// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:math' as math; import 'package:flutter/services.dart' show HapticFeedbackType, userFeedback; import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; import 'colors.dart'; import 'theme.dart'; import 'typography.dart'; import 'constants.dart'; const Duration _kDialAnimateDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 200); const double _kTwoPi = 2 * math.PI; const int _kHoursPerDay = 24; const int _kHoursPerPeriod = 12; const int _kMinutesPerHour = 60; enum DayPeriod { am, pm, } /// A value representing a time during the day class TimeOfDay { const TimeOfDay({ this.hour, this.minute }); /// Returns a new TimeOfDay with the hour and/or minute replaced. TimeOfDay replacing({ int hour, int minute }) { assert(hour == null || (hour >= 0 && hour < _kHoursPerDay)); assert(minute == null || (minute >= 0 && minute < _kMinutesPerHour)); return new TimeOfDay(hour: hour ?? this.hour, minute: minute ?? this.minute); } /// The selected hour, in 24 hour time from 0..23 final int hour; /// The selected minute. final int minute; /// Whether this time of day is before or after noon. DayPeriod get period => hour < _kHoursPerPeriod ? DayPeriod.am : DayPeriod.pm; /// Which hour of the current period (e.g., am or pm) this time is. int get hourOfPeriod => hour - periodOffset; String _addLeadingZeroIfNeeded(int value) { if (value < 10) return '0$value'; return value.toString(); } /// A string representing the hour, in 24 hour time (e.g., '04' or '18'). String get hourLabel => _addLeadingZeroIfNeeded(hour); /// A string representing the minute (e.g., '07'). String get minuteLabel => _addLeadingZeroIfNeeded(minute); /// A string representing the hour of the current period (e.g., '4' or '6'). String get hourOfPeriodLabel { // TODO(ianh): Localize. final int hourOfPeriod = this.hourOfPeriod; if (hourOfPeriod == 0) return '12'; return hourOfPeriod.toString(); } /// A string representing the current period (e.g., 'a.m.'). String get periodLabel => period == DayPeriod.am ? 'a.m.' : 'p.m.'; // TODO(ianh): Localize. /// The hour at which the current period starts. int get periodOffset => period == DayPeriod.am ? 0 : _kHoursPerPeriod; bool operator ==(dynamic other) { if (other is! TimeOfDay) return false; final TimeOfDay typedOther = other; return typedOther.hour == hour && typedOther.minute == minute; } int get hashCode => hashValues(hour, minute); // TODO(ianh): Localize. String toString() => '$hourOfPeriodLabel:$minuteLabel $periodLabel'; } enum _TimePickerMode { hour, minute } class TimePicker extends StatefulWidget { TimePicker({ this.selectedTime, this.onChanged }) { assert(selectedTime != null); } final TimeOfDay selectedTime; final ValueChanged<TimeOfDay> onChanged; _TimePickerState createState() => new _TimePickerState(); } class _TimePickerState extends State<TimePicker> { _TimePickerMode _mode = _TimePickerMode.hour; void _handleModeChanged(_TimePickerMode mode) { userFeedback.performHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackType.virtualKey); setState(() { _mode = mode; }); } Widget build(BuildContext context) { Widget header = new _TimePickerHeader( selectedTime: config.selectedTime, mode: _mode, onModeChanged: _handleModeChanged, onChanged: config.onChanged ); return new Column( children: <Widget>[ header, new AspectRatio( aspectRatio: 1.0, child: new Container( margin: const EdgeInsets.all(12.0), child: new _Dial( mode: _mode, selectedTime: config.selectedTime, onChanged: config.onChanged ) ) ) ], alignItems: FlexAlignItems.stretch ); } } // TODO(ianh): Localize! class _TimePickerHeader extends StatelessWidget { _TimePickerHeader({ this.selectedTime, this.mode, this.onModeChanged, this.onChanged }) { assert(selectedTime != null); assert(mode != null); } final TimeOfDay selectedTime; final _TimePickerMode mode; final ValueChanged<_TimePickerMode> onModeChanged; final ValueChanged<TimeOfDay> onChanged; void _handleChangeMode(_TimePickerMode value) { if (value != mode) onModeChanged(value); } void _handleChangeDayPeriod() { int newHour = (selectedTime.hour + _kHoursPerPeriod) % _kHoursPerDay; onChanged(selectedTime.replacing(hour: newHour)); } Widget build(BuildContext context) { ThemeData theme = Theme.of(context); TextTheme headerTheme = theme.primaryTextTheme; Color activeColor; Color inactiveColor; switch(theme.primaryColorBrightness) { case ThemeBrightness.light: activeColor = Colors.black87; inactiveColor = Colors.black54; break; case ThemeBrightness.dark: activeColor = Colors.white; inactiveColor = Colors.white70; break; } TextStyle activeStyle = headerTheme.display3.copyWith(color: activeColor); TextStyle inactiveStyle = headerTheme.display3.copyWith(color: inactiveColor); TextStyle hourStyle = mode == _TimePickerMode.hour ? activeStyle : inactiveStyle; TextStyle minuteStyle = mode == _TimePickerMode.minute ? activeStyle : inactiveStyle; TextStyle amStyle = headerTheme.subhead.copyWith( color: selectedTime.period == DayPeriod.am ? activeColor: inactiveColor ); TextStyle pmStyle = headerTheme.subhead.copyWith( color: selectedTime.period == DayPeriod.pm ? activeColor: inactiveColor ); return new Container( padding: kDialogHeadingPadding, decoration: new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: theme.primaryColor), child: new Row( children: <Widget>[ new GestureDetector( onTap: () => _handleChangeMode(_TimePickerMode.hour), child: new Text(selectedTime.hourOfPeriodLabel, style: hourStyle) ), new Text(':', style: inactiveStyle), new GestureDetector( onTap: () => _handleChangeMode(_TimePickerMode.minute), child: new Text(selectedTime.minuteLabel, style: minuteStyle) ), new GestureDetector( onTap: _handleChangeDayPeriod, behavior: HitTestBehavior.opaque, child: new Container( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(left: 16.0, right: 24.0), child: new Column( children: <Widget>[ new Text('AM', style: amStyle), new Container( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 4.0), child: new Text('PM', style: pmStyle) ), ], justifyContent: FlexJustifyContent.end ) ) ) ], justifyContent: FlexJustifyContent.end ) ); } } List<TextPainter> _initPainters(List<String> labels) { TextStyle style = Typography.black.subhead.copyWith(height: 1.0); List<TextPainter> painters = new List<TextPainter>(labels.length); for (int i = 0; i < painters.length; ++i) { String label = labels[i]; TextPainter painter = new TextPainter( new TextSpan(style: style, text: label) ); painter ..maxWidth = double.INFINITY ..maxHeight = double.INFINITY ..layout() ..maxWidth = painter.maxIntrinsicWidth ..layout(); painters[i] = painter; } return painters; } List<TextPainter> _initHours() { return _initPainters(['12', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11']); } List<TextPainter> _initMinutes() { return _initPainters(['00', '05', '10', '15', '20', '25', '30', '35', '40', '45', '50', '55']); } class _DialPainter extends CustomPainter { const _DialPainter({ this.labels, this.primaryColor, this.theta }); final List<TextPainter> labels; final Color primaryColor; final double theta; void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) { double radius = size.shortestSide / 2.0; Offset center = new Offset(size.width / 2.0, size.height / 2.0); Point centerPoint = center.toPoint(); canvas.drawCircle(centerPoint, radius, new Paint()..color = Colors.grey[200]); const double labelPadding = 24.0; double labelRadius = radius - labelPadding; Offset getOffsetForTheta(double theta) { return center + new Offset(labelRadius * math.cos(theta), -labelRadius * math.sin(theta)); } Paint primaryPaint = new Paint() ..color = primaryColor; Point currentPoint = getOffsetForTheta(theta).toPoint(); canvas.drawCircle(centerPoint, 4.0, primaryPaint); canvas.drawCircle(currentPoint, labelPadding - 4.0, primaryPaint); primaryPaint.strokeWidth = 2.0; canvas.drawLine(centerPoint, currentPoint, primaryPaint); double labelThetaIncrement = -_kTwoPi / labels.length; double labelTheta = math.PI / 2.0; for (TextPainter label in labels) { Offset labelOffset = new Offset(-label.width / 2.0, -label.height / 2.0); label.paint(canvas, getOffsetForTheta(labelTheta) + labelOffset); labelTheta += labelThetaIncrement; } } bool shouldRepaint(_DialPainter oldPainter) { return oldPainter.labels != labels || oldPainter.primaryColor != primaryColor || oldPainter.theta != theta; } } class _Dial extends StatefulWidget { _Dial({ this.selectedTime, this.mode, this.onChanged }) { assert(selectedTime != null); } final TimeOfDay selectedTime; final _TimePickerMode mode; final ValueChanged<TimeOfDay> onChanged; _DialState createState() => new _DialState(); } class _DialState extends State<_Dial> { void initState() { super.initState(); _thetaController = new AnimationController(duration: _kDialAnimateDuration); _thetaTween = new Tween<double>(begin: _getThetaForTime(config.selectedTime)); _theta = _thetaTween.animate(new CurvedAnimation( parent: _thetaController, curve: Curves.ease ))..addListener(() => setState(() { })); } void didUpdateConfig(_Dial oldConfig) { if (config.mode != oldConfig.mode && !_dragging) _animateTo(_getThetaForTime(config.selectedTime)); } Tween<double> _thetaTween; Animation<double> _theta; AnimationController _thetaController; bool _dragging = false; static double _nearest(double target, double a, double b) { return ((target - a).abs() < (target - b).abs()) ? a : b; } void _animateTo(double targetTheta) { double currentTheta = _theta.value; double beginTheta = _nearest(targetTheta, currentTheta, currentTheta + _kTwoPi); beginTheta = _nearest(targetTheta, beginTheta, currentTheta - _kTwoPi); _thetaTween ..begin = beginTheta ..end = targetTheta; _thetaController ..value = 0.0 ..forward(); } double _getThetaForTime(TimeOfDay time) { double fraction = (config.mode == _TimePickerMode.hour) ? (time.hour / _kHoursPerPeriod) % _kHoursPerPeriod : (time.minute / _kMinutesPerHour) % _kMinutesPerHour; return (math.PI / 2.0 - fraction * _kTwoPi) % _kTwoPi; } TimeOfDay _getTimeForTheta(double theta) { double fraction = (0.25 - (theta % _kTwoPi) / _kTwoPi) % 1.0; if (config.mode == _TimePickerMode.hour) { int hourOfPeriod = (fraction * _kHoursPerPeriod).round() % _kHoursPerPeriod; return config.selectedTime.replacing( hour: hourOfPeriod + config.selectedTime.periodOffset ); } else { return config.selectedTime.replacing( minute: (fraction * _kMinutesPerHour).round() % _kMinutesPerHour ); } } void _notifyOnChangedIfNeeded() { if (config.onChanged == null) return; TimeOfDay current = _getTimeForTheta(_theta.value); if (current != config.selectedTime) config.onChanged(current); } void _updateThetaForPan() { setState(() { Offset offset = _position - _center; _thetaTween ..begin = (math.atan2(offset.dx, offset.dy) - math.PI / 2.0) % _kTwoPi ..end = null; }); } Point _position; Point _center; void _handlePanStart(Point globalPosition) { assert(!_dragging); _dragging = true; RenderBox box = context.findRenderObject(); _position = box.globalToLocal(globalPosition); double radius = box.size.shortestSide / 2.0; _center = new Point(radius, radius); _updateThetaForPan(); _notifyOnChangedIfNeeded(); } void _handlePanUpdate(Offset delta) { _position += delta; _updateThetaForPan(); _notifyOnChangedIfNeeded(); } void _handlePanEnd(Velocity velocity) { assert(_dragging); _dragging = false; _position = null; _center = null; _animateTo(_getThetaForTime(config.selectedTime)); } final List<TextPainter> _hours = _initHours(); final List<TextPainter> _minutes = _initMinutes(); Widget build(BuildContext context) { return new GestureDetector( onPanStart: _handlePanStart, onPanUpdate: _handlePanUpdate, onPanEnd: _handlePanEnd, child: new CustomPaint( painter: new _DialPainter( labels: config.mode == _TimePickerMode.hour ? _hours : _minutes, primaryColor: Theme.of(context).primaryColor, theta: _theta.value ) ) ); } }