// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:file/file.dart'; import 'package:file/memory.dart'; import 'package:http/http.dart'; import 'package:http/testing.dart'; import 'package:flutter_devicelab/framework/cocoon.dart'; import 'package:flutter_devicelab/framework/task_result.dart'; import 'common.dart'; void main() { ProcessResult _processResult; ProcessResult runSyncStub(String executable, List<String> args, {Map<String, String> environment, bool includeParentEnvironment, bool runInShell, Encoding stderrEncoding, Encoding stdoutEncoding, String workingDirectory}) => _processResult; // Expected test values. const String commitSha = 'a4952838bf288a81d8ea11edfd4b4cd649fa94cc'; const String serviceAccountTokenPath = 'test_account_file'; const String serviceAccountToken = 'test_token'; group('Cocoon', () { Client mockClient; Cocoon cocoon; FileSystem fs; setUp(() { fs = MemoryFileSystem(); mockClient = MockClient((Request request) async => Response('{}', 200)); final File serviceAccountFile = fs.file(serviceAccountTokenPath)..createSync(); serviceAccountFile.writeAsStringSync(serviceAccountToken); }); test('returns expected commit sha', () { _processResult = ProcessResult(1, 0, commitSha, ''); cocoon = Cocoon( serviceAccountTokenPath: serviceAccountTokenPath, fs: fs, httpClient: mockClient, processRunSync: runSyncStub, ); expect(cocoon.commitSha, commitSha); }); test('throws exception on git cli errors', () { _processResult = ProcessResult(1, 1, '', ''); cocoon = Cocoon( serviceAccountTokenPath: serviceAccountTokenPath, fs: fs, httpClient: mockClient, processRunSync: runSyncStub, ); expect(() => cocoon.commitSha, throwsA(isA<CocoonException>())); }); test('writes expected update task json', () async { _processResult = ProcessResult(1, 0, commitSha, ''); final TaskResult result = TaskResult.fromJson(<String, dynamic>{ 'success': true, 'data': <String, dynamic>{ 'i': 0, 'j': 0, 'not_a_metric': 'something', }, 'benchmarkScoreKeys': <String>['i', 'j'], }); cocoon = Cocoon( fs: fs, processRunSync: runSyncStub, ); const String resultsPath = 'results.json'; await cocoon.writeTaskResultToFile( builderName: 'builderAbc', gitBranch: 'master', result: result, resultsPath: resultsPath, ); final String resultJson = fs.file(resultsPath).readAsStringSync(); const String expectedJson = '{' '"CommitBranch":"master",' '"CommitSha":"$commitSha",' '"BuilderName":"builderAbc",' '"NewStatus":"Succeeded",' '"ResultData":{"i":0.0,"j":0.0,"not_a_metric":"something"},' '"BenchmarkScoreKeys":["i","j"]}'; expect(resultJson, expectedJson); }); test('uploads expected update task payload from results file', () async { _processResult = ProcessResult(1, 0, commitSha, ''); cocoon = Cocoon( fs: fs, httpClient: mockClient, processRunSync: runSyncStub, serviceAccountTokenPath: serviceAccountTokenPath, ); const String resultsPath = 'results.json'; const String updateTaskJson = '{' '"CommitBranch":"master",' '"CommitSha":"$commitSha",' '"BuilderName":"builderAbc",' '"NewStatus":"Succeeded",' '"ResultData":{"i":0.0,"j":0.0,"not_a_metric":"something"},' '"BenchmarkScoreKeys":["i","j"]}'; fs.file(resultsPath).writeAsStringSync(updateTaskJson); await cocoon.sendResultsPath(resultsPath); }); test('sends expected request from successful task', () async { mockClient = MockClient((Request request) async => Response('{}', 200)); cocoon = Cocoon( serviceAccountTokenPath: serviceAccountTokenPath, fs: fs, httpClient: mockClient, ); final TaskResult result = TaskResult.success(<String, dynamic>{}); // This should not throw an error. await cocoon.sendTaskResult(builderName: 'builderAbc', gitBranch: 'branchAbc', result: result); }); test('throws client exception on non-200 responses', () async { mockClient = MockClient((Request request) async => Response('', 500)); cocoon = Cocoon( serviceAccountTokenPath: serviceAccountTokenPath, fs: fs, httpClient: mockClient, ); final TaskResult result = TaskResult.success(<String, dynamic>{}); expect(() => cocoon.sendTaskResult(builderName: 'builderAbc', gitBranch: 'branchAbc', result: result), throwsA(isA<ClientException>())); }); test('null git branch throws error', () async { mockClient = MockClient((Request request) async => Response('', 500)); cocoon = Cocoon( serviceAccountTokenPath: serviceAccountTokenPath, fs: fs, httpClient: mockClient, ); final TaskResult result = TaskResult.success(<String, dynamic>{}); expect(() => cocoon.sendTaskResult(builderName: 'builderAbc', gitBranch: null, result: result), throwsA(isA<AssertionError>())); }); }); group('AuthenticatedCocoonClient', () { FileSystem fs; setUp(() { fs = MemoryFileSystem(); final File serviceAccountFile = fs.file(serviceAccountTokenPath)..createSync(); serviceAccountFile.writeAsStringSync(serviceAccountToken); }); test('reads token from service account file', () { final AuthenticatedCocoonClient client = AuthenticatedCocoonClient(serviceAccountTokenPath, filesystem: fs); expect(client.serviceAccountToken, serviceAccountToken); }); test('reads token from service account file with whitespace', () { final File serviceAccountFile = fs.file(serviceAccountTokenPath)..createSync(); serviceAccountFile.writeAsStringSync(serviceAccountToken + ' \n'); final AuthenticatedCocoonClient client = AuthenticatedCocoonClient(serviceAccountTokenPath, filesystem: fs); expect(client.serviceAccountToken, serviceAccountToken); }); test('throws error when service account file not found', () { final AuthenticatedCocoonClient client = AuthenticatedCocoonClient('idontexist', filesystem: fs); expect(() => client.serviceAccountToken, throwsA(isA<FileSystemException>())); }); }); }