeviceType {
  SimDeviceType(this.name, this.identifier);

  /// The name of the device type.
  /// Examples:
  ///     "iPhone 6s"
  ///     "iPhone 6 Plus"
  final String name;

  /// The identifier of the device type.
  /// Examples:
  ///     "com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-6s"
  ///     "com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-6-Plus"
  final String identifier;

class SimDevice {
  SimDevice(this.category, this.data);

  final String category;
  final Map<String, String> data;

  String get state => data['state'];
  String get availability => data['availability'];
  String get name => data['name'];
  String get udid => data['udid'];

  bool get isBooted => state == 'Booted';

class IOSSimulator extends Device {
  IOSSimulator(String id, { this.name, this.category }) : super(id);

  final String name;

  final String category;

  bool get isLocalEmulator => true;

  bool get supportsHotMode => true;

  Map<ApplicationPackage, _IOSSimulatorLogReader> _logReaders;
  _IOSSimulatorDevicePortForwarder _portForwarder;

  String get xcrunPath => path.join('/usr', 'bin', 'xcrun');

  String _getSimulatorPath() {
    return path.join(homeDirPath, 'Library', 'Developer', 'CoreSimulator', 'Devices', id);

  String _getSimulatorAppHomeDirectory(ApplicationPackage app) {
    String simulatorPath = _getSimulatorPath();
    if (simulatorPath == null)
      return null;
    return path.join(simulatorPath, 'data');

  bool isAppInstalled(ApplicationPackage app) {
    return SimControl.instance.isInstalled(app.id);

  bool installApp(ApplicationPackage app) {
    try {
      IOSApp iosApp = app;
      SimControl.instance.install(id, iosApp.simulatorBundlePath);
      return true;
    } catch (e) {
      return false;

  bool uninstallApp(ApplicationPackage app) {
    try {
      SimControl.instance.uninstall(id, app.id);
      return true;
    } catch (e) {
      return false;

  bool isSupported() {
    if (!p.platform.isMacOS) {
      _supportMessage = "Not supported on a non Mac host";
      return false;

    // Step 1: Check if the device is part of a blacklisted category.
    //         We do not support WatchOS or tvOS devices.

    RegExp blacklist = new RegExp(r'Apple (TV|Watch)', caseSensitive: false);

    if (blacklist.hasMatch(name)) {
      _supportMessage = "Flutter does not support either the Apple TV or Watch. Choose an iPhone 5s or above.";
      return false;

    // Step 2: Check if the device must be rejected because of its version.
    //         There is an artitifical check on older simulators where arm64
    //         targetted applications cannot be run (even though the
    //         Flutter runner on the simulator is completely different).

    RegExp versionExp = new RegExp(r'iPhone ([0-9])+');
    Match match = versionExp.firstMatch(name);

    // Not an iPhone. All available non-iPhone simulators are compatible.
    if (match == null)
      return true;

    // iPhones 6 and above are always fine.
    if (int.parse(match.group(1)) > 5)
      return true;

    // The 's' subtype of 5 is compatible.
    if (name.contains('iPhone 5s'))
      return true;

    _supportMessage = "The simulator version is too old. Choose an iPhone 5s or above.";
    return false;

  String _supportMessage;

  String supportMessage() {
    if (isSupported())
      return "Supported";

    return _supportMessage != null ? _supportMessage : "Unknown";

  Future<LaunchResult> startApp(
    ApplicationPackage app,
    BuildMode mode, {
    String mainPath,
    String route,
    DebuggingOptions debuggingOptions,
    Map<String, dynamic> platformArgs,
    bool prebuiltApplication: false,
    bool applicationNeedsRebuild: false,
  }) async {
    if (!prebuiltApplication) {
      printTrace('Building ${app.name} for $id.');

      try {
        await _setupUpdatedApplicationBundle(app);
      } on ToolExit catch (e) {
        return new LaunchResult.failed();
    } else {
      if (!installApp(app))
        return new LaunchResult.failed();

    // Prepare launch arguments.
    List<String> args = <String>["--enable-dart-profiling"];

    if (!prebuiltApplication) {
        "--flx=${path.absolute(path.join(getBuildDirectory(), 'app.flx'))}",

    if (debuggingOptions.debuggingEnabled) {
      if (debuggingOptions.buildMode == BuildMode.debug)
      if (debuggingOptions.startPaused)

      int observatoryPort = await debuggingOptions.findBestObservatoryPort();
      int diagnosticPort = await debuggingOptions.findBestDiagnosticPort();

    ProtocolDiscovery observatoryDiscovery;
    if (debuggingOptions.debuggingEnabled)
      observatoryDiscovery = new ProtocolDiscovery.observatory(getLogReader(app: app));

    // Launch the updated application in the simulator.
    try {
      SimControl.instance.launch(id, app.id, args);
    } catch (error) {
      return new LaunchResult.failed();

    if (!debuggingOptions.debuggingEnabled) {
      return new LaunchResult.succeeded();

    // Wait for the service protocol port here. This will complete once the
    // device has printed "Observatory is listening on..."
    printTrace('Waiting for observatory port to be available...');

    try {
      Uri deviceUri = await observatoryDiscovery.nextUri();
      return new LaunchResult.succeeded(observatoryUri: deviceUri);
    } catch (error) {
      printError('Error waiting for a debug connection: $error');
      return new LaunchResult.failed();
    } finally {

  bool _applicationIsInstalledAndRunning(ApplicationPackage app) {
    bool isInstalled = isAppInstalled(app);

    bool isRunning = exitsHappy(<String>[

    return isInstalled && isRunning;

  Future<Null> _setupUpdatedApplicationBundle(ApplicationPackage app) async {
    await _sideloadUpdatedAssetsForInstalledApplicationBundle(app);

    if (!_applicationIsInstalledAndRunning(app))
      return _buildAndInstallApplicationBundle(app);

  Future<Null> _buildAndInstallApplicationBundle(ApplicationPackage app) async {
    // Step 1: Build the Xcode project.
    // The build mode for the simulator is always debug.
    XcodeBuildResult buildResult = await buildXcodeProject(app: app, mode: BuildMode.debug, buildForDevice: false);
    if (!buildResult.success)
      throwToolExit('Could not build the application for the simulator.');

    // Step 2: Assert that the Xcode project was successfully built.
    IOSApp iosApp = app;
    Directory bundle = fs.directory(iosApp.simulatorBundlePath);
    bool bundleExists = bundle.existsSync();
    if (!bundleExists)
      throwToolExit('Could not find the built application bundle at ${bundle.path}.');

    // Step 3: Install the updated bundle to the simulator.
    SimControl.instance.install(id, path.absolute(bundle.path));

  Future<Null> _sideloadUpdatedAssetsForInstalledApplicationBundle(ApplicationPackage app) =>
      flx.build(precompiledSnapshot: true);

  Future<bool> stopApp(ApplicationPackage app) async {
    // Currently we don't have a way to stop an app running on iOS.
    return false;

  Future<bool> pushFile(
      ApplicationPackage app, String localFile, String targetFile) async {
    if (p.platform.isMacOS) {
      String simulatorHomeDirectory = _getSimulatorAppHomeDirectory(app);
      runCheckedSync(<String>['cp', localFile, path.join(simulatorHomeDirectory, targetFile)]);
      return true;
    return false;

  String get logFilePath {
    return path.join(homeDirPath, 'Library', 'Logs', 'CoreSimulator', id, 'system.log');

  TargetPlatform get platform => TargetPlatform.ios;

  String get sdkNameAndVersion => category;

  DeviceLogReader getLogReader({ApplicationPackage app}) {
    _logReaders ??= <ApplicationPackage, _IOSSimulatorLogReader>{};
    return _logReaders.putIfAbsent(app, () => new _IOSSimulatorLogReader(this, app));

  DevicePortForwarder get portForwarder {
    if (_portForwarder == null)
      _portForwarder = new _IOSSimulatorDevicePortForwarder(this);

    return _portForwarder;

  void clearLogs() {
    File logFile = fs.file(logFilePath);
    if (logFile.existsSync()) {
      RandomAccessFile randomFile = logFile.openSync(mode: FileMode.WRITE);

  void ensureLogsExists() {
    File logFile = fs.file(logFilePath);
    if (!logFile.existsSync())

  bool get supportsScreenshot => true;

  Future<bool> takeScreenshot(File outputFile) async {
    Directory desktopDir = fs.directory(path.join(homeDirPath, 'Desktop'));

    // 'Simulator Screen Shot Mar 25, 2016, 2.59.43 PM.png'

    Set<File> getScreenshots() {
      return new Set<File>.from(desktopDir.listSync().where((FileSystemEntity entity) {
        String name = path.basename(entity.path);
        return entity is File && name.startsWith('Simulator') && name.endsWith('.png');

    Set<File> existingScreenshots = getScreenshots();

      'activate application "Simulator"\n'
        'tell application "System Events" to keystroke "s" using command down'

    // There is some latency here from the applescript call.
    await new Future<Null>.delayed(new Duration(seconds: 1));

    Set<File> shots = getScreenshots().difference(existingScreenshots);

    if (shots.isEmpty) {
      printError('Unable to locate the screenshot file.');
      return false;

    File shot = shots.first;

    return true;

class _IOSSimulatorLogReader extends DeviceLogReader {
  String _appName;

  _IOSSimulatorLogReader(this.device, ApplicationPackage app) {
    _linesController = new StreamController<String>.broadcast(
      onListen: () {
      onCancel: _stop
    _appName = app == null ? null : app.name.replaceAll('.app', '');

  final IOSSimulator device;

  StreamController<String> _linesController;

  // We log from two files: the device and the system log.
  Process _deviceProcess;
  Process _systemProcess;

  Stream<String> get logLines => _linesController.stream;

  String get name => device.name;

  Future<Null> _start() async {
    // Device log.
    _deviceProcess = await runCommand(<String>['tail', '-n', '0', '-F', device.logFilePath]);
    _deviceProcess.stdout.transform(UTF8.decoder).transform(const LineSplitter()).listen(_onDeviceLine);
    _deviceProcess.stderr.transform(UTF8.decoder).transform(const LineSplitter()).listen(_onDeviceLine);

    // Track system.log crashes.
    // ReportCrash[37965]: Saved crash report for FlutterRunner[37941]...
    _systemProcess = await runCommand(<String>['tail', '-n', '0', '-F', '/private/var/log/system.log']);
    _systemProcess.stdout.transform(UTF8.decoder).transform(const LineSplitter()).listen(_onSystemLine);
    _systemProcess.stderr.transform(UTF8.decoder).transform(const LineSplitter()).listen(_onSystemLine);

    _deviceProcess.exitCode.whenComplete(() {
      if (_linesController.hasListener)

  // Match the log prefix (in order to shorten it):
  //   'Jan 29 01:31:44 devoncarew-macbookpro3 SpringBoard[96648]: ...'
  static final RegExp _mapRegex = new RegExp(r'\S+ +\S+ +\S+ \S+ (.+)\[\d+\]\)?: (.*)$');

  // Jan 31 19:23:28 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  static final RegExp _lastMessageSingleRegex = new RegExp(r'\S+ +\S+ +\S+ --- last message repeated 1 time ---$');
  static final RegExp _lastMessageMultipleRegex = new RegExp(r'\S+ +\S+ +\S+ --- last message repeated (\d+) times ---$');

  static final RegExp _flutterRunnerRegex = new RegExp(r' FlutterRunner\[\d+\] ');

  /// List of log categories to always show in the logs, even if this is an
  /// app-secific [DeviceLogReader]. Add to this list to make the log output
  /// more verbose.
  static final List<String> _whitelistedLogCategories = <String>[

  String _filterDeviceLine(String string) {
    Match match = _mapRegex.matchAsPrefix(string);
    if (match != null) {
      String category = match.group(1);
      String content = match.group(2);

      // Filter out some messages that clearly aren't related to Flutter.
      if (string.contains(': could not find icon for representation -> com.apple.'))
        return null;

      if (category == 'CoreSimulatorBridge'
          && content.startsWith('Pasteboard change listener callback port'))
        return null;

      if (category == 'routined'
          && content.startsWith('CoreLocation: Error occurred while trying to retrieve motion state update'))
        return null;

      if (category == 'syslogd' && content == 'ASL Sender Statistics')
        return null;

      // assertiond: assertion failed: 15E65 13E230: assertiond + 15801 [3C808658-78EC-3950-A264-79A64E0E463B]: 0x1
      if (category == 'assertiond'
          && content.startsWith('assertion failed: ')
          && content.endsWith(']: 0x1'))
         return null;

      if (_appName == null || _whitelistedLogCategories.contains(category))
        return '$category: $content';
      else if (category == _appName)
        return content;

      return null;

    if (_lastMessageSingleRegex.matchAsPrefix(string) != null)
      return null;

    if (new RegExp(r'assertion failed: .* libxpc.dylib .* 0x7d$').matchAsPrefix(string) != null)
      return null;

    return string;

  String _lastLine;

  void _onDeviceLine(String line) {
    printTrace('[DEVICE LOG] $line');
    Match multi = _lastMessageMultipleRegex.matchAsPrefix(line);

    if (multi != null) {
      if (_lastLine != null) {
        int repeat = int.parse(multi.group(1));
        repeat = math.max(0, math.min(100, repeat));
        for (int i = 1; i < repeat; i++)
    } else {
      _lastLine = _filterDeviceLine(line);
      if (_lastLine != null)

  String _filterSystemLog(String string) {
    Match match = _mapRegex.matchAsPrefix(string);
    return match == null ? string : '${match.group(1)}: ${match.group(2)}';

  void _onSystemLine(String line) {
    printTrace('[SYS LOG] $line');
    if (!_flutterRunnerRegex.hasMatch(line))

    String filteredLine = _filterSystemLog(line);
    if (filteredLine == null)


  void _stop() {

int compareIosVersions(String v1, String v2) {
  List<int> v1Fragments = v1.split('.').map(int.parse).toList();
  List<int> v2Fragments = v2.split('.').map(int.parse).toList();

  int i = 0;
  while(i < v1Fragments.length && i < v2Fragments.length) {
    int v1Fragment = v1Fragments[i];
    int v2Fragment = v2Fragments[i];
    if (v1Fragment != v2Fragment)
      return v1Fragment.compareTo(v2Fragment);
  return v1Fragments.length.compareTo(v2Fragments.length);

/// Matches on device type given an identifier.
/// Example device type identifiers:
///   ✓ com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-5
///   ✓ com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-6
///   ✓ com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-6s-Plus
///   ✗ com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPad-2
///   ✗ com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.Apple-Watch-38mm
final RegExp _iosDeviceTypePattern =
    new RegExp(r'com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-(\d+)(.*)');

int compareIphoneVersions(String id1, String id2) {
  Match m1 = _iosDeviceTypePattern.firstMatch(id1);
  Match m2 = _iosDeviceTypePattern.firstMatch(id2);

  int v1 = int.parse(m1[1]);
  int v2 = int.parse(m2[1]);

  if (v1 != v2)
    return v1.compareTo(v2);

  // Sorted in the least preferred first order.
  const List<String> qualifiers = const <String>['-Plus', '', 's-Plus', 's'];

  int q1 = qualifiers.indexOf(m1[2]);
  int q2 = qualifiers.indexOf(m2[2]);
  return q1.compareTo(q2);

class _IOSSimulatorDevicePortForwarder extends DevicePortForwarder {

  final IOSSimulator device;

  final List<ForwardedPort> _ports = <ForwardedPort>[];

  List<ForwardedPort> get forwardedPorts {
    return _ports;

  Future<int> forward(int devicePort, {int hostPort: null}) async {
    if ((hostPort == null) || (hostPort == 0)) {
      hostPort = devicePort;
    assert(devicePort == hostPort);
    _ports.add(new ForwardedPort(devicePort, hostPort));
    return hostPort;

  Future<Null> unforward(ForwardedPort forwardedPort) async {