// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:convert'; import '../base/common.dart'; import '../base/file_system.dart'; import '../base/platform.dart'; import '../base/version.dart'; // Include VS Code insiders (useful for debugging). const bool _includeInsiders = false; class VsCode { static const String extensionIdentifier = 'Dart-Code.flutter'; VsCode._(this.directory, this.extensionDirectory, { Version version, this.edition }) : this.version = version ?? Version.unknown { if (!fs.isDirectorySync(directory)) { _validationMessages.add('VS Code not found at $directory'); return; } // If the extensions directory doesn't exist at all, the listSync() // below will fail, so just bail out early. if (!fs.isDirectorySync(extensionDirectory)) { return; } // Check for presence of extension. final String extensionIdentifierLower = extensionIdentifier.toLowerCase(); final Iterable<FileSystemEntity> extensionDirs = fs .directory(extensionDirectory) .listSync() .where((FileSystemEntity d) => d is Directory) .where( (FileSystemEntity d) => d.basename.toLowerCase().startsWith(extensionIdentifierLower)); if (extensionDirs.isNotEmpty) { final FileSystemEntity extensionDir = extensionDirs.first; _isValid = true; _extensionVersion = new Version.parse( extensionDir.basename.substring('$extensionIdentifier-'.length)); _validationMessages.add('Flutter extension version $_extensionVersion'); } } final String directory; final String extensionDirectory; final Version version; final String edition; bool _isValid = false; Version _extensionVersion; final List<String> _validationMessages = <String>[]; factory VsCode.fromDirectory(String installPath, String extensionDirectory, { String edition }) { final String packageJsonPath = fs.path.join(installPath, 'resources', 'app', 'package.json'); final String versionString = _getVersionFromPackageJson(packageJsonPath); Version version; if (versionString != null) version = new Version.parse(versionString); return new VsCode._(installPath, extensionDirectory, version: version, edition: edition); } bool get isValid => _isValid; String get productName => 'VS Code' + (edition != null ? ', $edition' : ''); Iterable<String> get validationMessages => _validationMessages; static List<VsCode> allInstalled() { if (platform.isMacOS) return _installedMacOS(); else if (platform.isWindows) return _installedWindows(); else if (platform.isLinux) return _installedLinux(); else // VS Code isn't supported on the other platforms. return <VsCode>[]; } // macOS: // /Applications/Visual Studio Code.app/Contents/ // /Applications/Visual Studio Code - Insiders.app/Contents/ // $HOME/Applications/Visual Studio Code.app/Contents/ // $HOME/Applications/Visual Studio Code - Insiders.app/Contents/ // macOS Extensions: // $HOME/.vscode/extensions // $HOME/.vscode-insiders/extensions static List<VsCode> _installedMacOS() { return _findInstalled(<_VsCodeInstallLocation>[ new _VsCodeInstallLocation( fs.path.join('/Applications', 'Visual Studio Code.app', 'Contents'), '.vscode', ), new _VsCodeInstallLocation( fs.path.join(homeDirPath, 'Applications', 'Visual Studio Code.app', 'Contents'), '.vscode', ), new _VsCodeInstallLocation( fs.path.join('/Applications', 'Visual Studio Code - Insiders.app', 'Contents'), '.vscode-insiders', isInsiders: true, ), new _VsCodeInstallLocation( fs.path.join(homeDirPath, 'Applications', 'Visual Studio Code - Insiders.app', 'Contents'), '.vscode-insiders', isInsiders: true, ) ]); } // Windows: // $programfiles(x86)\Microsoft VS Code // $programfiles(x86)\Microsoft VS Code Insiders // TODO: Confirm these are correct for 64bit // $programfiles\Microsoft VS Code // $programfiles\Microsoft VS Code Insiders // Windows Extensions: // $HOME/.vscode/extensions // $HOME/.vscode-insiders/extensions static List<VsCode> _installedWindows() { final String progFiles86 = platform.environment['programfiles(x86)']; final String progFiles = platform.environment['programfiles']; return _findInstalled(<_VsCodeInstallLocation>[ new _VsCodeInstallLocation(fs.path.join(progFiles86, 'Microsoft VS Code'), '.vscode', edition: '32-bit edition'), new _VsCodeInstallLocation(fs.path.join(progFiles, 'Microsoft VS Code'), '.vscode', edition: '64-bit edition'), new _VsCodeInstallLocation(fs.path.join(progFiles86 , 'Microsoft VS Code Insiders'), '.vscode-insiders', edition: '32-bit edition', isInsiders: true), new _VsCodeInstallLocation(fs.path.join(progFiles, 'Microsoft VS Code Insiders'), '.vscode-insiders', edition: '64-bit edition', isInsiders: true), ]); } // Linux: // /usr/share/code/bin/code // /usr/share/code-insiders/bin/code-insiders // Linux Extensions: // $HOME/.vscode/extensions // $HOME/.vscode-insiders/extensions static List<VsCode> _installedLinux() { return _findInstalled(<_VsCodeInstallLocation>[ const _VsCodeInstallLocation('/usr/share/code', '.vscode'), const _VsCodeInstallLocation('/usr/share/code-insiders', '.vscode-insiders', isInsiders: true), ]); } static List<VsCode> _findInstalled( List<_VsCodeInstallLocation> allLocations) { final Iterable<_VsCodeInstallLocation> searchLocations = _includeInsiders ? allLocations : allLocations.where((_VsCodeInstallLocation p) => p.isInsiders != true); final List<VsCode> results = <VsCode>[]; for (_VsCodeInstallLocation searchLocation in searchLocations) { if (fs.isDirectorySync(searchLocation.installPath)) { final String extensionDirectory = fs.path.join(homeDirPath, searchLocation.extensionsFolder, 'extensions'); results.add(new VsCode.fromDirectory(searchLocation.installPath, extensionDirectory, edition: searchLocation.edition)); } } return results; } @override String toString() => 'VS Code ($version)${_extensionVersion != Version.unknown ? ', Flutter ($_extensionVersion)' : ''}'; static String _getVersionFromPackageJson(String packageJsonPath) { if (!fs.isFileSync(packageJsonPath)) return null; final String jsonString = fs.file(packageJsonPath).readAsStringSync(); final Map<String, dynamic> jsonObject = json.decode(jsonString); return jsonObject['version']; } } class _VsCodeInstallLocation { final String installPath; final String extensionsFolder; final String edition; final bool isInsiders; const _VsCodeInstallLocation(this.installPath, this.extensionsFolder, { this.edition, bool isInsiders }) : this.isInsiders = isInsiders ?? false; }