# Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # For details regarding the *Flutter Fix* feature, see # https://flutter.dev/docs/development/tools/flutter-fix # Please add new fixes to the top of the file, separated by one blank line # from other fixes. In a comment, include a link to the PR where the change # requiring the fix was made. # Every fix must be tested. See the flutter/packages/flutter/test_fixes/README.md # file for instructions on testing these data driven fixes. # For documentation about this file format, see # https://dart.dev/go/data-driven-fixes. # * Fixes in this file are from the Cupertino library. * version: 1 transforms: # Change made in https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/20649 # TODO(Piinks): Add tests when `bulkApply:false` testing is supported, https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/44639 - title: "Replace with 'CupertinoPopupSurface'" date: 2021-01-07 bulkApply: false element: uris: [ 'cupertino.dart' ] class: 'CupertinoDialog' changes: - kind: 'rename' newName: 'CupertinoPopupSurface' # Change made in https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/20649 # TODO(Piinks): Add tests when `bulkApply:false` testing is supported, https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/44639 - title: "Replace with 'CupertinoAlertDialog'" date: 2021-01-07 bulkApply: false element: uris: [ 'cupertino.dart' ] class: 'CupertinoDialog' changes: - kind: 'rename' newName: 'CupertinoAlertDialog' - kind: 'renameParameter' oldName: 'child' newName: 'content' # Changes made in https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/68905. - title: "Migrate from 'nullOk'" date: 2021-01-27 element: uris: [ 'cupertino.dart' ] method: 'resolveFrom' inClass: 'CupertinoTextThemeData' changes: - kind: 'removeParameter' name: 'nullOk' # Changes made in https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/68905. - title: "Migrate from 'nullOk'" date: 2021-01-27 element: uris: [ 'cupertino.dart' ] method: 'resolveFrom' inClass: 'NoDefaultCupertinoThemeData' changes: - kind: 'removeParameter' name: 'nullOk' # Changes made in https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/68905. - title: "Migrate from 'nullOk'" date: 2021-01-27 element: uris: [ 'cupertino.dart' ] method: 'resolveFrom' inClass: 'CupertinoThemeData' changes: - kind: 'removeParameter' name: 'nullOk' # Changes made in https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/68736. - title: "Migrate from 'nullOk'" date: 2021-01-27 element: uris: [ 'cupertino.dart' ] method: 'brightnessOf' inClass: 'CupertinoTheme' oneOf: - if: "nullOk == 'true'" changes: - kind: 'rename' newName: 'maybeBrightnessOf' - kind: 'removeParameter' name: 'nullOk' - if: "nullOk == 'false'" changes: - kind: 'removeParameter' name: 'nullOk' variables: nullOk: kind: 'fragment' value: 'arguments[nullOk]' # Changes made in https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/68905. - title: "Migrate from 'nullOk'" date: 2021-01-27 element: uris: [ 'cupertino.dart' ] method: 'of' inClass: 'CupertinoUserInterfaceLevel' oneOf: - if: "nullOk == 'true'" changes: - kind: 'rename' newName: 'maybeOf' - kind: 'removeParameter' name: 'nullOk' - if: "nullOk == 'false'" changes: - kind: 'removeParameter' name: 'nullOk' variables: nullOk: kind: 'fragment' value: 'arguments[nullOk]' # Changes made in https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/68905. - title: "Migrate from 'nullOk'" date: 2021-01-27 element: uris: [ 'cupertino.dart' ] method: 'resolveFrom' inClass: 'CupertinoDynamicColor' changes: - kind: 'removeParameter' name: 'nullOk' # Changes made in https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/68905. - title: "Migrate from 'nullOk'" date: 2021-01-27 element: uris: [ 'cupertino.dart' ] method: 'resolve' inClass: 'CupertinoDynamicColor' oneOf: - if: "nullOk == 'true'" changes: - kind: 'rename' newName: 'maybeResolve' - kind: 'removeParameter' name: 'nullOk' - if: "nullOk == 'false'" changes: - kind: 'removeParameter' name: 'nullOk' variables: nullOk: kind: 'fragment' value: 'arguments[nullOk]' # Changes made in https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/72043 - title: "Migrate to 'maxLengthEnforcement'" date: 2020-12-13 element: uris: [ 'cupertino.dart' ] field: 'maxLengthEnforced' inClass: 'CupertinoTextField' changes: - kind: 'rename' newName: 'maxLengthEnforcement' # Changes made in https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/72043 - title: "Migrate to 'maxLengthEnforcement'" date: 2020-12-13 element: uris: [ 'cupertino.dart' ] constructor: 'borderless' inClass: 'CupertinoTextField' oneOf: - if: "maxLengthEnforced == 'true'" changes: - kind: 'addParameter' index: 0 name: 'maxLengthEnforcement' style: optional_named argumentValue: expression: 'MaxLengthEnforcement.enforce' requiredIf: "maxLengthEnforced == 'true'" - kind: 'removeParameter' name: 'maxLengthEnforced' - if: "maxLengthEnforced == 'false'" changes: - kind: 'addParameter' index: 0 name: 'maxLengthEnforcement' style: optional_named argumentValue: expression: 'MaxLengthEnforcement.none' requiredIf: "maxLengthEnforced == 'false'" - kind: 'removeParameter' name: 'maxLengthEnforced' variables: maxLengthEnforced: kind: 'fragment' value: 'arguments[maxLengthEnforced]' # Changes made in https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/72043 - title: "Migrate to 'maxLengthEnforcement'" date: 2020-12-13 element: uris: [ 'cupertino.dart' ] constructor: '' inClass: 'CupertinoTextField' oneOf: - if: "maxLengthEnforced == 'true'" changes: - kind: 'addParameter' index: 0 name: 'maxLengthEnforcement' style: optional_named argumentValue: expression: 'MaxLengthEnforcement.enforce' requiredIf: "maxLengthEnforced == 'true'" - kind: 'removeParameter' name: 'maxLengthEnforced' - if: "maxLengthEnforced == 'false'" changes: - kind: 'addParameter' index: 0 name: 'maxLengthEnforcement' style: optional_named argumentValue: expression: 'MaxLengthEnforcement.none' requiredIf: "maxLengthEnforced == 'false'" - kind: 'removeParameter' name: 'maxLengthEnforced' variables: maxLengthEnforced: kind: 'fragment' value: 'arguments[maxLengthEnforced]' # Changes made in https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/96957 - title: "Migrate to 'thumbVisibility'" date: 2022-01-20 element: uris: [ 'cupertino.dart' ] field: 'isAlwaysShown' inClass: 'CupertinoScrollbar' changes: - kind: 'rename' newName: 'thumbVisibility' # Changes made in https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/96957 - title: "Migrate to 'thumbVisibility'" date: 2022-01-20 element: uris: [ 'cupertino.dart' ] constructor: '' inClass: 'CupertinoScrollbar' changes: - kind: 'renameParameter' oldName: 'isAlwaysShown' newName: 'thumbVisibility' # Changes made in https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/41859 - title: "Remove 'brightness'" date: 2020-12-10 element: uris: [ 'cupertino.dart' ] constructor: '' inClass: 'CupertinoTextThemeData' changes: - kind: 'removeParameter' name: 'brightness' # Changes made in https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/41859 - title: "Remove 'brightness'" date: 2020-12-10 element: uris: [ 'cupertino.dart' ] method: 'copyWith' inClass: 'CupertinoTextThemeData' changes: - kind: 'removeParameter' name: 'brightness' # Changes made in https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/78588 - title: "Migrate to 'buildOverscrollIndicator'" date: 2021-03-18 element: uris: [ 'cupertino.dart' ] method: 'buildViewportChrome' inClass: 'CupertinoScrollBehavior' changes: - kind: 'rename' newName: 'buildOverscrollIndicator' # Before adding a new fix: read instructions at the top of this file.