// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. part of reporting; const String _kFlutterUA = 'UA-67589403-6'; /// The collection of custom dimensions understood by the analytics backend. /// When adding to this list, first ensure that the custom dimension is /// defined in the backend, or will be defined shortly after the relevent PR /// lands. enum CustomDimensions { sessionHostOsDetails, // cd1 sessionChannelName, // cd2 commandRunIsEmulator, // cd3 commandRunTargetName, // cd4 hotEventReason, // cd5 hotEventFinalLibraryCount, // cd6 hotEventSyncedLibraryCount, // cd7 hotEventSyncedClassesCount, // cd8 hotEventSyncedProceduresCount, // cd9 hotEventSyncedBytes, // cd10 hotEventInvalidatedSourcesCount, // cd11 hotEventTransferTimeInMs, // cd12 hotEventOverallTimeInMs, // cd13 commandRunProjectType, // cd14 commandRunProjectHostLanguage, // cd15 commandCreateAndroidLanguage, // cd16 commandCreateIosLanguage, // cd17 commandRunProjectModule, // cd18 commandCreateProjectType, // cd19 commandPackagesNumberPlugins, // cd20 commandPackagesProjectModule, // cd21 commandRunTargetOsVersion, // cd22 commandRunModeName, // cd23 commandBuildBundleTargetPlatform, // cd24 commandBuildBundleIsModule, // cd25 commandResult, // cd26 hotEventTargetPlatform, // cd27 hotEventSdkName, // cd28 hotEventEmulator, // cd29 hotEventFullRestart, // cd30 commandHasTerminal, // cd31 enabledFlutterFeatures, // cd32 localTime, // cd33 commandBuildAarTargetPlatform, // cd34 commandBuildAarProjectType, // cd35 buildEventCommand, // cd36 buildEventSettings, // cd37 commandBuildApkTargetPlatform, // cd38 commandBuildApkBuildMode, // cd39 commandBuildApkSplitPerAbi, // cd40 commandBuildAppBundleTargetPlatform, // cd41 commandBuildAppBundleBuildMode, // cd42 buildEventError, // cd43 commandResultEventMaxRss, // cd44 commandRunAndroidEmbeddingVersion, // cd45 commandPackagesAndroidEmbeddingVersion, // cd46 } String cdKey(CustomDimensions cd) => 'cd${cd.index + 1}'; Map<String, String> _useCdKeys(Map<CustomDimensions, String> parameters) { return parameters.map((CustomDimensions k, String v) => MapEntry<String, String>(cdKey(k), v)); } Usage get flutterUsage => Usage.instance; abstract class Usage { /// Create a new Usage instance; [versionOverride], [configDirOverride], and /// [logFile] are used for testing. factory Usage({ String settingsName = 'flutter', String versionOverride, String configDirOverride, String logFile, }) => _DefaultUsage(settingsName: settingsName, versionOverride: versionOverride, configDirOverride: configDirOverride, logFile: logFile); /// Returns [Usage] active in the current app context. static Usage get instance => context.get<Usage>(); /// Uses the global [Usage] instance to send a 'command' to analytics. static void command(String command, { Map<CustomDimensions, String> parameters, }) => flutterUsage.sendCommand(command, parameters: _useCdKeys(parameters)); /// Whether this is the first run of the tool. bool get isFirstRun; /// Whether analytics reporting should be supressed. bool get suppressAnalytics; /// Suppress analytics for this session. set suppressAnalytics(bool value); /// Whether analytics reporting is enabled. bool get enabled; /// Enable or disable reporting analytics. set enabled(bool value); /// A stable randomly generated UUID used to deduplicate multiple identical /// reports coming from the same computer. String get clientId; /// Sends a 'command' to the underlying analytics implementation. /// /// Note that using [command] above is preferred to ensure that the parameter /// keys are well-defined in [CustomDimensions] above. void sendCommand( String command, { Map<String, String> parameters, }); /// Sends an 'event' to the underlying analytics implementation. /// /// Note that this method should not be used directly, instead see the /// event types defined in this directory in events.dart. @visibleForOverriding @visibleForTesting void sendEvent( String category, String parameter, { String label, int value, Map<String, String> parameters, }); /// Sends timing information to the underlying analytics implementation. void sendTiming( String category, String variableName, Duration duration, { String label, }); /// Sends an exception to the underlying analytics implementation. void sendException(dynamic exception); /// Fires whenever analytics data is sent over the network. @visibleForTesting Stream<Map<String, dynamic>> get onSend; /// Returns when the last analytics event has been sent, or after a fixed /// (short) delay, whichever is less. Future<void> ensureAnalyticsSent(); /// Prints a welcome message that informs the tool user about the collection /// of anonymous usage information. void printWelcome(); } class _DefaultUsage implements Usage { _DefaultUsage({ String settingsName = 'flutter', String versionOverride, String configDirOverride, String logFile, }) { final FlutterVersion flutterVersion = FlutterVersion.instance; final String version = versionOverride ?? flutterVersion.getVersionString(redactUnknownBranches: true); final bool suppressEnvFlag = platform.environment['FLUTTER_SUPPRESS_ANALYTICS'] == 'true'; final String logFilePath = logFile ?? platform.environment['FLUTTER_ANALYTICS_LOG_FILE']; final bool usingLogFile = logFilePath != null && logFilePath.isNotEmpty; if (// To support testing, only allow other signals to supress analytics // when analytics are not being shunted to a file. !usingLogFile && ( // Ignore local user branches. version.startsWith('[user-branch]') || // Many CI systems don't do a full git checkout. version.endsWith('/unknown') || // Ignore bots. isRunningOnBot || // Ignore when suppressed by FLUTTER_SUPPRESS_ANALYTICS. suppressEnvFlag )) { // If we think we're running on a CI system, suppress sending analytics. suppressAnalytics = true; _analytics = AnalyticsMock(); return; } if (usingLogFile) { _analytics = LogToFileAnalytics(logFilePath); } else { _analytics = AnalyticsIO( _kFlutterUA, settingsName, version, documentDirectory: configDirOverride != null ? fs.directory(configDirOverride) : null, ); } assert(_analytics != null); // Report a more detailed OS version string than package:usage does by default. _analytics.setSessionValue(cdKey(CustomDimensions.sessionHostOsDetails), os.name); // Send the branch name as the "channel". _analytics.setSessionValue(cdKey(CustomDimensions.sessionChannelName), flutterVersion.getBranchName(redactUnknownBranches: true)); // For each flutter experimental feature, record a session value in a comma // separated list. final String enabledFeatures = allFeatures .where((Feature feature) { return feature.configSetting != null && Config.instance.getValue(feature.configSetting) == true; }) .map((Feature feature) => feature.configSetting) .join(','); _analytics.setSessionValue(cdKey(CustomDimensions.enabledFlutterFeatures), enabledFeatures); // Record the host as the application installer ID - the context that flutter_tools is running in. if (platform.environment.containsKey('FLUTTER_HOST')) { _analytics.setSessionValue('aiid', platform.environment['FLUTTER_HOST']); } _analytics.analyticsOpt = AnalyticsOpt.optOut; } Analytics _analytics; bool _printedWelcome = false; bool _suppressAnalytics = false; @override bool get isFirstRun => _analytics.firstRun; @override bool get suppressAnalytics => _suppressAnalytics || _analytics.firstRun; @override set suppressAnalytics(bool value) { _suppressAnalytics = value; } @override bool get enabled => _analytics.enabled; @override set enabled(bool value) { _analytics.enabled = value; } @override String get clientId => _analytics.clientId; @override void sendCommand(String command, { Map<String, String> parameters }) { if (suppressAnalytics) { return; } final Map<String, String> paramsWithLocalTime = <String, String>{ ...?parameters, cdKey(CustomDimensions.localTime): formatDateTime(systemClock.now()), }; _analytics.sendScreenView(command, parameters: paramsWithLocalTime); } @override void sendEvent( String category, String parameter, { String label, int value, Map<String, String> parameters, }) { if (suppressAnalytics) { return; } final Map<String, String> paramsWithLocalTime = <String, String>{ ...?parameters, cdKey(CustomDimensions.localTime): formatDateTime(systemClock.now()), }; _analytics.sendEvent( category, parameter, label: label, value: value, parameters: paramsWithLocalTime, ); } @override void sendTiming( String category, String variableName, Duration duration, { String label, }) { if (suppressAnalytics) { return; } _analytics.sendTiming( variableName, duration.inMilliseconds, category: category, label: label, ); } @override void sendException(dynamic exception) { if (suppressAnalytics) { return; } _analytics.sendException(exception.runtimeType.toString()); } @override Stream<Map<String, dynamic>> get onSend => _analytics.onSend; @override Future<void> ensureAnalyticsSent() async { // TODO(devoncarew): This may delay tool exit and could cause some analytics // events to not be reported. Perhaps we could send the analytics pings // out-of-process from flutter_tools? await _analytics.waitForLastPing(timeout: const Duration(milliseconds: 250)); } void _printWelcome() { printStatus(''); printStatus(''' ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Welcome to Flutter! - https://flutter.dev ║ ║ ║ ║ The Flutter tool uses Google Analytics to anonymously report feature usage ║ ║ statistics and basic crash reports. This data is used to help improve ║ ║ Flutter tools over time. ║ ║ ║ ║ Flutter tool analytics are not sent on the very first run. To disable ║ ║ reporting, type 'flutter config --no-analytics'. To display the current ║ ║ setting, type 'flutter config'. If you opt out of analytics, an opt-out ║ ║ event will be sent, and then no further information will be sent by the ║ ║ Flutter tool. ║ ║ ║ ║ By downloading the Flutter SDK, you agree to the Google Terms of Service. ║ ║ Note: The Google Privacy Policy describes how data is handled in this ║ ║ service. ║ ║ ║ ║ Moreover, Flutter includes the Dart SDK, which may send usage metrics and ║ ║ crash reports to Google. ║ ║ ║ ║ Read about data we send with crash reports: ║ ║ https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Flutter-CLI-crash-reporting ║ ║ ║ ║ See Google's privacy policy: ║ ║ https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/ ║ ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ ''', emphasis: true); } @override void printWelcome() { // Only print once per run. if (_printedWelcome) { return; } if (// Display the welcome message if this is the first run of the tool. isFirstRun || // Display the welcome message if we are not on master, and if the // persistent tool state instructs that we should. (!FlutterVersion.instance.isMaster && (persistentToolState.redisplayWelcomeMessage ?? true))) { _printWelcome(); _printedWelcome = true; persistentToolState.redisplayWelcomeMessage = false; } } } // An Analytics mock that logs to file. Unimplemented methods goes to stdout. // But stdout can't be used for testing since wrapper scripts like // xcode_backend.sh etc manipulates them. class LogToFileAnalytics extends AnalyticsMock { LogToFileAnalytics(String logFilePath) : logFile = fs.file(logFilePath)..createSync(recursive: true), super(true); final File logFile; final Map<String, String> _sessionValues = <String, String>{}; final StreamController<Map<String, dynamic>> _sendController = StreamController<Map<String, dynamic>>.broadcast(sync: true); @override Stream<Map<String, dynamic>> get onSend => _sendController.stream; @override Future<void> sendScreenView(String viewName, { Map<String, String> parameters, }) { if (!enabled) { return Future<void>.value(null); } parameters ??= <String, String>{}; parameters['viewName'] = viewName; parameters.addAll(_sessionValues); _sendController.add(parameters); logFile.writeAsStringSync('screenView $parameters\n', mode: FileMode.append); return Future<void>.value(null); } @override Future<void> sendEvent(String category, String action, {String label, int value, Map<String, String> parameters}) { if (!enabled) { return Future<void>.value(null); } parameters ??= <String, String>{}; parameters['category'] = category; parameters['action'] = action; _sendController.add(parameters); logFile.writeAsStringSync('event $parameters\n', mode: FileMode.append); return Future<void>.value(null); } @override Future<void> sendTiming(String variableName, int time, {String category, String label}) { if (!enabled) { return Future<void>.value(null); } final Map<String, String> parameters = <String, String>{ 'variableName': variableName, 'time': '$time', if (category != null) 'category': category, if (label != null) 'label': label, }; _sendController.add(parameters); logFile.writeAsStringSync('timing $parameters\n', mode: FileMode.append); return Future<void>.value(null); } @override void setSessionValue(String param, dynamic value) { _sessionValues[param] = value.toString(); } }