// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:flutter_gallery/gallery/example_code_parser.dart'; import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart'; void main() { test('Flutter gallery example code parser test', () async { final TestAssetBundle bundle = TestAssetBundle(); final String? codeSnippet0 = await getExampleCode('test_0', bundle); expect(codeSnippet0, 'test 0 0\ntest 0 1'); final String? codeSnippet1 = await getExampleCode('test_1', bundle); expect(codeSnippet1, 'test 1 0\ntest 1 1'); final String? codeSnippet3 = await getExampleCode('test_2_windows_breaks', bundle); expect(codeSnippet3, 'windows test 2 0\nwindows test 2 1'); }); } const String testCodeFile = ''' // A fake test file // START test_0 test 0 0 test 0 1 // END // Some comments // START test_1 test 1 0 test 1 1 // END // START test_2_windows_breaks\r\nwindows test 2 0\r\nwindows test 2 1\r\n// END '''; class TestAssetBundle extends AssetBundle { @override Future<ByteData> load(String key) async { return ByteData.sublistView(Uint8List(0)); } @override Future<String> loadString(String key, { bool cache = true }) async { if (key == 'lib/gallery/example_code.dart') return testCodeFile; return ''; } @override Future<T> loadStructuredData<T>(String key, Future<T> Function(String value) parser) async { return parser(await loadString(key)); } @override String toString() => '$runtimeType@$hashCode()'; }