// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:ui' as ui show ImageFilter, Picture, SceneBuilder; import 'dart:ui' show Offset; import 'package:flutter/painting.dart'; import 'package:vector_math/vector_math_64.dart'; import 'package:mojo_services/mojo/gfx/composition/scene_token.mojom.dart' as mojom; import 'debug.dart'; /// A composited layer /// /// During painting, the render tree generates a tree of composited layers that /// are uploaded into the engine and displayed by the compositor. This class is /// the base class for all composited layers. abstract class Layer { /// This layer's parent in the layer tree ContainerLayer get parent => _parent; ContainerLayer _parent; /// This layer's next sibling in the parent layer's child list Layer get nextSibling => _nextSibling; Layer _nextSibling; /// This layer's previous sibling in the parent layer's child list Layer get previousSibling => _previousSibling; Layer _previousSibling; /// Removes this layer from its parent layer's child list void detach() { if (_parent != null) _parent._remove(this); } /// Replaces this layer with the given layer in the parent layer's child list void replaceWith(Layer newLayer) { assert(_parent != null); assert(newLayer._parent == null); assert(newLayer._nextSibling == null); assert(newLayer._previousSibling == null); newLayer._nextSibling = _nextSibling; if (_nextSibling != null) newLayer._nextSibling._previousSibling = newLayer; newLayer._previousSibling = _previousSibling; if (_previousSibling != null) newLayer._previousSibling._nextSibling = newLayer; assert(() { Layer node = this; while (node.parent != null) node = node.parent; assert(node != newLayer); // indicates we are about to create a cycle return true; }); newLayer._parent = _parent; if (_parent._firstChild == this) _parent._firstChild = newLayer; if (_parent._lastChild == this) _parent._lastChild = newLayer; _nextSibling = null; _previousSibling = null; _parent = null; } /// Override this function to upload this layer to the engine /// /// The layerOffset is the accumulated offset of this layer's parent from the /// origin of the builder's coordinate system. void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder, Offset layerOffset); @override String toString() => '$runtimeType'; dynamic debugCreator; String toStringDeep([String prefixLineOne = '', String prefixOtherLines = '']) { String result = '$prefixLineOne$this\n'; final String childrenDescription = debugDescribeChildren(prefixOtherLines); final String descriptionPrefix = childrenDescription != '' ? '$prefixOtherLines \u2502 ' : '$prefixOtherLines '; List description = []; debugFillDescription(description); result += description.map((String description) => "$descriptionPrefix$description\n").join(); if (childrenDescription == '') result += '$prefixOtherLines\n'; result += childrenDescription; return result; } void debugFillDescription(List description) { if (debugCreator != null) description.add('creator: $debugCreator'); } String debugDescribeChildren(String prefix) => ''; } /// A composited layer containing a [Picture] class PictureLayer extends Layer { /// The picture recorded for this layer /// /// The picture's coodinate system matches this layer's coodinate system ui.Picture picture; @override void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder, Offset layerOffset) { builder.addPicture(layerOffset, picture); } } class ChildSceneLayer extends Layer { ChildSceneLayer({ this.offset, this.devicePixelRatio, this.physicalWidth, this.physicalHeight, this.sceneToken }); Offset offset; double devicePixelRatio; int physicalWidth; int physicalHeight; mojom.SceneToken sceneToken; @override void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder, Offset layerOffset) { builder.addChildScene( offset + layerOffset, devicePixelRatio, physicalWidth, physicalHeight, sceneToken.value ); } @override void debugFillDescription(List description) { super.debugFillDescription(description); description.add('offset: $offset'); description.add('physicalWidth: $physicalWidth'); description.add('physicalHeight: $physicalHeight'); description.add('sceneToken.value: ${sceneToken.value}'); } } /// A layer that indicates to the compositor that it should display /// certain performance statistics within it. class PerformanceOverlayLayer extends Layer { PerformanceOverlayLayer({ this.overlayRect, this.optionsMask, this.rasterizerThreshold }); /// The rectangle in this layer's coodinate system that the overlay should occupy. Rect overlayRect; /// A mask specifying the statistics to display. final int optionsMask; final int rasterizerThreshold; @override void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder, Offset layerOffset) { assert(optionsMask != null); builder.addPerformanceOverlay(optionsMask, overlayRect.shift(layerOffset)); builder.setRasterizerTracingThreshold(rasterizerThreshold); } } /// A composited layer that has a list of children class ContainerLayer extends Layer { /// The first composited layer in this layer's child list Layer get firstChild => _firstChild; Layer _firstChild; /// The last composited layer in this layer's child list Layer get lastChild => _lastChild; Layer _lastChild; bool _debugUltimatePreviousSiblingOf(Layer child, { Layer equals }) { while (child._previousSibling != null) { assert(child._previousSibling != child); child = child._previousSibling; } return child == equals; } bool _debugUltimateNextSiblingOf(Layer child, { Layer equals }) { while (child._nextSibling != null) { assert(child._nextSibling != child); child = child._nextSibling; } return child == equals; } /// Adds the given layer to the end of this layer's child list void append(Layer child) { assert(child != this); assert(child != _firstChild); assert(child != _lastChild); assert(child._parent == null); assert(child._nextSibling == null); assert(child._previousSibling == null); assert(() { Layer node = this; while (node.parent != null) node = node.parent; assert(node != child); // indicates we are about to create a cycle return true; }); child._parent = this; child._previousSibling = _lastChild; if (_lastChild != null) _lastChild._nextSibling = child; _lastChild = child; if (_firstChild == null) _firstChild = child; } void _remove(Layer child) { assert(child._parent == this); assert(_debugUltimatePreviousSiblingOf(child, equals: _firstChild)); assert(_debugUltimateNextSiblingOf(child, equals: _lastChild)); if (child._previousSibling == null) { assert(_firstChild == child); _firstChild = child._nextSibling; } else { child._previousSibling._nextSibling = child._nextSibling; } if (child._nextSibling == null) { assert(_lastChild == child); _lastChild = child._previousSibling; } else { child._nextSibling._previousSibling = child._previousSibling; } child._previousSibling = null; child._nextSibling = null; child._parent = null; } /// Removes all of this layer's children from its child list void removeAllChildren() { Layer child = _firstChild; while (child != null) { Layer next = child.nextSibling; child._previousSibling = null; child._nextSibling = null; child._parent = null; child = next; } _firstChild = null; _lastChild = null; } @override void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder, Offset layerOffset) { addChildrenToScene(builder, layerOffset); } /// Uploads all of this layer's children to the engine void addChildrenToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder, Offset childOffset) { Layer child = _firstChild; while (child != null) { child.addToScene(builder, childOffset); child = child.nextSibling; } } @override String debugDescribeChildren(String prefix) { String result = '$prefix \u2502\n'; if (_firstChild != null) { Layer child = _firstChild; int count = 1; while (child != _lastChild) { result += '${child.toStringDeep("$prefix \u251C\u2500child $count: ", "$prefix \u2502")}'; count += 1; child = child._nextSibling; } if (child != null) { assert(child == _lastChild); result += '${child.toStringDeep("$prefix \u2514\u2500child $count: ", "$prefix ")}'; } } return result; } } class OffsetLayer extends ContainerLayer { OffsetLayer({ this.offset: Offset.zero }); /// Offset from parent in the parent's coordinate system. Offset offset; @override void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder, Offset layerOffset) { addChildrenToScene(builder, offset + layerOffset); } @override void debugFillDescription(List description) { super.debugFillDescription(description); description.add('offset: $offset'); } } /// A composite layer that clips its children using a rectangle class ClipRectLayer extends ContainerLayer { ClipRectLayer({ this.clipRect }); /// The rectangle to clip in the parent's coordinate system Rect clipRect; // TODO(abarth): Why is the rectangle in the parent's coordinate system // instead of in the coordinate system of this layer? @override void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder, Offset layerOffset) { builder.pushClipRect(clipRect.shift(layerOffset)); addChildrenToScene(builder, layerOffset); builder.pop(); } @override void debugFillDescription(List description) { super.debugFillDescription(description); description.add('clipRect: $clipRect'); } } /// A composite layer that clips its children using a rounded rectangle class ClipRRectLayer extends ContainerLayer { ClipRRectLayer({ this.clipRRect }); /// The rounded-rect to clip in the parent's coordinate system RRect clipRRect; // TODO(abarth): Why is the rounded-rect in the parent's coordinate system // instead of in the coordinate system of this layer? @override void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder, Offset layerOffset) { builder.pushClipRRect(clipRRect.shift(layerOffset)); addChildrenToScene(builder, layerOffset); builder.pop(); } @override void debugFillDescription(List description) { super.debugFillDescription(description); description.add('clipRRect: $clipRRect'); } } /// A composite layer that clips its children using a path class ClipPathLayer extends ContainerLayer { ClipPathLayer({ this.clipPath }); /// The path to clip in the parent's coordinate system Path clipPath; // TODO(abarth): Why is the path in the parent's coordinate system instead of // in the coordinate system of this layer? @override void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder, Offset layerOffset) { builder.pushClipPath(clipPath.shift(layerOffset)); addChildrenToScene(builder, layerOffset); builder.pop(); } @override void debugFillDescription(List description) { super.debugFillDescription(description); description.add('clipPath: $clipPath'); } } /// A composited layer that applies a transformation matrix to its children class TransformLayer extends OffsetLayer { TransformLayer({ Offset offset: Offset.zero, this.transform }): super(offset: offset); /// The matrix to apply Matrix4 transform; @override void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder, Offset layerOffset) { Matrix4 offsetTransform = new Matrix4.identity(); offsetTransform.translate(offset.dx + layerOffset.dx, offset.dy + layerOffset.dy); builder.pushTransform((offsetTransform * transform).storage); addChildrenToScene(builder, Offset.zero); builder.pop(); } @override void debugFillDescription(List description) { super.debugFillDescription(description); description.add('transform:'); description.addAll(debugDescribeTransform(transform)); } } /// A composited layer that makes its children partially transparent class OpacityLayer extends ContainerLayer { OpacityLayer({ this.alpha }); /// The amount to multiply into the alpha channel /// /// The opacity is expressed as an integer from 0 to 255, where 0 is fully /// transparent and 255 is fully opaque. int alpha; @override void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder, Offset layerOffset) { builder.pushOpacity(alpha); addChildrenToScene(builder, layerOffset); builder.pop(); } @override void debugFillDescription(List description) { super.debugFillDescription(description); description.add('alpha: $alpha'); } } /// A composited layer that applies a shader to hits children. class ShaderMaskLayer extends ContainerLayer { ShaderMaskLayer({ this.shader, this.maskRect, this.transferMode }); /// The shader to apply to the children. Shader shader; /// The size of the shader. Rect maskRect; /// The tranfer mode to apply when blending the shader with the children. TransferMode transferMode; @override void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder, Offset layerOffset) { builder.pushShaderMask(shader, maskRect.shift(layerOffset), transferMode); addChildrenToScene(builder, layerOffset); builder.pop(); } @override void debugFillDescription(List description) { super.debugFillDescription(description); description.add('shader: $shader'); description.add('maskRect: $maskRect'); description.add('transferMode: $transferMode'); } } /// A composited layer that applies a filter to the existing contents of the scene. class BackdropFilterLayer extends ContainerLayer { BackdropFilterLayer({ this.filter }); /// The filter to apply to the existing contents of the scene. ui.ImageFilter filter; @override void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder, Offset layerOffset) { builder.pushBackdropFilter(filter); addChildrenToScene(builder, layerOffset); builder.pop(); } }