// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:developer'; import 'dart:ui' as ui show PictureRecorder; import 'dart:ui'; import 'package:flutter/animation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart'; import 'package:flutter/painting.dart'; import 'package:flutter/scheduler.dart'; import 'package:flutter/semantics.dart'; import 'debug.dart'; import 'layer.dart'; import 'proxy_box.dart'; export 'package:flutter/foundation.dart' show DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder, DiagnosticsNode, DiagnosticsProperty, DoubleProperty, EnumProperty, ErrorDescription, ErrorHint, ErrorSummary, FlagProperty, FlutterError, InformationCollector, IntProperty, StringProperty; export 'package:flutter/gestures.dart' show HitTestEntry, HitTestResult; export 'package:flutter/painting.dart'; /// Base class for data associated with a [RenderObject] by its parent. /// /// Some render objects wish to store data on their children, such as the /// children's input parameters to the parent's layout algorithm or the /// children's position relative to other children. /// /// See also: /// /// * [RenderObject.setupParentData], which [RenderObject] subclasses may /// override to attach specific types of parent data to children. class ParentData { /// Called when the RenderObject is removed from the tree. @protected @mustCallSuper void detach() { } @override String toString() => '<none>'; } /// Signature for painting into a [PaintingContext]. /// /// The `offset` argument is the offset from the origin of the coordinate system /// of the [PaintingContext.canvas] to the coordinate system of the callee. /// /// Used by many of the methods of [PaintingContext]. typedef PaintingContextCallback = void Function(PaintingContext context, Offset offset); /// A place to paint. /// /// Rather than holding a canvas directly, [RenderObject]s paint using a painting /// context. The painting context has a [Canvas], which receives the /// individual draw operations, and also has functions for painting child /// render objects. /// /// When painting a child render object, the canvas held by the painting context /// can change because the draw operations issued before and after painting the /// child might be recorded in separate compositing layers. For this reason, do /// not hold a reference to the canvas across operations that might paint /// child render objects. /// /// New [PaintingContext] objects are created automatically when using /// [PaintingContext.repaintCompositedChild] and [pushLayer]. class PaintingContext extends ClipContext { /// Creates a painting context. /// /// Typically only called by [PaintingContext.repaintCompositedChild] /// and [pushLayer]. @protected PaintingContext(this._containerLayer, this.estimatedBounds); final ContainerLayer _containerLayer; /// An estimate of the bounds within which the painting context's [canvas] /// will record painting commands. This can be useful for debugging. /// /// The canvas will allow painting outside these bounds. /// /// The [estimatedBounds] rectangle is in the [canvas] coordinate system. final Rect estimatedBounds; /// Repaint the given render object. /// /// The render object must be attached to a [PipelineOwner], must have a /// composited layer, and must be in need of painting. The render object's /// layer, if any, is re-used, along with any layers in the subtree that don't /// need to be repainted. /// /// See also: /// /// * [RenderObject.isRepaintBoundary], which determines if a [RenderObject] /// has a composited layer. static void repaintCompositedChild(RenderObject child, { bool debugAlsoPaintedParent = false }) { assert(child._needsPaint); _repaintCompositedChild( child, debugAlsoPaintedParent: debugAlsoPaintedParent, ); } static void _repaintCompositedChild( RenderObject child, { bool debugAlsoPaintedParent = false, PaintingContext? childContext, }) { assert(child.isRepaintBoundary); assert(() { // register the call for RepaintBoundary metrics child.debugRegisterRepaintBoundaryPaint( includedParent: debugAlsoPaintedParent, includedChild: true, ); return true; }()); OffsetLayer? childLayer = child._layerHandle.layer as OffsetLayer?; if (childLayer == null) { assert(debugAlsoPaintedParent); assert(child._layerHandle.layer == null); // Not using the `layer` setter because the setter asserts that we not // replace the layer for repaint boundaries. That assertion does not // apply here because this is exactly the place designed to create a // layer for repaint boundaries. final OffsetLayer layer = child.updateCompositedLayer(oldLayer: null); child._layerHandle.layer = childLayer = layer; } else { assert(debugAlsoPaintedParent || childLayer.attached); Offset? debugOldOffset; assert(() { debugOldOffset = childLayer!.offset; return true; }()); childLayer.removeAllChildren(); final OffsetLayer updatedLayer = child.updateCompositedLayer(oldLayer: childLayer); assert(identical(updatedLayer, childLayer), '$child created a new layer instance $updatedLayer instead of reusing the ' 'existing layer $childLayer. See the documentation of RenderObject.updateCompositedLayer ' 'for more information on how to correctly implement this method.' ); assert(debugOldOffset == updatedLayer.offset); } child._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false; assert(identical(childLayer, child._layerHandle.layer)); assert(child._layerHandle.layer is OffsetLayer); assert(() { childLayer!.debugCreator = child.debugCreator ?? child.runtimeType; return true; }()); childContext ??= PaintingContext(childLayer, child.paintBounds); child._paintWithContext(childContext, Offset.zero); // Double-check that the paint method did not replace the layer (the first // check is done in the [layer] setter itself). assert(identical(childLayer, child._layerHandle.layer)); childContext.stopRecordingIfNeeded(); } /// Update the composited layer of [child] without repainting its children. /// /// The render object must be attached to a [PipelineOwner], must have a /// composited layer, and must be in need of a composited layer update but /// not in need of painting. The render object's layer is re-used, and none /// of its children are repaint or their layers updated. /// /// See also: /// /// * [RenderObject.isRepaintBoundary], which determines if a [RenderObject] /// has a composited layer. static void updateLayerProperties(RenderObject child) { assert(child.isRepaintBoundary && child._wasRepaintBoundary); assert(!child._needsPaint); assert(child._layerHandle.layer != null); final OffsetLayer childLayer = child._layerHandle.layer! as OffsetLayer; Offset? debugOldOffset; assert(() { debugOldOffset = childLayer.offset; return true; }()); final OffsetLayer updatedLayer = child.updateCompositedLayer(oldLayer: childLayer); assert(identical(updatedLayer, childLayer), '$child created a new layer instance $updatedLayer instead of reusing the ' 'existing layer $childLayer. See the documentation of RenderObject.updateCompositedLayer ' 'for more information on how to correctly implement this method.' ); assert(debugOldOffset == updatedLayer.offset); child._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false; } /// In debug mode, repaint the given render object using a custom painting /// context that can record the results of the painting operation in addition /// to performing the regular paint of the child. /// /// See also: /// /// * [repaintCompositedChild], for repainting a composited child without /// instrumentation. static void debugInstrumentRepaintCompositedChild( RenderObject child, { bool debugAlsoPaintedParent = false, required PaintingContext customContext, }) { assert(() { _repaintCompositedChild( child, debugAlsoPaintedParent: debugAlsoPaintedParent, childContext: customContext, ); return true; }()); } /// Paint a child [RenderObject]. /// /// If the child has its own composited layer, the child will be composited /// into the layer subtree associated with this painting context. Otherwise, /// the child will be painted into the current PictureLayer for this context. void paintChild(RenderObject child, Offset offset) { assert(() { debugOnProfilePaint?.call(child); return true; }()); if (child.isRepaintBoundary) { stopRecordingIfNeeded(); _compositeChild(child, offset); // If a render object was a repaint boundary but no longer is one, this // is where the framework managed layer is automatically disposed. } else if (child._wasRepaintBoundary) { assert(child._layerHandle.layer is OffsetLayer); child._layerHandle.layer = null; child._paintWithContext(this, offset); } else { child._paintWithContext(this, offset); } } void _compositeChild(RenderObject child, Offset offset) { assert(!_isRecording); assert(child.isRepaintBoundary); assert(_canvas == null || _canvas!.getSaveCount() == 1); // Create a layer for our child, and paint the child into it. if (child._needsPaint || !child._wasRepaintBoundary) { repaintCompositedChild(child, debugAlsoPaintedParent: true); } else { if (child._needsCompositedLayerUpdate) { updateLayerProperties(child); } assert(() { // register the call for RepaintBoundary metrics child.debugRegisterRepaintBoundaryPaint(); child._layerHandle.layer!.debugCreator = child.debugCreator ?? child; return true; }()); } assert(child._layerHandle.layer is OffsetLayer); final OffsetLayer childOffsetLayer = child._layerHandle.layer! as OffsetLayer; childOffsetLayer.offset = offset; appendLayer(childOffsetLayer); } /// Adds a layer to the recording requiring that the recording is already /// stopped. /// /// Do not call this function directly: call [addLayer] or [pushLayer] /// instead. This function is called internally when all layers not /// generated from the [canvas] are added. /// /// Subclasses that need to customize how layers are added should override /// this method. @protected void appendLayer(Layer layer) { assert(!_isRecording); layer.remove(); _containerLayer.append(layer); } bool get _isRecording { final bool hasCanvas = _canvas != null; assert(() { if (hasCanvas) { assert(_currentLayer != null); assert(_recorder != null); assert(_canvas != null); } else { assert(_currentLayer == null); assert(_recorder == null); assert(_canvas == null); } return true; }()); return hasCanvas; } // Recording state PictureLayer? _currentLayer; ui.PictureRecorder? _recorder; Canvas? _canvas; /// The canvas on which to paint. /// /// The current canvas can change whenever you paint a child using this /// context, which means it's fragile to hold a reference to the canvas /// returned by this getter. @override Canvas get canvas { if (_canvas == null) { _startRecording(); } assert(_currentLayer != null); return _canvas!; } void _startRecording() { assert(!_isRecording); _currentLayer = PictureLayer(estimatedBounds); _recorder = ui.PictureRecorder(); _canvas = Canvas(_recorder!); _containerLayer.append(_currentLayer!); } /// Adds a [CompositionCallback] for the current [ContainerLayer] used by this /// context. /// /// Composition callbacks are called whenever the layer tree containing the /// current layer of this painting context gets composited, or when it gets /// detached and will not be rendered again. This happens regardless of /// whether the layer is added via retained rendering or not. /// /// {@macro flutter.rendering.Layer.compositionCallbacks} /// /// See also: /// * [Layer.addCompositionCallback]. VoidCallback addCompositionCallback(CompositionCallback callback) { return _containerLayer.addCompositionCallback(callback); } /// Stop recording to a canvas if recording has started. /// /// Do not call this function directly: functions in this class will call /// this method as needed. This function is called internally to ensure that /// recording is stopped before adding layers or finalizing the results of a /// paint. /// /// Subclasses that need to customize how recording to a canvas is performed /// should override this method to save the results of the custom canvas /// recordings. @protected @mustCallSuper void stopRecordingIfNeeded() { if (!_isRecording) { return; } assert(() { if (debugRepaintRainbowEnabled) { final Paint paint = Paint() ..style = PaintingStyle.stroke ..strokeWidth = 6.0 ..color = debugCurrentRepaintColor.toColor(); canvas.drawRect(estimatedBounds.deflate(3.0), paint); } if (debugPaintLayerBordersEnabled) { final Paint paint = Paint() ..style = PaintingStyle.stroke ..strokeWidth = 1.0 ..color = const Color(0xFFFF9800); canvas.drawRect(estimatedBounds, paint); } return true; }()); _currentLayer!.picture = _recorder!.endRecording(); _currentLayer = null; _recorder = null; _canvas = null; } /// Hints that the painting in the current layer is complex and would benefit /// from caching. /// /// If this hint is not set, the compositor will apply its own heuristics to /// decide whether the current layer is complex enough to benefit from /// caching. void setIsComplexHint() { _currentLayer?.isComplexHint = true; } /// Hints that the painting in the current layer is likely to change next frame. /// /// This hint tells the compositor not to cache the current layer because the /// cache will not be used in the future. If this hint is not set, the /// compositor will apply its own heuristics to decide whether the current /// layer is likely to be reused in the future. void setWillChangeHint() { _currentLayer?.willChangeHint = true; } /// Adds a composited leaf layer to the recording. /// /// After calling this function, the [canvas] property will change to refer to /// a new [Canvas] that draws on top of the given layer. /// /// A [RenderObject] that uses this function is very likely to require its /// [RenderObject.alwaysNeedsCompositing] property to return true. That informs /// ancestor render objects that this render object will include a composited /// layer, which, for example, causes them to use composited clips. /// /// See also: /// /// * [pushLayer], for adding a layer and painting further contents within /// it. void addLayer(Layer layer) { stopRecordingIfNeeded(); appendLayer(layer); } /// Appends the given layer to the recording, and calls the `painter` callback /// with that layer, providing the `childPaintBounds` as the estimated paint /// bounds of the child. The `childPaintBounds` can be used for debugging but /// have no effect on painting. /// /// The given layer must be an unattached orphan. (Providing a newly created /// object, rather than reusing an existing layer, satisfies that /// requirement.) /// /// {@template flutter.rendering.PaintingContext.pushLayer.offset} /// The `offset` is the offset to pass to the `painter`. In particular, it is /// not an offset applied to the layer itself. Layers conceptually by default /// have no position or size, though they can transform their contents. For /// example, an [OffsetLayer] applies an offset to its children. /// {@endtemplate} /// /// If the `childPaintBounds` are not specified then the current layer's paint /// bounds are used. This is appropriate if the child layer does not apply any /// transformation or clipping to its contents. The `childPaintBounds`, if /// specified, must be in the coordinate system of the new layer (i.e. as seen /// by its children after it applies whatever transform to its contents), and /// should not go outside the current layer's paint bounds. /// /// See also: /// /// * [addLayer], for pushing a layer without painting further contents /// within it. void pushLayer(ContainerLayer childLayer, PaintingContextCallback painter, Offset offset, { Rect? childPaintBounds }) { // If a layer is being reused, it may already contain children. We remove // them so that `painter` can add children that are relevant for this frame. if (childLayer.hasChildren) { childLayer.removeAllChildren(); } stopRecordingIfNeeded(); appendLayer(childLayer); final PaintingContext childContext = createChildContext(childLayer, childPaintBounds ?? estimatedBounds); painter(childContext, offset); childContext.stopRecordingIfNeeded(); } /// Creates a painting context configured to paint into [childLayer]. /// /// The `bounds` are estimated paint bounds for debugging purposes. @protected PaintingContext createChildContext(ContainerLayer childLayer, Rect bounds) { return PaintingContext(childLayer, bounds); } /// Clip further painting using a rectangle. /// /// {@template flutter.rendering.PaintingContext.pushClipRect.needsCompositing} /// The `needsCompositing` argument specifies whether the child needs /// compositing. Typically this matches the value of /// [RenderObject.needsCompositing] for the caller. If false, this method /// returns null, indicating that a layer is no longer necessary. If a render /// object calling this method stores the `oldLayer` in its /// [RenderObject.layer] field, it should set that field to null. /// /// When `needsCompositing` is false, this method will use a more efficient /// way to apply the layer effect than actually creating a layer. /// {@endtemplate} /// /// {@template flutter.rendering.PaintingContext.pushClipRect.offset} /// The `offset` argument is the offset from the origin of the canvas' /// coordinate system to the origin of the caller's coordinate system. /// {@endtemplate} /// /// The `clipRect` is the rectangle (in the caller's coordinate system) to use /// to clip the painting done by [painter]. It should not include the /// `offset`. /// /// The `painter` callback will be called while the `clipRect` is applied. It /// is called synchronously during the call to [pushClipRect]. /// /// The `clipBehavior` argument controls how the rectangle is clipped. /// /// {@template flutter.rendering.PaintingContext.pushClipRect.oldLayer} /// For the `oldLayer` argument, specify the layer created in the previous /// frame. This gives the engine more information for performance /// optimizations. Typically this is the value of [RenderObject.layer] that a /// render object creates once, then reuses for all subsequent frames until a /// layer is no longer needed (e.g. the render object no longer needs /// compositing) or until the render object changes the type of the layer /// (e.g. from opacity layer to a clip rect layer). /// {@endtemplate} ClipRectLayer? pushClipRect(bool needsCompositing, Offset offset, Rect clipRect, PaintingContextCallback painter, { Clip clipBehavior = Clip.hardEdge, ClipRectLayer? oldLayer }) { if (clipBehavior == Clip.none) { painter(this, offset); return null; } final Rect offsetClipRect = clipRect.shift(offset); if (needsCompositing) { final ClipRectLayer layer = oldLayer ?? ClipRectLayer(); layer ..clipRect = offsetClipRect ..clipBehavior = clipBehavior; pushLayer(layer, painter, offset, childPaintBounds: offsetClipRect); return layer; } else { clipRectAndPaint(offsetClipRect, clipBehavior, offsetClipRect, () => painter(this, offset)); return null; } } /// Clip further painting using a rounded rectangle. /// /// {@macro flutter.rendering.PaintingContext.pushClipRect.needsCompositing} /// /// {@macro flutter.rendering.PaintingContext.pushClipRect.offset} /// /// The `bounds` argument is used to specify the region of the canvas (in the /// caller's coordinate system) into which `painter` will paint. /// /// The `clipRRect` argument specifies the rounded-rectangle (in the caller's /// coordinate system) to use to clip the painting done by `painter`. It /// should not include the `offset`. /// /// The `painter` callback will be called while the `clipRRect` is applied. It /// is called synchronously during the call to [pushClipRRect]. /// /// The `clipBehavior` argument controls how the rounded rectangle is clipped. /// /// {@macro flutter.rendering.PaintingContext.pushClipRect.oldLayer} ClipRRectLayer? pushClipRRect(bool needsCompositing, Offset offset, Rect bounds, RRect clipRRect, PaintingContextCallback painter, { Clip clipBehavior = Clip.antiAlias, ClipRRectLayer? oldLayer }) { if (clipBehavior == Clip.none) { painter(this, offset); return null; } final Rect offsetBounds = bounds.shift(offset); final RRect offsetClipRRect = clipRRect.shift(offset); if (needsCompositing) { final ClipRRectLayer layer = oldLayer ?? ClipRRectLayer(); layer ..clipRRect = offsetClipRRect ..clipBehavior = clipBehavior; pushLayer(layer, painter, offset, childPaintBounds: offsetBounds); return layer; } else { clipRRectAndPaint(offsetClipRRect, clipBehavior, offsetBounds, () => painter(this, offset)); return null; } } /// Clip further painting using a path. /// /// {@macro flutter.rendering.PaintingContext.pushClipRect.needsCompositing} /// /// {@macro flutter.rendering.PaintingContext.pushClipRect.offset} /// /// The `bounds` argument is used to specify the region of the canvas (in the /// caller's coordinate system) into which `painter` will paint. /// /// The `clipPath` argument specifies the [Path] (in the caller's coordinate /// system) to use to clip the painting done by `painter`. It should not /// include the `offset`. /// /// The `painter` callback will be called while the `clipPath` is applied. It /// is called synchronously during the call to [pushClipPath]. /// /// The `clipBehavior` argument controls how the path is clipped. /// /// {@macro flutter.rendering.PaintingContext.pushClipRect.oldLayer} ClipPathLayer? pushClipPath(bool needsCompositing, Offset offset, Rect bounds, Path clipPath, PaintingContextCallback painter, { Clip clipBehavior = Clip.antiAlias, ClipPathLayer? oldLayer }) { if (clipBehavior == Clip.none) { painter(this, offset); return null; } final Rect offsetBounds = bounds.shift(offset); final Path offsetClipPath = clipPath.shift(offset); if (needsCompositing) { final ClipPathLayer layer = oldLayer ?? ClipPathLayer(); layer ..clipPath = offsetClipPath ..clipBehavior = clipBehavior; pushLayer(layer, painter, offset, childPaintBounds: offsetBounds); return layer; } else { clipPathAndPaint(offsetClipPath, clipBehavior, offsetBounds, () => painter(this, offset)); return null; } } /// Blend further painting with a color filter. /// /// {@macro flutter.rendering.PaintingContext.pushLayer.offset} /// /// The `colorFilter` argument is the [ColorFilter] value to use when blending /// the painting done by `painter`. /// /// The `painter` callback will be called while the `colorFilter` is applied. /// It is called synchronously during the call to [pushColorFilter]. /// /// {@macro flutter.rendering.PaintingContext.pushClipRect.oldLayer} /// /// A [RenderObject] that uses this function is very likely to require its /// [RenderObject.alwaysNeedsCompositing] property to return true. That informs /// ancestor render objects that this render object will include a composited /// layer, which, for example, causes them to use composited clips. ColorFilterLayer pushColorFilter(Offset offset, ColorFilter colorFilter, PaintingContextCallback painter, { ColorFilterLayer? oldLayer }) { final ColorFilterLayer layer = oldLayer ?? ColorFilterLayer(); layer.colorFilter = colorFilter; pushLayer(layer, painter, offset); return layer; } /// Transform further painting using a matrix. /// /// {@macro flutter.rendering.PaintingContext.pushClipRect.needsCompositing} /// /// The `offset` argument is the offset to pass to `painter` and the offset to /// the origin used by `transform`. /// /// The `transform` argument is the [Matrix4] with which to transform the /// coordinate system while calling `painter`. It should not include `offset`. /// It is applied effectively after applying `offset`. /// /// The `painter` callback will be called while the `transform` is applied. It /// is called synchronously during the call to [pushTransform]. /// /// {@macro flutter.rendering.PaintingContext.pushClipRect.oldLayer} TransformLayer? pushTransform(bool needsCompositing, Offset offset, Matrix4 transform, PaintingContextCallback painter, { TransformLayer? oldLayer }) { final Matrix4 effectiveTransform = Matrix4.translationValues(offset.dx, offset.dy, 0.0) ..multiply(transform)..translate(-offset.dx, -offset.dy); if (needsCompositing) { final TransformLayer layer = oldLayer ?? TransformLayer(); layer.transform = effectiveTransform; pushLayer( layer, painter, offset, childPaintBounds: MatrixUtils.inverseTransformRect(effectiveTransform, estimatedBounds), ); return layer; } else { canvas ..save() ..transform(effectiveTransform.storage); painter(this, offset); canvas.restore(); return null; } } /// Blend further painting with an alpha value. /// /// The `offset` argument indicates an offset to apply to all the children /// (the rendering created by `painter`). /// /// The `alpha` argument is the alpha value to use when blending the painting /// done by `painter`. An alpha value of 0 means the painting is fully /// transparent and an alpha value of 255 means the painting is fully opaque. /// /// The `painter` callback will be called while the `alpha` is applied. It /// is called synchronously during the call to [pushOpacity]. /// /// {@macro flutter.rendering.PaintingContext.pushClipRect.oldLayer} /// /// A [RenderObject] that uses this function is very likely to require its /// [RenderObject.alwaysNeedsCompositing] property to return true. That informs /// ancestor render objects that this render object will include a composited /// layer, which, for example, causes them to use composited clips. OpacityLayer pushOpacity(Offset offset, int alpha, PaintingContextCallback painter, { OpacityLayer? oldLayer }) { final OpacityLayer layer = oldLayer ?? OpacityLayer(); layer ..alpha = alpha ..offset = offset; pushLayer(layer, painter, Offset.zero); return layer; } @override String toString() => '${objectRuntimeType(this, 'PaintingContext')}#$hashCode(layer: $_containerLayer, canvas bounds: $estimatedBounds)'; } /// An abstract set of layout constraints. /// /// Concrete layout models (such as box) will create concrete subclasses to /// communicate layout constraints between parents and children. /// /// ## Writing a Constraints subclass /// /// When creating a new [RenderObject] subclass with a new layout protocol, one /// will usually need to create a new [Constraints] subclass to express the /// input to the layout algorithms. /// /// A [Constraints] subclass should be immutable (all fields final). There are /// several members to implement, in addition to whatever fields, constructors, /// and helper methods one may find useful for a particular layout protocol: /// /// * The [isTight] getter, which should return true if the object represents a /// case where the [RenderObject] class has no choice for how to lay itself /// out. For example, [BoxConstraints] returns true for [isTight] when both /// the minimum and maximum widths and the minimum and maximum heights are /// equal. /// /// * The [isNormalized] getter, which should return true if the object /// represents its data in its canonical form. Sometimes, it is possible for /// fields to be redundant with each other, such that several different /// representations have the same implications. For example, a /// [BoxConstraints] instance with its minimum width greater than its maximum /// width is equivalent to one where the maximum width is set to that minimum /// width (`2<w<1` is equivalent to `2<w<2`, since minimum constraints have /// priority). This getter is used by the default implementation of /// [debugAssertIsValid]. /// /// * The [debugAssertIsValid] method, which should assert if there's anything /// wrong with the constraints object. (We use this approach rather than /// asserting in constructors so that our constructors can be `const` and so /// that it is possible to create invalid constraints temporarily while /// building valid ones.) See the implementation of /// [BoxConstraints.debugAssertIsValid] for an example of the detailed checks /// that can be made. /// /// * The [==] operator and the [hashCode] getter, so that constraints can be /// compared for equality. If a render object is given constraints that are /// equal, then the rendering library will avoid laying the object out again /// if it is not dirty. /// /// * The [toString] method, which should describe the constraints so that they /// appear in a usefully readable form in the output of [debugDumpRenderTree]. @immutable abstract class Constraints { /// Abstract const constructor. This constructor enables subclasses to provide /// const constructors so that they can be used in const expressions. const Constraints(); /// Whether there is exactly one size possible given these constraints. bool get isTight; /// Whether the constraint is expressed in a consistent manner. bool get isNormalized; /// Asserts that the constraints are valid. /// /// This might involve checks more detailed than [isNormalized]. /// /// For example, the [BoxConstraints] subclass verifies that the constraints /// are not [double.nan]. /// /// If the `isAppliedConstraint` argument is true, then even stricter rules /// are enforced. This argument is set to true when checking constraints that /// are about to be applied to a [RenderObject] during layout, as opposed to /// constraints that may be further affected by other constraints. For /// example, the asserts for verifying the validity of /// [RenderConstrainedBox.additionalConstraints] do not set this argument, but /// the asserts for verifying the argument passed to the [RenderObject.layout] /// method do. /// /// The `informationCollector` argument takes an optional callback which is /// called when an exception is to be thrown. The collected information is /// then included in the message after the error line. /// /// Returns the same as [isNormalized] if asserts are disabled. bool debugAssertIsValid({ bool isAppliedConstraint = false, InformationCollector? informationCollector, }) { assert(isNormalized); return isNormalized; } } /// Signature for a function that is called for each [RenderObject]. /// /// Used by [RenderObject.visitChildren] and [RenderObject.visitChildrenForSemantics]. /// /// The `child` argument must not be null. typedef RenderObjectVisitor = void Function(RenderObject child); /// Signature for a function that is called during layout. /// /// Used by [RenderObject.invokeLayoutCallback]. typedef LayoutCallback<T extends Constraints> = void Function(T constraints); class _LocalSemanticsHandle implements SemanticsHandle { _LocalSemanticsHandle._(PipelineOwner owner, this.listener) : _owner = owner { if (listener != null) { _owner.semanticsOwner!.addListener(listener!); } } final PipelineOwner _owner; /// The callback that will be notified when the semantics tree updates. final VoidCallback? listener; @override void dispose() { if (listener != null) { _owner.semanticsOwner!.removeListener(listener!); } _owner._didDisposeSemanticsHandle(); } } /// The pipeline owner manages the rendering pipeline. /// /// The pipeline owner provides an interface for driving the rendering pipeline /// and stores the state about which render objects have requested to be visited /// in each stage of the pipeline. To flush the pipeline, call the following /// functions in order: /// /// 1. [flushLayout] updates any render objects that need to compute their /// layout. During this phase, the size and position of each render /// object is calculated. Render objects might dirty their painting or /// compositing state during this phase. /// 2. [flushCompositingBits] updates any render objects that have dirty /// compositing bits. During this phase, each render object learns whether /// any of its children require compositing. This information is used during /// the painting phase when selecting how to implement visual effects such as /// clipping. If a render object has a composited child, it needs to use a /// [Layer] to create the clip in order for the clip to apply to the /// composited child (which will be painted into its own [Layer]). /// 3. [flushPaint] visits any render objects that need to paint. During this /// phase, render objects get a chance to record painting commands into /// [PictureLayer]s and construct other composited [Layer]s. /// 4. Finally, if semantics are enabled, [flushSemantics] will compile the /// semantics for the render objects. This semantic information is used by /// assistive technology to improve the accessibility of the render tree. /// /// The [RendererBinding] holds the pipeline owner for the render objects that /// are visible on screen. You can create other pipeline owners to manage /// off-screen objects, which can flush their pipelines independently of the /// on-screen render objects. /// /// [PipelineOwner]s can be organized in a tree to manage multiple render trees, /// where each [PipelineOwner] is responsible for one of the render trees. To /// build or modify the tree, call [adoptChild] or [dropChild]. During each of /// the different flush phases described above, a [PipelineOwner] will first /// perform the phase on the nodes it manages in its own render tree before /// calling the same flush method on its children. No assumption must be made /// about the order in which child [PipelineOwner]s are flushed. /// /// A [PipelineOwner] may also be [attach]ed to a [PipelineManifold], which /// gives it access to platform functionality usually exposed by the bindings /// without tying it to a specific binding implementation. All [PipelineOwner]s /// in a given tree must be attached to the same [PipelineManifold]. This /// happens automatically during [adoptChild]. class PipelineOwner { /// Creates a pipeline owner. /// /// Typically created by the binding (e.g., [RendererBinding]), but can be /// created separately from the binding to drive off-screen render objects /// through the rendering pipeline. PipelineOwner({ this.onNeedVisualUpdate, this.onSemanticsOwnerCreated, this.onSemanticsUpdate, this.onSemanticsOwnerDisposed, }); /// Called when a render object associated with this pipeline owner wishes to /// update its visual appearance. /// /// Typical implementations of this function will schedule a task to flush the /// various stages of the pipeline. This function might be called multiple /// times in quick succession. Implementations should take care to discard /// duplicate calls quickly. /// /// When the [PipelineOwner] is attached to a [PipelineManifold] and /// [onNeedVisualUpdate] is provided, the [onNeedVisualUpdate] callback is /// invoked instead of calling [PipelineManifold.requestVisualUpdate]. final VoidCallback? onNeedVisualUpdate; /// Called whenever this pipeline owner creates a semantics object. /// /// Typical implementations will schedule the creation of the initial /// semantics tree. final VoidCallback? onSemanticsOwnerCreated; /// Called whenever this pipeline owner's semantics owner emits a [SemanticsUpdate]. /// /// Typical implementations will delegate the [SemanticsUpdate] to a [FlutterView] /// that can handle the [SemanticsUpdate]. final SemanticsUpdateCallback? onSemanticsUpdate; /// Called whenever this pipeline owner disposes its semantics owner. /// /// Typical implementations will tear down the semantics tree. final VoidCallback? onSemanticsOwnerDisposed; /// Calls [onNeedVisualUpdate] if [onNeedVisualUpdate] is not null. /// /// Used to notify the pipeline owner that an associated render object wishes /// to update its visual appearance. void requestVisualUpdate() { if (onNeedVisualUpdate != null) { onNeedVisualUpdate!(); } else { _manifold?.requestVisualUpdate(); } } /// The unique object managed by this pipeline that has no parent. /// /// This object does not have to be a [RenderObject]. AbstractNode? get rootNode => _rootNode; AbstractNode? _rootNode; set rootNode(AbstractNode? value) { if (_rootNode == value) { return; } _rootNode?.detach(); _rootNode = value; _rootNode?.attach(this); } // Whether the current [flushLayout] call should pause to incorporate the // [RenderObject]s in `_nodesNeedingLayout` into the current dirty list, // before continuing to process dirty relayout boundaries. // // This flag is set to true when a [RenderObject.invokeLayoutCallback] // returns, to avoid laying out dirty relayout boundaries in an incorrect // order and causing them to be laid out more than once per frame. See // layout_builder_mutations_test.dart for an example. // // The new dirty nodes are not immediately merged after a // [RenderObject.invokeLayoutCallback] call because we may encounter multiple // such calls while processing a single relayout boundary in [flushLayout]. // Batching new dirty nodes can reduce the number of merges [flushLayout] // has to perform. bool _shouldMergeDirtyNodes = false; List<RenderObject> _nodesNeedingLayout = <RenderObject>[]; /// Whether this pipeline is currently in the layout phase. /// /// Specifically, whether [flushLayout] is currently running. /// /// Only valid when asserts are enabled; in release builds, this /// always returns false. bool get debugDoingLayout => _debugDoingLayout; bool _debugDoingLayout = false; bool _debugDoingChildLayout = false; /// Update the layout information for all dirty render objects. /// /// This function is one of the core stages of the rendering pipeline. Layout /// information is cleaned prior to painting so that render objects will /// appear on screen in their up-to-date locations. /// /// See [RendererBinding] for an example of how this function is used. void flushLayout() { if (!kReleaseMode) { Map<String, String>? debugTimelineArguments; assert(() { if (debugEnhanceLayoutTimelineArguments) { debugTimelineArguments = <String, String>{ 'dirty count': '${_nodesNeedingLayout.length}', 'dirty list': '$_nodesNeedingLayout', }; } return true; }()); Timeline.startSync( 'LAYOUT', arguments: debugTimelineArguments, ); } assert(() { _debugDoingLayout = true; return true; }()); try { while (_nodesNeedingLayout.isNotEmpty) { assert(!_shouldMergeDirtyNodes); final List<RenderObject> dirtyNodes = _nodesNeedingLayout; _nodesNeedingLayout = <RenderObject>[]; dirtyNodes.sort((RenderObject a, RenderObject b) => a.depth - b.depth); for (int i = 0; i < dirtyNodes.length; i++) { if (_shouldMergeDirtyNodes) { _shouldMergeDirtyNodes = false; if (_nodesNeedingLayout.isNotEmpty) { _nodesNeedingLayout.addAll(dirtyNodes.getRange(i, dirtyNodes.length)); break; } } final RenderObject node = dirtyNodes[i]; if (node._needsLayout && node.owner == this) { node._layoutWithoutResize(); } } // No need to merge dirty nodes generated from processing the last // relayout boundary back. _shouldMergeDirtyNodes = false; } assert(() { _debugDoingChildLayout = true; return true; }()); for (final PipelineOwner child in _children) { child.flushLayout(); } assert(_nodesNeedingLayout.isEmpty, 'Child PipelineOwners must not dirty nodes in their parent.'); } finally { _shouldMergeDirtyNodes = false; assert(() { _debugDoingLayout = false; _debugDoingChildLayout = false; return true; }()); if (!kReleaseMode) { Timeline.finishSync(); } } } // This flag is used to allow the kinds of mutations performed by GlobalKey // reparenting while a LayoutBuilder is being rebuilt and in so doing tries to // move a node from another LayoutBuilder subtree that hasn't been updated // yet. To set this, call [_enableMutationsToDirtySubtrees], which is called // by [RenderObject.invokeLayoutCallback]. bool _debugAllowMutationsToDirtySubtrees = false; // See [RenderObject.invokeLayoutCallback]. void _enableMutationsToDirtySubtrees(VoidCallback callback) { assert(_debugDoingLayout); bool? oldState; assert(() { oldState = _debugAllowMutationsToDirtySubtrees; _debugAllowMutationsToDirtySubtrees = true; return true; }()); try { callback(); } finally { _shouldMergeDirtyNodes = true; assert(() { _debugAllowMutationsToDirtySubtrees = oldState!; return true; }()); } } final List<RenderObject> _nodesNeedingCompositingBitsUpdate = <RenderObject>[]; /// Updates the [RenderObject.needsCompositing] bits. /// /// Called as part of the rendering pipeline after [flushLayout] and before /// [flushPaint]. void flushCompositingBits() { if (!kReleaseMode) { Timeline.startSync('UPDATING COMPOSITING BITS'); } _nodesNeedingCompositingBitsUpdate.sort((RenderObject a, RenderObject b) => a.depth - b.depth); for (final RenderObject node in _nodesNeedingCompositingBitsUpdate) { if (node._needsCompositingBitsUpdate && node.owner == this) { node._updateCompositingBits(); } } _nodesNeedingCompositingBitsUpdate.clear(); for (final PipelineOwner child in _children) { child.flushCompositingBits(); } assert(_nodesNeedingCompositingBitsUpdate.isEmpty, 'Child PipelineOwners must not dirty nodes in their parent.'); if (!kReleaseMode) { Timeline.finishSync(); } } List<RenderObject> _nodesNeedingPaint = <RenderObject>[]; /// Whether this pipeline is currently in the paint phase. /// /// Specifically, whether [flushPaint] is currently running. /// /// Only valid when asserts are enabled. In release builds, /// this always returns false. bool get debugDoingPaint => _debugDoingPaint; bool _debugDoingPaint = false; /// Update the display lists for all render objects. /// /// This function is one of the core stages of the rendering pipeline. /// Painting occurs after layout and before the scene is recomposited so that /// scene is composited with up-to-date display lists for every render object. /// /// See [RendererBinding] for an example of how this function is used. void flushPaint() { if (!kReleaseMode) { Map<String, String>? debugTimelineArguments; assert(() { if (debugEnhancePaintTimelineArguments) { debugTimelineArguments = <String, String>{ 'dirty count': '${_nodesNeedingPaint.length}', 'dirty list': '$_nodesNeedingPaint', }; } return true; }()); Timeline.startSync( 'PAINT', arguments: debugTimelineArguments, ); } try { assert(() { _debugDoingPaint = true; return true; }()); final List<RenderObject> dirtyNodes = _nodesNeedingPaint; _nodesNeedingPaint = <RenderObject>[]; // Sort the dirty nodes in reverse order (deepest first). for (final RenderObject node in dirtyNodes..sort((RenderObject a, RenderObject b) => b.depth - a.depth)) { assert(node._layerHandle.layer != null); if ((node._needsPaint || node._needsCompositedLayerUpdate) && node.owner == this) { if (node._layerHandle.layer!.attached) { assert(node.isRepaintBoundary); if (node._needsPaint) { PaintingContext.repaintCompositedChild(node); } else { PaintingContext.updateLayerProperties(node); } } else { node._skippedPaintingOnLayer(); } } } for (final PipelineOwner child in _children) { child.flushPaint(); } assert(_nodesNeedingPaint.isEmpty, 'Child PipelineOwners must not dirty nodes in their parent.'); } finally { assert(() { _debugDoingPaint = false; return true; }()); if (!kReleaseMode) { Timeline.finishSync(); } } } /// The object that is managing semantics for this pipeline owner, if any. /// /// An owner is created by [ensureSemantics] or when the [PipelineManifold] to /// which this owner is connected has [PipelineManifold.semanticsEnabled] set /// to true. The owner is valid for as long as /// [PipelineManifold.semanticsEnabled] remains true or while there are /// outstanding [SemanticsHandle]s from calls to [ensureSemantics]. The /// [semanticsOwner] field will revert to null once both conditions are no /// longer met. /// /// When [semanticsOwner] is null, the [PipelineOwner] skips all steps /// relating to semantics. SemanticsOwner? get semanticsOwner => _semanticsOwner; SemanticsOwner? _semanticsOwner; /// The number of clients registered to listen for semantics. /// /// The number is increased whenever [ensureSemantics] is called and decreased /// when [SemanticsHandle.dispose] is called. int get debugOutstandingSemanticsHandles => _outstandingSemanticsHandles; int _outstandingSemanticsHandles = 0; /// Opens a [SemanticsHandle] and calls [listener] whenever the semantics tree /// generated from the render tree owned by this [PipelineOwner] updates. /// /// Calling this method only ensures that this particular [PipelineOwner] will /// generate a semantics tree. Consider calling /// [SemanticsBinding.ensureSemantics] instead to turn on semantics globally /// for the entire app. /// /// The [PipelineOwner] updates the semantics tree only when there are clients /// that wish to use the semantics tree. These clients express their interest /// by holding [SemanticsHandle] objects that notify them whenever the /// semantics tree updates. /// /// Clients can close their [SemanticsHandle] by calling /// [SemanticsHandle.dispose]. Once all the outstanding [SemanticsHandle] /// objects for a given [PipelineOwner] are closed, the [PipelineOwner] stops /// maintaining the semantics tree. SemanticsHandle ensureSemantics({ VoidCallback? listener }) { _outstandingSemanticsHandles += 1; _updateSemanticsOwner(); return _LocalSemanticsHandle._(this, listener); } void _updateSemanticsOwner() { if ((_manifold?.semanticsEnabled ?? false) || _outstandingSemanticsHandles > 0) { if (_semanticsOwner == null) { assert(onSemanticsUpdate != null, 'Attempted to enable semantics without configuring an onSemanticsUpdate callback.'); _semanticsOwner = SemanticsOwner(onSemanticsUpdate: onSemanticsUpdate!); onSemanticsOwnerCreated?.call(); } } else if (_semanticsOwner != null) { _semanticsOwner?.dispose(); _semanticsOwner = null; onSemanticsOwnerDisposed?.call(); } } void _didDisposeSemanticsHandle() { assert(_semanticsOwner != null); _outstandingSemanticsHandles -= 1; _updateSemanticsOwner(); } bool _debugDoingSemantics = false; final Set<RenderObject> _nodesNeedingSemantics = <RenderObject>{}; /// Update the semantics for render objects marked as needing a semantics /// update. /// /// Initially, only the root node, as scheduled by /// [RenderObject.scheduleInitialSemantics], needs a semantics update. /// /// This function is one of the core stages of the rendering pipeline. The /// semantics are compiled after painting and only after /// [RenderObject.scheduleInitialSemantics] has been called. /// /// See [RendererBinding] for an example of how this function is used. void flushSemantics() { if (_semanticsOwner == null) { return; } if (!kReleaseMode) { Timeline.startSync('SEMANTICS'); } assert(_semanticsOwner != null); assert(() { _debugDoingSemantics = true; return true; }()); try { final List<RenderObject> nodesToProcess = _nodesNeedingSemantics.toList() ..sort((RenderObject a, RenderObject b) => a.depth - b.depth); _nodesNeedingSemantics.clear(); for (final RenderObject node in nodesToProcess) { if (node._needsSemanticsUpdate && node.owner == this) { node._updateSemantics(); } } _semanticsOwner!.sendSemanticsUpdate(); for (final PipelineOwner child in _children) { child.flushSemantics(); } assert(_nodesNeedingSemantics.isEmpty, 'Child PipelineOwners must not dirty nodes in their parent.'); } finally { assert(() { _debugDoingSemantics = false; return true; }()); if (!kReleaseMode) { Timeline.finishSync(); } } } // TREE MANAGEMENT final Set<PipelineOwner> _children = <PipelineOwner>{}; PipelineManifold? _manifold; PipelineOwner? _debugParent; bool _debugSetParent(PipelineOwner child, PipelineOwner? parent) { child._debugParent = parent; return true; } /// Mark this [PipelineOwner] as attached to the given [PipelineManifold]. /// /// Typically, this is only called directly on the root [PipelineOwner]. /// Children are automatically attached to their parent's [PipelineManifold] /// when [adoptChild] is called. void attach(PipelineManifold manifold) { assert(_manifold == null); _manifold = manifold; _manifold!.addListener(_updateSemanticsOwner); _updateSemanticsOwner(); for (final PipelineOwner child in _children) { child.attach(manifold); } } /// Mark this [PipelineOwner] as detached. /// /// Typically, this is only called directly on the root [PipelineOwner]. /// Children are automatically detached from their parent's [PipelineManifold] /// when [dropChild] is called. void detach() { assert(_manifold != null); _manifold!.removeListener(_updateSemanticsOwner); _manifold = null; _updateSemanticsOwner(); for (final PipelineOwner child in _children) { child.detach(); } } // In theory, child list modifications are also disallowed between // _debugDoingChildrenLayout and _debugDoingPaint as well as between // _debugDoingPaint and _debugDoingSemantics. However, since the associated // flush methods are usually called back to back, this gets us close enough. bool get _debugAllowChildListModifications => !_debugDoingChildLayout && !_debugDoingPaint && !_debugDoingSemantics; /// Adds `child` to this [PipelineOwner]. /// /// During the phases of frame production (see [RendererBinding.drawFrame]), /// the parent [PipelineOwner] will complete a phase for the nodes it owns /// directly before invoking the flush method corresponding to the current /// phase on its child [PipelineOwner]s. For example, during layout, the /// parent [PipelineOwner] will first lay out its own nodes before calling /// [flushLayout] on its children. During paint, it will first paint its own /// nodes before calling [flushPaint] on its children. This order also applies /// for all the other phases. /// /// No assumptions must be made about the order in which child /// [PipelineOwner]s are flushed. /// /// No new children may be added after the [PipelineOwner] has started calling /// [flushLayout] on any of its children until the end of the current frame. /// /// To remove a child, call [dropChild]. void adoptChild(PipelineOwner child) { assert(child._debugParent == null); assert(!_children.contains(child)); assert(_debugAllowChildListModifications, 'Cannot modify child list after layout.'); _children.add(child); assert(_debugSetParent(child, this)); if (_manifold != null) { child.attach(_manifold!); } } /// Removes a child [PipelineOwner] previously added via [adoptChild]. /// /// This node will cease to call the flush methods on the `child` during frame /// production. /// /// No children may be removed after the [PipelineOwner] has started calling /// [flushLayout] on any of its children until the end of the current frame. void dropChild(PipelineOwner child) { assert(child._debugParent == this); assert(_children.contains(child)); assert(_debugAllowChildListModifications, 'Cannot modify child list after layout.'); _children.remove(child); assert(_debugSetParent(child, null)); if (_manifold != null) { child.detach(); } } /// Calls `visitor` for each immediate child of this [PipelineOwner]. /// /// See also: /// /// * [adoptChild] to add a child. /// * [dropChild] to remove a child. void visitChildren(PipelineOwnerVisitor visitor) { _children.forEach(visitor); } } /// Signature for the callback to [PipelineOwner.visitChildren]. /// /// The argument is the child being visited. typedef PipelineOwnerVisitor = void Function(PipelineOwner child); /// Manages a tree of [PipelineOwner]s. /// /// All [PipelineOwner]s within a tree are attached to the same /// [PipelineManifold], which gives them access to shared functionality such /// as requesting a visual update (by calling [requestVisualUpdate]). As such, /// the [PipelineManifold] gives the [PipelineOwner]s access to functionality /// usually provided by the bindings without tying the [PipelineOwner]s to a /// particular binding implementation. /// /// The root of the [PipelineOwner] tree is attached to a [PipelineManifold] by /// passing the manifold to [PipelineOwner.attach]. Children are attached to the /// same [PipelineManifold] as their parent when they are adopted via /// [PipelineOwner.adoptChild]. /// /// [PipelineOwner]s can register listeners with the [PipelineManifold] to be /// informed when certain values provided by the [PipelineManifold] change. abstract class PipelineManifold implements Listenable { /// Whether [PipelineOwner]s connected to this [PipelineManifold] should /// collect semantics information and produce a semantics tree. /// /// The [PipelineManifold] notifies its listeners (managed with [addListener] /// and [removeListener]) when this property changes its value. /// /// See also: /// /// * [SemanticsBinding.semanticsEnabled], which [PipelineManifold] /// implementations typically use to back this property. bool get semanticsEnabled; /// Called by a [PipelineOwner] connected to this [PipelineManifold] when a /// [RenderObject] associated with that pipeline owner wishes to update its /// visual appearance. /// /// Typical implementations of this function will schedule a task to flush the /// various stages of the pipeline. This function might be called multiple /// times in quick succession. Implementations should take care to discard /// duplicate calls quickly. /// /// A [PipelineOwner] connected to this [PipelineManifold] will call /// [PipelineOwner.onNeedVisualUpdate] instead of this method if it has been /// configured with a non-null [PipelineOwner.onNeedVisualUpdate] callback. /// /// See also: /// /// * [SchedulerBinding.ensureVisualUpdate], which [PipelineManifold] /// implementations typically call to implement this method. void requestVisualUpdate(); } const String _flutterRenderingLibrary = 'package:flutter/rendering.dart'; /// An object in the render tree. /// /// The [RenderObject] class hierarchy is the core of the rendering /// library's reason for being. /// /// {@youtube 560 315 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmbmrw07qBc} /// /// [RenderObject]s have a [parent], and have a slot called [parentData] in /// which the parent [RenderObject] can store child-specific data, for example, /// the child position. The [RenderObject] class also implements the basic /// layout and paint protocols. /// /// The [RenderObject] class, however, does not define a child model (e.g. /// whether a node has zero, one, or more children). It also doesn't define a /// coordinate system (e.g. whether children are positioned in Cartesian /// coordinates, in polar coordinates, etc) or a specific layout protocol (e.g. /// whether the layout is width-in-height-out, or constraint-in-size-out, or /// whether the parent sets the size and position of the child before or after /// the child lays out, etc; or indeed whether the children are allowed to read /// their parent's [parentData] slot). /// /// The [RenderBox] subclass introduces the opinion that the layout /// system uses Cartesian coordinates. /// /// ## Lifecycle /// /// A [RenderObject] must [dispose] when it is no longer needed. The creator /// of the object is responsible for disposing of it. Typically, the creator is /// a [RenderObjectElement], and that element will dispose the object it creates /// when it is unmounted. /// /// [RenderObject]s are responsible for cleaning up any expensive resources /// they hold when [dispose] is called, such as [Picture] or [Image] objects. /// This includes any [Layer]s that the render object has directly created. The /// base implementation of dispose will nullify the [layer] property. Subclasses /// must also nullify any other layer(s) it directly creates. /// /// ## Writing a RenderObject subclass /// /// In most cases, subclassing [RenderObject] itself is overkill, and /// [RenderBox] would be a better starting point. However, if a render object /// doesn't want to use a Cartesian coordinate system, then it should indeed /// inherit from [RenderObject] directly. This allows it to define its own /// layout protocol by using a new subclass of [Constraints] rather than using /// [BoxConstraints], and by potentially using an entirely new set of objects /// and values to represent the result of the output rather than just a [Size]. /// This increased flexibility comes at the cost of not being able to rely on /// the features of [RenderBox]. For example, [RenderBox] implements an /// intrinsic sizing protocol that allows you to measure a child without fully /// laying it out, in such a way that if that child changes size, the parent /// will be laid out again (to take into account the new dimensions of the /// child). This is a subtle and bug-prone feature to get right. /// /// Most aspects of writing a [RenderBox] apply to writing a [RenderObject] as /// well, and therefore the discussion at [RenderBox] is recommended background /// reading. The main differences are around layout and hit testing, since those /// are the aspects that [RenderBox] primarily specializes. /// /// ### Layout /// /// A layout protocol begins with a subclass of [Constraints]. See the /// discussion at [Constraints] for more information on how to write a /// [Constraints] subclass. /// /// The [performLayout] method should take the [constraints], and apply them. /// The output of the layout algorithm is fields set on the object that describe /// the geometry of the object for the purposes of the parent's layout. For /// example, with [RenderBox] the output is the [RenderBox.size] field. This /// output should only be read by the parent if the parent specified /// `parentUsesSize` as true when calling [layout] on the child. /// /// Anytime anything changes on a render object that would affect the layout of /// that object, it should call [markNeedsLayout]. /// /// ### Hit Testing /// /// Hit testing is even more open-ended than layout. There is no method to /// override, you are expected to provide one. /// /// The general behavior of your hit-testing method should be similar to the /// behavior described for [RenderBox]. The main difference is that the input /// need not be an [Offset]. You are also allowed to use a different subclass of /// [HitTestEntry] when adding entries to the [HitTestResult]. When the /// [handleEvent] method is called, the same object that was added to the /// [HitTestResult] will be passed in, so it can be used to track information /// like the precise coordinate of the hit, in whatever coordinate system is /// used by the new layout protocol. /// /// ### Adapting from one protocol to another /// /// In general, the root of a Flutter render object tree is a [RenderView]. This /// object has a single child, which must be a [RenderBox]. Thus, if you want to /// have a custom [RenderObject] subclass in the render tree, you have two /// choices: you either need to replace the [RenderView] itself, or you need to /// have a [RenderBox] that has your class as its child. (The latter is the much /// more common case.) /// /// This [RenderBox] subclass converts from the box protocol to the protocol of /// your class. /// /// In particular, this means that for hit testing it overrides /// [RenderBox.hitTest], and calls whatever method you have in your class for /// hit testing. /// /// Similarly, it overrides [performLayout] to create a [Constraints] object /// appropriate for your class and passes that to the child's [layout] method. /// /// ### Layout interactions between render objects /// /// In general, the layout of a render object should only depend on the output of /// its child's layout, and then only if `parentUsesSize` is set to true in the /// [layout] call. Furthermore, if it is set to true, the parent must call the /// child's [layout] if the child is to be rendered, because otherwise the /// parent will not be notified when the child changes its layout outputs. /// /// It is possible to set up render object protocols that transfer additional /// information. For example, in the [RenderBox] protocol you can query your /// children's intrinsic dimensions and baseline geometry. However, if this is /// done then it is imperative that the child call [markNeedsLayout] on the /// parent any time that additional information changes, if the parent used it /// in the last layout phase. For an example of how to implement this, see the /// [RenderBox.markNeedsLayout] method. It overrides /// [RenderObject.markNeedsLayout] so that if a parent has queried the intrinsic /// or baseline information, it gets marked dirty whenever the child's geometry /// changes. abstract class RenderObject extends AbstractNode with DiagnosticableTreeMixin implements HitTestTarget { /// Initializes internal fields for subclasses. RenderObject() { if (kFlutterMemoryAllocationsEnabled) { MemoryAllocations.instance.dispatchObjectCreated( library: _flutterRenderingLibrary, className: '$RenderObject', object: this, ); } _needsCompositing = isRepaintBoundary || alwaysNeedsCompositing; _wasRepaintBoundary = isRepaintBoundary; } /// Cause the entire subtree rooted at the given [RenderObject] to be marked /// dirty for layout, paint, etc, so that the effects of a hot reload can be /// seen, or so that the effect of changing a global debug flag (such as /// [debugPaintSizeEnabled]) can be applied. /// /// This is called by the [RendererBinding] in response to the /// `ext.flutter.reassemble` hook, which is used by development tools when the /// application code has changed, to cause the widget tree to pick up any /// changed implementations. /// /// This is expensive and should not be called except during development. /// /// See also: /// /// * [BindingBase.reassembleApplication] void reassemble() { markNeedsLayout(); markNeedsCompositingBitsUpdate(); markNeedsPaint(); markNeedsSemanticsUpdate(); visitChildren((RenderObject child) { child.reassemble(); }); } /// Whether this has been disposed. /// /// If asserts are disabled, this property is always null. bool? get debugDisposed { bool? disposed; assert(() { disposed = _debugDisposed; return true; }()); return disposed; } bool _debugDisposed = false; /// Release any resources held by this render object. /// /// The object that creates a RenderObject is in charge of disposing it. /// If this render object has created any children directly, it must dispose /// of those children in this method as well. It must not dispose of any /// children that were created by some other object, such as /// a [RenderObjectElement]. Those children will be disposed when that /// element unmounts, which may be delayed if the element is moved to another /// part of the tree. /// /// Implementations of this method must end with a call to the inherited /// method, as in `super.dispose()`. /// /// The object is no longer usable after calling dispose. @mustCallSuper void dispose() { assert(!_debugDisposed); if (kFlutterMemoryAllocationsEnabled) { MemoryAllocations.instance.dispatchObjectDisposed(object: this); } _layerHandle.layer = null; assert(() { // TODO(dnfield): Enable this assert once clients have had a chance to // migrate. // visitChildren((RenderObject child) { // assert( // child.debugDisposed!, // '${child.runtimeType} (child of $runtimeType) must be disposed before calling super.dispose().', // ); // }); _debugDisposed = true; return true; }()); } // LAYOUT /// Data for use by the parent render object. /// /// The parent data is used by the render object that lays out this object /// (typically this object's parent in the render tree) to store information /// relevant to itself and to any other nodes who happen to know exactly what /// the data means. The parent data is opaque to the child. /// /// * The parent data field must not be directly set, except by calling /// [setupParentData] on the parent node. /// * The parent data can be set before the child is added to the parent, by /// calling [setupParentData] on the future parent node. /// * The conventions for using the parent data depend on the layout protocol /// used between the parent and child. For example, in box layout, the /// parent data is completely opaque but in sector layout the child is /// permitted to read some fields of the parent data. ParentData? parentData; /// Override to setup parent data correctly for your children. /// /// You can call this function to set up the parent data for child before the /// child is added to the parent's child list. void setupParentData(covariant RenderObject child) { assert(_debugCanPerformMutations); if (child.parentData is! ParentData) { child.parentData = ParentData(); } } /// Called by subclasses when they decide a render object is a child. /// /// Only for use by subclasses when changing their child lists. Calling this /// in other cases will lead to an inconsistent tree and probably cause crashes. @override void adoptChild(RenderObject child) { setupParentData(child); markNeedsLayout(); markNeedsCompositingBitsUpdate(); markNeedsSemanticsUpdate(); super.adoptChild(child); } /// Called by subclasses when they decide a render object is no longer a child. /// /// Only for use by subclasses when changing their child lists. Calling this /// in other cases will lead to an inconsistent tree and probably cause crashes. @override void dropChild(RenderObject child) { assert(child.parentData != null); child._cleanRelayoutBoundary(); child.parentData!.detach(); child.parentData = null; super.dropChild(child); markNeedsLayout(); markNeedsCompositingBitsUpdate(); markNeedsSemanticsUpdate(); } /// Calls visitor for each immediate child of this render object. /// /// Override in subclasses with children and call the visitor for each child. void visitChildren(RenderObjectVisitor visitor) { } /// The object responsible for creating this render object. /// /// Used in debug messages. /// /// See also: /// /// * [DebugCreator], which the [widgets] library uses as values for this field. Object? debugCreator; void _reportException(String method, Object exception, StackTrace stack) { FlutterError.reportError(FlutterErrorDetails( exception: exception, stack: stack, library: 'rendering library', context: ErrorDescription('during $method()'), informationCollector: () => <DiagnosticsNode>[ // debugCreator should always be null outside of debugMode, but we want // the tree shaker to notice this. if (kDebugMode && debugCreator != null) DiagnosticsDebugCreator(debugCreator!), describeForError('The following RenderObject was being processed when the exception was fired'), // TODO(jacobr): this error message has a code smell. Consider whether // displaying the truncated children is really useful for command line // users. Inspector users can see the full tree by clicking on the // render object so this may not be that useful. describeForError('RenderObject', style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.truncateChildren), ], )); } /// Whether [performResize] for this render object is currently running. /// /// Only valid when asserts are enabled. In release builds, always returns /// false. bool get debugDoingThisResize => _debugDoingThisResize; bool _debugDoingThisResize = false; /// Whether [performLayout] for this render object is currently running. /// /// Only valid when asserts are enabled. In release builds, always returns /// false. bool get debugDoingThisLayout => _debugDoingThisLayout; bool _debugDoingThisLayout = false; /// The render object that is actively computing layout. /// /// Only valid when asserts are enabled. In release builds, always returns /// null. static RenderObject? get debugActiveLayout => _debugActiveLayout; static RenderObject? _debugActiveLayout; /// Set [debugActiveLayout] to null when [inner] callback is called. /// This is useful when you have to temporarily clear that variable to /// disable some false-positive checks, such as when computing toStringDeep /// or using custom trees. @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') static T _withDebugActiveLayoutCleared<T>(T Function() inner) { RenderObject? debugPreviousActiveLayout; assert(() { debugPreviousActiveLayout = _debugActiveLayout; _debugActiveLayout = null; return true; }()); final T result = inner(); assert(() { _debugActiveLayout = debugPreviousActiveLayout; return true; }()); return result; } /// Whether the parent render object is permitted to use this render object's /// size. /// /// Determined by the `parentUsesSize` parameter to [layout]. /// /// Only valid when asserts are enabled. In release builds, throws. bool get debugCanParentUseSize => _debugCanParentUseSize!; bool? _debugCanParentUseSize; bool _debugMutationsLocked = false; /// Whether tree mutations are currently permitted. /// /// This is only useful during layout. One should also not mutate the tree at /// other times (e.g. during paint or while assembling the semantic tree) but /// this function does not currently enforce those conventions. /// /// Only valid when asserts are enabled. This will throw in release builds. bool get _debugCanPerformMutations { late bool result; assert(() { if (_debugDisposed) { throw FlutterError.fromParts(<DiagnosticsNode>[ ErrorSummary('A disposed RenderObject was mutated.'), DiagnosticsProperty<RenderObject>( 'The disposed RenderObject was', this, style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty, ), ]); } final PipelineOwner? owner = this.owner; // Detached nodes are allowed to mutate and the "can perform mutations" // check will be performed when they re-attach. This assert is only useful // during layout. if (owner == null || !owner.debugDoingLayout) { result = true; return true; } RenderObject? activeLayoutRoot = this; while (activeLayoutRoot != null) { final bool mutationsToDirtySubtreesAllowed = activeLayoutRoot.owner?._debugAllowMutationsToDirtySubtrees ?? false; final bool doingLayoutWithCallback = activeLayoutRoot._doingThisLayoutWithCallback; // Mutations on this subtree is allowed when: // - the subtree is being mutated in a layout callback. // - a different part of the render tree is doing a layout callback, // and this subtree is being reparented to that subtree, as a result // of global key reparenting. if (doingLayoutWithCallback || mutationsToDirtySubtreesAllowed && activeLayoutRoot._needsLayout) { result = true; return true; } if (!activeLayoutRoot._debugMutationsLocked) { final AbstractNode? p = activeLayoutRoot.debugLayoutParent; activeLayoutRoot = p is RenderObject ? p : null; } else { // activeLayoutRoot found. break; } } final RenderObject debugActiveLayout = RenderObject.debugActiveLayout!; final String culpritMethodName = debugActiveLayout.debugDoingThisLayout ? 'performLayout' : 'performResize'; final String culpritFullMethodName = '${debugActiveLayout.runtimeType}.$culpritMethodName'; result = false; if (activeLayoutRoot == null) { throw FlutterError.fromParts(<DiagnosticsNode>[ ErrorSummary('A $runtimeType was mutated in $culpritFullMethodName.'), ErrorDescription( 'The RenderObject was mutated when none of its ancestors is actively performing layout.', ), DiagnosticsProperty<RenderObject>( 'The RenderObject being mutated was', this, style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty, ), DiagnosticsProperty<RenderObject>( 'The RenderObject that was mutating the said $runtimeType was', debugActiveLayout, style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty, ), ]); } if (activeLayoutRoot == this) { throw FlutterError.fromParts(<DiagnosticsNode>[ ErrorSummary('A $runtimeType was mutated in its own $culpritMethodName implementation.'), ErrorDescription('A RenderObject must not re-dirty itself while still being laid out.'), DiagnosticsProperty<RenderObject>( 'The RenderObject being mutated was', this, style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty, ), ErrorHint('Consider using the LayoutBuilder widget to dynamically change a subtree during layout.'), ]); } final ErrorSummary summary = ErrorSummary('A $runtimeType was mutated in $culpritFullMethodName.'); final bool isMutatedByAncestor = activeLayoutRoot == debugActiveLayout; final String description = isMutatedByAncestor ? 'A RenderObject must not mutate its descendants in its $culpritMethodName method.' : 'A RenderObject must not mutate another RenderObject from a different render subtree ' 'in its $culpritMethodName method.'; throw FlutterError.fromParts(<DiagnosticsNode>[ summary, ErrorDescription(description), DiagnosticsProperty<RenderObject>( 'The RenderObject being mutated was', this, style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty, ), DiagnosticsProperty<RenderObject>( 'The ${isMutatedByAncestor ? 'ancestor ' : ''}RenderObject that was mutating the said $runtimeType was', debugActiveLayout, style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty, ), if (!isMutatedByAncestor) DiagnosticsProperty<RenderObject>( 'Their common ancestor was', activeLayoutRoot, style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty, ), ErrorHint( 'Mutating the layout of another RenderObject may cause some RenderObjects in its subtree to be laid out more than once. ' 'Consider using the LayoutBuilder widget to dynamically mutate a subtree during layout.' ), ]); }()); return result; } /// The [RenderObject] that's expected to call [layout] on this [RenderObject] /// in its [performLayout] implementation. /// /// This method is used to implement an assert that ensures the render subtree /// actively performing layout can not get accidently mutated. It's only /// implemented in debug mode and always returns null in release mode. /// /// The default implementation returns [parent] and overriding is rarely /// needed. A [RenderObject] subclass that expects its /// [RenderObject.performLayout] to be called from a different [RenderObject] /// that's not its [parent] should override this property to return the actual /// layout parent. @protected RenderObject? get debugLayoutParent { RenderObject? layoutParent; assert(() { final AbstractNode? parent = this.parent; layoutParent = parent is RenderObject? ? parent : null; return true; }()); return layoutParent; } @override PipelineOwner? get owner => super.owner as PipelineOwner?; @override void attach(PipelineOwner owner) { assert(!_debugDisposed); super.attach(owner); // If the node was dirtied in some way while unattached, make sure to add // it to the appropriate dirty list now that an owner is available if (_needsLayout && _relayoutBoundary != null) { // Don't enter this block if we've never laid out at all; // scheduleInitialLayout() will handle it _needsLayout = false; markNeedsLayout(); } if (_needsCompositingBitsUpdate) { _needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; markNeedsCompositingBitsUpdate(); } if (_needsPaint && _layerHandle.layer != null) { // Don't enter this block if we've never painted at all; // scheduleInitialPaint() will handle it _needsPaint = false; markNeedsPaint(); } if (_needsSemanticsUpdate && _semanticsConfiguration.isSemanticBoundary) { // Don't enter this block if we've never updated semantics at all; // scheduleInitialSemantics() will handle it _needsSemanticsUpdate = false; markNeedsSemanticsUpdate(); } } /// Whether this render object's layout information is dirty. /// /// This is only set in debug mode. In general, render objects should not need /// to condition their runtime behavior on whether they are dirty or not, /// since they should only be marked dirty immediately prior to being laid /// out and painted. In release builds, this throws. /// /// It is intended to be used by tests and asserts. bool get debugNeedsLayout { late bool result; assert(() { result = _needsLayout; return true; }()); return result; } bool _needsLayout = true; RenderObject? _relayoutBoundary; /// Whether [invokeLayoutCallback] for this render object is currently running. bool get debugDoingThisLayoutWithCallback => _doingThisLayoutWithCallback; bool _doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; /// The layout constraints most recently supplied by the parent. /// /// If layout has not yet happened, accessing this getter will /// throw a [StateError] exception. @protected Constraints get constraints { if (_constraints == null) { throw StateError('A RenderObject does not have any constraints before it has been laid out.'); } return _constraints!; } Constraints? _constraints; /// Verify that the object's constraints are being met. Override /// this function in a subclass to verify that your state matches /// the constraints object. This function is only called in checked /// mode and only when needsLayout is false. If the constraints are /// not met, it should assert or throw an exception. @protected void debugAssertDoesMeetConstraints(); /// When true, debugAssertDoesMeetConstraints() is currently /// executing asserts for verifying the consistent behavior of /// intrinsic dimensions methods. /// /// This should only be set by debugAssertDoesMeetConstraints() /// implementations. It is used by tests to selectively ignore /// custom layout callbacks. It should not be set outside of /// debugAssertDoesMeetConstraints(), and should not be checked in /// release mode (where it will always be false). static bool debugCheckingIntrinsics = false; bool _debugSubtreeRelayoutRootAlreadyMarkedNeedsLayout() { if (_relayoutBoundary == null) { // We don't know where our relayout boundary is yet. return true; } RenderObject node = this; while (node != _relayoutBoundary) { assert(node._relayoutBoundary == _relayoutBoundary); assert(node.parent != null); node = node.parent! as RenderObject; if ((!node._needsLayout) && (!node._debugDoingThisLayout)) { return false; } } assert(node._relayoutBoundary == node); return true; } /// Mark this render object's layout information as dirty, and either register /// this object with its [PipelineOwner], or defer to the parent, depending on /// whether this object is a relayout boundary or not respectively. /// /// ## Background /// /// Rather than eagerly updating layout information in response to writes into /// a render object, we instead mark the layout information as dirty, which /// schedules a visual update. As part of the visual update, the rendering /// pipeline updates the render object's layout information. /// /// This mechanism batches the layout work so that multiple sequential writes /// are coalesced, removing redundant computation. /// /// If a render object's parent indicates that it uses the size of one of its /// render object children when computing its layout information, this /// function, when called for the child, will also mark the parent as needing /// layout. In that case, since both the parent and the child need to have /// their layout recomputed, the pipeline owner is only notified about the /// parent; when the parent is laid out, it will call the child's [layout] /// method and thus the child will be laid out as well. /// /// Once [markNeedsLayout] has been called on a render object, /// [debugNeedsLayout] returns true for that render object until just after /// the pipeline owner has called [layout] on the render object. /// /// ## Special cases /// /// Some subclasses of [RenderObject], notably [RenderBox], have other /// situations in which the parent needs to be notified if the child is /// dirtied (e.g., if the child's intrinsic dimensions or baseline changes). /// Such subclasses override markNeedsLayout and either call /// `super.markNeedsLayout()`, in the normal case, or call /// [markParentNeedsLayout], in the case where the parent needs to be laid out /// as well as the child. /// /// If [sizedByParent] has changed, calls /// [markNeedsLayoutForSizedByParentChange] instead of [markNeedsLayout]. void markNeedsLayout() { assert(_debugCanPerformMutations); if (_needsLayout) { assert(_debugSubtreeRelayoutRootAlreadyMarkedNeedsLayout()); return; } if (_relayoutBoundary == null) { _needsLayout = true; if (parent != null) { // _relayoutBoundary is cleaned by an ancestor in RenderObject.layout. // Conservatively mark everything dirty until it reaches the closest // known relayout boundary. markParentNeedsLayout(); } return; } if (_relayoutBoundary != this) { markParentNeedsLayout(); } else { _needsLayout = true; if (owner != null) { assert(() { if (debugPrintMarkNeedsLayoutStacks) { debugPrintStack(label: 'markNeedsLayout() called for $this'); } return true; }()); owner!._nodesNeedingLayout.add(this); owner!.requestVisualUpdate(); } } } /// Mark this render object's layout information as dirty, and then defer to /// the parent. /// /// This function should only be called from [markNeedsLayout] or /// [markNeedsLayoutForSizedByParentChange] implementations of subclasses that /// introduce more reasons for deferring the handling of dirty layout to the /// parent. See [markNeedsLayout] for details. /// /// Only call this if [parent] is not null. @protected void markParentNeedsLayout() { assert(_debugCanPerformMutations); _needsLayout = true; assert(this.parent != null); final RenderObject parent = this.parent! as RenderObject; if (!_doingThisLayoutWithCallback) { parent.markNeedsLayout(); } else { assert(parent._debugDoingThisLayout); } assert(parent == this.parent); } /// Mark this render object's layout information as dirty (like /// [markNeedsLayout]), and additionally also handle any necessary work to /// handle the case where [sizedByParent] has changed value. /// /// This should be called whenever [sizedByParent] might have changed. /// /// Only call this if [parent] is not null. void markNeedsLayoutForSizedByParentChange() { markNeedsLayout(); markParentNeedsLayout(); } void _cleanRelayoutBoundary() { if (_relayoutBoundary != this) { _relayoutBoundary = null; visitChildren(_cleanChildRelayoutBoundary); } } void _propagateRelayoutBoundary() { if (_relayoutBoundary == this) { return; } final RenderObject? parentRelayoutBoundary = (parent as RenderObject?)?._relayoutBoundary; assert(parentRelayoutBoundary != null); if (parentRelayoutBoundary != _relayoutBoundary) { _relayoutBoundary = parentRelayoutBoundary; visitChildren(_propagateRelayoutBoundaryToChild); } } // Reduces closure allocation for visitChildren use cases. static void _cleanChildRelayoutBoundary(RenderObject child) { child._cleanRelayoutBoundary(); } static void _propagateRelayoutBoundaryToChild(RenderObject child) { child._propagateRelayoutBoundary(); } /// Bootstrap the rendering pipeline by scheduling the very first layout. /// /// Requires this render object to be attached and that this render object /// is the root of the render tree. /// /// See [RenderView] for an example of how this function is used. void scheduleInitialLayout() { assert(!_debugDisposed); assert(attached); assert(parent is! RenderObject); assert(!owner!._debugDoingLayout); assert(_relayoutBoundary == null); _relayoutBoundary = this; assert(() { _debugCanParentUseSize = false; return true; }()); owner!._nodesNeedingLayout.add(this); } @pragma('vm:notify-debugger-on-exception') void _layoutWithoutResize() { assert(_relayoutBoundary == this); RenderObject? debugPreviousActiveLayout; assert(!_debugMutationsLocked); assert(!_doingThisLayoutWithCallback); assert(_debugCanParentUseSize != null); assert(() { _debugMutationsLocked = true; _debugDoingThisLayout = true; debugPreviousActiveLayout = _debugActiveLayout; _debugActiveLayout = this; if (debugPrintLayouts) { debugPrint('Laying out (without resize) $this'); } return true; }()); try { performLayout(); markNeedsSemanticsUpdate(); } catch (e, stack) { _reportException('performLayout', e, stack); } assert(() { _debugActiveLayout = debugPreviousActiveLayout; _debugDoingThisLayout = false; _debugMutationsLocked = false; return true; }()); _needsLayout = false; markNeedsPaint(); } /// Compute the layout for this render object. /// /// This method is the main entry point for parents to ask their children to /// update their layout information. The parent passes a constraints object, /// which informs the child as to which layouts are permissible. The child is /// required to obey the given constraints. /// /// If the parent reads information computed during the child's layout, the /// parent must pass true for `parentUsesSize`. In that case, the parent will /// be marked as needing layout whenever the child is marked as needing layout /// because the parent's layout information depends on the child's layout /// information. If the parent uses the default value (false) for /// `parentUsesSize`, the child can change its layout information (subject to /// the given constraints) without informing the parent. /// /// Subclasses should not override [layout] directly. Instead, they should /// override [performResize] and/or [performLayout]. The [layout] method /// delegates the actual work to [performResize] and [performLayout]. /// /// The parent's [performLayout] method should call the [layout] of all its /// children unconditionally. It is the [layout] method's responsibility (as /// implemented here) to return early if the child does not need to do any /// work to update its layout information. @pragma('vm:notify-debugger-on-exception') void layout(Constraints constraints, { bool parentUsesSize = false }) { assert(!_debugDisposed); if (!kReleaseMode && debugProfileLayoutsEnabled) { Map<String, String>? debugTimelineArguments; assert(() { if (debugEnhanceLayoutTimelineArguments) { debugTimelineArguments = toDiagnosticsNode().toTimelineArguments(); } return true; }()); Timeline.startSync( '$runtimeType', arguments: debugTimelineArguments, ); } assert(constraints.debugAssertIsValid( isAppliedConstraint: true, informationCollector: () { final List<String> stack = StackTrace.current.toString().split('\n'); int? targetFrame; final Pattern layoutFramePattern = RegExp(r'^#[0-9]+ +RenderObject.layout \('); for (int i = 0; i < stack.length; i += 1) { if (layoutFramePattern.matchAsPrefix(stack[i]) != null) { targetFrame = i + 1; break; } } if (targetFrame != null && targetFrame < stack.length) { final Pattern targetFramePattern = RegExp(r'^#[0-9]+ +(.+)$'); final Match? targetFrameMatch = targetFramePattern.matchAsPrefix(stack[targetFrame]); final String? problemFunction = (targetFrameMatch != null && targetFrameMatch.groupCount > 0) ? targetFrameMatch.group(1) : stack[targetFrame].trim(); // TODO(jacobr): this case is similar to displaying a single stack frame. return <DiagnosticsNode>[ ErrorDescription( "These invalid constraints were provided to $runtimeType's layout() " 'function by the following function, which probably computed the ' 'invalid constraints in question:\n' ' $problemFunction', ), ]; } return <DiagnosticsNode>[]; }, )); assert(!_debugDoingThisResize); assert(!_debugDoingThisLayout); final bool isRelayoutBoundary = !parentUsesSize || sizedByParent || constraints.isTight || parent is! RenderObject; final RenderObject relayoutBoundary = isRelayoutBoundary ? this : (parent! as RenderObject)._relayoutBoundary!; assert(() { _debugCanParentUseSize = parentUsesSize; return true; }()); if (!_needsLayout && constraints == _constraints) { assert(() { // in case parentUsesSize changed since the last invocation, set size // to itself, so it has the right internal debug values. _debugDoingThisResize = sizedByParent; _debugDoingThisLayout = !sizedByParent; final RenderObject? debugPreviousActiveLayout = _debugActiveLayout; _debugActiveLayout = this; debugResetSize(); _debugActiveLayout = debugPreviousActiveLayout; _debugDoingThisLayout = false; _debugDoingThisResize = false; return true; }()); if (relayoutBoundary != _relayoutBoundary) { _relayoutBoundary = relayoutBoundary; visitChildren(_propagateRelayoutBoundaryToChild); } if (!kReleaseMode && debugProfileLayoutsEnabled) { Timeline.finishSync(); } return; } _constraints = constraints; if (_relayoutBoundary != null && relayoutBoundary != _relayoutBoundary) { // The local relayout boundary has changed, must notify children in case // they also need updating. Otherwise, they will be confused about what // their actual relayout boundary is later. visitChildren(_cleanChildRelayoutBoundary); } _relayoutBoundary = relayoutBoundary; assert(!_debugMutationsLocked); assert(!_doingThisLayoutWithCallback); assert(() { _debugMutationsLocked = true; if (debugPrintLayouts) { debugPrint('Laying out (${sizedByParent ? "with separate resize" : "with resize allowed"}) $this'); } return true; }()); if (sizedByParent) { assert(() { _debugDoingThisResize = true; return true; }()); try { performResize(); assert(() { debugAssertDoesMeetConstraints(); return true; }()); } catch (e, stack) { _reportException('performResize', e, stack); } assert(() { _debugDoingThisResize = false; return true; }()); } RenderObject? debugPreviousActiveLayout; assert(() { _debugDoingThisLayout = true; debugPreviousActiveLayout = _debugActiveLayout; _debugActiveLayout = this; return true; }()); try { performLayout(); markNeedsSemanticsUpdate(); assert(() { debugAssertDoesMeetConstraints(); return true; }()); } catch (e, stack) { _reportException('performLayout', e, stack); } assert(() { _debugActiveLayout = debugPreviousActiveLayout; _debugDoingThisLayout = false; _debugMutationsLocked = false; return true; }()); _needsLayout = false; markNeedsPaint(); if (!kReleaseMode && debugProfileLayoutsEnabled) { Timeline.finishSync(); } } /// If a subclass has a "size" (the state controlled by `parentUsesSize`, /// whatever it is in the subclass, e.g. the actual `size` property of /// [RenderBox]), and the subclass verifies that in debug mode this "size" /// property isn't used when [debugCanParentUseSize] isn't set, then that /// subclass should override [debugResetSize] to reapply the current values of /// [debugCanParentUseSize] to that state. @protected void debugResetSize() { } /// Whether the constraints are the only input to the sizing algorithm (in /// particular, child nodes have no impact). /// /// Returning false is always correct, but returning true can be more /// efficient when computing the size of this render object because we don't /// need to recompute the size if the constraints don't change. /// /// Typically, subclasses will always return the same value. If the value can /// change, then, when it does change, the subclass should make sure to call /// [markNeedsLayoutForSizedByParentChange]. /// /// Subclasses that return true must not change the dimensions of this render /// object in [performLayout]. Instead, that work should be done by /// [performResize] or - for subclasses of [RenderBox] - in /// [RenderBox.computeDryLayout]. @protected bool get sizedByParent => false; /// {@template flutter.rendering.RenderObject.performResize} /// Updates the render objects size using only the constraints. /// /// Do not call this function directly: call [layout] instead. This function /// is called by [layout] when there is actually work to be done by this /// render object during layout. The layout constraints provided by your /// parent are available via the [constraints] getter. /// /// This function is called only if [sizedByParent] is true. /// {@endtemplate} /// /// Subclasses that set [sizedByParent] to true should override this method to /// compute their size. Subclasses of [RenderBox] should consider overriding /// [RenderBox.computeDryLayout] instead. @protected void performResize(); /// Do the work of computing the layout for this render object. /// /// Do not call this function directly: call [layout] instead. This function /// is called by [layout] when there is actually work to be done by this /// render object during layout. The layout constraints provided by your /// parent are available via the [constraints] getter. /// /// If [sizedByParent] is true, then this function should not actually change /// the dimensions of this render object. Instead, that work should be done by /// [performResize]. If [sizedByParent] is false, then this function should /// both change the dimensions of this render object and instruct its children /// to layout. /// /// In implementing this function, you must call [layout] on each of your /// children, passing true for parentUsesSize if your layout information is /// dependent on your child's layout information. Passing true for /// parentUsesSize ensures that this render object will undergo layout if the /// child undergoes layout. Otherwise, the child can change its layout /// information without informing this render object. @protected void performLayout(); /// Allows mutations to be made to this object's child list (and any /// descendants) as well as to any other dirty nodes in the render tree owned /// by the same [PipelineOwner] as this object. The `callback` argument is /// invoked synchronously, and the mutations are allowed only during that /// callback's execution. /// /// This exists to allow child lists to be built on-demand during layout (e.g. /// based on the object's size), and to enable nodes to be moved around the /// tree as this happens (e.g. to handle [GlobalKey] reparenting), while still /// ensuring that any particular node is only laid out once per frame. /// /// Calling this function disables a number of assertions that are intended to /// catch likely bugs. As such, using this function is generally discouraged. /// /// This function can only be called during layout. @protected void invokeLayoutCallback<T extends Constraints>(LayoutCallback<T> callback) { assert(_debugMutationsLocked); assert(_debugDoingThisLayout); assert(!_doingThisLayoutWithCallback); _doingThisLayoutWithCallback = true; try { owner!._enableMutationsToDirtySubtrees(() { callback(constraints as T); }); } finally { _doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; } } // PAINTING /// Whether [paint] for this render object is currently running. /// /// Only valid when asserts are enabled. In release builds, always returns /// false. bool get debugDoingThisPaint => _debugDoingThisPaint; bool _debugDoingThisPaint = false; /// The render object that is actively painting. /// /// Only valid when asserts are enabled. In release builds, always returns /// null. static RenderObject? get debugActivePaint => _debugActivePaint; static RenderObject? _debugActivePaint; /// Whether this render object repaints separately from its parent. /// /// Override this in subclasses to indicate that instances of your class ought /// to repaint independently. For example, render objects that repaint /// frequently might want to repaint themselves without requiring their parent /// to repaint. /// /// If this getter returns true, the [paintBounds] are applied to this object /// and all descendants. The framework invokes [RenderObject.updateCompositedLayer] /// to create an [OffsetLayer] and assigns it to the [layer] field. /// Render objects that declare themselves as repaint boundaries must not replace /// the layer created by the framework. /// /// If the value of this getter changes, [markNeedsCompositingBitsUpdate] must /// be called. /// /// See [RepaintBoundary] for more information about how repaint boundaries function. bool get isRepaintBoundary => false; /// Called, in debug mode, if [isRepaintBoundary] is true, when either the /// this render object or its parent attempt to paint. /// /// This can be used to record metrics about whether the node should actually /// be a repaint boundary. void debugRegisterRepaintBoundaryPaint({ bool includedParent = true, bool includedChild = false }) { } /// Whether this render object always needs compositing. /// /// Override this in subclasses to indicate that your paint function always /// creates at least one composited layer. For example, videos should return /// true if they use hardware decoders. /// /// You must call [markNeedsCompositingBitsUpdate] if the value of this getter /// changes. (This is implied when [adoptChild] or [dropChild] are called.) @protected bool get alwaysNeedsCompositing => false; late bool _wasRepaintBoundary; /// Update the composited layer owned by this render object. /// /// This method is called by the framework when [isRepaintBoundary] is true. /// /// If [oldLayer] is `null`, this method must return a new [OffsetLayer] /// (or subtype thereof). If [oldLayer] is not `null`, then this method must /// reuse the layer instance that is provided - it is an error to create a new /// layer in this instance. The layer will be disposed by the framework when /// either the render object is disposed or if it is no longer a repaint /// boundary. /// /// The [OffsetLayer.offset] property will be managed by the framework and /// must not be updated by this method. /// /// If a property of the composited layer needs to be updated, the render object /// must call [markNeedsCompositedLayerUpdate] which will schedule this method /// to be called without repainting children. If this widget was marked as /// needing to paint and needing a composited layer update, this method is only /// called once. // TODO(jonahwilliams): https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/102102 revisit the // constraint that the instance/type of layer cannot be changed at runtime. OffsetLayer updateCompositedLayer({required covariant OffsetLayer? oldLayer}) { assert(isRepaintBoundary); return oldLayer ?? OffsetLayer(); } /// The compositing layer that this render object uses to repaint. /// /// If this render object is not a repaint boundary, it is the responsibility /// of the [paint] method to populate this field. If [needsCompositing] is /// true, this field may be populated with the root-most layer used by the /// render object implementation. When repainting, instead of creating a new /// layer the render object may update the layer stored in this field for better /// performance. It is also OK to leave this field as null and create a new /// layer on every repaint, but without the performance benefit. If /// [needsCompositing] is false, this field must be set to null either by /// never populating this field, or by setting it to null when the value of /// [needsCompositing] changes from true to false. /// /// If a new layer is created and stored in some other field on the render /// object, the render object must use a [LayerHandle] to store it. A layer /// handle will prevent the layer from being disposed before the render /// object is finished with it, and it will also make sure that the layer /// gets appropriately disposed when the render object creates a replacement /// or nulls it out. The render object must null out the [LayerHandle.layer] /// in its [dispose] method. /// /// If this render object is a repaint boundary, the framework automatically /// creates an [OffsetLayer] and populates this field prior to calling the /// [paint] method. The [paint] method must not replace the value of this /// field. @protected ContainerLayer? get layer { assert(!isRepaintBoundary || _layerHandle.layer == null || _layerHandle.layer is OffsetLayer); return _layerHandle.layer; } @protected set layer(ContainerLayer? newLayer) { assert( !isRepaintBoundary, 'Attempted to set a layer to a repaint boundary render object.\n' 'The framework creates and assigns an OffsetLayer to a repaint ' 'boundary automatically.', ); _layerHandle.layer = newLayer; } final LayerHandle<ContainerLayer> _layerHandle = LayerHandle<ContainerLayer>(); /// In debug mode, the compositing layer that this render object uses to repaint. /// /// This getter is intended for debugging purposes only. In release builds, it /// always returns null. In debug builds, it returns the layer even if the layer /// is dirty. /// /// For production code, consider [layer]. ContainerLayer? get debugLayer { ContainerLayer? result; assert(() { result = _layerHandle.layer; return true; }()); return result; } bool _needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; // set to true when a child is added /// Mark the compositing state for this render object as dirty. /// /// This is called to indicate that the value for [needsCompositing] needs to /// be recomputed during the next [PipelineOwner.flushCompositingBits] engine /// phase. /// /// When the subtree is mutated, we need to recompute our /// [needsCompositing] bit, and some of our ancestors need to do the /// same (in case ours changed in a way that will change theirs). To /// this end, [adoptChild] and [dropChild] call this method, and, as /// necessary, this method calls the parent's, etc, walking up the /// tree to mark all the nodes that need updating. /// /// This method does not schedule a rendering frame, because since /// it cannot be the case that _only_ the compositing bits changed, /// something else will have scheduled a frame for us. void markNeedsCompositingBitsUpdate() { assert(!_debugDisposed); if (_needsCompositingBitsUpdate) { return; } _needsCompositingBitsUpdate = true; if (parent is RenderObject) { final RenderObject parent = this.parent! as RenderObject; if (parent._needsCompositingBitsUpdate) { return; } if ((!_wasRepaintBoundary || !isRepaintBoundary) && !parent.isRepaintBoundary) { parent.markNeedsCompositingBitsUpdate(); return; } } // parent is fine (or there isn't one), but we are dirty if (owner != null) { owner!._nodesNeedingCompositingBitsUpdate.add(this); } } late bool _needsCompositing; // initialized in the constructor /// Whether we or one of our descendants has a compositing layer. /// /// If this node needs compositing as indicated by this bit, then all ancestor /// nodes will also need compositing. /// /// Only legal to call after [PipelineOwner.flushLayout] and /// [PipelineOwner.flushCompositingBits] have been called. bool get needsCompositing { assert(!_needsCompositingBitsUpdate); // make sure we don't use this bit when it is dirty return _needsCompositing; } void _updateCompositingBits() { if (!_needsCompositingBitsUpdate) { return; } final bool oldNeedsCompositing = _needsCompositing; _needsCompositing = false; visitChildren((RenderObject child) { child._updateCompositingBits(); if (child.needsCompositing) { _needsCompositing = true; } }); if (isRepaintBoundary || alwaysNeedsCompositing) { _needsCompositing = true; } // If a node was previously a repaint boundary, but no longer is one, then // regardless of its compositing state we need to find a new parent to // paint from. To do this, we mark it clean again so that the traversal // in markNeedsPaint is not short-circuited. It is removed from _nodesNeedingPaint // so that we do not attempt to paint from it after locating a parent. if (!isRepaintBoundary && _wasRepaintBoundary) { _needsPaint = false; _needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false; owner?._nodesNeedingPaint.remove(this); _needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; markNeedsPaint(); } else if (oldNeedsCompositing != _needsCompositing) { _needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; markNeedsPaint(); } else { _needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; } } /// Whether this render object's paint information is dirty. /// /// This is only set in debug mode. In general, render objects should not need /// to condition their runtime behavior on whether they are dirty or not, /// since they should only be marked dirty immediately prior to being laid /// out and painted. (In release builds, this throws.) /// /// It is intended to be used by tests and asserts. /// /// It is possible (and indeed, quite common) for [debugNeedsPaint] to be /// false and [debugNeedsLayout] to be true. The render object will still be /// repainted in the next frame when this is the case, because the /// [markNeedsPaint] method is implicitly called by the framework after a /// render object is laid out, prior to the paint phase. bool get debugNeedsPaint { late bool result; assert(() { result = _needsPaint; return true; }()); return result; } bool _needsPaint = true; /// Whether this render object's layer information is dirty. /// /// This is only set in debug mode. In general, render objects should not need /// to condition their runtime behavior on whether they are dirty or not, /// since they should only be marked dirty immediately prior to being laid /// out and painted. (In release builds, this throws.) /// /// It is intended to be used by tests and asserts. bool get debugNeedsCompositedLayerUpdate { late bool result; assert(() { result = _needsCompositedLayerUpdate; return true; }()); return result; } bool _needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false; /// Mark this render object as having changed its visual appearance. /// /// Rather than eagerly updating this render object's display list /// in response to writes, we instead mark the render object as needing to /// paint, which schedules a visual update. As part of the visual update, the /// rendering pipeline will give this render object an opportunity to update /// its display list. /// /// This mechanism batches the painting work so that multiple sequential /// writes are coalesced, removing redundant computation. /// /// Once [markNeedsPaint] has been called on a render object, /// [debugNeedsPaint] returns true for that render object until just after /// the pipeline owner has called [paint] on the render object. /// /// See also: /// /// * [RepaintBoundary], to scope a subtree of render objects to their own /// layer, thus limiting the number of nodes that [markNeedsPaint] must mark /// dirty. void markNeedsPaint() { assert(!_debugDisposed); assert(owner == null || !owner!.debugDoingPaint); if (_needsPaint) { return; } _needsPaint = true; // If this was not previously a repaint boundary it will not have // a layer we can paint from. if (isRepaintBoundary && _wasRepaintBoundary) { assert(() { if (debugPrintMarkNeedsPaintStacks) { debugPrintStack(label: 'markNeedsPaint() called for $this'); } return true; }()); // If we always have our own layer, then we can just repaint // ourselves without involving any other nodes. assert(_layerHandle.layer is OffsetLayer); if (owner != null) { owner!._nodesNeedingPaint.add(this); owner!.requestVisualUpdate(); } } else if (parent is RenderObject) { final RenderObject parent = this.parent! as RenderObject; parent.markNeedsPaint(); assert(parent == this.parent); } else { assert(() { if (debugPrintMarkNeedsPaintStacks) { debugPrintStack(label: 'markNeedsPaint() called for $this (root of render tree)'); } return true; }()); // If we are the root of the render tree and not a repaint boundary // then we have to paint ourselves, since nobody else can paint us. // We don't add ourselves to _nodesNeedingPaint in this case, // because the root is always told to paint regardless. // // Trees rooted at a RenderView do not go through this // code path because RenderViews are repaint boundaries. if (owner != null) { owner!.requestVisualUpdate(); } } } /// Mark this render object as having changed a property on its composited /// layer. /// /// Render objects that have a composited layer have [isRepaintBoundary] equal /// to true may update the properties of that composited layer without repainting /// their children. If this render object is a repaint boundary but does /// not yet have a composited layer created for it, this method will instead /// mark the nearest repaint boundary parent as needing to be painted. /// /// If this method is called on a render object that is not a repaint boundary /// or is a repaint boundary but hasn't been composited yet, it is equivalent /// to calling [markNeedsPaint]. /// /// See also: /// /// * [RenderOpacity], which uses this method when its opacity is updated to /// update the layer opacity without repainting children. void markNeedsCompositedLayerUpdate() { assert(!_debugDisposed); assert(owner == null || !owner!.debugDoingPaint); if (_needsCompositedLayerUpdate || _needsPaint) { return; } _needsCompositedLayerUpdate = true; // If this was not previously a repaint boundary it will not have // a layer we can paint from. if (isRepaintBoundary && _wasRepaintBoundary) { // If we always have our own layer, then we can just repaint // ourselves without involving any other nodes. assert(_layerHandle.layer != null); if (owner != null) { owner!._nodesNeedingPaint.add(this); owner!.requestVisualUpdate(); } } else { markNeedsPaint(); } } // Called when flushPaint() tries to make us paint but our layer is detached. // To make sure that our subtree is repainted when it's finally reattached, // even in the case where some ancestor layer is itself never marked dirty, we // have to mark our entire detached subtree as dirty and needing to be // repainted. That way, we'll eventually be repainted. void _skippedPaintingOnLayer() { assert(attached); assert(isRepaintBoundary); assert(_needsPaint || _needsCompositedLayerUpdate); assert(_layerHandle.layer != null); assert(!_layerHandle.layer!.attached); AbstractNode? node = parent; while (node is RenderObject) { if (node.isRepaintBoundary) { if (node._layerHandle.layer == null) { // Looks like the subtree here has never been painted. Let it handle itself. break; } if (node._layerHandle.layer!.attached) { // It's the one that detached us, so it's the one that will decide to repaint us. break; } node._needsPaint = true; } node = node.parent; } } /// Bootstrap the rendering pipeline by scheduling the very first paint. /// /// Requires that this render object is attached, is the root of the render /// tree, and has a composited layer. /// /// See [RenderView] for an example of how this function is used. void scheduleInitialPaint(ContainerLayer rootLayer) { assert(rootLayer.attached); assert(attached); assert(parent is! RenderObject); assert(!owner!._debugDoingPaint); assert(isRepaintBoundary); assert(_layerHandle.layer == null); _layerHandle.layer = rootLayer; assert(_needsPaint); owner!._nodesNeedingPaint.add(this); } /// Replace the layer. This is only valid for the root of a render /// object subtree (whatever object [scheduleInitialPaint] was /// called on). /// /// This might be called if, e.g., the device pixel ratio changed. void replaceRootLayer(OffsetLayer rootLayer) { assert(!_debugDisposed); assert(rootLayer.attached); assert(attached); assert(parent is! RenderObject); assert(!owner!._debugDoingPaint); assert(isRepaintBoundary); assert(_layerHandle.layer != null); // use scheduleInitialPaint the first time _layerHandle.layer!.detach(); _layerHandle.layer = rootLayer; markNeedsPaint(); } void _paintWithContext(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) { assert(!_debugDisposed); assert(() { if (_debugDoingThisPaint) { throw FlutterError.fromParts(<DiagnosticsNode>[ ErrorSummary('Tried to paint a RenderObject reentrantly.'), describeForError( 'The following RenderObject was already being painted when it was ' 'painted again', ), ErrorDescription( 'Since this typically indicates an infinite recursion, it is ' 'disallowed.', ), ]); } return true; }()); // If we still need layout, then that means that we were skipped in the // layout phase and therefore don't need painting. We might not know that // yet (that is, our layer might not have been detached yet), because the // same node that skipped us in layout is above us in the tree (obviously) // and therefore may not have had a chance to paint yet (since the tree // paints in reverse order). In particular this will happen if they have // a different layer, because there's a repaint boundary between us. if (_needsLayout) { return; } if (!kReleaseMode && debugProfilePaintsEnabled) { Map<String, String>? debugTimelineArguments; assert(() { if (debugEnhancePaintTimelineArguments) { debugTimelineArguments = toDiagnosticsNode().toTimelineArguments(); } return true; }()); Timeline.startSync( '$runtimeType', arguments: debugTimelineArguments, ); } assert(() { if (_needsCompositingBitsUpdate) { if (parent is RenderObject) { final RenderObject parent = this.parent! as RenderObject; bool visitedByParent = false; parent.visitChildren((RenderObject child) { if (child == this) { visitedByParent = true; } }); if (!visitedByParent) { throw FlutterError.fromParts(<DiagnosticsNode>[ ErrorSummary( "A RenderObject was not visited by the parent's visitChildren " 'during paint.', ), parent.describeForError( 'The parent was', ), describeForError( 'The child that was not visited was', ), ErrorDescription( 'A RenderObject with children must implement visitChildren and ' 'call the visitor exactly once for each child; it also should not ' 'paint children that were removed with dropChild.', ), ErrorHint( 'This usually indicates an error in the Flutter framework itself.', ), ]); } } throw FlutterError.fromParts(<DiagnosticsNode>[ ErrorSummary( 'Tried to paint a RenderObject before its compositing bits were ' 'updated.', ), describeForError( 'The following RenderObject was marked as having dirty compositing ' 'bits at the time that it was painted', ), ErrorDescription( 'A RenderObject that still has dirty compositing bits cannot be ' 'painted because this indicates that the tree has not yet been ' 'properly configured for creating the layer tree.', ), ErrorHint( 'This usually indicates an error in the Flutter framework itself.', ), ]); } return true; }()); RenderObject? debugLastActivePaint; assert(() { _debugDoingThisPaint = true; debugLastActivePaint = _debugActivePaint; _debugActivePaint = this; assert(!isRepaintBoundary || _layerHandle.layer != null); return true; }()); _needsPaint = false; _needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false; _wasRepaintBoundary = isRepaintBoundary; try { paint(context, offset); assert(!_needsLayout); // check that the paint() method didn't mark us dirty again assert(!_needsPaint); // check that the paint() method didn't mark us dirty again } catch (e, stack) { _reportException('paint', e, stack); } assert(() { debugPaint(context, offset); _debugActivePaint = debugLastActivePaint; _debugDoingThisPaint = false; return true; }()); if (!kReleaseMode && debugProfilePaintsEnabled) { Timeline.finishSync(); } } /// An estimate of the bounds within which this render object will paint. /// Useful for debugging flags such as [debugPaintLayerBordersEnabled]. /// /// These are also the bounds used by [showOnScreen] to make a [RenderObject] /// visible on screen. Rect get paintBounds; /// Override this method to paint debugging information. void debugPaint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) { } /// Paint this render object into the given context at the given offset. /// /// Subclasses should override this method to provide a visual appearance /// for themselves. The render object's local coordinate system is /// axis-aligned with the coordinate system of the context's canvas and the /// render object's local origin (i.e, x=0 and y=0) is placed at the given /// offset in the context's canvas. /// /// Do not call this function directly. If you wish to paint yourself, call /// [markNeedsPaint] instead to schedule a call to this function. If you wish /// to paint one of your children, call [PaintingContext.paintChild] on the /// given `context`. /// /// When painting one of your children (via a paint child function on the /// given context), the current canvas held by the context might change /// because draw operations before and after painting children might need to /// be recorded on separate compositing layers. void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) { } /// Applies the transform that would be applied when painting the given child /// to the given matrix. /// /// Used by coordinate conversion functions to translate coordinates local to /// one render object into coordinates local to another render object. /// /// Some RenderObjects will provide a zeroed out matrix in this method, /// indicating that the child should not paint anything or respond to hit /// tests currently. A parent may supply a non-zero matrix even though it /// does not paint its child currently, for example if the parent is a /// [RenderOffstage] with `offstage` set to true. In both of these cases, /// the parent must return `false` from [paintsChild]. void applyPaintTransform(covariant RenderObject child, Matrix4 transform) { assert(child.parent == this); } /// Whether the given child would be painted if [paint] were called. /// /// Some RenderObjects skip painting their children if they are configured to /// not produce any visible effects. For example, a [RenderOffstage] with /// its `offstage` property set to true, or a [RenderOpacity] with its opacity /// value set to zero. /// /// In these cases, the parent may still supply a non-zero matrix in /// [applyPaintTransform] to inform callers about where it would paint the /// child if the child were painted at all. Alternatively, the parent may /// supply a zeroed out matrix if it would not otherwise be able to determine /// a valid matrix for the child and thus cannot meaningfully determine where /// the child would paint. bool paintsChild(covariant RenderObject child) { assert(child.parent == this); return true; } /// {@template flutter.rendering.RenderObject.getTransformTo} /// Applies the paint transform up the tree to `ancestor`. /// /// Returns a matrix that maps the local paint coordinate system to the /// coordinate system of `ancestor`. /// /// If `ancestor` is null, this method returns a matrix that maps from the /// local paint coordinate system to the coordinate system of the /// [PipelineOwner.rootNode]. /// {@endtemplate} /// /// For the render tree owned by the [RendererBinding] (i.e. for the main /// render tree displayed on the device) this means that this method maps to /// the global coordinate system in logical pixels. To get physical pixels, /// use [applyPaintTransform] from the [RenderView] to further transform the /// coordinate. Matrix4 getTransformTo(RenderObject? ancestor) { final bool ancestorSpecified = ancestor != null; assert(attached); if (ancestor == null) { final AbstractNode? rootNode = owner!.rootNode; if (rootNode is RenderObject) { ancestor = rootNode; } } final List<RenderObject> renderers = <RenderObject>[]; for (RenderObject renderer = this; renderer != ancestor; renderer = renderer.parent! as RenderObject) { renderers.add(renderer); assert(renderer.parent != null); // Failed to find ancestor in parent chain. } if (ancestorSpecified) { renderers.add(ancestor!); } final Matrix4 transform = Matrix4.identity(); for (int index = renderers.length - 1; index > 0; index -= 1) { renderers[index].applyPaintTransform(renderers[index - 1], transform); } return transform; } /// Returns a rect in this object's coordinate system that describes /// the approximate bounding box of the clip rect that would be /// applied to the given child during the paint phase, if any. /// /// Returns null if the child would not be clipped. /// /// This is used in the semantics phase to avoid including children /// that are not physically visible. /// /// RenderObjects that respect a [Clip] behavior when painting _must_ respect /// that same behavior when describing this value. For example, if passing /// [Clip.none] to [PaintingContext.pushClipRect] as the `clipBehavior`, then /// the implementation of this method must return null. Rect? describeApproximatePaintClip(covariant RenderObject child) => null; /// Returns a rect in this object's coordinate system that describes /// which [SemanticsNode]s produced by the `child` should be included in the /// semantics tree. [SemanticsNode]s from the `child` that are positioned /// outside of this rect will be dropped. Child [SemanticsNode]s that are /// positioned inside this rect, but outside of [describeApproximatePaintClip] /// will be included in the tree marked as hidden. Child [SemanticsNode]s /// that are inside of both rect will be included in the tree as regular /// nodes. /// /// This method only returns a non-null value if the semantics clip rect /// is different from the rect returned by [describeApproximatePaintClip]. /// If the semantics clip rect and the paint clip rect are the same, this /// method returns null. /// /// A viewport would typically implement this method to include semantic nodes /// in the semantics tree that are currently hidden just before the leading /// or just after the trailing edge. These nodes have to be included in the /// semantics tree to implement implicit accessibility scrolling on iOS where /// the viewport scrolls implicitly when moving the accessibility focus from /// the last visible node in the viewport to the first hidden one. /// /// See also: /// /// * [RenderViewportBase.cacheExtent], used by viewports to extend their /// semantics clip beyond their approximate paint clip. Rect? describeSemanticsClip(covariant RenderObject? child) => null; // SEMANTICS /// Bootstrap the semantics reporting mechanism by marking this node /// as needing a semantics update. /// /// Requires that this render object is attached, and is the root of /// the render tree. /// /// See [RendererBinding] for an example of how this function is used. void scheduleInitialSemantics() { assert(!_debugDisposed); assert(attached); assert(parent is! RenderObject); assert(!owner!._debugDoingSemantics); assert(_semantics == null); assert(_needsSemanticsUpdate); assert(owner!._semanticsOwner != null); owner!._nodesNeedingSemantics.add(this); owner!.requestVisualUpdate(); } /// Report the semantics of this node, for example for accessibility purposes. /// /// This method should be overridden by subclasses that have interesting /// semantic information. /// /// The given [SemanticsConfiguration] object is mutable and should be /// annotated in a manner that describes the current state. No reference /// should be kept to that object; mutating it outside of the context of the /// [describeSemanticsConfiguration] call (for example as a result of /// asynchronous computation) will at best have no useful effect and at worse /// will cause crashes as the data will be in an inconsistent state. /// /// {@tool snippet} /// /// The following snippet will describe the node as a button that responds to /// tap actions. /// /// ```dart /// abstract class SemanticButtonRenderObject extends RenderObject { /// @override /// void describeSemanticsConfiguration(SemanticsConfiguration config) { /// super.describeSemanticsConfiguration(config); /// config /// ..onTap = _handleTap /// ..label = 'I am a button' /// ..isButton = true; /// } /// /// void _handleTap() { /// // Do something. /// } /// } /// ``` /// {@end-tool} @protected void describeSemanticsConfiguration(SemanticsConfiguration config) { // Nothing to do by default. } /// Sends a [SemanticsEvent] associated with this render object's [SemanticsNode]. /// /// If this render object has no semantics information, the first parent /// render object with a non-null semantic node is used. /// /// If semantics are disabled, no events are dispatched. /// /// See [SemanticsNode.sendEvent] for a full description of the behavior. void sendSemanticsEvent(SemanticsEvent semanticsEvent) { if (owner!.semanticsOwner == null) { return; } if (_semantics != null && !_semantics!.isMergedIntoParent) { _semantics!.sendEvent(semanticsEvent); } else if (parent != null) { final RenderObject renderParent = parent! as RenderObject; renderParent.sendSemanticsEvent(semanticsEvent); } } // Use [_semanticsConfiguration] to access. SemanticsConfiguration? _cachedSemanticsConfiguration; SemanticsConfiguration get _semanticsConfiguration { if (_cachedSemanticsConfiguration == null) { _cachedSemanticsConfiguration = SemanticsConfiguration(); describeSemanticsConfiguration(_cachedSemanticsConfiguration!); assert( !_cachedSemanticsConfiguration!.explicitChildNodes || _cachedSemanticsConfiguration!.childConfigurationsDelegate == null, 'A SemanticsConfiguration with explicitChildNode set to true cannot have a non-null childConfigsDelegate.', ); } return _cachedSemanticsConfiguration!; } /// The bounding box, in the local coordinate system, of this /// object, for accessibility purposes. Rect get semanticBounds; bool _needsSemanticsUpdate = true; SemanticsNode? _semantics; /// The semantics of this render object. /// /// Exposed only for testing and debugging. To learn about the semantics of /// render objects in production, obtain a [SemanticsHandle] from /// [PipelineOwner.ensureSemantics]. /// /// Only valid in debug and profile mode. In release builds, always returns /// null. SemanticsNode? get debugSemantics { if (!kReleaseMode) { return _semantics; } return null; } /// Removes all semantics from this render object and its descendants. /// /// Should only be called on objects whose [parent] is not a [RenderObject]. /// /// Override this method if you instantiate new [SemanticsNode]s in an /// overridden [assembleSemanticsNode] method, to dispose of those nodes. @mustCallSuper void clearSemantics() { _needsSemanticsUpdate = true; _semantics = null; visitChildren((RenderObject child) { child.clearSemantics(); }); } /// Mark this node as needing an update to its semantics description. /// /// This must be called whenever the semantics configuration of this /// [RenderObject] as annotated by [describeSemanticsConfiguration] changes in /// any way to update the semantics tree. void markNeedsSemanticsUpdate() { assert(!_debugDisposed); assert(!attached || !owner!._debugDoingSemantics); if (!attached || owner!._semanticsOwner == null) { _cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; return; } // Dirty the semantics tree starting at `this` until we have reached a // RenderObject that is a semantics boundary. All semantics past this // RenderObject are still up-to date. Therefore, we will later only rebuild // the semantics subtree starting at the identified semantics boundary. final bool wasSemanticsBoundary = _semantics != null && (_cachedSemanticsConfiguration?.isSemanticBoundary ?? false); bool mayProduceSiblingNodes = _cachedSemanticsConfiguration?.childConfigurationsDelegate != null || _semanticsConfiguration.childConfigurationsDelegate != null; _cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null; bool isEffectiveSemanticsBoundary = _semanticsConfiguration.isSemanticBoundary && wasSemanticsBoundary; RenderObject node = this; // The sibling nodes will be attached to the parent of immediate semantics // node, thus marking this semantics boundary dirty is not enough, it needs // to find the first parent semantics boundary that does not have any // possible sibling node. while (node.parent is RenderObject && (mayProduceSiblingNodes || !isEffectiveSemanticsBoundary)) { if (node != this && node._needsSemanticsUpdate) { break; } node._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; // Since this node is a semantics boundary, the produced sibling nodes will // be attached to the parent semantics boundary. Thus, these sibling nodes // will not be carried to the next loop. if (isEffectiveSemanticsBoundary) { mayProduceSiblingNodes = false; } node = node.parent! as RenderObject; isEffectiveSemanticsBoundary = node._semanticsConfiguration.isSemanticBoundary; if (isEffectiveSemanticsBoundary && node._semantics == null) { // We have reached a semantics boundary that doesn't own a semantics node. // That means the semantics of this branch are currently blocked and will // not appear in the semantics tree. We can abort the walk here. return; } } if (node != this && _semantics != null && _needsSemanticsUpdate) { // If `this` node has already been added to [owner._nodesNeedingSemantics] // remove it as it is no longer guaranteed that its semantics // node will continue to be in the tree. If it still is in the tree, the // ancestor `node` added to [owner._nodesNeedingSemantics] at the end of // this block will ensure that the semantics of `this` node actually gets // updated. // (See semantics_10_test.dart for an example why this is required). owner!._nodesNeedingSemantics.remove(this); } if (!node._needsSemanticsUpdate) { node._needsSemanticsUpdate = true; if (owner != null) { assert(node._semanticsConfiguration.isSemanticBoundary || node.parent is! RenderObject); owner!._nodesNeedingSemantics.add(node); owner!.requestVisualUpdate(); } } } /// Updates the semantic information of the render object. void _updateSemantics() { assert(_semanticsConfiguration.isSemanticBoundary || parent is! RenderObject); if (_needsLayout) { // There's not enough information in this subtree to compute semantics. // The subtree is probably being kept alive by a viewport but not laid out. return; } final _SemanticsFragment fragment = _getSemanticsForParent( mergeIntoParent: _semantics?.parent?.isPartOfNodeMerging ?? false, blockUserActions: _semantics?.areUserActionsBlocked ?? false, ); assert(fragment is _InterestingSemanticsFragment); final _InterestingSemanticsFragment interestingFragment = fragment as _InterestingSemanticsFragment; final List<SemanticsNode> result = <SemanticsNode>[]; final List<SemanticsNode> siblingNodes = <SemanticsNode>[]; interestingFragment.compileChildren( parentSemanticsClipRect: _semantics?.parentSemanticsClipRect, parentPaintClipRect: _semantics?.parentPaintClipRect, elevationAdjustment: _semantics?.elevationAdjustment ?? 0.0, result: result, siblingNodes: siblingNodes, ); // Result may contain sibling nodes that are irrelevant for this update. assert(interestingFragment.config == null && result.any((SemanticsNode node) => node == _semantics)); } /// Returns the semantics that this node would like to add to its parent. _SemanticsFragment _getSemanticsForParent({ required bool mergeIntoParent, required bool blockUserActions, }) { assert(!_needsLayout, 'Updated layout information required for $this to calculate semantics.'); final SemanticsConfiguration config = _semanticsConfiguration; bool dropSemanticsOfPreviousSiblings = config.isBlockingSemanticsOfPreviouslyPaintedNodes; bool producesForkingFragment = !config.hasBeenAnnotated && !config.isSemanticBoundary; final bool blockChildInteractions = blockUserActions || config.isBlockingUserActions; final bool childrenMergeIntoParent = mergeIntoParent || config.isMergingSemanticsOfDescendants; final List<SemanticsConfiguration> childConfigurations = <SemanticsConfiguration>[]; final bool explicitChildNode = config.explicitChildNodes || parent is! RenderObject; final bool hasChildConfigurationsDelegate = config.childConfigurationsDelegate != null; final Map<SemanticsConfiguration, _InterestingSemanticsFragment> configToFragment = <SemanticsConfiguration, _InterestingSemanticsFragment>{}; final List<_InterestingSemanticsFragment> mergeUpFragments = <_InterestingSemanticsFragment>[]; final List<List<_InterestingSemanticsFragment>> siblingMergeFragmentGroups = <List<_InterestingSemanticsFragment>>[]; final bool hasTags = config.tagsForChildren?.isNotEmpty ?? false; visitChildrenForSemantics((RenderObject renderChild) { assert(!_needsLayout); final _SemanticsFragment parentFragment = renderChild._getSemanticsForParent( mergeIntoParent: childrenMergeIntoParent, blockUserActions: blockChildInteractions, ); if (parentFragment.dropsSemanticsOfPreviousSiblings) { childConfigurations.clear(); mergeUpFragments.clear(); siblingMergeFragmentGroups.clear(); if (!config.isSemanticBoundary) { dropSemanticsOfPreviousSiblings = true; } } for (final _InterestingSemanticsFragment fragment in parentFragment.mergeUpFragments) { fragment.addAncestor(this); if (hasTags) { fragment.addTags(config.tagsForChildren!); } if (hasChildConfigurationsDelegate && fragment.config != null) { // This fragment need to go through delegate to determine whether it // merge up or not. childConfigurations.add(fragment.config!); configToFragment[fragment.config!] = fragment; } else { mergeUpFragments.add(fragment); } } if (parentFragment is _ContainerSemanticsFragment) { // Container fragments needs to propagate sibling merge group to be // compiled by _SwitchableSemanticsFragment. for (final List<_InterestingSemanticsFragment> siblingMergeGroup in parentFragment.siblingMergeGroups) { for (final _InterestingSemanticsFragment siblingMergingFragment in siblingMergeGroup) { siblingMergingFragment.addAncestor(this); if (hasTags) { siblingMergingFragment.addTags(config.tagsForChildren!); } } siblingMergeFragmentGroups.add(siblingMergeGroup); } } }); assert(hasChildConfigurationsDelegate || configToFragment.isEmpty); if (explicitChildNode) { for (final _InterestingSemanticsFragment fragment in mergeUpFragments) { fragment.markAsExplicit(); } } else if (hasChildConfigurationsDelegate) { final ChildSemanticsConfigurationsResult result = config.childConfigurationsDelegate!(childConfigurations); mergeUpFragments.addAll( result.mergeUp.map<_InterestingSemanticsFragment>((SemanticsConfiguration config) { final _InterestingSemanticsFragment? fragment = configToFragment[config]; if (fragment == null) { // Parent fragment of Incomplete fragments can't be a forking // fragment since they need to be merged. producesForkingFragment = false; return _IncompleteSemanticsFragment(config: config, owner: this); } return fragment; }), ); for (final Iterable<SemanticsConfiguration> group in result.siblingMergeGroups) { siblingMergeFragmentGroups.add( group.map<_InterestingSemanticsFragment>((SemanticsConfiguration config) { return configToFragment[config] ?? _IncompleteSemanticsFragment(config: config, owner: this); }).toList(), ); } } _needsSemanticsUpdate = false; final _SemanticsFragment result; if (parent is! RenderObject) { assert(!config.hasBeenAnnotated); assert(!mergeIntoParent); assert(siblingMergeFragmentGroups.isEmpty); _marksExplicitInMergeGroup(mergeUpFragments, isMergeUp: true); siblingMergeFragmentGroups.forEach(_marksExplicitInMergeGroup); result = _RootSemanticsFragment( owner: this, dropsSemanticsOfPreviousSiblings: dropSemanticsOfPreviousSiblings, ); } else if (producesForkingFragment) { result = _ContainerSemanticsFragment( siblingMergeGroups: siblingMergeFragmentGroups, dropsSemanticsOfPreviousSiblings: dropSemanticsOfPreviousSiblings, ); } else { _marksExplicitInMergeGroup(mergeUpFragments, isMergeUp: true); siblingMergeFragmentGroups.forEach(_marksExplicitInMergeGroup); result = _SwitchableSemanticsFragment( config: config, blockUserActions: blockUserActions, mergeIntoParent: mergeIntoParent, siblingMergeGroups: siblingMergeFragmentGroups, owner: this, dropsSemanticsOfPreviousSiblings: dropSemanticsOfPreviousSiblings, ); if (config.isSemanticBoundary) { final _SwitchableSemanticsFragment fragment = result as _SwitchableSemanticsFragment; fragment.markAsExplicit(); } } result.addAll(mergeUpFragments); return result; } void _marksExplicitInMergeGroup(List<_InterestingSemanticsFragment> mergeGroup, {bool isMergeUp = false}) { final Set<_InterestingSemanticsFragment> toBeExplicit = <_InterestingSemanticsFragment>{}; for (int i = 0; i < mergeGroup.length; i += 1) { final _InterestingSemanticsFragment fragment = mergeGroup[i]; if (!fragment.hasConfigForParent) { continue; } if (isMergeUp && !_semanticsConfiguration.isCompatibleWith(fragment.config)) { toBeExplicit.add(fragment); } final int siblingLength = i; for (int j = 0; j < siblingLength; j += 1) { final _InterestingSemanticsFragment siblingFragment = mergeGroup[j]; if (!fragment.config!.isCompatibleWith(siblingFragment.config)) { toBeExplicit.add(fragment); toBeExplicit.add(siblingFragment); } } } for (final _InterestingSemanticsFragment fragment in toBeExplicit) { fragment.markAsExplicit(); } } /// Called when collecting the semantics of this node. /// /// The implementation has to return the children in paint order skipping all /// children that are not semantically relevant (e.g. because they are /// invisible). /// /// The default implementation mirrors the behavior of /// [visitChildren] (which is supposed to walk all the children). void visitChildrenForSemantics(RenderObjectVisitor visitor) { visitChildren(visitor); } /// Assemble the [SemanticsNode] for this [RenderObject]. /// /// If [describeSemanticsConfiguration] sets /// [SemanticsConfiguration.isSemanticBoundary] to true, this method is called /// with the `node` created for this [RenderObject], the `config` to be /// applied to that node and the `children` [SemanticsNode]s that descendants /// of this RenderObject have generated. /// /// By default, the method will annotate `node` with `config` and add the /// `children` to it. /// /// Subclasses can override this method to add additional [SemanticsNode]s /// to the tree. If new [SemanticsNode]s are instantiated in this method /// they must be disposed in [clearSemantics]. void assembleSemanticsNode( SemanticsNode node, SemanticsConfiguration config, Iterable<SemanticsNode> children, ) { assert(node == _semantics); // TODO(a14n): remove the following cast by updating type of parameter in either updateWith or assembleSemanticsNode node.updateWith(config: config, childrenInInversePaintOrder: children as List<SemanticsNode>); } // EVENTS /// Override this method to handle pointer events that hit this render object. @override void handleEvent(PointerEvent event, covariant HitTestEntry entry) { } // HIT TESTING // RenderObject subclasses are expected to have a method like the following // (with the signature being whatever passes for coordinates for this // particular class): // // bool hitTest(HitTestResult result, { Offset position }) { // // If the given position is not inside this node, then return false. // // Otherwise: // // For each child that intersects the position, in z-order starting from // // the top, call hitTest() for that child, passing it /result/, and the // // coordinates converted to the child's coordinate origin, and stop at // // the first child that returns true. // // Then, add yourself to /result/, and return true. // } // // If you add yourself to /result/ and still return false, then that means you // will see events but so will objects below you. /// Returns a human understandable name. @override String toStringShort() { String header = describeIdentity(this); if (!kReleaseMode) { if (_debugDisposed) { header += ' DISPOSED'; return header; } if (_relayoutBoundary != null && _relayoutBoundary != this) { int count = 1; RenderObject? target = parent as RenderObject?; while (target != null && target != _relayoutBoundary) { target = target.parent as RenderObject?; count += 1; } header += ' relayoutBoundary=up$count'; } if (_needsLayout) { header += ' NEEDS-LAYOUT'; } if (_needsPaint) { header += ' NEEDS-PAINT'; } if (_needsCompositingBitsUpdate) { header += ' NEEDS-COMPOSITING-BITS-UPDATE'; } if (!attached) { header += ' DETACHED'; } } return header; } @override String toString({ DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.info }) => toStringShort(); /// Returns a description of the tree rooted at this node. /// If the prefix argument is provided, then every line in the output /// will be prefixed by that string. @override String toStringDeep({ String prefixLineOne = '', String? prefixOtherLines = '', DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug, }) { return _withDebugActiveLayoutCleared(() => super.toStringDeep( prefixLineOne: prefixLineOne, prefixOtherLines: prefixOtherLines, minLevel: minLevel, )); } /// Returns a one-line detailed description of the render object. /// This description is often somewhat long. /// /// This includes the same information for this RenderObject as given by /// [toStringDeep], but does not recurse to any children. @override String toStringShallow({ String joiner = ', ', DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug, }) { return _withDebugActiveLayoutCleared(() => super.toStringShallow(joiner: joiner, minLevel: minLevel)); } @protected @override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { super.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.add(FlagProperty('needsCompositing', value: _needsCompositing, ifTrue: 'needs compositing')); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Object?>('creator', debugCreator, defaultValue: null, level: DiagnosticLevel.debug)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<ParentData>('parentData', parentData, tooltip: (_debugCanParentUseSize ?? false) ? 'can use size' : null, missingIfNull: true)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Constraints>('constraints', _constraints, missingIfNull: true)); // don't access it via the "layer" getter since that's only valid when we don't need paint properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<ContainerLayer>('layer', _layerHandle.layer, defaultValue: null)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<SemanticsNode>('semantics node', _semantics, defaultValue: null)); properties.add(FlagProperty( 'isBlockingSemanticsOfPreviouslyPaintedNodes', value: _semanticsConfiguration.isBlockingSemanticsOfPreviouslyPaintedNodes, ifTrue: 'blocks semantics of earlier render objects below the common boundary', )); properties.add(FlagProperty('isSemanticBoundary', value: _semanticsConfiguration.isSemanticBoundary, ifTrue: 'semantic boundary')); } @override List<DiagnosticsNode> debugDescribeChildren() => <DiagnosticsNode>[]; /// Attempt to make (a portion of) this or a descendant [RenderObject] visible /// on screen. /// /// If `descendant` is provided, that [RenderObject] is made visible. If /// `descendant` is omitted, this [RenderObject] is made visible. /// /// The optional `rect` parameter describes which area of that [RenderObject] /// should be shown on screen. If `rect` is null, the entire /// [RenderObject] (as defined by its [paintBounds]) will be revealed. The /// `rect` parameter is interpreted relative to the coordinate system of /// `descendant` if that argument is provided and relative to this /// [RenderObject] otherwise. /// /// The `duration` parameter can be set to a non-zero value to bring the /// target object on screen in an animation defined by `curve`. /// /// See also: /// /// * [RenderViewportBase.showInViewport], which [RenderViewportBase] and /// [SingleChildScrollView] delegate this method to. void showOnScreen({ RenderObject? descendant, Rect? rect, Duration duration = Duration.zero, Curve curve = Curves.ease, }) { if (parent is RenderObject) { final RenderObject renderParent = parent! as RenderObject; renderParent.showOnScreen( descendant: descendant ?? this, rect: rect, duration: duration, curve: curve, ); } } /// Adds a debug representation of a [RenderObject] optimized for including in /// error messages. /// /// The default [style] of [DiagnosticsTreeStyle.shallow] ensures that all of /// the properties of the render object are included in the error output but /// none of the children of the object are. /// /// You should always include a RenderObject in an error message if it is the /// [RenderObject] causing the failure or contract violation of the error. DiagnosticsNode describeForError(String name, { DiagnosticsTreeStyle style = DiagnosticsTreeStyle.shallow }) { return toDiagnosticsNode(name: name, style: style); } } /// Generic mixin for render objects with one child. /// /// Provides a child model for a render object subclass that has /// a unique child, which is accessible via the [child] getter. /// /// This mixin is typically used to implement render objects created /// in a [SingleChildRenderObjectWidget]. mixin RenderObjectWithChildMixin<ChildType extends RenderObject> on RenderObject { /// Checks whether the given render object has the correct [runtimeType] to be /// a child of this render object. /// /// Does nothing if assertions are disabled. /// /// Always returns true. bool debugValidateChild(RenderObject child) { assert(() { if (child is! ChildType) { throw FlutterError.fromParts(<DiagnosticsNode>[ ErrorSummary( 'A $runtimeType expected a child of type $ChildType but received a ' 'child of type ${child.runtimeType}.', ), ErrorDescription( 'RenderObjects expect specific types of children because they ' 'coordinate with their children during layout and paint. For ' 'example, a RenderSliver cannot be the child of a RenderBox because ' 'a RenderSliver does not understand the RenderBox layout protocol.', ), ErrorSpacer(), DiagnosticsProperty<Object?>( 'The $runtimeType that expected a $ChildType child was created by', debugCreator, style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty, ), ErrorSpacer(), DiagnosticsProperty<Object?>( 'The ${child.runtimeType} that did not match the expected child type ' 'was created by', child.debugCreator, style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty, ), ]); } return true; }()); return true; } ChildType? _child; /// The render object's unique child. ChildType? get child => _child; set child(ChildType? value) { if (_child != null) { dropChild(_child!); } _child = value; if (_child != null) { adoptChild(_child!); } } @override void attach(PipelineOwner owner) { super.attach(owner); _child?.attach(owner); } @override void detach() { super.detach(); _child?.detach(); } @override void redepthChildren() { if (_child != null) { redepthChild(_child!); } } @override void visitChildren(RenderObjectVisitor visitor) { if (_child != null) { visitor(_child!); } } @override List<DiagnosticsNode> debugDescribeChildren() { return child != null ? <DiagnosticsNode>[child!.toDiagnosticsNode(name: 'child')] : <DiagnosticsNode>[]; } } /// Parent data to support a doubly-linked list of children. /// /// The children can be traversed using [nextSibling] or [previousSibling], /// which can be called on the parent data of the render objects /// obtained via [ContainerRenderObjectMixin.firstChild] or /// [ContainerRenderObjectMixin.lastChild]. mixin ContainerParentDataMixin<ChildType extends RenderObject> on ParentData { /// The previous sibling in the parent's child list. ChildType? previousSibling; /// The next sibling in the parent's child list. ChildType? nextSibling; /// Clear the sibling pointers. @override void detach() { assert(previousSibling == null, 'Pointers to siblings must be nulled before detaching ParentData.'); assert(nextSibling == null, 'Pointers to siblings must be nulled before detaching ParentData.'); super.detach(); } } /// Generic mixin for render objects with a list of children. /// /// Provides a child model for a render object subclass that has a doubly-linked /// list of children. /// /// The [ChildType] specifies the type of the children (extending [RenderObject]), /// e.g. [RenderBox]. /// /// [ParentDataType] stores parent container data on its child render objects. /// It must extend [ContainerParentDataMixin], which provides the interface /// for visiting children. This data is populated by /// [RenderObject.setupParentData] implemented by the class using this mixin. /// /// When using [RenderBox] as the child type, you will usually want to make use of /// [RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin] and extend [ContainerBoxParentData] for the /// parent data. /// /// Moreover, this is a required mixin for render objects returned to [MultiChildRenderObjectWidget]. /// /// See also: /// /// * [SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin], which organizes its children /// in different named slots. mixin ContainerRenderObjectMixin<ChildType extends RenderObject, ParentDataType extends ContainerParentDataMixin<ChildType>> on RenderObject { bool _debugUltimatePreviousSiblingOf(ChildType child, { ChildType? equals }) { ParentDataType childParentData = child.parentData! as ParentDataType; while (childParentData.previousSibling != null) { assert(childParentData.previousSibling != child); child = childParentData.previousSibling!; childParentData = child.parentData! as ParentDataType; } return child == equals; } bool _debugUltimateNextSiblingOf(ChildType child, { ChildType? equals }) { ParentDataType childParentData = child.parentData! as ParentDataType; while (childParentData.nextSibling != null) { assert(childParentData.nextSibling != child); child = childParentData.nextSibling!; childParentData = child.parentData! as ParentDataType; } return child == equals; } int _childCount = 0; /// The number of children. int get childCount => _childCount; /// Checks whether the given render object has the correct [runtimeType] to be /// a child of this render object. /// /// Does nothing if assertions are disabled. /// /// Always returns true. bool debugValidateChild(RenderObject child) { assert(() { if (child is! ChildType) { throw FlutterError.fromParts(<DiagnosticsNode>[ ErrorSummary( 'A $runtimeType expected a child of type $ChildType but received a ' 'child of type ${child.runtimeType}.', ), ErrorDescription( 'RenderObjects expect specific types of children because they ' 'coordinate with their children during layout and paint. For ' 'example, a RenderSliver cannot be the child of a RenderBox because ' 'a RenderSliver does not understand the RenderBox layout protocol.', ), ErrorSpacer(), DiagnosticsProperty<Object?>( 'The $runtimeType that expected a $ChildType child was created by', debugCreator, style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty, ), ErrorSpacer(), DiagnosticsProperty<Object?>( 'The ${child.runtimeType} that did not match the expected child type ' 'was created by', child.debugCreator, style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty, ), ]); } return true; }()); return true; } ChildType? _firstChild; ChildType? _lastChild; void _insertIntoChildList(ChildType child, { ChildType? after }) { final ParentDataType childParentData = child.parentData! as ParentDataType; assert(childParentData.nextSibling == null); assert(childParentData.previousSibling == null); _childCount += 1; assert(_childCount > 0); if (after == null) { // insert at the start (_firstChild) childParentData.nextSibling = _firstChild; if (_firstChild != null) { final ParentDataType firstChildParentData = _firstChild!.parentData! as ParentDataType; firstChildParentData.previousSibling = child; } _firstChild = child; _lastChild ??= child; } else { assert(_firstChild != null); assert(_lastChild != null); assert(_debugUltimatePreviousSiblingOf(after, equals: _firstChild)); assert(_debugUltimateNextSiblingOf(after, equals: _lastChild)); final ParentDataType afterParentData = after.parentData! as ParentDataType; if (afterParentData.nextSibling == null) { // insert at the end (_lastChild); we'll end up with two or more children assert(after == _lastChild); childParentData.previousSibling = after; afterParentData.nextSibling = child; _lastChild = child; } else { // insert in the middle; we'll end up with three or more children // set up links from child to siblings childParentData.nextSibling = afterParentData.nextSibling; childParentData.previousSibling = after; // set up links from siblings to child final ParentDataType childPreviousSiblingParentData = childParentData.previousSibling!.parentData! as ParentDataType; final ParentDataType childNextSiblingParentData = childParentData.nextSibling!.parentData! as ParentDataType; childPreviousSiblingParentData.nextSibling = child; childNextSiblingParentData.previousSibling = child; assert(afterParentData.nextSibling == child); } } } /// Insert child into this render object's child list after the given child. /// /// If `after` is null, then this inserts the child at the start of the list, /// and the child becomes the new [firstChild]. void insert(ChildType child, { ChildType? after }) { assert(child != this, 'A RenderObject cannot be inserted into itself.'); assert(after != this, 'A RenderObject cannot simultaneously be both the parent and the sibling of another RenderObject.'); assert(child != after, 'A RenderObject cannot be inserted after itself.'); assert(child != _firstChild); assert(child != _lastChild); adoptChild(child); _insertIntoChildList(child, after: after); } /// Append child to the end of this render object's child list. void add(ChildType child) { insert(child, after: _lastChild); } /// Add all the children to the end of this render object's child list. void addAll(List<ChildType>? children) { children?.forEach(add); } void _removeFromChildList(ChildType child) { final ParentDataType childParentData = child.parentData! as ParentDataType; assert(_debugUltimatePreviousSiblingOf(child, equals: _firstChild)); assert(_debugUltimateNextSiblingOf(child, equals: _lastChild)); assert(_childCount >= 0); if (childParentData.previousSibling == null) { assert(_firstChild == child); _firstChild = childParentData.nextSibling; } else { final ParentDataType childPreviousSiblingParentData = childParentData.previousSibling!.parentData! as ParentDataType; childPreviousSiblingParentData.nextSibling = childParentData.nextSibling; } if (childParentData.nextSibling == null) { assert(_lastChild == child); _lastChild = childParentData.previousSibling; } else { final ParentDataType childNextSiblingParentData = childParentData.nextSibling!.parentData! as ParentDataType; childNextSiblingParentData.previousSibling = childParentData.previousSibling; } childParentData.previousSibling = null; childParentData.nextSibling = null; _childCount -= 1; } /// Remove this child from the child list. /// /// Requires the child to be present in the child list. void remove(ChildType child) { _removeFromChildList(child); dropChild(child); } /// Remove all their children from this render object's child list. /// /// More efficient than removing them individually. void removeAll() { ChildType? child = _firstChild; while (child != null) { final ParentDataType childParentData = child.parentData! as ParentDataType; final ChildType? next = childParentData.nextSibling; childParentData.previousSibling = null; childParentData.nextSibling = null; dropChild(child); child = next; } _firstChild = null; _lastChild = null; _childCount = 0; } /// Move the given `child` in the child list to be after another child. /// /// More efficient than removing and re-adding the child. Requires the child /// to already be in the child list at some position. Pass null for `after` to /// move the child to the start of the child list. void move(ChildType child, { ChildType? after }) { assert(child != this); assert(after != this); assert(child != after); assert(child.parent == this); final ParentDataType childParentData = child.parentData! as ParentDataType; if (childParentData.previousSibling == after) { return; } _removeFromChildList(child); _insertIntoChildList(child, after: after); markNeedsLayout(); } @override void attach(PipelineOwner owner) { super.attach(owner); ChildType? child = _firstChild; while (child != null) { child.attach(owner); final ParentDataType childParentData = child.parentData! as ParentDataType; child = childParentData.nextSibling; } } @override void detach() { super.detach(); ChildType? child = _firstChild; while (child != null) { child.detach(); final ParentDataType childParentData = child.parentData! as ParentDataType; child = childParentData.nextSibling; } } @override void redepthChildren() { ChildType? child = _firstChild; while (child != null) { redepthChild(child); final ParentDataType childParentData = child.parentData! as ParentDataType; child = childParentData.nextSibling; } } @override void visitChildren(RenderObjectVisitor visitor) { ChildType? child = _firstChild; while (child != null) { visitor(child); final ParentDataType childParentData = child.parentData! as ParentDataType; child = childParentData.nextSibling; } } /// The first child in the child list. ChildType? get firstChild => _firstChild; /// The last child in the child list. ChildType? get lastChild => _lastChild; /// The previous child before the given child in the child list. ChildType? childBefore(ChildType child) { assert(child.parent == this); final ParentDataType childParentData = child.parentData! as ParentDataType; return childParentData.previousSibling; } /// The next child after the given child in the child list. ChildType? childAfter(ChildType child) { assert(child.parent == this); final ParentDataType childParentData = child.parentData! as ParentDataType; return childParentData.nextSibling; } @override List<DiagnosticsNode> debugDescribeChildren() { final List<DiagnosticsNode> children = <DiagnosticsNode>[]; if (firstChild != null) { ChildType child = firstChild!; int count = 1; while (true) { children.add(child.toDiagnosticsNode(name: 'child $count')); if (child == lastChild) { break; } count += 1; final ParentDataType childParentData = child.parentData! as ParentDataType; child = childParentData.nextSibling!; } } return children; } } /// Mixin for [RenderObject] that will call [systemFontsDidChange] whenever the /// system fonts change. /// /// System fonts can change when the OS installs or removes a font. Use this /// mixin if the [RenderObject] uses [TextPainter] or [Paragraph] to correctly /// update the text when it happens. mixin RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin on RenderObject { /// A callback that is called when system fonts have changed. /// /// The framework defers the invocation of the callback to the /// [SchedulerPhase.transientCallbacks] phase to ensure that the /// [RenderObject]'s text layout is still valid when user interactions are in /// progress (which usually take place during the [SchedulerPhase.idle] phase). /// /// By default, [markNeedsLayout] is called on the [RenderObject] /// implementing this mixin. /// /// Subclass should override this method to clear any extra cache that depend /// on font-related metrics. @protected @mustCallSuper void systemFontsDidChange() { markNeedsLayout(); } bool _hasPendingSystemFontsDidChangeCallBack = false; void _scheduleSystemFontsUpdate() { assert( SchedulerBinding.instance.schedulerPhase == SchedulerPhase.idle, '${objectRuntimeType(this, "RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin")}._scheduleSystemFontsUpdate() ' 'called during ${SchedulerBinding.instance.schedulerPhase}.', ); if (_hasPendingSystemFontsDidChangeCallBack) { return; } _hasPendingSystemFontsDidChangeCallBack = true; SchedulerBinding.instance.scheduleFrameCallback((Duration timeStamp) { assert(_hasPendingSystemFontsDidChangeCallBack); _hasPendingSystemFontsDidChangeCallBack = false; assert( attached || (debugDisposed ?? true), '$this is detached during ${SchedulerBinding.instance.schedulerPhase} but is not disposed.', ); if (attached) { systemFontsDidChange(); } }); } @override void attach(PipelineOwner owner) { super.attach(owner); // If there's a pending callback that would imply this node was detached // between the idle phase and the next transientCallbacks phase. The tree // can not be mutated between those two phases so that should never happen. assert(!_hasPendingSystemFontsDidChangeCallBack); PaintingBinding.instance.systemFonts.addListener(_scheduleSystemFontsUpdate); } @override void detach() { assert(!_hasPendingSystemFontsDidChangeCallBack); PaintingBinding.instance.systemFonts.removeListener(_scheduleSystemFontsUpdate); super.detach(); } } /// Describes the semantics information a [RenderObject] wants to add to its /// parent. /// /// It has two notable subclasses: /// * [_InterestingSemanticsFragment] describing actual semantic information to /// be added to the parent. /// * [_ContainerSemanticsFragment]: a container class to transport the semantic /// information of multiple [_InterestingSemanticsFragment] to a parent. abstract class _SemanticsFragment { _SemanticsFragment({ required this.dropsSemanticsOfPreviousSiblings, }); /// Incorporate the fragments of children into this fragment. void addAll(Iterable<_InterestingSemanticsFragment> fragments); /// Whether this fragment wants to make the semantics information of /// previously painted [RenderObject]s unreachable for accessibility purposes. /// /// See also: /// /// * [SemanticsConfiguration.isBlockingSemanticsOfPreviouslyPaintedNodes] /// describes what semantics are dropped in more detail. final bool dropsSemanticsOfPreviousSiblings; /// Returns [_InterestingSemanticsFragment] describing the actual semantic /// information that this fragment wants to add to the parent. List<_InterestingSemanticsFragment> get mergeUpFragments; } /// A container used when a [RenderObject] wants to add multiple independent /// [_InterestingSemanticsFragment] to its parent. /// /// The [_InterestingSemanticsFragment] to be added to the parent can be /// obtained via [mergeUpFragments]. class _ContainerSemanticsFragment extends _SemanticsFragment { _ContainerSemanticsFragment({ required super.dropsSemanticsOfPreviousSiblings, required this.siblingMergeGroups, }); final List<List<_InterestingSemanticsFragment>> siblingMergeGroups; @override void addAll(Iterable<_InterestingSemanticsFragment> fragments) { mergeUpFragments.addAll(fragments); } @override final List<_InterestingSemanticsFragment> mergeUpFragments = <_InterestingSemanticsFragment>[]; } /// A [_SemanticsFragment] that describes which concrete semantic information /// a [RenderObject] wants to add to the [SemanticsNode] of its parent. /// /// Specifically, it describes which children (as returned by [compileChildren]) /// should be added to the parent's [SemanticsNode] and which [config] should be /// merged into the parent's [SemanticsNode]. abstract class _InterestingSemanticsFragment extends _SemanticsFragment { _InterestingSemanticsFragment({ required RenderObject owner, required super.dropsSemanticsOfPreviousSiblings, }) : _ancestorChain = <RenderObject>[owner]; /// The [RenderObject] that owns this fragment (and any new [SemanticsNode] /// introduced by it). RenderObject get owner => _ancestorChain.first; final List<RenderObject> _ancestorChain; /// The children to be added to the parent. /// /// See also: /// /// * [SemanticsNode.parentSemanticsClipRect] for the source and definition /// of the `parentSemanticsClipRect` argument. /// * [SemanticsNode.parentPaintClipRect] for the source and definition /// of the `parentPaintClipRect` argument. /// * [SemanticsNode.elevationAdjustment] for the source and definition /// of the `elevationAdjustment` argument. void compileChildren({ required Rect? parentSemanticsClipRect, required Rect? parentPaintClipRect, required double elevationAdjustment, required List<SemanticsNode> result, required List<SemanticsNode> siblingNodes, }); /// The [SemanticsConfiguration] the child wants to merge into the parent's /// [SemanticsNode] or null if it doesn't want to merge anything. SemanticsConfiguration? get config; /// Disallows this fragment to merge any configuration into its parent's /// [SemanticsNode]. /// /// After calling this, the fragment will only produce children to be added /// to the parent and it will return null for [config]. void markAsExplicit(); /// Consume the fragments of children. /// /// For each provided fragment it will add that fragment's children to /// this fragment's children (as returned by [compileChildren]) and merge that /// fragment's [config] into this fragment's [config]. /// /// If a provided fragment should not merge anything into [config] call /// [markAsExplicit] before passing the fragment to this method. @override void addAll(Iterable<_InterestingSemanticsFragment> fragments); /// Whether this fragment wants to add any semantic information to the parent /// [SemanticsNode]. bool get hasConfigForParent => config != null; @override List<_InterestingSemanticsFragment> get mergeUpFragments => <_InterestingSemanticsFragment>[this]; Set<SemanticsTag>? _tagsForChildren; /// Tag all children produced by [compileChildren] with `tags`. /// /// `tags` must not be empty. void addTags(Iterable<SemanticsTag> tags) { assert(tags.isNotEmpty); _tagsForChildren ??= <SemanticsTag>{}; _tagsForChildren!.addAll(tags); } /// Adds the geometric information of `ancestor` to this object. /// /// Those information are required to properly compute the value for /// [SemanticsNode.transform], [SemanticsNode.clipRect], and /// [SemanticsNode.rect]. /// /// Ancestors have to be added in order from [owner] up until the next /// [RenderObject] that owns a [SemanticsNode] is reached. void addAncestor(RenderObject ancestor) { _ancestorChain.add(ancestor); } } /// An [_InterestingSemanticsFragment] that produces the root [SemanticsNode] of /// the semantics tree. /// /// The root node is available as the only element in the Iterable returned by /// [children]. class _RootSemanticsFragment extends _InterestingSemanticsFragment { _RootSemanticsFragment({ required super.owner, required super.dropsSemanticsOfPreviousSiblings, }); @override void compileChildren({ Rect? parentSemanticsClipRect, Rect? parentPaintClipRect, required double elevationAdjustment, required List<SemanticsNode> result, required List<SemanticsNode> siblingNodes, }) { assert(_tagsForChildren == null || _tagsForChildren!.isEmpty); assert(parentSemanticsClipRect == null); assert(parentPaintClipRect == null); assert(_ancestorChain.length == 1); assert(elevationAdjustment == 0.0); owner._semantics ??= SemanticsNode.root( showOnScreen: owner.showOnScreen, owner: owner.owner!.semanticsOwner!, ); final SemanticsNode node = owner._semantics!; assert(MatrixUtils.matrixEquals(node.transform, Matrix4.identity())); assert(node.parentSemanticsClipRect == null); assert(node.parentPaintClipRect == null); node.rect = owner.semanticBounds; final List<SemanticsNode> children = <SemanticsNode>[]; for (final _InterestingSemanticsFragment fragment in _children) { assert(fragment.config == null); fragment.compileChildren( parentSemanticsClipRect: parentSemanticsClipRect, parentPaintClipRect: parentPaintClipRect, elevationAdjustment: 0.0, result: children, siblingNodes: siblingNodes, ); } // Root node does not have a parent and thus can't attach sibling nodes. assert(siblingNodes.isEmpty); node.updateWith(config: null, childrenInInversePaintOrder: children); // The root node is the only semantics node allowed to be invisible. This // can happen when the canvas the app is drawn on has a size of 0 by 0 // pixel. If this happens, the root node must not have any children (because // these would be invisible as well and are therefore excluded from the // tree). assert(!node.isInvisible || children.isEmpty); result.add(node); } @override SemanticsConfiguration? get config => null; final List<_InterestingSemanticsFragment> _children = <_InterestingSemanticsFragment>[]; @override void markAsExplicit() { // nothing to do, we are always explicit. } @override void addAll(Iterable<_InterestingSemanticsFragment> fragments) { _children.addAll(fragments); } } /// A fragment with partial information that must not form an explicit /// semantics node without merging into another _SwitchableSemanticsFragment. /// /// This fragment is generated from synthetic SemanticsConfiguration returned from /// [SemanticsConfiguration.childConfigurationsDelegate]. class _IncompleteSemanticsFragment extends _InterestingSemanticsFragment { _IncompleteSemanticsFragment({ required this.config, required super.owner, }) : super(dropsSemanticsOfPreviousSiblings: false); @override void addAll(Iterable<_InterestingSemanticsFragment> fragments) { assert(false, 'This fragment must be a leaf node'); } @override void compileChildren({ required Rect? parentSemanticsClipRect, required Rect? parentPaintClipRect, required double elevationAdjustment, required List<SemanticsNode> result, required List<SemanticsNode> siblingNodes, }) { // There is nothing to do because this fragment must be a leaf node and // must not be explicit. } @override final SemanticsConfiguration config; @override void markAsExplicit() { assert( false, 'SemanticsConfiguration created in ' 'SemanticsConfiguration.childConfigurationsDelegate must not produce ' 'its own semantics node' ); } } /// An [_InterestingSemanticsFragment] that can be told to only add explicit /// [SemanticsNode]s to the parent. /// /// If [markAsExplicit] was not called before this fragment is added to /// another fragment it will merge [config] into the parent's [SemanticsNode] /// and add its [children] to it. /// /// If [markAsExplicit] was called before adding this fragment to another /// fragment it will create a new [SemanticsNode]. The newly created node will /// be annotated with the [SemanticsConfiguration] that - without the call to /// [markAsExplicit] - would have been merged into the parent's [SemanticsNode]. /// Similarly, the new node will also take over the children that otherwise /// would have been added to the parent's [SemanticsNode]. /// /// After a call to [markAsExplicit] the only element returned by [children] /// is the newly created node and [config] will return null as the fragment /// no longer wants to merge any semantic information into the parent's /// [SemanticsNode]. class _SwitchableSemanticsFragment extends _InterestingSemanticsFragment { _SwitchableSemanticsFragment({ required bool mergeIntoParent, required bool blockUserActions, required SemanticsConfiguration config, required List<List<_InterestingSemanticsFragment>> siblingMergeGroups, required super.owner, required super.dropsSemanticsOfPreviousSiblings, }) : _siblingMergeGroups = siblingMergeGroups, _mergeIntoParent = mergeIntoParent, _config = config { if (blockUserActions && !_config.isBlockingUserActions) { _ensureConfigIsWritable(); _config.isBlockingUserActions = true; } } final bool _mergeIntoParent; SemanticsConfiguration _config; bool _isConfigWritable = false; bool _mergesToSibling = false; final List<List<_InterestingSemanticsFragment>> _siblingMergeGroups; void _mergeSiblingGroup(Rect? parentSemanticsClipRect, Rect? parentPaintClipRect, List<SemanticsNode> result, Set<int> usedSemanticsIds) { for (final List<_InterestingSemanticsFragment> group in _siblingMergeGroups) { Rect? rect; Rect? semanticsClipRect; Rect? paintClipRect; SemanticsConfiguration? configuration; // Use empty set because the _tagsForChildren may not contains all of the // tags if this fragment is not explicit. The _tagsForChildren are added // to sibling nodes at the end of compileChildren if this fragment is // explicit. final Set<SemanticsTag> tags = <SemanticsTag>{}; SemanticsNode? node; for (final _InterestingSemanticsFragment fragment in group) { if (fragment.config != null) { final _SwitchableSemanticsFragment switchableFragment = fragment as _SwitchableSemanticsFragment; switchableFragment._mergesToSibling = true; node ??= fragment.owner._semantics; configuration ??= SemanticsConfiguration(); configuration.absorb(switchableFragment.config!); // It is a child fragment of a _SwitchableFragment, it must have a // geometry. final _SemanticsGeometry geometry = switchableFragment._computeSemanticsGeometry( parentSemanticsClipRect: parentSemanticsClipRect, parentPaintClipRect: parentPaintClipRect, )!; final Rect fragmentRect = MatrixUtils.transformRect(geometry.transform, geometry.rect); if (rect == null) { rect = fragmentRect; } else { rect = rect.expandToInclude(fragmentRect); } if (geometry.semanticsClipRect != null) { final Rect rect = MatrixUtils.transformRect(geometry.transform, geometry.semanticsClipRect!); if (semanticsClipRect == null) { semanticsClipRect = rect; } else { semanticsClipRect = semanticsClipRect.intersect(rect); } } if (geometry.paintClipRect != null) { final Rect rect = MatrixUtils.transformRect(geometry.transform, geometry.paintClipRect!); if (paintClipRect == null) { paintClipRect = rect; } else { paintClipRect = paintClipRect.intersect(rect); } } if (switchableFragment._tagsForChildren != null) { tags.addAll(switchableFragment._tagsForChildren!); } } } // Can be null if all fragments in group are marked as explicit. if (configuration != null && !rect!.isEmpty) { if (node == null || usedSemanticsIds.contains(node.id)) { node = SemanticsNode(showOnScreen: owner.showOnScreen); } usedSemanticsIds.add(node.id); node ..tags = tags ..rect = rect ..transform = null // Will be set when compiling immediate parent node. ..parentSemanticsClipRect = semanticsClipRect ..parentPaintClipRect = paintClipRect; for (final _InterestingSemanticsFragment fragment in group) { if (fragment.config != null) { fragment.owner._semantics = node; } } node.updateWith(config: configuration); result.add(node); } } } final List<_InterestingSemanticsFragment> _children = <_InterestingSemanticsFragment>[]; @override void compileChildren({ Rect? parentSemanticsClipRect, Rect? parentPaintClipRect, required double elevationAdjustment, required List<SemanticsNode> result, required List<SemanticsNode> siblingNodes, }) { final Set<int> usedSemanticsIds = <int>{}; Iterable<_InterestingSemanticsFragment> compilingFragments = _children; for (final List<_InterestingSemanticsFragment> siblingGroup in _siblingMergeGroups) { compilingFragments = compilingFragments.followedBy(siblingGroup); } if (!_isExplicit) { if (!_mergesToSibling) { owner._semantics = null; } _mergeSiblingGroup( parentSemanticsClipRect, parentPaintClipRect, siblingNodes, usedSemanticsIds, ); for (final _InterestingSemanticsFragment fragment in compilingFragments) { assert(_ancestorChain.first == fragment._ancestorChain.last); if (fragment is _SwitchableSemanticsFragment) { // Cached semantics node may be part of sibling merging group prior // to this update. In this case, the semantics node may continue to // be reused in that sibling merging group. if (fragment._isExplicit && fragment.owner._semantics != null && usedSemanticsIds.contains(fragment.owner._semantics!.id)) { fragment.owner._semantics = null; } } fragment._ancestorChain.addAll(_ancestorChain.skip(1)); fragment.compileChildren( parentSemanticsClipRect: parentSemanticsClipRect, parentPaintClipRect: parentPaintClipRect, // The fragment is not explicit, its elevation has been absorbed by // the parent config (as thickness). We still need to make sure that // its children are placed at the elevation dictated by this config. elevationAdjustment: elevationAdjustment + _config.elevation, result: result, siblingNodes: siblingNodes, ); } return; } final _SemanticsGeometry? geometry = _computeSemanticsGeometry( parentSemanticsClipRect: parentSemanticsClipRect, parentPaintClipRect: parentPaintClipRect, ); if (!_mergeIntoParent && (geometry?.dropFromTree ?? false)) { return; // Drop the node, it's not going to be visible. } owner._semantics ??= SemanticsNode(showOnScreen: owner.showOnScreen); final SemanticsNode node = owner._semantics! ..isMergedIntoParent = _mergeIntoParent ..tags = _tagsForChildren; node.elevationAdjustment = elevationAdjustment; if (elevationAdjustment != 0.0) { _ensureConfigIsWritable(); _config.elevation += elevationAdjustment; } if (geometry != null) { assert(_needsGeometryUpdate); node ..rect = geometry.rect ..transform = geometry.transform ..parentSemanticsClipRect = geometry.semanticsClipRect ..parentPaintClipRect = geometry.paintClipRect; if (!_mergeIntoParent && geometry.markAsHidden) { _ensureConfigIsWritable(); _config.isHidden = true; } } final List<SemanticsNode> children = <SemanticsNode>[]; _mergeSiblingGroup( node.parentSemanticsClipRect, node.parentPaintClipRect, siblingNodes, usedSemanticsIds, ); for (final _InterestingSemanticsFragment fragment in compilingFragments) { if (fragment is _SwitchableSemanticsFragment) { // Cached semantics node may be part of sibling merging group prior // to this update. In this case, the semantics node may continue to // be reused in that sibling merging group. if (fragment._isExplicit && fragment.owner._semantics != null && usedSemanticsIds.contains(fragment.owner._semantics!.id)) { fragment.owner._semantics = null; } } final List<SemanticsNode> childSiblingNodes = <SemanticsNode>[]; fragment.compileChildren( parentSemanticsClipRect: node.parentSemanticsClipRect, parentPaintClipRect: node.parentPaintClipRect, elevationAdjustment: 0.0, result: children, siblingNodes: childSiblingNodes, ); siblingNodes.addAll(childSiblingNodes); } if (_config.isSemanticBoundary) { owner.assembleSemanticsNode(node, _config, children); } else { node.updateWith(config: _config, childrenInInversePaintOrder: children); } result.add(node); // Sibling node needs to attach to the parent of an explicit node. for (final SemanticsNode siblingNode in siblingNodes) { // sibling nodes are in the same coordinate of the immediate explicit node. // They need to share the same transform if they are going to attach to the // parent of the immediate explicit node. assert(siblingNode.transform == null); siblingNode ..transform = node.transform ..isMergedIntoParent = node.isMergedIntoParent; if (_tagsForChildren != null) { siblingNode.tags ??= <SemanticsTag>{}; siblingNode.tags!.addAll(_tagsForChildren!); } } result.addAll(siblingNodes); siblingNodes.clear(); } _SemanticsGeometry? _computeSemanticsGeometry({ required Rect? parentSemanticsClipRect, required Rect? parentPaintClipRect, }) { return _needsGeometryUpdate ? _SemanticsGeometry(parentSemanticsClipRect: parentSemanticsClipRect, parentPaintClipRect: parentPaintClipRect, ancestors: _ancestorChain) : null; } @override SemanticsConfiguration? get config { return _isExplicit ? null : _config; } @override void addAll(Iterable<_InterestingSemanticsFragment> fragments) { for (final _InterestingSemanticsFragment fragment in fragments) { _children.add(fragment); if (fragment.config == null) { continue; } _ensureConfigIsWritable(); _config.absorb(fragment.config!); } } @override void addTags(Iterable<SemanticsTag> tags) { super.addTags(tags); // _ContainerSemanticsFragments add their tags to child fragments through // this method. This fragment must make sure its _config is in sync. if (tags.isNotEmpty) { _ensureConfigIsWritable(); tags.forEach(_config.addTagForChildren); } } void _ensureConfigIsWritable() { if (!_isConfigWritable) { _config = _config.copy(); _isConfigWritable = true; } } bool _isExplicit = false; @override void markAsExplicit() { _isExplicit = true; } bool get _needsGeometryUpdate => _ancestorChain.length > 1; } /// Helper class that keeps track of the geometry of a [SemanticsNode]. /// /// It is used to annotate a [SemanticsNode] with the current information for /// [SemanticsNode.rect] and [SemanticsNode.transform]. class _SemanticsGeometry { /// The `parentClippingRect` may be null if no clip is to be applied. /// /// The `ancestors` list has to include all [RenderObject] in order that are /// located between the [SemanticsNode] whose geometry is represented here /// (first [RenderObject] in the list) and its closest ancestor [RenderObject] /// that also owns its own [SemanticsNode] (last [RenderObject] in the list). _SemanticsGeometry({ required Rect? parentSemanticsClipRect, required Rect? parentPaintClipRect, required List<RenderObject> ancestors, }) { _computeValues(parentSemanticsClipRect, parentPaintClipRect, ancestors); } Rect? _paintClipRect; Rect? _semanticsClipRect; late Matrix4 _transform; late Rect _rect; /// Value for [SemanticsNode.transform]. Matrix4 get transform => _transform; /// Value for [SemanticsNode.parentSemanticsClipRect]. Rect? get semanticsClipRect => _semanticsClipRect; /// Value for [SemanticsNode.parentPaintClipRect]. Rect? get paintClipRect => _paintClipRect; /// Value for [SemanticsNode.rect]. Rect get rect => _rect; /// Computes values, ensuring `rect` is properly bounded by ancestor clipping rects. /// /// See also: /// /// * [RenderObject.describeSemanticsClip], typically used to determine `parentSemanticsClipRect`. /// * [RenderObject.describeApproximatePaintClip], typically used to determine `parentPaintClipRect`. void _computeValues(Rect? parentSemanticsClipRect, Rect? parentPaintClipRect, List<RenderObject> ancestors) { assert(ancestors.length > 1); _transform = Matrix4.identity(); _semanticsClipRect = parentSemanticsClipRect; _paintClipRect = parentPaintClipRect; for (int index = ancestors.length-1; index > 0; index -= 1) { final RenderObject parent = ancestors[index]; final RenderObject child = ancestors[index-1]; final Rect? parentSemanticsClipRect = parent.describeSemanticsClip(child); if (parentSemanticsClipRect != null) { _semanticsClipRect = parentSemanticsClipRect; _paintClipRect = _intersectRects(_paintClipRect, parent.describeApproximatePaintClip(child)); } else { _semanticsClipRect = _intersectRects(_semanticsClipRect, parent.describeApproximatePaintClip(child)); } _temporaryTransformHolder.setIdentity(); // clears data from previous call(s) _applyIntermediatePaintTransforms(parent, child, _transform, _temporaryTransformHolder); _semanticsClipRect = _transformRect(_semanticsClipRect, _temporaryTransformHolder); _paintClipRect = _transformRect(_paintClipRect, _temporaryTransformHolder); } final RenderObject owner = ancestors.first; _rect = _semanticsClipRect == null ? owner.semanticBounds : _semanticsClipRect!.intersect(owner.semanticBounds); if (_paintClipRect != null) { final Rect paintRect = _paintClipRect!.intersect(_rect); _markAsHidden = paintRect.isEmpty && !_rect.isEmpty; if (!_markAsHidden) { _rect = paintRect; } } } // A matrix used to store transient transform data. // // Reusing this matrix avoids allocating a new matrix every time a temporary // matrix is needed. // // This instance should never be returned to the caller. Otherwise, the data // stored in it will be overwritten unpredictably by subsequent reuses. static final Matrix4 _temporaryTransformHolder = Matrix4.zero(); /// From parent to child coordinate system. static Rect? _transformRect(Rect? rect, Matrix4 transform) { if (rect == null) { return null; } if (rect.isEmpty || transform.isZero()) { return Rect.zero; } return MatrixUtils.inverseTransformRect(transform, rect); } // Calls applyPaintTransform on all of the render objects between [child] and // [ancestor]. This method handles cases where the immediate semantic parent // is not the immediate render object parent of the child. // // It will mutate both transform and clipRectTransform. static void _applyIntermediatePaintTransforms( RenderObject ancestor, RenderObject child, Matrix4 transform, Matrix4 clipRectTransform, ) { assert(clipRectTransform.isIdentity()); RenderObject intermediateParent = child.parent! as RenderObject; while (intermediateParent != ancestor) { intermediateParent.applyPaintTransform(child, transform); intermediateParent = intermediateParent.parent! as RenderObject; child = child.parent! as RenderObject; } ancestor.applyPaintTransform(child, transform); ancestor.applyPaintTransform(child, clipRectTransform); } static Rect? _intersectRects(Rect? a, Rect? b) { if (a == null) { return b; } if (b == null) { return a; } return a.intersect(b); } /// Whether the [SemanticsNode] annotated with the geometric information tracked /// by this object can be dropped from the semantics tree without losing /// semantics information. bool get dropFromTree { return _rect.isEmpty || _transform.isZero(); } /// Whether the [SemanticsNode] annotated with the geometric information /// tracked by this object should be marked as hidden because it is not /// visible on screen. /// /// Hidden elements should still be included in the tree to work around /// platform limitations (e.g. accessibility scrolling on iOS). /// /// See also: /// /// * [SemanticsFlag.isHidden] for the purpose of marking a node as hidden. bool get markAsHidden => _markAsHidden; bool _markAsHidden = false; } /// A class that creates [DiagnosticsNode] by wrapping [RenderObject.debugCreator]. /// /// Attach a [DiagnosticsDebugCreator] into [FlutterErrorDetails.informationCollector] /// when a [RenderObject.debugCreator] is available. This will lead to improved /// error message. class DiagnosticsDebugCreator extends DiagnosticsProperty<Object> { /// Create a [DiagnosticsProperty] with its [value] initialized to input /// [RenderObject.debugCreator]. DiagnosticsDebugCreator(Object value) : super( 'debugCreator', value, level: DiagnosticLevel.hidden, ); }