// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:io' as io; import 'package:android_semantics_testing/android_semantics_testing.dart'; import 'package:android_semantics_testing/test_constants.dart'; import 'package:flutter_driver/flutter_driver.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as path; import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart' hide isInstanceOf; // The accessibility focus actions are added when a semantics node receives or // lose accessibility focus. This test ignores these actions since it is hard to // predict which node has the accessibility focus after a screen changes. const List<AndroidSemanticsAction> ignoredAccessibilityFocusActions = <AndroidSemanticsAction>[ AndroidSemanticsAction.accessibilityFocus, AndroidSemanticsAction.clearAccessibilityFocus, ]; String adbPath() { final String? androidHome = io.Platform.environment['ANDROID_HOME'] ?? io.Platform.environment['ANDROID_SDK_ROOT']; if (androidHome == null) { return 'adb'; } else { return path.join(androidHome, 'platform-tools', 'adb'); } } void main() { group('AccessibilityBridge', () { late FlutterDriver driver; Future<AndroidSemanticsNode> getSemantics(SerializableFinder finder) async { final int id = await driver.getSemanticsId(finder); final String data = await driver.requestData('getSemanticsNode#$id'); return AndroidSemanticsNode.deserialize(data); } // The version of TalkBack running on the device. Version? talkbackVersion; Future<Version> getTalkbackVersion() async { final io.ProcessResult result = await io.Process.run(adbPath(), const <String>[ 'shell', 'dumpsys', 'package', 'com.google.android.marvin.talkback', ]); if (result.exitCode != 0) { throw Exception('Failed to get TalkBack version: ${result.stdout as String}\n${result.stderr as String}'); } final List<String> lines = (result.stdout as String).split('\n'); String? version; for (final String line in lines) { if (line.contains('versionName')) { version = line.replaceAll(RegExp(r'\s*versionName='), ''); break; } } if (version == null) { throw Exception('Unable to determine TalkBack version.'); } // Android doesn't quite use semver, so convert the version string to semver form. final RegExp startVersion = RegExp(r'(?<major>\d+)\.(?<minor>\d+)\.(?<patch>\d+)(\.(?<build>\d+))?'); final RegExpMatch? match = startVersion.firstMatch(version); if (match == null) { return Version(0, 0, 0); } return Version( int.parse(match.namedGroup('major')!), int.parse(match.namedGroup('minor')!), int.parse(match.namedGroup('patch')!), build: match.namedGroup('build'), ); } setUpAll(() async { driver = await FlutterDriver.connect(); talkbackVersion ??= await getTalkbackVersion(); print('TalkBack version is $talkbackVersion'); // Say the magic words.. final io.Process run = await io.Process.start(adbPath(), const <String>[ 'shell', 'settings', 'put', 'secure', 'enabled_accessibility_services', 'com.google.android.marvin.talkback/com.google.android.marvin.talkback.TalkBackService', ]); await run.exitCode; }); tearDownAll(() async { // ... And turn it off again final io.Process run = await io.Process.start(adbPath(), const <String>[ 'shell', 'settings', 'put', 'secure', 'enabled_accessibility_services', 'null', ]); await run.exitCode; driver.close(); }); group('TextField', () { setUpAll(() async { await driver.tap(find.text(textFieldRoute)); // Delay for TalkBack to update focus as of November 2019 with Pixel 3 and Android API 28 await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 500)); // The text selection menu and related semantics vary depending on if // the clipboard contents are pasteable. Copy some text into the // clipboard to make sure these tests always run with pasteable content // in the clipboard. // Ideally this should test the case where there is nothing on the // clipboard as well, but there is no reliable way to clear the // clipboard on Android devices. await driver.requestData('setClipboard#Hello World'); await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 500)); }); test('TextField has correct Android semantics', () async { final SerializableFinder normalTextField = find.descendant( of: find.byValueKey(normalTextFieldKeyValue), matching: find.byType('Semantics'), firstMatchOnly: true, ); expect( await getSemantics(normalTextField), hasAndroidSemantics( className: AndroidClassName.editText, isEditable: true, isFocusable: true, isFocused: false, isPassword: false, actions: <AndroidSemanticsAction>[ AndroidSemanticsAction.click, ], // We can't predict the a11y focus when the screen changes. ignoredActions: ignoredAccessibilityFocusActions, ), ); await driver.tap(normalTextField); // Delay for TalkBack to update focus as of November 2019 with Pixel 3 and Android API 28 await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 500)); expect( await getSemantics(normalTextField), hasAndroidSemantics( className: AndroidClassName.editText, isFocusable: true, isFocused: true, isEditable: true, isPassword: false, actions: <AndroidSemanticsAction>[ AndroidSemanticsAction.click, AndroidSemanticsAction.copy, AndroidSemanticsAction.setSelection, AndroidSemanticsAction.setText, ], // We can't predict the a11y focus when the screen changes. ignoredActions: ignoredAccessibilityFocusActions, ), ); await driver.enterText('hello world'); // Delay for TalkBack to update focus as of November 2019 with Pixel 3 and Android API 28 await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 500)); expect( await getSemantics(normalTextField), hasAndroidSemantics( text: 'hello world', className: AndroidClassName.editText, isFocusable: true, isFocused: true, isEditable: true, isPassword: false, actions: <AndroidSemanticsAction>[ AndroidSemanticsAction.click, AndroidSemanticsAction.copy, AndroidSemanticsAction.setSelection, AndroidSemanticsAction.setText, AndroidSemanticsAction.previousAtMovementGranularity, ], // We can't predict the a11y focus when the screen changes. ignoredActions: ignoredAccessibilityFocusActions, ), ); }, timeout: Timeout.none); test('password TextField has correct Android semantics', () async { final SerializableFinder passwordTextField = find.descendant( of: find.byValueKey(passwordTextFieldKeyValue), matching: find.byType('Semantics'), firstMatchOnly: true, ); expect( await getSemantics(passwordTextField), hasAndroidSemantics( className: AndroidClassName.editText, isEditable: true, isFocusable: true, isFocused: false, isPassword: true, actions: <AndroidSemanticsAction>[ AndroidSemanticsAction.click, ], // We can't predict the a11y focus when the screen changes. ignoredActions: ignoredAccessibilityFocusActions, ), ); await driver.tap(passwordTextField); // Delay for TalkBack to update focus as of November 2019 with Pixel 3 and Android API 28 await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 500)); expect( await getSemantics(passwordTextField), hasAndroidSemantics( className: AndroidClassName.editText, isFocusable: true, isFocused: true, isEditable: true, isPassword: true, actions: <AndroidSemanticsAction>[ AndroidSemanticsAction.click, AndroidSemanticsAction.copy, AndroidSemanticsAction.setSelection, AndroidSemanticsAction.setText, ], // We can't predict the a11y focus when the screen changes. ignoredActions: ignoredAccessibilityFocusActions, ), ); await driver.enterText('hello world'); // Delay for TalkBack to update focus as of November 2019 with Pixel 3 and Android API 28 await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 500)); expect( await getSemantics(passwordTextField), hasAndroidSemantics( text: '\u{2022}' * ('hello world'.length), className: AndroidClassName.editText, isFocusable: true, isFocused: true, isEditable: true, isPassword: true, actions: <AndroidSemanticsAction>[ AndroidSemanticsAction.click, AndroidSemanticsAction.copy, AndroidSemanticsAction.setSelection, AndroidSemanticsAction.setText, AndroidSemanticsAction.previousAtMovementGranularity, ], // We can't predict the a11y focus when the screen changes. ignoredActions: ignoredAccessibilityFocusActions, ), ); }, timeout: Timeout.none); tearDownAll(() async { await driver.tap(find.byValueKey('back')); }); }); group('SelectionControls', () { setUpAll(() async { await driver.tap(find.text(selectionControlsRoute)); }); test('Checkbox has correct Android semantics', () async { Future<AndroidSemanticsNode> getCheckboxSemantics(String key) async { return getSemantics(find.byValueKey(key)); } expect( await getCheckboxSemantics(checkboxKeyValue), hasAndroidSemantics( className: AndroidClassName.checkBox, isChecked: false, isCheckable: true, isEnabled: true, isFocusable: true, ignoredActions: ignoredAccessibilityFocusActions, actions: <AndroidSemanticsAction>[ AndroidSemanticsAction.click, ], ), ); await driver.tap(find.byValueKey(checkboxKeyValue)); expect( await getCheckboxSemantics(checkboxKeyValue), hasAndroidSemantics( className: AndroidClassName.checkBox, isChecked: true, isCheckable: true, isEnabled: true, isFocusable: true, ignoredActions: ignoredAccessibilityFocusActions, actions: <AndroidSemanticsAction>[ AndroidSemanticsAction.click, ], ), ); expect( await getCheckboxSemantics(disabledCheckboxKeyValue), hasAndroidSemantics( className: AndroidClassName.checkBox, isCheckable: true, isEnabled: false, ignoredActions: ignoredAccessibilityFocusActions, actions: const <AndroidSemanticsAction>[], ), ); }, timeout: Timeout.none); test('Radio has correct Android semantics', () async { Future<AndroidSemanticsNode> getRadioSemantics(String key) async { return getSemantics(find.byValueKey(key)); } expect( await getRadioSemantics(radio2KeyValue), hasAndroidSemantics( className: AndroidClassName.radio, isChecked: false, isCheckable: true, isEnabled: true, isFocusable: true, ignoredActions: ignoredAccessibilityFocusActions, actions: <AndroidSemanticsAction>[ AndroidSemanticsAction.click, ], ), ); await driver.tap(find.byValueKey(radio2KeyValue)); expect( await getRadioSemantics(radio2KeyValue), hasAndroidSemantics( className: AndroidClassName.radio, isChecked: true, isCheckable: true, isEnabled: true, isFocusable: true, ignoredActions: ignoredAccessibilityFocusActions, actions: <AndroidSemanticsAction>[ AndroidSemanticsAction.click, ], ), ); }, timeout: Timeout.none); test('Switch has correct Android semantics', () async { Future<AndroidSemanticsNode> getSwitchSemantics(String key) async { return getSemantics(find.byValueKey(key)); } expect( await getSwitchSemantics(switchKeyValue), hasAndroidSemantics( className: AndroidClassName.toggleSwitch, isChecked: false, isCheckable: true, isEnabled: true, isFocusable: true, ignoredActions: ignoredAccessibilityFocusActions, actions: <AndroidSemanticsAction>[ AndroidSemanticsAction.click, ], ), ); await driver.tap(find.byValueKey(switchKeyValue)); expect( await getSwitchSemantics(switchKeyValue), hasAndroidSemantics( className: AndroidClassName.toggleSwitch, isChecked: true, isCheckable: true, isEnabled: true, isFocusable: true, ignoredActions: ignoredAccessibilityFocusActions, actions: <AndroidSemanticsAction>[ AndroidSemanticsAction.click, ], ), ); }, timeout: Timeout.none); // Regression test for https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/20820. test('Switch can be labeled', () async { Future<AndroidSemanticsNode> getSwitchSemantics(String key) async { return getSemantics(find.byValueKey(key)); } expect( await getSwitchSemantics(labeledSwitchKeyValue), hasAndroidSemantics( className: AndroidClassName.toggleSwitch, isChecked: false, isCheckable: true, isEnabled: true, isFocusable: true, contentDescription: switchLabel, ignoredActions: ignoredAccessibilityFocusActions, actions: <AndroidSemanticsAction>[ AndroidSemanticsAction.click, ], ), ); }, timeout: Timeout.none); tearDownAll(() async { await driver.tap(find.byValueKey('back')); }); }); group('Popup Controls', () { setUpAll(() async { await driver.tap(find.text(popupControlsRoute)); }); test('Popup Menu has correct Android semantics', () async { expect( await getSemantics(find.byValueKey(popupButtonKeyValue)), hasAndroidSemantics( className: AndroidClassName.button, isChecked: false, isCheckable: false, isEnabled: true, isFocusable: true, ignoredActions: ignoredAccessibilityFocusActions, actions: <AndroidSemanticsAction>[ AndroidSemanticsAction.click, ], ), ); await driver.tap(find.byValueKey(popupButtonKeyValue)); try { // We have to wait wall time here because we're waiting for TalkBack to // catch up. await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 1500)); for (final String item in popupItems) { expect( await getSemantics(find.byValueKey('$popupKeyValue.$item')), hasAndroidSemantics( className: AndroidClassName.button, isChecked: false, isCheckable: false, isEnabled: true, isFocusable: true, ignoredActions: ignoredAccessibilityFocusActions, actions: <AndroidSemanticsAction>[ AndroidSemanticsAction.click, ], ), reason: "Popup $item doesn't have the right semantics"); } await driver.tap(find.byValueKey('$popupKeyValue.${popupItems.first}')); // Pop up the menu again, to verify that TalkBack gets the right answer // more than just the first time. await driver.tap(find.byValueKey(popupButtonKeyValue)); await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 1500)); for (final String item in popupItems) { expect( await getSemantics(find.byValueKey('$popupKeyValue.$item')), hasAndroidSemantics( className: AndroidClassName.button, isChecked: false, isCheckable: false, isEnabled: true, isFocusable: true, ignoredActions: ignoredAccessibilityFocusActions, actions: <AndroidSemanticsAction>[ AndroidSemanticsAction.click, ], ), reason: "Popup $item doesn't have the right semantics the second time"); } } finally { await driver.tap(find.byValueKey('$popupKeyValue.${popupItems.first}')); } }, timeout: Timeout.none); test('Dropdown Menu has correct Android semantics', () async { expect( await getSemantics(find.byValueKey(dropdownButtonKeyValue)), hasAndroidSemantics( className: AndroidClassName.button, isChecked: false, isCheckable: false, isEnabled: true, isFocusable: true, ignoredActions: ignoredAccessibilityFocusActions, actions: <AndroidSemanticsAction>[ AndroidSemanticsAction.click, ], ), ); await driver.tap(find.byValueKey(dropdownButtonKeyValue)); try { await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 1500)); for (final String item in popupItems) { // There are two copies of each item, so we want to find the version // that is in the overlay, not the one in the dropdown. expect( await getSemantics(find.descendant( of: find.byType('Scrollable'), matching: find.byValueKey('$dropdownKeyValue.$item'), )), hasAndroidSemantics( className: AndroidClassName.view, isChecked: false, isCheckable: false, isEnabled: true, isFocusable: true, ignoredActions: ignoredAccessibilityFocusActions, actions: <AndroidSemanticsAction>[ AndroidSemanticsAction.click, ], ), reason: "Dropdown $item doesn't have the right semantics"); } await driver.tap( find.descendant( of: find.byType('Scrollable'), matching: find.byValueKey('$dropdownKeyValue.${popupItems.first}'), ), ); // Pop up the dropdown again, to verify that TalkBack gets the right answer // more than just the first time. await driver.tap(find.byValueKey(dropdownButtonKeyValue)); await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 1500)); for (final String item in popupItems) { // There are two copies of each item, so we want to find the version // that is in the overlay, not the one in the dropdown. expect( await getSemantics(find.descendant( of: find.byType('Scrollable'), matching: find.byValueKey('$dropdownKeyValue.$item'), )), hasAndroidSemantics( className: AndroidClassName.view, isChecked: false, isCheckable: false, isEnabled: true, isFocusable: true, ignoredActions: ignoredAccessibilityFocusActions, actions: <AndroidSemanticsAction>[ AndroidSemanticsAction.click, ], ), reason: "Dropdown $item doesn't have the right semantics the second time."); } } finally { await driver.tap( find.descendant( of: find.byType('Scrollable'), matching: find.byValueKey('$dropdownKeyValue.${popupItems.first}'), ), ); } }, timeout: Timeout.none); test('Modal alert dialog has correct Android semantics', () async { expect( await getSemantics(find.byValueKey(alertButtonKeyValue)), hasAndroidSemantics( className: AndroidClassName.button, isChecked: false, isCheckable: false, isEnabled: true, isFocusable: true, ignoredActions: ignoredAccessibilityFocusActions, actions: <AndroidSemanticsAction>[ AndroidSemanticsAction.click, ], ), ); await driver.tap(find.byValueKey(alertButtonKeyValue)); try { await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 1500)); expect( await getSemantics(find.byValueKey('$alertKeyValue.OK')), hasAndroidSemantics( className: AndroidClassName.button, isChecked: false, isCheckable: false, isEnabled: true, isFocusable: true, ignoredActions: ignoredAccessibilityFocusActions, actions: <AndroidSemanticsAction>[ AndroidSemanticsAction.click, ], ), reason: "Alert OK button doesn't have the right semantics"); for (final String item in <String>['Title', 'Body1', 'Body2']) { expect( await getSemantics(find.byValueKey('$alertKeyValue.$item')), hasAndroidSemantics( className: AndroidClassName.view, isChecked: false, isCheckable: false, isEnabled: true, isFocusable: true, ignoredActions: ignoredAccessibilityFocusActions, actions: <AndroidSemanticsAction>[], ), reason: "Alert $item button doesn't have the right semantics"); } await driver.tap(find.byValueKey('$alertKeyValue.OK')); // Pop up the alert again, to verify that TalkBack gets the right answer // more than just the first time. await driver.tap(find.byValueKey(alertButtonKeyValue)); await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 1500)); expect( await getSemantics(find.byValueKey('$alertKeyValue.OK')), hasAndroidSemantics( className: AndroidClassName.button, isChecked: false, isCheckable: false, isEnabled: true, isFocusable: true, ignoredActions: ignoredAccessibilityFocusActions, actions: <AndroidSemanticsAction>[ AndroidSemanticsAction.click, ], ), reason: "Alert OK button doesn't have the right semantics"); for (final String item in <String>['Title', 'Body1', 'Body2']) { expect( await getSemantics(find.byValueKey('$alertKeyValue.$item')), hasAndroidSemantics( className: AndroidClassName.view, isChecked: false, isCheckable: false, isEnabled: true, isFocusable: true, ignoredActions: ignoredAccessibilityFocusActions, actions: <AndroidSemanticsAction>[], ), reason: "Alert $item button doesn't have the right semantics"); } } finally { await driver.tap(find.byValueKey('$alertKeyValue.OK')); } }, timeout: Timeout.none); tearDownAll(() async { await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 500)); await driver.tap(find.byValueKey('back')); }); }); group('Headings', () { setUpAll(() async { await driver.tap(find.text(headingsRoute)); }); test('AppBar title has correct Android heading semantics', () async { expect( await getSemantics(find.byValueKey(appBarTitleKeyValue)), hasAndroidSemantics(isHeading: true), ); }, timeout: Timeout.none); test('body text does not have Android heading semantics', () async { expect( await getSemantics(find.byValueKey(bodyTextKeyValue)), hasAndroidSemantics(isHeading: false), ); }, timeout: Timeout.none); tearDownAll(() async { await driver.tap(find.byValueKey('back')); }); }); }); }