// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; import 'package:process/process.dart'; import '../artifacts.dart'; import '../base/file_system.dart'; import '../base/io.dart'; import '../base/logger.dart'; import '../base/platform.dart'; import '../base/process.dart'; import '../cache.dart'; import '../convert.dart'; import 'code_signing.dart'; import 'iproxy.dart'; // Error message patterns from ios-deploy output const String noProvisioningProfileErrorOne = 'Error 0xe8008015'; const String noProvisioningProfileErrorTwo = 'Error 0xe8000067'; const String deviceLockedError = 'e80000e2'; const String deviceLockedErrorMessage = 'the device was not, or could not be, unlocked'; const String unknownAppLaunchError = 'Error 0xe8000022'; class IOSDeploy { IOSDeploy({ required Artifacts artifacts, required Cache cache, required Logger logger, required Platform platform, required ProcessManager processManager, }) : _platform = platform, _cache = cache, _processUtils = ProcessUtils(processManager: processManager, logger: logger), _logger = logger, _binaryPath = artifacts.getHostArtifact(HostArtifact.iosDeploy).path; final Cache _cache; final String _binaryPath; final Logger _logger; final Platform _platform; final ProcessUtils _processUtils; Map get iosDeployEnv { // Push /usr/bin to the front of PATH to pick up default system python, package 'six'. // // ios-deploy transitively depends on LLDB.framework, which invokes a // Python script that uses package 'six'. LLDB.framework relies on the // python at the front of the path, which may not include package 'six'. // Ensure that we pick up the system install of python, which includes it. final Map environment = Map.of(_platform.environment); environment['PATH'] = '/usr/bin:${environment['PATH']}'; environment.addEntries(>[_cache.dyLdLibEntry]); return environment; } /// Uninstalls the specified app bundle. /// /// Uses ios-deploy and returns the exit code. Future uninstallApp({ required String deviceId, required String bundleId, }) async { final List launchCommand = [ _binaryPath, '--id', deviceId, '--uninstall_only', '--bundle_id', bundleId, ]; return _processUtils.stream( launchCommand, mapFunction: _monitorFailure, trace: true, environment: iosDeployEnv, ); } /// Installs the specified app bundle. /// /// Uses ios-deploy and returns the exit code. Future installApp({ required String deviceId, required String bundlePath, required ListlaunchArguments, required IOSDeviceConnectionInterface interfaceType, Directory? appDeltaDirectory, }) async { appDeltaDirectory?.createSync(recursive: true); final List launchCommand = [ _binaryPath, '--id', deviceId, '--bundle', bundlePath, if (appDeltaDirectory != null) ...[ '--app_deltas', appDeltaDirectory.path, ], if (interfaceType != IOSDeviceConnectionInterface.network) '--no-wifi', if (launchArguments.isNotEmpty) ...[ '--args', launchArguments.join(' '), ], ]; return _processUtils.stream( launchCommand, mapFunction: _monitorFailure, trace: true, environment: iosDeployEnv, ); } /// Returns [IOSDeployDebugger] wrapping attached debugger logic. /// /// This method does not install the app. Call [IOSDeployDebugger.launchAndAttach()] /// to install and attach the debugger to the specified app bundle. IOSDeployDebugger prepareDebuggerForLaunch({ required String deviceId, required String bundlePath, required List launchArguments, required IOSDeviceConnectionInterface interfaceType, Directory? appDeltaDirectory, required bool uninstallFirst, }) { appDeltaDirectory?.createSync(recursive: true); // Interactive debug session to support sending the lldb detach command. final List launchCommand = [ 'script', '-t', '0', '/dev/null', _binaryPath, '--id', deviceId, '--bundle', bundlePath, if (appDeltaDirectory != null) ...[ '--app_deltas', appDeltaDirectory.path, ], if (uninstallFirst) '--uninstall', '--debug', if (interfaceType != IOSDeviceConnectionInterface.network) '--no-wifi', if (launchArguments.isNotEmpty) ...[ '--args', launchArguments.join(' '), ], ]; return IOSDeployDebugger( launchCommand: launchCommand, logger: _logger, processUtils: _processUtils, iosDeployEnv: iosDeployEnv, ); } /// Installs and then runs the specified app bundle. /// /// Uses ios-deploy and returns the exit code. Future launchApp({ required String deviceId, required String bundlePath, required List launchArguments, required IOSDeviceConnectionInterface interfaceType, required bool uninstallFirst, Directory? appDeltaDirectory, }) async { appDeltaDirectory?.createSync(recursive: true); final List launchCommand = [ _binaryPath, '--id', deviceId, '--bundle', bundlePath, if (appDeltaDirectory != null) ...[ '--app_deltas', appDeltaDirectory.path, ], if (interfaceType != IOSDeviceConnectionInterface.network) '--no-wifi', if (uninstallFirst) '--uninstall', '--justlaunch', if (launchArguments.isNotEmpty) ...[ '--args', launchArguments.join(' '), ], ]; return _processUtils.stream( launchCommand, mapFunction: _monitorFailure, trace: true, environment: iosDeployEnv, ); } Future isAppInstalled({ required String bundleId, required String deviceId, }) async { final List launchCommand = [ _binaryPath, '--id', deviceId, '--exists', '--timeout', // If the device is not connected, ios-deploy will wait forever. '10', '--bundle_id', bundleId, ]; final RunResult result = await _processUtils.run( launchCommand, environment: iosDeployEnv, ); // Device successfully connected, but app not installed. if (result.exitCode == 255) { _logger.printTrace('$bundleId not installed on $deviceId'); return false; } if (result.exitCode != 0) { _logger.printTrace('App install check failed: ${result.stderr}'); return false; } return true; } String _monitorFailure(String stdout) => _monitorIOSDeployFailure(stdout, _logger); } /// lldb attach state flow. enum _IOSDeployDebuggerState { detached, launching, attached, } /// Wrapper to launch app and attach the debugger with ios-deploy. class IOSDeployDebugger { IOSDeployDebugger({ required Logger logger, required ProcessUtils processUtils, required List launchCommand, required Map iosDeployEnv, }) : _processUtils = processUtils, _logger = logger, _launchCommand = launchCommand, _iosDeployEnv = iosDeployEnv, _debuggerState = _IOSDeployDebuggerState.detached; /// Create a [IOSDeployDebugger] for testing. /// /// Sets the command to "ios-deploy" and environment to an empty map. @visibleForTesting factory IOSDeployDebugger.test({ required ProcessManager processManager, Logger? logger, }) { final Logger debugLogger = logger ?? BufferLogger.test(); return IOSDeployDebugger( logger: debugLogger, processUtils: ProcessUtils(logger: debugLogger, processManager: processManager), launchCommand: ['ios-deploy'], iosDeployEnv: {}, ); } final Logger _logger; final ProcessUtils _processUtils; final List _launchCommand; final Map _iosDeployEnv; Process? _iosDeployProcess; Stream get logLines => _debuggerOutput.stream; final StreamController _debuggerOutput = StreamController.broadcast(); bool get debuggerAttached => _debuggerState == _IOSDeployDebuggerState.attached; _IOSDeployDebuggerState _debuggerState; // (lldb) run // https://github.com/ios-control/ios-deploy/blob/1.11.2-beta.1/src/ios-deploy/ios-deploy.m#L51 static final RegExp _lldbRun = RegExp(r'\(lldb\)\s*run'); // (lldb) run // https://github.com/ios-control/ios-deploy/blob/1.11.2-beta.1/src/ios-deploy/ios-deploy.m#L51 static final RegExp _lldbProcessExit = RegExp(r'Process \d* exited with status ='); // (lldb) Process 6152 stopped static final RegExp _lldbProcessStopped = RegExp(r'Process \d* stopped'); // (lldb) Process 6152 detached static final RegExp _lldbProcessDetached = RegExp(r'Process \d* detached'); // (lldb) Process 6152 resuming static final RegExp _lldbProcessResuming = RegExp(r'Process \d+ resuming'); // Send signal to stop (pause) the app. Used before a backtrace dump. static const String _signalStop = 'process signal SIGSTOP'; static const String _processResume = 'process continue'; static const String _processInterrupt = 'process interrupt'; // Print backtrace for all threads while app is stopped. static const String _backTraceAll = 'thread backtrace all'; /// If this is non-null, then the app process is paused and awaiting backtrace logging. /// /// The future should be completed once the backtraces are logged. Completer? _processResumeCompleter; /// Launch the app on the device, and attach the debugger. /// /// Returns whether or not the debugger successfully attached. Future launchAndAttach() async { // Return when the debugger attaches, or the ios-deploy process exits. final Completer debuggerCompleter = Completer(); try { _iosDeployProcess = await _processUtils.start( _launchCommand, environment: _iosDeployEnv, ); String? lastLineFromDebugger; final StreamSubscription stdoutSubscription = _iosDeployProcess!.stdout .transform(utf8.decoder) .transform(const LineSplitter()) .listen((String line) { _monitorIOSDeployFailure(line, _logger); // (lldb) run // success // 2020-09-15 13:42:25.185474-0700 Runner[477:181141] flutter: The Dart VM service is listening on if (_lldbRun.hasMatch(line)) { _logger.printTrace(line); _debuggerState = _IOSDeployDebuggerState.launching; return; } // Next line after "run" must be "success", or the attach failed. // Example: "error: process launch failed" if (_debuggerState == _IOSDeployDebuggerState.launching) { _logger.printTrace(line); final bool attachSuccess = line == 'success'; _debuggerState = attachSuccess ? _IOSDeployDebuggerState.attached : _IOSDeployDebuggerState.detached; if (!debuggerCompleter.isCompleted) { debuggerCompleter.complete(attachSuccess); } return; } if (line == _signalStop) { // The app is about to be stopped. Only show in verbose mode. _logger.printTrace(line); return; } if (line == _backTraceAll) { // The app is stopped and the backtrace for all threads will be printed. _logger.printTrace(line); // Even though we're not "detached", just stopped, mark as detached so the backtrace // is only show in verbose. _debuggerState = _IOSDeployDebuggerState.detached; // If we paused the app and are waiting to resume it, complete the completer final Completer? processResumeCompleter = _processResumeCompleter; if (processResumeCompleter != null) { _processResumeCompleter = null; processResumeCompleter.complete(); } return; } if (line.contains('PROCESS_STOPPED') || _lldbProcessStopped.hasMatch(line)) { // The app has been stopped. Dump the backtrace, and detach. _logger.printTrace(line); _iosDeployProcess?.stdin.writeln(_backTraceAll); if (_processResumeCompleter == null) { detach(); } return; } if (line.contains('PROCESS_EXITED') || _lldbProcessExit.hasMatch(line)) { // The app exited or crashed, so exit. Continue passing debugging // messages to the log reader until it exits to capture crash dumps. _logger.printTrace(line); exit(); return; } if (_lldbProcessDetached.hasMatch(line)) { // The debugger has detached from the app, and there will be no more debugging messages. // Kill the ios-deploy process. exit(); return; } if (_lldbProcessResuming.hasMatch(line)) { _logger.printTrace(line); // we marked this detached when we received [_backTraceAll] _debuggerState = _IOSDeployDebuggerState.attached; return; } if (_debuggerState != _IOSDeployDebuggerState.attached) { _logger.printTrace(line); return; } if (lastLineFromDebugger != null && lastLineFromDebugger!.isNotEmpty && line.isEmpty) { // The lldb console stream from ios-deploy is separated lines by an extra \r\n. // To avoid all lines being double spaced, if the last line from the // debugger was not an empty line, skip this empty line. // This will still cause "legit" logged newlines to be doubled... } else if (!_debuggerOutput.isClosed) { _debuggerOutput.add(line); } lastLineFromDebugger = line; }); final StreamSubscription stderrSubscription = _iosDeployProcess!.stderr .transform(utf8.decoder) .transform(const LineSplitter()) .listen((String line) { _monitorIOSDeployFailure(line, _logger); _logger.printTrace(line); }); unawaited(_iosDeployProcess!.exitCode.then((int status) async { _logger.printTrace('ios-deploy exited with code $exitCode'); _debuggerState = _IOSDeployDebuggerState.detached; await stdoutSubscription.cancel(); await stderrSubscription.cancel(); }).whenComplete(() async { if (_debuggerOutput.hasListener) { // Tell listeners the process died. await _debuggerOutput.close(); } if (!debuggerCompleter.isCompleted) { debuggerCompleter.complete(false); } _iosDeployProcess = null; })); } on ProcessException catch (exception, stackTrace) { _logger.printTrace('ios-deploy failed: $exception'); _debuggerState = _IOSDeployDebuggerState.detached; if (!_debuggerOutput.isClosed) { _debuggerOutput.addError(exception, stackTrace); } } on ArgumentError catch (exception, stackTrace) { _logger.printTrace('ios-deploy failed: $exception'); _debuggerState = _IOSDeployDebuggerState.detached; if (!_debuggerOutput.isClosed) { _debuggerOutput.addError(exception, stackTrace); } } // Wait until the debugger attaches, or the attempt fails. return debuggerCompleter.future; } bool exit() { final bool success = (_iosDeployProcess == null) || _iosDeployProcess!.kill(); _iosDeployProcess = null; return success; } /// Pause app, dump backtrace for debugging, and resume. Future pauseDumpBacktraceResume() async { if (!debuggerAttached) { return; } final Completer completer = Completer(); _processResumeCompleter = completer; try { // Stop the app, which will prompt the backtrace to be printed for all threads in the stdoutSubscription handler. _iosDeployProcess?.stdin.writeln(_processInterrupt); } on SocketException catch (error) { _logger.printTrace('Could not stop app from debugger: $error'); } // wait for backtrace to be dumped await completer.future; _iosDeployProcess?.stdin.writeln(_processResume); } Future stopAndDumpBacktrace() async { if (!debuggerAttached) { return; } try { // Stop the app, which will prompt the backtrace to be printed for all threads in the stdoutSubscription handler. _iosDeployProcess?.stdin.writeln(_signalStop); } on SocketException catch (error) { // Best effort, try to detach, but maybe the app already exited or already detached. _logger.printTrace('Could not stop app from debugger: $error'); } // Wait for logging to finish on process exit. return logLines.drain(); } void detach() { if (!debuggerAttached) { return; } try { // Detach lldb from the app process. _iosDeployProcess?.stdin.writeln('process detach'); } on SocketException catch (error) { // Best effort, try to detach, but maybe the app already exited or already detached. _logger.printTrace('Could not detach from debugger: $error'); } } } // Maps stdout line stream. Must return original line. String _monitorIOSDeployFailure(String stdout, Logger logger) { // Installation issues. if (stdout.contains(noProvisioningProfileErrorOne) || stdout.contains(noProvisioningProfileErrorTwo)) { logger.printError(noProvisioningProfileInstruction, emphasis: true); // Launch issues. } else if (stdout.contains(deviceLockedError) || stdout.contains(deviceLockedErrorMessage)) { logger.printError(''' ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Your device is locked. Unlock your device first before running. ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════''', emphasis: true); } else if (stdout.contains(unknownAppLaunchError)) { logger.printError(''' ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Error launching app. Try launching from within Xcode via: open ios/Runner.xcworkspace Your Xcode version may be too old for your iOS version. ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════''', emphasis: true); } return stdout; }