// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';

import 'framework.dart';
import 'scroll_delegate.dart';
import 'sliver.dart';

/// A sliver that contains multiple box children that each fills the viewport.
/// _To learn more about slivers, see [CustomScrollView.slivers]._
/// [SliverFillViewport] places its children in a linear array along the main
/// axis. Each child is sized to fill the viewport, both in the main and cross
/// axis.
/// See also:
///  * [SliverFixedExtentList], which has a configurable
///    [SliverFixedExtentList.itemExtent].
///  * [SliverPrototypeExtentList], which is similar to [SliverFixedExtentList]
///    except that it uses a prototype list item instead of a pixel value to define
///    the main axis extent of each item.
///  * [SliverList], which does not require its children to have the same
///    extent in the main axis.
class SliverFillViewport extends StatelessWidget {
  /// Creates a sliver whose box children that each fill the viewport.
  const SliverFillViewport({
    required this.delegate,
    this.viewportFraction = 1.0,
    this.padEnds = true,
  }) : assert(viewportFraction > 0.0);

  /// The fraction of the viewport that each child should fill in the main axis.
  /// If this fraction is less than 1.0, more than one child will be visible at
  /// once. If this fraction is greater than 1.0, each child will be larger than
  /// the viewport in the main axis.
  final double viewportFraction;

  /// Whether to add padding to both ends of the list.
  /// If this is set to true and [viewportFraction] < 1.0, padding will be added
  /// such that the first and last child slivers will be in the center of
  /// the viewport when scrolled all the way to the start or end, respectively.
  /// You may want to set this to false if this [SliverFillViewport] is not the only
  /// widget along this main axis, such as in a [CustomScrollView] with multiple
  /// children.
  /// This option cannot be null. If [viewportFraction] >= 1.0, this option has no
  /// effect. Defaults to true.
  final bool padEnds;

  /// {@macro flutter.widgets.SliverMultiBoxAdaptorWidget.delegate}
  final SliverChildDelegate delegate;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return _SliverFractionalPadding(
      viewportFraction: padEnds ? clampDouble(1 - viewportFraction, 0, 1) / 2 : 0,
      sliver: _SliverFillViewportRenderObjectWidget(
        viewportFraction: viewportFraction,
        delegate: delegate,

class _SliverFillViewportRenderObjectWidget extends SliverMultiBoxAdaptorWidget {
  const _SliverFillViewportRenderObjectWidget({
    required super.delegate,
    this.viewportFraction = 1.0,
  }) : assert(viewportFraction > 0.0);

  final double viewportFraction;

  RenderSliverFillViewport createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
    final SliverMultiBoxAdaptorElement element = context as SliverMultiBoxAdaptorElement;
    return RenderSliverFillViewport(childManager: element, viewportFraction: viewportFraction);

  void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderSliverFillViewport renderObject) {
    renderObject.viewportFraction = viewportFraction;

class _SliverFractionalPadding extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
  const _SliverFractionalPadding({
    this.viewportFraction = 0,
    Widget? sliver,
  }) : assert(viewportFraction >= 0),
      assert(viewportFraction <= 0.5),
      super(child: sliver);

  final double viewportFraction;

  RenderObject createRenderObject(BuildContext context) => _RenderSliverFractionalPadding(viewportFraction: viewportFraction);

  void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, _RenderSliverFractionalPadding renderObject) {
    renderObject.viewportFraction = viewportFraction;

class _RenderSliverFractionalPadding extends RenderSliverEdgeInsetsPadding {
    double viewportFraction = 0,
  }) : assert(viewportFraction <= 0.5),
      assert(viewportFraction >= 0),
      _viewportFraction = viewportFraction;

  SliverConstraints? _lastResolvedConstraints;

  double get viewportFraction => _viewportFraction;
  double _viewportFraction;
  set viewportFraction(double newValue) {
    if (_viewportFraction == newValue) {
    _viewportFraction = newValue;

  EdgeInsets? get resolvedPadding => _resolvedPadding;
  EdgeInsets? _resolvedPadding;

  void _markNeedsResolution() {
    _resolvedPadding = null;

  void _resolve() {
    if (_resolvedPadding != null && _lastResolvedConstraints == constraints) {

    final double paddingValue = constraints.viewportMainAxisExtent * viewportFraction;
    _lastResolvedConstraints = constraints;
    switch (constraints.axis) {
      case Axis.horizontal:
        _resolvedPadding = EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: paddingValue);
      case Axis.vertical:
        _resolvedPadding = EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: paddingValue);


  void performLayout() {

/// A sliver that contains a single box child that fills the remaining space in
/// the viewport.
/// _To learn more about slivers, see [CustomScrollView.slivers]._
/// [SliverFillRemaining] will size its [child] to fill the viewport in the
/// cross axis. The extent of the sliver and its child's size in the main axis
/// is computed conditionally, described in further detail below.
/// Typically this will be the last sliver in a viewport, since (by definition)
/// there is never any room for anything beyond this sliver.
/// ## Main Axis Extent
/// ### When [SliverFillRemaining] has a scrollable child
/// The [hasScrollBody] flag indicates whether the sliver's child has a
/// scrollable body. This value is never null, and defaults to true. A common
/// example of this use is a [NestedScrollView]. In this case, the sliver will
/// size its child to fill the maximum available extent. [SliverFillRemaining]
/// will not constrain the scrollable area, as it could potentially have an
/// infinite depth. This is also true for use cases such as a [ScrollView] when
/// [ScrollView.shrinkWrap] is true.
/// ### When [SliverFillRemaining] does not have a scrollable child
/// When [hasScrollBody] is set to false, the child's size is taken into account
/// when considering the extent to which it should fill the space. The extent to
/// which the preceding slivers have been scrolled is also taken into
/// account in deciding how to layout this sliver.
/// [SliverFillRemaining] will size its [child] to fill the viewport in the
/// main axis if that space is larger than the child's extent, and the amount
/// of space that has been scrolled beforehand has not exceeded the main axis
/// extent of the viewport.
/// {@tool dartpad}
/// In this sample the [SliverFillRemaining] sizes its [child] to fill the
/// remaining extent of the viewport in both axes. The icon is centered in the
/// sliver, and would be in any computed extent for the sliver.
/// ** See code in examples/api/lib/widgets/sliver_fill/sliver_fill_remaining.0.dart **
/// {@end-tool}
/// [SliverFillRemaining] will defer to the size of its [child] if the
/// child's size exceeds the remaining space in the viewport.
/// {@tool dartpad}
/// In this sample the [SliverFillRemaining] defers to the size of its [child]
/// because the child's extent exceeds that of the remaining extent of the
/// viewport's main axis.
/// ** See code in examples/api/lib/widgets/sliver_fill/sliver_fill_remaining.1.dart **
/// {@end-tool}
/// [SliverFillRemaining] will defer to the size of its [child] if the
/// [SliverConstraints.precedingScrollExtent] exceeded the length of the viewport's main axis.
/// {@tool dartpad}
/// In this sample the [SliverFillRemaining] defers to the size of its [child]
/// because the [SliverConstraints.precedingScrollExtent] has gone
/// beyond that of the viewport's main axis.
/// ** See code in examples/api/lib/widgets/sliver_fill/sliver_fill_remaining.2.dart **
/// {@end-tool}
/// For [ScrollPhysics] that allow overscroll, such as
/// [BouncingScrollPhysics], setting the [fillOverscroll] flag to true allows
/// the size of the [child] to _stretch_, filling the overscroll area. It does
/// this regardless of the path chosen to provide the child's size.
/// {@animation 250 500 https://flutter.github.io/assets-for-api-docs/assets/widgets/sliver_fill_remaining_fill_overscroll.mp4}
/// {@tool dartpad}
/// In this sample the [SliverFillRemaining]'s child stretches to fill the
/// overscroll area when [fillOverscroll] is true. This sample also features a
/// button that is pinned to the bottom of the sliver, regardless of size or
/// overscroll behavior. Try switching [fillOverscroll] to see the difference.
/// This sample only shows the overscroll behavior on devices that support
/// overscroll.
/// ** See code in examples/api/lib/widgets/sliver_fill/sliver_fill_remaining.3.dart **
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
///  * [SliverFillViewport], which sizes its children based on the
///    size of the viewport, regardless of what else is in the scroll view.
///  * [SliverList], which shows a list of variable-sized children in a
///    viewport.
class SliverFillRemaining extends StatelessWidget {
  /// Creates a sliver that fills the remaining space in the viewport.
  const SliverFillRemaining({
    this.hasScrollBody = true,
    this.fillOverscroll = false,

  /// Box child widget that fills the remaining space in the viewport.
  /// The main [SliverFillRemaining] documentation contains more details.
  final Widget? child;

  /// Indicates whether the child has a scrollable body, this value cannot be
  /// null.
  /// Defaults to true such that the child will extend beyond the viewport and
  /// scroll, as seen in [NestedScrollView].
  /// Setting this value to false will allow the child to fill the remainder of
  /// the viewport and not extend further. However, if the
  /// [SliverConstraints.precedingScrollExtent] and/or the [child]'s
  /// extent exceeds the size of the viewport, the sliver will defer to the
  /// child's size rather than overriding it.
  final bool hasScrollBody;

  /// Indicates whether the child should stretch to fill the overscroll area
  /// created by certain scroll physics, such as iOS' default scroll physics.
  /// This value cannot be null. This flag is only relevant when the
  /// [hasScrollBody] value is false.
  /// Defaults to false, meaning the default behavior is for the child to
  /// maintain its size and not extend into the overscroll area.
  final bool fillOverscroll;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    if (hasScrollBody) {
      return _SliverFillRemainingWithScrollable(child: child);
    if (!fillOverscroll) {
      return _SliverFillRemainingWithoutScrollable(child: child);
    return _SliverFillRemainingAndOverscroll(child: child);

  void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
    final List<String> flags = <String>[
      if (hasScrollBody) 'scrollable',
      if (fillOverscroll) 'fillOverscroll',
    if (flags.isEmpty) {
    properties.add(IterableProperty<String>('mode', flags));

class _SliverFillRemainingWithScrollable extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
  const _SliverFillRemainingWithScrollable({

  RenderSliverFillRemainingWithScrollable createRenderObject(BuildContext context) => RenderSliverFillRemainingWithScrollable();

class _SliverFillRemainingWithoutScrollable extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
  const _SliverFillRemainingWithoutScrollable({

  RenderSliverFillRemaining createRenderObject(BuildContext context) => RenderSliverFillRemaining();

class _SliverFillRemainingAndOverscroll extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
  const _SliverFillRemainingAndOverscroll({

  RenderSliverFillRemainingAndOverscroll createRenderObject(BuildContext context) => RenderSliverFillRemainingAndOverscroll();