# Install pods needed to embed Flutter application, Flutter engine, and plugins # from the host application Podfile. # # @example # target 'MyApp' do # install_all_flutter_pods 'my_flutter' # end # @param [String] flutter_application_path Path of the root directory of the Flutter module. # Optional, defaults to two levels up from the directory of this script. # MyApp/my_flutter/.ios/Flutter/../.. def install_all_flutter_pods(flutter_application_path = nil) flutter_application_path ||= File.join('..', '..') install_flutter_engine_pod install_flutter_plugin_pods(flutter_application_path) install_flutter_application_pod(flutter_application_path) end # Install Flutter engine pod. # # @example # target 'MyApp' do # install_flutter_engine_pod # end def install_flutter_engine_pod engine_dir = File.join(__dir__, 'engine') if !File.exist?(engine_dir) # Copy the debug engine to have something to link against if the xcode backend script has not run yet. # CocoaPods will not embed the framework on pod install (before any build phases can generate) if the dylib does not exist. debug_framework_dir = File.join(flutter_root, 'bin', 'cache', 'artifacts', 'engine', 'ios') FileUtils.mkdir_p(engine_dir) FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(debug_framework_dir, 'Flutter.framework'), engine_dir) FileUtils.cp(File.join(debug_framework_dir, 'Flutter.podspec'), engine_dir) end # Keep pod path relative so it can be checked into Podfile.lock. # Process will be run from project directory. engine_pathname = Pathname.new engine_dir project_directory_pathname = Pathname.new Dir.pwd relative = engine_pathname.relative_path_from project_directory_pathname pod 'Flutter', :path => relative.to_s, :inhibit_warnings => true end # Install Flutter plugin pods. # # @example # target 'MyApp' do # install_flutter_plugin_pods 'my_flutter' # end # @param [String] flutter_application_path Path of the root directory of the Flutter module. # Optional, defaults to two levels up from the directory of this script. # MyApp/my_flutter/.ios/Flutter/../.. def install_flutter_plugin_pods(flutter_application_path) flutter_application_path ||= File.join('..', '..') # Keep pod path relative so it can be checked into Podfile.lock. # Process will be run from project directory. current_directory_pathname = Pathname.new __dir__ project_directory_pathname = Pathname.new Dir.pwd relative = current_directory_pathname.relative_path_from project_directory_pathname pod 'FlutterPluginRegistrant', :path => File.join(relative, 'FlutterPluginRegistrant'), :inhibit_warnings => true symlinks_dir = File.join(relative, '.symlinks') FileUtils.mkdir_p(symlinks_dir) plugin_pods = parse_KV_file(File.join(flutter_application_path, '.flutter-plugins')) plugin_pods.map do |r| symlink = File.join(symlinks_dir, r[:name]) FileUtils.rm_f(symlink) File.symlink(r[:path], symlink) pod r[:name], :path => File.join(symlink, 'ios'), :inhibit_warnings => true end end # Install Flutter application pod. # # @example # target 'MyApp' do # install_flutter_application_pod '../flutter_settings_repository' # end # @param [String] flutter_application_path Path of the root directory of the Flutter module. # Optional, defaults to two levels up from the directory of this script. # MyApp/my_flutter/.ios/Flutter/../.. def install_flutter_application_pod(flutter_application_path) app_framework_dir = File.join(__dir__, 'App.framework') app_framework_dylib = File.join(app_framework_dir, 'App') if !File.exist?(app_framework_dylib) # Fake an App.framework to have something to link against if the xcode backend script has not run yet. # CocoaPods will not embed the framework on pod install (before any build phases can run) if the dylib does not exist. # Create a dummy dylib. FileUtils.mkdir_p(app_framework_dir) `echo "static const int Moo = 88;" | xcrun clang -x c -dynamiclib -o "#{app_framework_dylib}" -` end # Keep pod and script phase paths relative so they can be checked into source control. # Process will be run from project directory. current_directory_pathname = Pathname.new __dir__ project_directory_pathname = Pathname.new Dir.pwd relative = current_directory_pathname.relative_path_from project_directory_pathname pod '{{projectName}}', :path => relative.to_s, :inhibit_warnings => true flutter_export_environment_path = File.join('${SRCROOT}', relative, 'flutter_export_environment.sh'); script_phase :name => 'Run Flutter Build Script', :script => "set -e\nset -u\nsource \"#{flutter_export_environment_path}\"\n\"$FLUTTER_ROOT\"/packages/flutter_tools/bin/xcode_backend.sh build", :input_files => [ File.join('${SRCROOT}', flutter_application_path, '.metadata'), File.join('${SRCROOT}', relative, 'App.framework', 'App'), File.join('${SRCROOT}', relative, 'engine', 'Flutter.framework', 'Flutter'), flutter_export_environment_path ], :execution_position => :before_compile end def parse_KV_file(file, separator='=') file_abs_path = File.expand_path(file) if !File.exists? file_abs_path return []; end pods_array = [] skip_line_start_symbols = ["#", "/"] File.foreach(file_abs_path) { |line| next if skip_line_start_symbols.any? { |symbol| line =~ /^\s*#{symbol}/ } plugin = line.split(pattern=separator) if plugin.length == 2 podname = plugin[0].strip() path = plugin[1].strip() podpath = File.expand_path("#{path}", file_abs_path) pods_array.push({:name => podname, :path => podpath}); else puts "Invalid plugin specification: #{line}" end } return pods_array end def flutter_root generated_xcode_build_settings = parse_KV_file(File.join(__dir__, 'Generated.xcconfig')) if generated_xcode_build_settings.empty? puts "Generated.xcconfig must exist. Make sure `flutter pub get` is executed in the Flutter module." exit end generated_xcode_build_settings.map { |p| if p[:name] == 'FLUTTER_ROOT' return p[:path] end } end