// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:async';

import 'package:meta/meta.dart';

import 'android/gradle.dart';
import 'base/common.dart';
import 'base/context.dart';
import 'base/file_system.dart';
import 'base/io.dart' show SocketException;
import 'base/logger.dart';
import 'base/net.dart';
import 'base/os.dart';
import 'base/platform.dart';
import 'base/process.dart';
import 'globals.dart';

/// A tag for a set of development artifacts that need to be cached.
class DevelopmentArtifact {

  const DevelopmentArtifact._(this.name, {this.unstable = false});

  /// The name of the artifact.
  /// This should match the flag name in precache.dart
  final String name;

  /// Whether this artifact should be unavailable on stable branches.
  final bool unstable;

  /// Artifacts required for Android development.
  static const DevelopmentArtifact androidGenSnapshot = DevelopmentArtifact._('android_gen_snapshot');
  static const DevelopmentArtifact androidMaven = DevelopmentArtifact._('android_maven');
  // Artifacts used for internal builds.
  static const DevelopmentArtifact androidInternalBuild = DevelopmentArtifact._('android_internal_build');

  /// Artifacts required for iOS development.
  static const DevelopmentArtifact iOS = DevelopmentArtifact._('ios');

  /// Artifacts required for web development.
  static const DevelopmentArtifact web = DevelopmentArtifact._('web', unstable: true);

  /// Artifacts required for desktop macOS.
  static const DevelopmentArtifact macOS = DevelopmentArtifact._('macos', unstable: true);

  /// Artifacts required for desktop Windows.
  static const DevelopmentArtifact windows = DevelopmentArtifact._('windows', unstable: true);

  /// Artifacts required for desktop Linux.
  static const DevelopmentArtifact linux = DevelopmentArtifact._('linux', unstable: true);

  /// Artifacts required for Fuchsia.
  static const DevelopmentArtifact fuchsia = DevelopmentArtifact._('fuchsia', unstable: true);

  /// Artifacts required for the Flutter Runner.
  static const DevelopmentArtifact flutterRunner = DevelopmentArtifact._('flutter_runner', unstable: true);

  /// Artifacts required for any development platform.
  static const DevelopmentArtifact universal = DevelopmentArtifact._('universal');

  /// The values of DevelopmentArtifacts.
  static final List<DevelopmentArtifact> values = <DevelopmentArtifact>[

/// A wrapper around the `bin/cache/` directory.
class Cache {
  /// [rootOverride] is configurable for testing.
  /// [artifacts] is configurable for testing.
  Cache({ Directory rootOverride, List<ArtifactSet> artifacts }) : _rootOverride = rootOverride {
    if (artifacts == null) {


      for (String artifactName in IosUsbArtifacts.artifactNames) {
        _artifacts.add(IosUsbArtifacts(artifactName, this));
    } else {

  static const List<String> _hostsBlockedInChina = <String> [

  final Directory _rootOverride;
  final List<ArtifactSet> _artifacts = <ArtifactSet>[];

  // Initialized by FlutterCommandRunner on startup.
  static String flutterRoot;

  // Whether to cache artifacts for all platforms. Defaults to only caching
  // artifacts for the current platform.
  bool includeAllPlatforms = false;

  static RandomAccessFile _lock;
  static bool _lockEnabled = true;

  /// Turn off the [lock]/[releaseLockEarly] mechanism.
  /// This is used by the tests since they run simultaneously and all in one
  /// process and so it would be a mess if they had to use the lock.
  static void disableLocking() {
    _lockEnabled = false;

  /// Turn on the [lock]/[releaseLockEarly] mechanism.
  /// This is used by the tests.
  static void enableLocking() {
    _lockEnabled = true;

  /// Lock the cache directory.
  /// This happens automatically on startup (see [FlutterCommandRunner.runCommand]).
  /// Normally the lock will be held until the process exits (this uses normal
  /// POSIX flock semantics). Long-lived commands should release the lock by
  /// calling [Cache.releaseLockEarly] once they are no longer touching the cache.
  static Future<void> lock() async {
    if (!_lockEnabled) {
    assert(_lock == null);
    final File lockFile =
        fs.file(fs.path.join(flutterRoot, 'bin', 'cache', 'lockfile'));
    try {
      _lock = lockFile.openSync(mode: FileMode.write);
    } on FileSystemException catch (e) {
      printError('Failed to open or create the artifact cache lockfile: "$e"');
      printError('Please ensure you have permissions to create or open '
      throwToolExit('Failed to open or create the lockfile');
    bool locked = false;
    bool printed = false;
    while (!locked) {
      try {
        locked = true;
      } on FileSystemException {
        if (!printed) {
          printTrace('Waiting to be able to obtain lock of Flutter binary artifacts directory: ${_lock.path}');
          printStatus('Waiting for another flutter command to release the startup lock...');
          printed = true;
        await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 50));

  /// Releases the lock. This is not necessary unless the process is long-lived.
  static void releaseLockEarly() {
    if (!_lockEnabled || _lock == null) {
    _lock = null;

  /// Checks if the current process owns the lock for the cache directory at
  /// this very moment; throws a [StateError] if it doesn't.
  static void checkLockAcquired() {
    if (_lockEnabled && _lock == null && platform.environment['FLUTTER_ALREADY_LOCKED'] != 'true') {
      throw StateError(
        'The current process does not own the lock for the cache directory. This is a bug in Flutter CLI tools.',

  String _dartSdkVersion;

  String get dartSdkVersion {
    if (_dartSdkVersion == null) {
      // Make the version string more customer-friendly.
      // Changes '2.1.0-dev.8.0.flutter-4312ae32' to '2.1.0 (build 2.1.0-dev.8.0 4312ae32)'
      final String justVersion = platform.version.split(' ')[0];
      _dartSdkVersion = justVersion.replaceFirstMapped(RegExp(r'(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)(.+)'), (Match match) {
        final String noFlutter = match[2].replaceAll('.flutter-', ' ');
        return '${match[1]} (build ${match[1]}$noFlutter)';
    return _dartSdkVersion;

  /// The current version of the Flutter engine the flutter tool will download.
  String get engineRevision {
    _engineRevision ??= getVersionFor('engine');
    return _engineRevision;
  String _engineRevision;

  static Cache get instance => context.get<Cache>();

  /// Return the top-level directory in the cache; this is `bin/cache`.
  Directory getRoot() {
    if (_rootOverride != null) {
      return fs.directory(fs.path.join(_rootOverride.path, 'bin', 'cache'));
    } else {
      return fs.directory(fs.path.join(flutterRoot, 'bin', 'cache'));

  /// Return a directory in the cache dir. For `pkg`, this will return `bin/cache/pkg`.
  Directory getCacheDir(String name) {
    final Directory dir = fs.directory(fs.path.join(getRoot().path, name));
    if (!dir.existsSync()) {
      dir.createSync(recursive: true);
      os.chmod(dir, '755');
    return dir;

  /// Return the top-level directory for artifact downloads.
  Directory getDownloadDir() => getCacheDir('downloads');

  /// Return the top-level mutable directory in the cache; this is `bin/cache/artifacts`.
  Directory getCacheArtifacts() => getCacheDir('artifacts');

  /// Get a named directory from with the cache's artifact directory; for example,
  /// `material_fonts` would return `bin/cache/artifacts/material_fonts`.
  Directory getArtifactDirectory(String name) {
    return getCacheArtifacts().childDirectory(name);

  MapEntry<String, String> get dyLdLibEntry {
    if (_dyLdLibEntry != null) {
      return _dyLdLibEntry;
    final List<String> paths = <String>[];
    for (ArtifactSet artifact in _artifacts) {
      final Map<String, String> env = artifact.environment;
      if (env == null || !env.containsKey('DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH')) {
      final String path = env['DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH'];
      if (path.isEmpty) {
    _dyLdLibEntry = MapEntry<String, String>('DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH', paths.join(':'));
    return _dyLdLibEntry;
  MapEntry<String, String> _dyLdLibEntry;

  /// The web sdk has to be co-located with the dart-sdk so that they can share source
  /// code.
  Directory getWebSdkDirectory() {
    return getRoot().childDirectory('flutter_web_sdk');

  String getVersionFor(String artifactName) {
    final File versionFile = fs.file(fs.path.join(
        _rootOverride?.path ?? flutterRoot, 'bin', 'internal',
    return versionFile.existsSync() ? versionFile.readAsStringSync().trim() : null;

  String getStampFor(String artifactName) {
    final File stampFile = getStampFileFor(artifactName);
    return stampFile.existsSync() ? stampFile.readAsStringSync().trim() : null;

  void setStampFor(String artifactName, String version) {

  File getStampFileFor(String artifactName) {
    return fs.file(fs.path.join(getRoot().path, '$artifactName.stamp'));

  /// Returns `true` if either [entity] is older than the tools stamp or if
  /// [entity] doesn't exist.
  bool isOlderThanToolsStamp(FileSystemEntity entity) {
    final File flutterToolsStamp = getStampFileFor('flutter_tools');
    return isOlderThanReference(entity: entity, referenceFile: flutterToolsStamp);

  bool isUpToDate() => _artifacts.every((ArtifactSet artifact) => artifact.isUpToDate());

  Future<String> getThirdPartyFile(String urlStr, String serviceName) async {
    final Uri url = Uri.parse(urlStr);
    final Directory thirdPartyDir = getArtifactDirectory('third_party');

    final Directory serviceDir = fs.directory(fs.path.join(thirdPartyDir.path, serviceName));
    if (!serviceDir.existsSync()) {
      serviceDir.createSync(recursive: true);
      os.chmod(serviceDir, '755');

    final File cachedFile = fs.file(fs.path.join(serviceDir.path, url.pathSegments.last));
    if (!cachedFile.existsSync()) {
      try {
        await _downloadFile(url, cachedFile);
      } catch (e) {
        throwToolExit('Failed to fetch third-party artifact $url: $e');

    return cachedFile.path;

  /// Update the cache to contain all `requiredArtifacts`.
  Future<void> updateAll(Set<DevelopmentArtifact> requiredArtifacts) async {
    if (!_lockEnabled) {
    for (ArtifactSet artifact in _artifacts) {
      if (!requiredArtifacts.contains(artifact.developmentArtifact)) {
        printTrace('Artifact $artifact is not required, skipping update.');
      if (artifact.isUpToDate()) {
      try {
        await artifact.update();
      } on SocketException catch (e) {
        if (_hostsBlockedInChina.contains(e.address?.host)) {
            'Failed to retrieve Flutter tool dependencies: ${e.message}.\n'
            'If you\'re in China, please see this page: '
            emphasis: true,

  Future<bool> areRemoteArtifactsAvailable({
    String engineVersion,
    bool includeAllPlatforms = true,
  }) async {
    final bool includeAllPlatformsState = cache.includeAllPlatforms;
    bool allAvailible = true;
    cache.includeAllPlatforms = includeAllPlatforms;
    for (CachedArtifact cachedArtifact in _artifacts) {
      if (cachedArtifact is EngineCachedArtifact) {
        allAvailible &= await cachedArtifact.checkForArtifacts(engineVersion);
    cache.includeAllPlatforms = includeAllPlatformsState;
    return allAvailible;

/// Representation of a set of artifacts used by the tool.
abstract class ArtifactSet {
  ArtifactSet(this.developmentArtifact) : assert(developmentArtifact != null);

  /// The development artifact.
  final DevelopmentArtifact developmentArtifact;

  /// [true] if the artifact is up to date.
  bool isUpToDate();

  /// The environment variables (if any) required to consume the artifacts.
  Map<String, String> get environment {
    return const <String, String>{};

  /// Updates the artifact.
  Future<void> update();

/// An artifact set managed by the cache.
abstract class CachedArtifact extends ArtifactSet {
    DevelopmentArtifact developmentArtifact,
  ) : super(developmentArtifact);

  final Cache cache;

  /// The canonical name of the artifact.
  final String name;

  // The name of the stamp file. Defaults to the same as the
  // artifact name.
  String get stampName => name;

  Directory get location => cache.getArtifactDirectory(name);
  String get version => cache.getVersionFor(name);

  /// Keep track of the files we've downloaded for this execution so we
  /// can delete them after completion. We don't delete them right after
  /// extraction in case [update] is interrupted, so we can restart without
  /// starting from scratch.
  final List<File> _downloadedFiles = <File>[];

  bool isUpToDate() {
    if (!location.existsSync()) {
      return false;
    if (version != cache.getStampFor(stampName)) {
      return false;
    return isUpToDateInner();

  Future<void> update() async {
    if (!location.existsSync()) {
      try {
        location.createSync(recursive: true);
      } on FileSystemException catch (err) {
          'Failed to create directory for flutter cache at ${location.path}. '
          'Flutter may be missing permissions in its cache directory.'
    await updateInner();
    cache.setStampFor(stampName, version);

  /// Clear any zip/gzip files downloaded.
  void _removeDownloadedFiles() {
    for (File f in _downloadedFiles) {
      for (Directory d = f.parent; d.absolute.path != cache.getDownloadDir().absolute.path; d = d.parent) {
        if (d.listSync().isEmpty) {
        } else {

  /// Hook method for extra checks for being up-to-date.
  bool isUpToDateInner() => true;

  /// Template method to perform artifact update.
  Future<void> updateInner();

  String get _storageBaseUrl {
    final String overrideUrl = platform.environment['FLUTTER_STORAGE_BASE_URL'];
    if (overrideUrl == null) {
      return 'https://storage.googleapis.com';
    return overrideUrl;

  Uri _toStorageUri(String path) => Uri.parse('$_storageBaseUrl/$path');

  /// Download an archive from the given [url] and unzip it to [location].
  Future<void> _downloadArchive(String message, Uri url, Directory location, bool verifier(File f), void extractor(File f, Directory d)) {
    return _withDownloadFile('${flattenNameSubdirs(url)}', (File tempFile) async {
      if (!verifier(tempFile)) {
        final Status status = logger.startProgress(message, timeout: timeoutConfiguration.slowOperation);
        try {
          await _downloadFile(url, tempFile);
        } catch (exception) {
      } else {
        logger.printTrace('$message (cached)');
      extractor(tempFile, location);

  /// Download a zip archive from the given [url] and unzip it to [location].
  Future<void> _downloadZipArchive(String message, Uri url, Directory location) {
    return _downloadArchive(message, url, location, os.verifyZip, os.unzip);

  /// Download a gzipped tarball from the given [url] and unpack it to [location].
  Future<void> _downloadZippedTarball(String message, Uri url, Directory location) {
    return _downloadArchive(message, url, location, os.verifyGzip, os.unpack);

  /// Create a temporary file and invoke [onTemporaryFile] with the file as
  /// argument, then add the temporary file to the [_downloadedFiles].
  Future<void> _withDownloadFile(String name, Future<void> onTemporaryFile(File file)) async {
    final File tempFile = fs.file(fs.path.join(cache.getDownloadDir().path, name));
    await onTemporaryFile(tempFile);

bool _hasWarnedAboutStorageOverride = false;

void _maybeWarnAboutStorageOverride(String overrideUrl) {
  if (_hasWarnedAboutStorageOverride) {
    'Flutter assets will be downloaded from $overrideUrl. Make sure you trust this source!',
    emphasis: true,
  _hasWarnedAboutStorageOverride = true;

/// A cached artifact containing fonts used for Material Design.
class MaterialFonts extends CachedArtifact {
  MaterialFonts(Cache cache) : super(

  Future<void> updateInner() {
    final Uri archiveUri = _toStorageUri(version);
    return _downloadZipArchive('Downloading Material fonts...', archiveUri, location);

/// A cached artifact containing the web dart:ui sources, platform dill files,
/// and libraries.json.
/// This SDK references code within the regular Dart sdk to reduce download size.
class FlutterWebSdk extends CachedArtifact {
  FlutterWebSdk(Cache cache) : super(

  Directory get location => cache.getWebSdkDirectory();

  String get version => cache.getVersionFor('engine');

  Future<void> updateInner() async {
    String platformName = 'flutter-web-sdk-';
    if (platform.isMacOS) {
      platformName += 'darwin-x64';
    } else if (platform.isLinux) {
      platformName += 'linux-x64';
    } else if (platform.isWindows) {
      platformName += 'windows-x64';
    final Uri url = Uri.parse('$_storageBaseUrl/flutter_infra/flutter/$version/$platformName.zip');
    await _downloadZipArchive('Downloading Web SDK...', url, location);
    // This is a temporary work-around for not being able to safely download into a shared directory.
    for (FileSystemEntity entity in location.listSync(recursive: true)) {
      if (entity is File) {
        final List<String> segments = fs.path.split(entity.path);
        final String newPath = fs.path.joinAll(segments);
        final File newFile = fs.file(newPath);
        if (!newFile.existsSync()) {
          newFile.createSync(recursive: true);

abstract class EngineCachedArtifact extends CachedArtifact {
    Cache cache,
    DevelopmentArtifact developmentArtifact,
  ) : super('engine', cache, developmentArtifact);

  final String stampName;

  /// Return a list of (directory path, download URL path) tuples.
  List<List<String>> getBinaryDirs();

  /// A list of cache directory paths to which the LICENSE file should be copied.
  List<String> getLicenseDirs();

  /// A list of the dart package directories to download.
  List<String> getPackageDirs();

  bool isUpToDateInner() {
    final Directory pkgDir = cache.getCacheDir('pkg');
    for (String pkgName in getPackageDirs()) {
      final String pkgPath = fs.path.join(pkgDir.path, pkgName);
      if (!fs.directory(pkgPath).existsSync()) {
        return false;

    for (List<String> toolsDir in getBinaryDirs()) {
      final Directory dir = fs.directory(fs.path.join(location.path, toolsDir[0]));
      if (!dir.existsSync()) {
        return false;

    for (String licenseDir in getLicenseDirs()) {
      final File file = fs.file(fs.path.join(location.path, licenseDir, 'LICENSE'));
      if (!file.existsSync()) {
        return false;
    return true;

  Future<void> updateInner() async {
    final String url = '$_storageBaseUrl/flutter_infra/flutter/$version/';

    final Directory pkgDir = cache.getCacheDir('pkg');
    for (String pkgName in getPackageDirs()) {
      await _downloadZipArchive('Downloading package $pkgName...', Uri.parse(url + pkgName + '.zip'), pkgDir);

    for (List<String> toolsDir in getBinaryDirs()) {
      final String cacheDir = toolsDir[0];
      final String urlPath = toolsDir[1];
      final Directory dir = fs.directory(fs.path.join(location.path, cacheDir));
      await _downloadZipArchive('Downloading $cacheDir tools...', Uri.parse(url + urlPath), dir);


      const List<String> frameworkNames = <String>['Flutter', 'FlutterMacOS'];
      for (String frameworkName in frameworkNames) {
        final File frameworkZip = fs.file(fs.path.join(dir.path, '$frameworkName.framework.zip'));
        if (frameworkZip.existsSync()) {
          final Directory framework = fs.directory(fs.path.join(dir.path, '$frameworkName.framework'));
          os.unzip(frameworkZip, framework);

    final File licenseSource = fs.file(fs.path.join(Cache.flutterRoot, 'LICENSE'));
    for (String licenseDir in getLicenseDirs()) {
      final String licenseDestinationPath = fs.path.join(location.path, licenseDir, 'LICENSE');
      await licenseSource.copy(licenseDestinationPath);

  Future<bool> checkForArtifacts(String engineVersion) async {
    engineVersion ??= version;
    final String url = '$_storageBaseUrl/flutter_infra/flutter/$engineVersion/';

    bool exists = false;
    for (String pkgName in getPackageDirs()) {
      exists = await _doesRemoteExist('Checking package $pkgName is available...',
          Uri.parse(url + pkgName + '.zip'));
      if (!exists) {
        return false;

    for (List<String> toolsDir in getBinaryDirs()) {
      final String cacheDir = toolsDir[0];
      final String urlPath = toolsDir[1];
      exists = await _doesRemoteExist('Checking $cacheDir tools are available...',
          Uri.parse(url + urlPath));
      if (!exists) {
        return false;
    return true;

  void _makeFilesExecutable(Directory dir) {
    os.chmod(dir, 'a+r,a+x');
    for (FileSystemEntity entity in dir.listSync(recursive: true)) {
      if (entity is File) {
        final FileStat stat = entity.statSync();
        final bool isUserExecutable = ((stat.mode >> 6) & 0x1) == 1;
        if (entity.basename == 'flutter_tester' || isUserExecutable) {
          // Make the file readable and executable by all users.
          os.chmod(entity, 'a+r,a+x');

/// A cached artifact containing the dart:ui source code.
class FlutterSdk extends EngineCachedArtifact {
  FlutterSdk(Cache cache) : super(

  List<String> getPackageDirs() => const <String>['sky_engine'];

  List<List<String>> getBinaryDirs() {
    return <List<String>>[
      <String>['common', 'flutter_patched_sdk.zip'],
      <String>['common', 'flutter_patched_sdk_product.zip'],
      if (cache.includeAllPlatforms)
          <String>['windows-x64', 'windows-x64/artifacts.zip'],
          <String>['linux-x64', 'linux-x64/artifacts.zip'],
          <String>['darwin-x64', 'darwin-x64/artifacts.zip'],
      else if (platform.isWindows)
        <String>['windows-x64', 'windows-x64/artifacts.zip']
      else if (platform.isMacOS)
        <String>['darwin-x64', 'darwin-x64/artifacts.zip']
      else if (platform.isLinux)
        <String>['linux-x64', 'linux-x64/artifacts.zip'],

  List<String> getLicenseDirs() => const <String>[];

class MacOSEngineArtifacts extends EngineCachedArtifact {
  MacOSEngineArtifacts(Cache cache) : super(

  List<String> getPackageDirs() => const <String>[];

  List<List<String>> getBinaryDirs() {
    if (platform.isMacOS) {
      return _macOSDesktopBinaryDirs;
    return const <List<String>>[];

  List<String> getLicenseDirs() => const <String>[];

class WindowsEngineArtifacts extends EngineCachedArtifact {
  WindowsEngineArtifacts(Cache cache) : super(

  List<String> getPackageDirs() => const <String>[];

  List<List<String>> getBinaryDirs() {
    if (platform.isWindows) {
      return _windowsDesktopBinaryDirs;
    return const <List<String>>[];

  List<String> getLicenseDirs() => const <String>[];

class LinuxEngineArtifacts extends EngineCachedArtifact {
  LinuxEngineArtifacts(Cache cache) : super(

  List<String> getPackageDirs() => const <String>[];

  List<List<String>> getBinaryDirs() {
    if (platform.isLinux) {
      return _linuxDesktopBinaryDirs;
    return const <List<String>>[];

  List<String> getLicenseDirs() => const <String>[];

/// The artifact used to generate snapshots for Android builds.
class AndroidGenSnapshotArtifacts extends EngineCachedArtifact {
  AndroidGenSnapshotArtifacts(Cache cache) : super(

  List<String> getPackageDirs() => const <String>[];

  List<List<String>> getBinaryDirs() {
    return <List<String>>[
      if (cache.includeAllPlatforms)
      else if (platform.isWindows)
      else if (platform.isMacOS)
      else if (platform.isLinux)

  List<String> getLicenseDirs() { return <String>[]; }

/// Artifacts used for internal builds. The flutter tool builds Android projects
/// using the artifacts cached by [AndroidMavenArtifacts].
class AndroidInternalBuildArtifacts extends EngineCachedArtifact {
  AndroidInternalBuildArtifacts(Cache cache) : super(

  List<String> getPackageDirs() => const <String>[];

  List<List<String>> getBinaryDirs() {
    return _androidBinaryDirs;

  List<String> getLicenseDirs() { return <String>[]; }

/// A cached artifact containing the Maven dependencies used to build Android projects.
class AndroidMavenArtifacts extends ArtifactSet {
  AndroidMavenArtifacts() : super(DevelopmentArtifact.androidMaven);

  Future<void> update() async {
    final Directory tempDir =

    final Status status = logger.startProgress('Downloading Android Maven dependencies...',
        timeout: timeoutConfiguration.slowOperation);
    final File gradle = tempDir.childFile(
        platform.isWindows ? 'gradlew.bat' : 'gradlew',

    try {
      final String gradleExecutable = gradle.absolute.path;
      final String flutterSdk = escapePath(Cache.flutterRoot);
      final RunResult processResult = await processUtils.run(
          '-b', fs.path.join(flutterSdk, 'packages', 'flutter_tools', 'gradle', 'resolve_dependencies.gradle'),
          '--project-cache-dir', tempDir.path,
        environment: gradleEnv);
      if (processResult.exitCode != 0) {
        printError('Failed to download the Android dependencies');
    } finally {
      tempDir.deleteSync(recursive: true);

  bool isUpToDate() {
    // The dependencies are downloaded and cached by Gradle.
    // The tool doesn't know if the dependencies are already cached at this point.
    // Therefore, call Gradle to figure this out.
    return false;

class IOSEngineArtifacts extends EngineCachedArtifact {
  IOSEngineArtifacts(Cache cache) : super(

  List<List<String>> getBinaryDirs() {
    return <List<String>>[
      if (platform.isMacOS || cache.includeAllPlatforms)

  List<String> getLicenseDirs() {
    if (cache.includeAllPlatforms || platform.isMacOS) {
      return const <String>['ios', 'ios-profile', 'ios-release'];
    return const <String>[];

  List<String> getPackageDirs() {
    return <String>[];

/// A cached artifact containing Gradle Wrapper scripts and binaries.
/// While this is only required for Android, we need to always download it due
/// the ensurePlatformSpecificTooling logic.
class GradleWrapper extends CachedArtifact {
  GradleWrapper(Cache cache) : super(

  List<String> get _gradleScripts => <String>['gradlew', 'gradlew.bat'];

  String get _gradleWrapper => fs.path.join('gradle', 'wrapper', 'gradle-wrapper.jar');

  Future<void> updateInner() {
    final Uri archiveUri = _toStorageUri(version);
    return _downloadZippedTarball('Downloading Gradle Wrapper...', archiveUri, location).then<void>((_) {
      // Delete property file, allowing templates to provide it.
      fs.file(fs.path.join(location.path, 'gradle', 'wrapper', 'gradle-wrapper.properties')).deleteSync();
      // Remove NOTICE file. Should not be part of the template.
      fs.file(fs.path.join(location.path, 'NOTICE')).deleteSync();

  bool isUpToDateInner() {
    final Directory wrapperDir = cache.getCacheDir(fs.path.join('artifacts', 'gradle_wrapper'));
    if (!fs.directory(wrapperDir).existsSync()) {
      return false;
    for (String scriptName in _gradleScripts) {
      final File scriptFile = fs.file(fs.path.join(wrapperDir.path, scriptName));
      if (!scriptFile.existsSync()) {
        return false;
    final File gradleWrapperJar = fs.file(fs.path.join(wrapperDir.path, _gradleWrapper));
    if (!gradleWrapperJar.existsSync()) {
      return false;
    return true;

 const String _cipdBaseUrl =

/// Common functionality for pulling Fuchsia SDKs.
abstract class _FuchsiaSDKArtifacts extends CachedArtifact {
  _FuchsiaSDKArtifacts(Cache cache, String platform) :
    _path = 'fuchsia/sdk/core/$platform-amd64',

  final String _path;

  Directory get location => cache.getArtifactDirectory('fuchsia');

  Future<void> _doUpdate() {
    final String url = '$_cipdBaseUrl/$_path/+/$version';
    return _downloadZipArchive('Downloading package fuchsia SDK...',
                               Uri.parse(url), location);

/// The pre-built flutter runner for Fuchsia development.
class FlutterRunnerSDKArtifacts extends CachedArtifact {
  FlutterRunnerSDKArtifacts(Cache cache) : super(

  Directory get location => cache.getArtifactDirectory('flutter_runner');

  String get version => cache.getVersionFor('engine');

  Future<void> updateInner() async {
    if (!platform.isLinux && !platform.isMacOS) {
      return Future<void>.value();
    final String url = '$_cipdBaseUrl/flutter/fuchsia/+/git_revision:$version';
    await _downloadZipArchive('Downloading package flutter runner...',
        Uri.parse(url), location);

/// The Fuchsia core SDK for Linux.
class LinuxFuchsiaSDKArtifacts extends _FuchsiaSDKArtifacts {
  LinuxFuchsiaSDKArtifacts(Cache cache) : super(cache, 'linux');

  Future<void> updateInner() {
    if (!platform.isLinux) {
      return Future<void>.value();
    return _doUpdate();

/// The Fuchsia core SDK for MacOS.
class MacOSFuchsiaSDKArtifacts extends _FuchsiaSDKArtifacts {
  MacOSFuchsiaSDKArtifacts(Cache cache) : super(cache, 'mac');

  Future<void> updateInner() async {
    if (!platform.isMacOS) {
      return Future<void>.value();
    return _doUpdate();

/// Cached iOS/USB binary artifacts.
class IosUsbArtifacts extends CachedArtifact {
  IosUsbArtifacts(String name, Cache cache) : super(
    // This is universal to ensure every command checks for them first

  static const List<String> artifactNames = <String>[

  Map<String, String> get environment {
    return <String, String>{
      'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH': cache.getArtifactDirectory(name).path,

  Future<void> updateInner() {
    if (!platform.isMacOS) {
      return Future<void>.value();
    final Uri archiveUri = Uri.parse('$_storageBaseUrl/flutter_infra/ios-usb-dependencies/$name/$version/$name.zip');
    return _downloadZipArchive('Downloading $name...', archiveUri, location);

// Many characters are problematic in filenames, especially on Windows.
final Map<int, List<int>> _flattenNameSubstitutions = <int, List<int>>{
  r'@'.codeUnitAt(0): '@@'.codeUnits,
  r'/'.codeUnitAt(0): '@s@'.codeUnits,
  r'\'.codeUnitAt(0): '@bs@'.codeUnits,
  r':'.codeUnitAt(0): '@c@'.codeUnits,
  r'%'.codeUnitAt(0): '@per@'.codeUnits,
  r'*'.codeUnitAt(0): '@ast@'.codeUnits,
  r'<'.codeUnitAt(0): '@lt@'.codeUnits,
  r'>'.codeUnitAt(0): '@gt@'.codeUnits,
  r'"'.codeUnitAt(0): '@q@'.codeUnits,
  r'|'.codeUnitAt(0): '@pip@'.codeUnits,
  r'?'.codeUnitAt(0): '@ques@'.codeUnits,

/// Given a name containing slashes, colons, and backslashes, expand it into
/// something that doesn't.
String _flattenNameNoSubdirs(String fileName) {
  final List<int> replacedCodeUnits = <int>[
    for (int codeUnit in fileName.codeUnits)
      ..._flattenNameSubstitutions[codeUnit] ?? <int>[codeUnit],
  return String.fromCharCodes(replacedCodeUnits);

String flattenNameSubdirs(Uri url) {
  final List<String> pieces = <String>[url.host, ...url.pathSegments];
  final Iterable<String> convertedPieces = pieces.map<String>(_flattenNameNoSubdirs);
  return fs.path.joinAll(convertedPieces);

/// Download a file from the given [url] and write it to [location].
Future<void> _downloadFile(Uri url, File location) async {
  final List<int> fileBytes = await fetchUrl(url);
  location.writeAsBytesSync(fileBytes, flush: true);

Future<bool> _doesRemoteExist(String message, Uri url) async {
  final Status status = logger.startProgress(message, timeout: timeoutConfiguration.slowOperation);
  final bool exists = await doesRemoteFileExist(url);
  return exists;

/// Create the given [directory] and parents, as necessary.
void _ensureExists(Directory directory) {
  if (!directory.existsSync()) {
    directory.createSync(recursive: true);

const List<List<String>> _windowsDesktopBinaryDirs = <List<String>>[
  <String>['windows-x64', 'windows-x64/windows-x64-flutter.zip'],
  <String>['windows-x64', 'windows-x64/flutter-cpp-client-wrapper.zip'],

const List<List<String>> _linuxDesktopBinaryDirs = <List<String>>[
  <String>['linux-x64', 'linux-x64/linux-x64-flutter-glfw.zip'],
  <String>['linux-x64', 'linux-x64/flutter-cpp-client-wrapper-glfw.zip'],

// TODO(jonahwilliams): upload debug desktop artifacts to host-debug and
// remove from existing host folder.
// https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/38935
const List<List<String>> _macOSDesktopBinaryDirs = <List<String>>[
  <String>['darwin-x64', 'darwin-x64/FlutterMacOS.framework.zip'],
  <String>['darwin-x64-profile', 'darwin-x64-profile/FlutterMacOS.framework.zip'],
  <String>['darwin-x64-profile', 'darwin-x64-profile/artifacts.zip'],
  <String>['darwin-x64-release', 'darwin-x64-release/FlutterMacOS.framework.zip'],
  <String>['darwin-x64-release', 'darwin-x64-release/artifacts.zip'],

const List<List<String>> _osxBinaryDirs = <List<String>>[
  <String>['android-arm-profile/darwin-x64', 'android-arm-profile/darwin-x64.zip'],
  <String>['android-arm-release/darwin-x64', 'android-arm-release/darwin-x64.zip'],
  <String>['android-arm64-profile/darwin-x64', 'android-arm64-profile/darwin-x64.zip'],
  <String>['android-arm64-release/darwin-x64', 'android-arm64-release/darwin-x64.zip'],

const List<List<String>> _linuxBinaryDirs = <List<String>>[
  <String>['android-arm-profile/linux-x64', 'android-arm-profile/linux-x64.zip'],
  <String>['android-arm-release/linux-x64', 'android-arm-release/linux-x64.zip'],
  <String>['android-arm64-profile/linux-x64', 'android-arm64-profile/linux-x64.zip'],
  <String>['android-arm64-release/linux-x64', 'android-arm64-release/linux-x64.zip'],

const List<List<String>> _windowsBinaryDirs = <List<String>>[
  <String>['android-arm-profile/windows-x64', 'android-arm-profile/windows-x64.zip'],
  <String>['android-arm-release/windows-x64', 'android-arm-release/windows-x64.zip'],
  <String>['android-arm64-profile/windows-x64', 'android-arm64-profile/windows-x64.zip'],
  <String>['android-arm64-release/windows-x64', 'android-arm64-release/windows-x64.zip'],

const List<List<String>> _iosBinaryDirs = <List<String>>[
  <String>['ios', 'ios/artifacts.zip'],
  <String>['ios-profile', 'ios-profile/artifacts.zip'],
  <String>['ios-release', 'ios-release/artifacts.zip'],

const List<List<String>> _androidBinaryDirs = <List<String>>[
  <String>['android-x86', 'android-x86/artifacts.zip'],
  <String>['android-x64', 'android-x64/artifacts.zip'],
  <String>['android-arm', 'android-arm/artifacts.zip'],
  <String>['android-arm-profile', 'android-arm-profile/artifacts.zip'],
  <String>['android-arm-release', 'android-arm-release/artifacts.zip'],
  <String>['android-arm64', 'android-arm64/artifacts.zip'],
  <String>['android-arm64-profile', 'android-arm64-profile/artifacts.zip'],
  <String>['android-arm64-release', 'android-arm64-release/artifacts.zip'],

const List<List<String>> _dartSdks = <List<String>> [
  <String>['darwin-x64', 'dart-sdk-darwin-x64.zip'],
  <String>['linux-x64', 'dart-sdk-linux-x64.zip'],
  <String>['windows-x64', 'dart-sdk-windows-x64.zip'],