// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; import '../application_package.dart'; import '../artifacts.dart'; import '../base/common.dart'; import '../base/context.dart'; import '../base/file_system.dart'; import '../base/io.dart'; import '../base/logger.dart'; import '../base/process.dart'; import '../build_info.dart'; import '../convert.dart'; import '../device.dart'; import '../globals.dart' as globals; import '../mdns_discovery.dart'; import '../project.dart'; import '../protocol_discovery.dart'; import '../reporting/reporting.dart'; import '../vmservice.dart'; import 'code_signing.dart'; import 'ios_workflow.dart'; import 'mac.dart'; class IOSDeploy { const IOSDeploy(); static IOSDeploy get instance => context.get<IOSDeploy>(); /// Installs and runs the specified app bundle using ios-deploy, then returns /// the exit code. Future<int> runApp({ @required String deviceId, @required String bundlePath, @required List<String> launchArguments, }) async { final String iosDeployPath = globals.artifacts.getArtifactPath(Artifact.iosDeploy, platform: TargetPlatform.ios); final List<String> launchCommand = <String>[ iosDeployPath, '--id', deviceId, '--bundle', bundlePath, '--no-wifi', '--justlaunch', if (launchArguments.isNotEmpty) ...<String>[ '--args', '${launchArguments.join(" ")}', ], ]; // Push /usr/bin to the front of PATH to pick up default system python, package 'six'. // // ios-deploy transitively depends on LLDB.framework, which invokes a // Python script that uses package 'six'. LLDB.framework relies on the // python at the front of the path, which may not include package 'six'. // Ensure that we pick up the system install of python, which does include // it. final Map<String, String> iosDeployEnv = Map<String, String>.from(globals.platform.environment); iosDeployEnv['PATH'] = '/usr/bin:${iosDeployEnv['PATH']}'; iosDeployEnv.addEntries(<MapEntry<String, String>>[globals.cache.dyLdLibEntry]); return await processUtils.stream( launchCommand, mapFunction: _monitorInstallationFailure, trace: true, environment: iosDeployEnv, ); } // Maps stdout line stream. Must return original line. String _monitorInstallationFailure(String stdout) { // Installation issues. if (stdout.contains('Error 0xe8008015') || stdout.contains('Error 0xe8000067')) { globals.printError(noProvisioningProfileInstruction, emphasis: true); // Launch issues. } else if (stdout.contains('e80000e2')) { globals.printError(''' ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Your device is locked. Unlock your device first before running. ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════''', emphasis: true); } else if (stdout.contains('Error 0xe8000022')) { globals.printError(''' ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Error launching app. Try launching from within Xcode via: open ios/Runner.xcworkspace Your Xcode version may be too old for your iOS version. ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════''', emphasis: true); } return stdout; } } class IOSDevices extends PollingDeviceDiscovery { IOSDevices() : super('iOS devices'); @override bool get supportsPlatform => globals.platform.isMacOS; @override bool get canListAnything => iosWorkflow.canListDevices; @override Future<List<Device>> pollingGetDevices() => IOSDevice.getAttachedDevices(); } class IOSDevice extends Device { IOSDevice(String id, { this.name, String sdkVersion }) : _sdkVersion = sdkVersion, super( id, category: Category.mobile, platformType: PlatformType.ios, ephemeral: true, ) { if (!globals.platform.isMacOS) { assert(false, 'Control of iOS devices or simulators only supported on Mac OS.'); return; } _installerPath = globals.artifacts.getArtifactPath( Artifact.ideviceinstaller, platform: TargetPlatform.ios, ); _iproxyPath = globals.artifacts.getArtifactPath( Artifact.iproxy, platform: TargetPlatform.ios, ); } String _installerPath; String _iproxyPath; final String _sdkVersion; /// May be 0 if version cannot be parsed. int get majorSdkVersion { final String majorVersionString = _sdkVersion?.split('.')?.first?.trim(); return majorVersionString != null ? int.tryParse(majorVersionString) ?? 0 : 0; } @override bool get supportsHotReload => true; @override bool get supportsHotRestart => true; @override final String name; Map<IOSApp, DeviceLogReader> _logReaders; DevicePortForwarder _portForwarder; @override Future<bool> get isLocalEmulator async => false; @override Future<String> get emulatorId async => null; @override bool get supportsStartPaused => false; static Future<List<IOSDevice>> getAttachedDevices() async { if (!globals.platform.isMacOS) { throw UnsupportedError('Control of iOS devices or simulators only supported on Mac OS.'); } if (!iMobileDevice.isInstalled) { return <IOSDevice>[]; } final List<IOSDevice> devices = <IOSDevice>[]; for (String id in (await iMobileDevice.getAvailableDeviceIDs()).split('\n')) { id = id.trim(); if (id.isEmpty) { continue; } try { final String deviceName = await iMobileDevice.getInfoForDevice(id, 'DeviceName'); final String sdkVersion = await iMobileDevice.getInfoForDevice(id, 'ProductVersion'); devices.add(IOSDevice(id, name: deviceName, sdkVersion: sdkVersion)); } on IOSDeviceNotFoundError catch (error) { // Unable to find device with given udid. Possibly a network device. globals.printTrace('Error getting attached iOS device: $error'); } on IOSDeviceNotTrustedError catch (error) { globals.printTrace('Error getting attached iOS device information: $error'); UsageEvent('device', 'ios-trust-failure').send(); } } return devices; } @override Future<bool> isAppInstalled(IOSApp app) async { RunResult apps; try { apps = await processUtils.run( <String>[_installerPath, '--list-apps'], throwOnError: true, environment: Map<String, String>.fromEntries( <MapEntry<String, String>>[globals.cache.dyLdLibEntry], ), ); } on ProcessException { return false; } return RegExp(app.id, multiLine: true).hasMatch(apps.stdout); } @override Future<bool> isLatestBuildInstalled(IOSApp app) async => false; @override Future<bool> installApp(IOSApp app) async { final Directory bundle = globals.fs.directory(app.deviceBundlePath); if (!bundle.existsSync()) { globals.printError('Could not find application bundle at ${bundle.path}; have you run "flutter build ios"?'); return false; } try { await processUtils.run( <String>[_installerPath, '-i', app.deviceBundlePath], throwOnError: true, environment: Map<String, String>.fromEntries( <MapEntry<String, String>>[globals.cache.dyLdLibEntry], ), ); return true; } on ProcessException catch (error) { globals.printError(error.message); return false; } } @override Future<bool> uninstallApp(IOSApp app) async { try { await processUtils.run( <String>[_installerPath, '-U', app.id], throwOnError: true, environment: Map<String, String>.fromEntries( <MapEntry<String, String>>[globals.cache.dyLdLibEntry], ), ); return true; } on ProcessException catch (error) { globals.printError(error.message); return false; } } @override bool isSupported() => true; @override Future<LaunchResult> startApp( IOSApp package, { String mainPath, String route, DebuggingOptions debuggingOptions, Map<String, dynamic> platformArgs, bool prebuiltApplication = false, bool ipv6 = false, }) async { String packageId; if (!prebuiltApplication) { // TODO(chinmaygarde): Use mainPath, route. globals.printTrace('Building ${package.name} for $id'); String cpuArchitecture; try { cpuArchitecture = await iMobileDevice.getInfoForDevice(id, 'CPUArchitecture'); } on IOSDeviceNotFoundError catch (e) { globals.printError(e.message); return LaunchResult.failed(); } final DarwinArch iosArch = getIOSArchForName(cpuArchitecture); // Step 1: Build the precompiled/DBC application if necessary. final XcodeBuildResult buildResult = await buildXcodeProject( app: package as BuildableIOSApp, buildInfo: debuggingOptions.buildInfo, targetOverride: mainPath, buildForDevice: true, activeArch: iosArch, ); if (!buildResult.success) { globals.printError('Could not build the precompiled application for the device.'); await diagnoseXcodeBuildFailure(buildResult); globals.printError(''); return LaunchResult.failed(); } packageId = buildResult.xcodeBuildExecution?.buildSettings['PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER']; } else { if (!await installApp(package)) { return LaunchResult.failed(); } } packageId ??= package.id; // Step 2: Check that the application exists at the specified path. final Directory bundle = globals.fs.directory(package.deviceBundlePath); if (!bundle.existsSync()) { globals.printError('Could not find the built application bundle at ${bundle.path}.'); return LaunchResult.failed(); } // Step 3: Attempt to install the application on the device. final List<String> launchArguments = <String>[ '--enable-dart-profiling', if (debuggingOptions.startPaused) '--start-paused', if (debuggingOptions.disableServiceAuthCodes) '--disable-service-auth-codes', if (debuggingOptions.dartFlags.isNotEmpty) '--dart-flags="${debuggingOptions.dartFlags}"', if (debuggingOptions.useTestFonts) '--use-test-fonts', // "--enable-checked-mode" and "--verify-entry-points" should always be // passed when we launch debug build via "ios-deploy". However, we don't // pass them if a certain environment variable is set to enable the // "system_debug_ios" integration test in the CI, which simulates a // home-screen launch. if (debuggingOptions.debuggingEnabled && globals.platform.environment['FLUTTER_TOOLS_DEBUG_WITHOUT_CHECKED_MODE'] != 'true') ...<String>[ '--enable-checked-mode', '--verify-entry-points', ], if (debuggingOptions.enableSoftwareRendering) '--enable-software-rendering', if (debuggingOptions.skiaDeterministicRendering) '--skia-deterministic-rendering', if (debuggingOptions.traceSkia) '--trace-skia', if (debuggingOptions.dumpSkpOnShaderCompilation) '--dump-skp-on-shader-compilation', if (debuggingOptions.verboseSystemLogs) '--verbose-logging', if (debuggingOptions.cacheSkSL) '--cache-sksl', if (debuggingOptions.deviceVmServicePort != null) '--observatory-port=${debuggingOptions.deviceVmServicePort}', if (platformArgs['trace-startup'] as bool ?? false) '--trace-startup', ]; final Status installStatus = globals.logger.startProgress( 'Installing and launching...', timeout: timeoutConfiguration.slowOperation); try { ProtocolDiscovery observatoryDiscovery; if (debuggingOptions.debuggingEnabled) { // Debugging is enabled, look for the observatory server port post launch. globals.printTrace('Debugging is enabled, connecting to observatory'); // TODO(danrubel): The Android device class does something similar to this code below. // The various Device subclasses should be refactored and common code moved into the superclass. observatoryDiscovery = ProtocolDiscovery.observatory( getLogReader(app: package), portForwarder: portForwarder, hostPort: debuggingOptions.hostVmServicePort, devicePort: debuggingOptions.deviceVmServicePort, ipv6: ipv6, ); } final int installationResult = await IOSDeploy.instance.runApp( deviceId: id, bundlePath: bundle.path, launchArguments: launchArguments, ); if (installationResult != 0) { globals.printError('Could not install ${bundle.path} on $id.'); globals.printError('Try launching Xcode and selecting "Product > Run" to fix the problem:'); globals.printError(' open ios/Runner.xcworkspace'); globals.printError(''); return LaunchResult.failed(); } if (!debuggingOptions.debuggingEnabled) { return LaunchResult.succeeded(); } Uri localUri; try { globals.printTrace('Application launched on the device. Waiting for observatory port.'); localUri = await MDnsObservatoryDiscovery.instance.getObservatoryUri( packageId, this, usesIpv6: ipv6, hostVmservicePort: debuggingOptions.hostVmServicePort, ); if (localUri != null) { UsageEvent('ios-mdns', 'success').send(); return LaunchResult.succeeded(observatoryUri: localUri); } } catch (error) { globals.printError('Failed to establish a debug connection with $id using mdns: $error'); } // Fallback to manual protocol discovery. UsageEvent('ios-mdns', 'failure').send(); globals.printTrace('mDNS lookup failed, attempting fallback to reading device log.'); try { globals.printTrace('Waiting for observatory port.'); localUri = await observatoryDiscovery.uri; if (localUri != null) { UsageEvent('ios-mdns', 'fallback-success').send(); return LaunchResult.succeeded(observatoryUri: localUri); } } catch (error) { globals.printError('Failed to establish a debug connection with $id using logs: $error'); } finally { await observatoryDiscovery?.cancel(); } UsageEvent('ios-mdns', 'fallback-failure').send(); return LaunchResult.failed(); } finally { installStatus.stop(); } } @override Future<bool> stopApp(IOSApp app) async { // Currently we don't have a way to stop an app running on iOS. return false; } @override Future<TargetPlatform> get targetPlatform async => TargetPlatform.ios; @override Future<String> get sdkNameAndVersion async => 'iOS $_sdkVersion'; @override DeviceLogReader getLogReader({ IOSApp app }) { _logReaders ??= <IOSApp, DeviceLogReader>{}; return _logReaders.putIfAbsent(app, () => IOSDeviceLogReader(this, app)); } @visibleForTesting void setLogReader(IOSApp app, DeviceLogReader logReader) { _logReaders ??= <IOSApp, DeviceLogReader>{}; _logReaders[app] = logReader; } @override DevicePortForwarder get portForwarder => _portForwarder ??= IOSDevicePortForwarder(this); @visibleForTesting set portForwarder(DevicePortForwarder forwarder) { _portForwarder = forwarder; } @override void clearLogs() { } @override bool get supportsScreenshot => iMobileDevice.isInstalled; @override Future<void> takeScreenshot(File outputFile) async { await iMobileDevice.takeScreenshot(outputFile); } @override bool isSupportedForProject(FlutterProject flutterProject) { return flutterProject.ios.existsSync(); } @override Future<void> dispose() async { _logReaders.forEach((IOSApp application, DeviceLogReader logReader) { logReader.dispose(); }); await _portForwarder?.dispose(); } } /// Decodes a vis-encoded syslog string to a UTF-8 representation. /// /// Apple's syslog logs are encoded in 7-bit form. Input bytes are encoded as follows: /// 1. 0x00 to 0x19: non-printing range. Some ignored, some encoded as <...>. /// 2. 0x20 to 0x7f: as-is, with the exception of 0x5c (backslash). /// 3. 0x5c (backslash): octal representation \134. /// 4. 0x80 to 0x9f: \M^x (using control-character notation for range 0x00 to 0x40). /// 5. 0xa0: octal representation \240. /// 6. 0xa1 to 0xf7: \M-x (where x is the input byte stripped of its high-order bit). /// 7. 0xf8 to 0xff: unused in 4-byte UTF-8. /// /// See: [vis(3) manpage](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=vis&sektion=3) String decodeSyslog(String line) { // UTF-8 values for \, M, -, ^. const int kBackslash = 0x5c; const int kM = 0x4d; const int kDash = 0x2d; const int kCaret = 0x5e; // Mask for the UTF-8 digit range. const int kNum = 0x30; // Returns true when `byte` is within the UTF-8 7-bit digit range (0x30 to 0x39). bool isDigit(int byte) => (byte & 0xf0) == kNum; // Converts a three-digit ASCII (UTF-8) representation of an octal number `xyz` to an integer. int decodeOctal(int x, int y, int z) => (x & 0x3) << 6 | (y & 0x7) << 3 | z & 0x7; try { final List<int> bytes = utf8.encode(line); final List<int> out = <int>[]; for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length;) { if (bytes[i] != kBackslash || i > bytes.length - 4) { // Unmapped byte: copy as-is. out.add(bytes[i++]); } else { // Mapped byte: decode next 4 bytes. if (bytes[i + 1] == kM && bytes[i + 2] == kCaret) { // \M^x form: bytes in range 0x80 to 0x9f. out.add((bytes[i + 3] & 0x7f) + 0x40); } else if (bytes[i + 1] == kM && bytes[i + 2] == kDash) { // \M-x form: bytes in range 0xa0 to 0xf7. out.add(bytes[i + 3] | 0x80); } else if (bytes.getRange(i + 1, i + 3).every(isDigit)) { // \ddd form: octal representation (only used for \134 and \240). out.add(decodeOctal(bytes[i + 1], bytes[i + 2], bytes[i + 3])); } else { // Unknown form: copy as-is. out.addAll(bytes.getRange(0, 4)); } i += 4; } } return utf8.decode(out); } catch (_) { // Unable to decode line: return as-is. return line; } } @visibleForTesting class IOSDeviceLogReader extends DeviceLogReader { IOSDeviceLogReader(this.device, IOSApp app) { _linesController = StreamController<String>.broadcast( onListen: _listenToSysLog, onCancel: dispose, ); // Match for lines for the runner in syslog. // // iOS 9 format: Runner[297] <Notice>: // iOS 10 format: Runner(Flutter)[297] <Notice>: final String appName = app == null ? '' : app.name.replaceAll('.app', ''); _runnerLineRegex = RegExp(appName + r'(\(Flutter\))?\[[\d]+\] <[A-Za-z]+>: '); // Similar to above, but allows ~arbitrary components instead of "Runner" // and "Flutter". The regex tries to strike a balance between not producing // false positives and not producing false negatives. _anyLineRegex = RegExp(r'\w+(\([^)]*\))?\[\d+\] <[A-Za-z]+>: '); _loggingSubscriptions = <StreamSubscription<ServiceEvent>>[]; } final IOSDevice device; // Matches a syslog line from the runner. RegExp _runnerLineRegex; // Matches a syslog line from any app. RegExp _anyLineRegex; StreamController<String> _linesController; List<StreamSubscription<ServiceEvent>> _loggingSubscriptions; @override Stream<String> get logLines => _linesController.stream; @override String get name => device.name; @override VMService get connectedVMService => _connectedVMService; VMService _connectedVMService; @override set connectedVMService(VMService connectedVmService) { _listenToUnifiedLoggingEvents(connectedVmService); _connectedVMService = connectedVmService; } static const int _minimumUniversalLoggingSdkVersion = 13; Future<void> _listenToUnifiedLoggingEvents(VMService connectedVmService) async { if (device.majorSdkVersion < _minimumUniversalLoggingSdkVersion) { return; } // The VM service will not publish logging events unless the debug stream is being listened to. // onDebugEvent listens to this stream as a side effect. unawaited(connectedVmService.onDebugEvent); _loggingSubscriptions.add((await connectedVmService.onStdoutEvent).listen((ServiceEvent event) { final String logMessage = event.message; if (logMessage.isNotEmpty) { _linesController.add(logMessage); } })); } void _listenToSysLog () { // syslog is not written on iOS 13+. if (device.majorSdkVersion >= _minimumUniversalLoggingSdkVersion) { return; } iMobileDevice.startLogger(device.id).then<void>((Process process) { process.stdout.transform<String>(utf8.decoder).transform<String>(const LineSplitter()).listen(_newSyslogLineHandler()); process.stderr.transform<String>(utf8.decoder).transform<String>(const LineSplitter()).listen(_newSyslogLineHandler()); process.exitCode.whenComplete(() { if (_linesController.hasListener) { _linesController.close(); } }); assert(_idevicesyslogProcess == null); _idevicesyslogProcess = process; }); } @visibleForTesting set idevicesyslogProcess(Process process) => _idevicesyslogProcess = process; Process _idevicesyslogProcess; // Returns a stateful line handler to properly capture multiline output. // // For multiline log messages, any line after the first is logged without // any specific prefix. To properly capture those, we enter "printing" mode // after matching a log line from the runner. When in printing mode, we print // all lines until we find the start of another log message (from any app). void Function(String line) _newSyslogLineHandler() { bool printing = false; return (String line) { if (printing) { if (!_anyLineRegex.hasMatch(line)) { _linesController.add(decodeSyslog(line)); return; } printing = false; } final Match match = _runnerLineRegex.firstMatch(line); if (match != null) { final String logLine = line.substring(match.end); // Only display the log line after the initial device and executable information. _linesController.add(decodeSyslog(logLine)); printing = true; } }; } @override void dispose() { for (final StreamSubscription<ServiceEvent> loggingSubscription in _loggingSubscriptions) { loggingSubscription.cancel(); } _idevicesyslogProcess?.kill(); } } @visibleForTesting class IOSDevicePortForwarder extends DevicePortForwarder { IOSDevicePortForwarder(this.device) : _forwardedPorts = <ForwardedPort>[]; final IOSDevice device; final List<ForwardedPort> _forwardedPorts; @override List<ForwardedPort> get forwardedPorts => _forwardedPorts; @visibleForTesting void addForwardedPorts(List<ForwardedPort> forwardedPorts) { forwardedPorts.forEach(_forwardedPorts.add); } static const Duration _kiProxyPortForwardTimeout = Duration(seconds: 1); @override Future<int> forward(int devicePort, { int hostPort }) async { final bool autoselect = hostPort == null || hostPort == 0; if (autoselect) { hostPort = 1024; } Process process; bool connected = false; while (!connected) { globals.printTrace('Attempting to forward device port $devicePort to host port $hostPort'); // Usage: iproxy LOCAL_TCP_PORT DEVICE_TCP_PORT UDID process = await processUtils.start( <String>[ device._iproxyPath, hostPort.toString(), devicePort.toString(), device.id, ], environment: Map<String, String>.fromEntries( <MapEntry<String, String>>[globals.cache.dyLdLibEntry], ), ); // TODO(ianh): This is a flakey race condition, https://github.com/libimobiledevice/libimobiledevice/issues/674 connected = !await process.stdout.isEmpty.timeout(_kiProxyPortForwardTimeout, onTimeout: () => false); if (!connected) { process.kill(); if (autoselect) { hostPort += 1; if (hostPort > 65535) { throw Exception('Could not find open port on host.'); } } else { throw Exception('Port $hostPort is not available.'); } } } assert(connected); assert(process != null); final ForwardedPort forwardedPort = ForwardedPort.withContext( hostPort, devicePort, process, ); globals.printTrace('Forwarded port $forwardedPort'); _forwardedPorts.add(forwardedPort); return hostPort; } @override Future<void> unforward(ForwardedPort forwardedPort) async { if (!_forwardedPorts.remove(forwardedPort)) { // Not in list. Nothing to remove. return; } globals.printTrace('Unforwarding port $forwardedPort'); forwardedPort.dispose(); } @override Future<void> dispose() async { for (final ForwardedPort forwardedPort in _forwardedPorts) { forwardedPort.dispose(); } } }