// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // TODO(gspencergoog): Remove this tag once this test's state leaks/test // dependencies have been fixed. // https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/85160 // Fails with "flutter test --test-randomize-ordering-seed=20210721" @Tags(['no-shuffle']) library; import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart'; // ignore: deprecated_member_use import 'package:test_api/test_api.dart' as test_package; void main() { final AutomatedTestWidgetsFlutterBinding binding = AutomatedTestWidgetsFlutterBinding(); group(TestViewConfiguration, () { test('is initialized with top-level window if one is not provided', () { // The code below will throw without the default. TestViewConfiguration(size: const Size(1280.0, 800.0)); }); }); group(AutomatedTestWidgetsFlutterBinding, () { test('allows setting defaultTestTimeout to 5 minutes', () { binding.defaultTestTimeout = const test_package.Timeout(Duration(minutes: 5)); expect(binding.defaultTestTimeout.duration, const Duration(minutes: 5)); }); }); // The next three tests must run in order -- first using `test`, then `testWidgets`, then `test` again. int order = 0; test('Initializes httpOverrides and testTextInput', () async { assert(order == 0); expect(binding.testTextInput, isNotNull); expect(binding.testTextInput.isRegistered, isFalse); expect(HttpOverrides.current, isNotNull); order += 1; }); testWidgets('Registers testTextInput', (WidgetTester tester) async { assert(order == 1); expect(tester.testTextInput.isRegistered, isTrue); order += 1; }); test('Unregisters testTextInput', () async { assert(order == 2); expect(binding.testTextInput.isRegistered, isFalse); order += 1; }); group('elapseBlocking', () { testWidgets('timer is not called', (WidgetTester tester) async { bool timerCalled = false; Timer.run(() => timerCalled = true); binding.elapseBlocking(const Duration(seconds: 1)); expect(timerCalled, false); binding.idle(); }); testWidgets('can use to simulate slow build', (WidgetTester tester) async { final DateTime beforeTime = binding.clock.now(); await tester.pumpWidget(Builder(builder: (_) { bool timerCalled = false; Timer.run(() => timerCalled = true); binding.elapseBlocking(const Duration(seconds: 1)); // if we use `delayed` instead of `elapseBlocking`, such as // binding.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1)); // the timer will be called here. Surely, that violates how // a flutter widget build works expect(timerCalled, false); return Container(); })); expect(binding.clock.now(), beforeTime.add(const Duration(seconds: 1))); binding.idle(); }); }); testWidgets('Assets in the tester can be loaded without turning event loop', (WidgetTester tester) async { bool responded = false; // The particular asset does not matter, as long as it exists. rootBundle.load('AssetManifest.json').then((ByteData data) { responded = true; }); expect(responded, true); }); }