// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'context.dart'; UserMessages get userMessages => context.get<UserMessages>(); /// Class containing message strings that can be produced by Flutter tools. class UserMessages { // Messages used in FlutterValidator String flutterStatusInfo(String channel, String version, String os, String locale) => 'Channel ${channel ?? 'unknown'}, v${version ?? 'Unknown'}, on $os, locale $locale'; String flutterVersion(String version, String flutterRoot) => 'Flutter version $version at $flutterRoot'; String flutterRevision(String revision, String age, String date) => 'Framework revision $revision ($age), $date'; String engineRevision(String revision) => 'Engine revision $revision'; String dartRevision(String revision) => 'Dart version $revision'; String get flutterBinariesDoNotRun => 'Downloaded executables cannot execute on host.\n' 'See https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/6207 for more information'; String get flutterBinariesLinuxRepairCommands => 'On Debian/Ubuntu/Mint: sudo apt-get install lib32stdc++6\n' 'On Fedora: dnf install libstdc++.i686\n' 'On Arch: pacman -S lib32-gcc-libs'; // Messages used in NoIdeValidator String get noIdeStatusInfo => 'No supported IDEs installed'; String get noIdeInstallationInfo => 'IntelliJ - https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/'; // Messages used in IntellijValidator String intellijStatusInfo(String version) => 'version $version'; String get intellijPluginInfo => 'For information about installing plugins, see\n' 'https://flutter.dev/intellij-setup/#installing-the-plugins'; String intellijMinimumVersion(String minVersion) => 'This install is older than the minimum recommended version of $minVersion.'; String intellijLocation(String installPath) => 'IntelliJ at $installPath'; // Message used in IntellijValidatorOnMac String get intellijMacUnknownResult => 'Cannot determine if IntelliJ is installed'; // Messages used in DeviceValidator String get devicesMissing => 'No devices available'; String devicesAvailable(int devices) => '$devices available'; // Messages used in AndroidValidator String androidCantRunJavaBinary(String javaBinary) => 'Cannot execute $javaBinary to determine the version'; String get androidUnknownJavaVersion => 'Could not determine java version'; String androidJavaVersion(String javaVersion) => 'Java version $javaVersion'; String androidJavaMinimumVersion(String javaVersion) => 'Java version $javaVersion is older than the minimum recommended version of 1.8'; String androidSdkLicenseOnly(String envKey) => 'Android SDK contains licenses only.\n' 'Your first build of an Android application will take longer than usual, ' 'while gradle downloads the missing components. This functionality will ' 'only work if the licenses in the licenses folder in $envKey are valid.\n' 'If the Android SDK has been installed to another location, set $envKey to that location.\n' 'You may also want to add it to your PATH environment variable.\n\n' 'Certain features, such as `flutter emulators` and `flutter devices`, will ' 'not work without the currently missing SDK components.'; String androidBadSdkDir(String envKey, String homeDir) => '$envKey = $homeDir\n' 'but Android SDK not found at this location.'; String androidMissingSdkInstructions(String envKey) => 'Unable to locate Android SDK.\n' 'Install Android Studio from: https://developer.android.com/studio/index.html\n' 'On first launch it will assist you in installing the Android SDK components.\n' '(or visit https://flutter.dev/setup/#android-setup for detailed instructions).\n' 'If the Android SDK has been installed to a custom location, set $envKey to that location.\n' 'You may also want to add it to your PATH environment variable.\n'; String androidSdkLocation(String directory) => 'Android SDK at $directory'; String androidSdkPlatformToolsVersion(String platform, String tools) => 'Platform $platform, build-tools $tools'; String get androidSdkInstallHelp => 'Try re-installing or updating your Android SDK,\n' 'visit https://flutter.dev/setup/#android-setup for detailed instructions.'; String get androidMissingNdk => 'Android NDK location not configured (optional; useful for native profiling support)'; String androidNdkLocation(String directory) => 'Android NDK at $directory'; // Also occurs in AndroidLicenseValidator String androidStatusInfo(String version) => 'Android SDK version $version'; // Messages used in AndroidLicenseValidator String get androidMissingJdk => 'No Java Development Kit (JDK) found; You must have the environment ' 'variable JAVA_HOME set and the java binary in your PATH. ' 'You can download the JDK from https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/.'; String androidJdkLocation(String location) => 'Java binary at: $location'; String get androidLicensesAll => 'All Android licenses accepted.'; String get androidLicensesSome => 'Some Android licenses not accepted. To resolve this, run: flutter doctor --android-licenses'; String get androidLicensesNone => 'Android licenses not accepted. To resolve this, run: flutter doctor --android-licenses'; String get androidLicensesUnknown => 'Android license status unknown.\n' 'Try re-installing or updating your Android SDK Manager.\n' 'See https://developer.android.com/studio/#downloads or visit ' 'https://flutter.dev/setup/#android-setup for detailed instructions.'; String androidSdkManagerOutdated(String managerPath) => 'A newer version of the Android SDK is required. To update, run:\n' '$managerPath --update\n'; String androidLicensesTimeout(String managerPath) => 'Intentionally killing $managerPath'; String get androidSdkShort => 'Unable to locate Android SDK.'; String androidMissingSdkManager(String sdkManagerPath) => 'Android sdkmanager tool not found ($sdkManagerPath).\n' 'Try re-installing or updating your Android SDK,\n' 'visit https://flutter.dev/setup/#android-setup for detailed instructions.'; String androidCannotRunSdkManager(String sdkManagerPath, String error) => 'Android sdkmanager tool was found, but failed to run ($sdkManagerPath): "$error".\n' 'Try re-installing or updating your Android SDK,\n' 'visit https://flutter.dev/setup/#android-setup for detailed instructions.'; String androidSdkBuildToolsOutdated(String managerPath, int sdkMinVersion, String buildToolsMinVersion) => 'Flutter requires Android SDK $sdkMinVersion and the Android BuildTools $buildToolsMinVersion\n' 'To update using sdkmanager, run:\n' ' "$managerPath" "platforms;android-$sdkMinVersion" "build-tools;$buildToolsMinVersion"\n' 'or visit https://flutter.dev/setup/#android-setup for detailed instructions.'; // Messages used in AndroidStudioValidator String androidStudioVersion(String version) => 'version $version'; String androidStudioLocation(String location) => 'Android Studio at $location'; String get androidStudioNeedsUpdate => 'Try updating or re-installing Android Studio.'; String get androidStudioResetDir => 'Consider removing your android-studio-dir setting by running:\n' 'flutter config --android-studio-dir='; String get aaptNotFound => 'Could not locate aapt. Please ensure you have the Android buildtools installed.'; // Messages used in NoAndroidStudioValidator String androidStudioMissing(String location) => 'android-studio-dir = $location\n' 'but Android Studio not found at this location.'; String get androidStudioInstallation => 'Android Studio not found; download from https://developer.android.com/studio/index.html\n' '(or visit https://flutter.dev/setup/#android-setup for detailed instructions).'; // Messages used in XcodeValidator String xcodeLocation(String location) => 'Xcode at $location'; String xcodeOutdated(int versionMajor, int versionMinor) => 'Flutter requires a minimum Xcode version of $versionMajor.$versionMinor.0.\n' 'Download the latest version or update via the Mac App Store.'; String get xcodeEula => 'Xcode end user license agreement not signed; open Xcode or run the command \'sudo xcodebuild -license\'.'; String get xcodeMissingSimct => 'Xcode requires additional components to be installed in order to run.\n' 'Launch Xcode and install additional required components when prompted or run:\n' ' sudo xcodebuild -runFirstLaunch'; String get xcodeMissing => 'Xcode not installed; this is necessary for iOS development.\n' 'Download at https://developer.apple.com/xcode/download/.'; String get xcodeIncomplete => 'Xcode installation is incomplete; a full installation is necessary for iOS development.\n' 'Download at: https://developer.apple.com/xcode/download/\n' 'Or install Xcode via the App Store.\n' 'Once installed, run:\n' ' sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer\n' ' sudo xcodebuild -runFirstLaunch'; // Messages used in CocoaPodsValidator String cocoaPodsVersion(String version) => 'CocoaPods version $version'; String cocoaPodsUninitialized(String consequence) => 'CocoaPods installed but not initialized.\n' '$consequence\n' 'To initialize CocoaPods, run:\n' ' pod setup\n' 'once to finalize CocoaPods\' installation.'; String cocoaPodsMissing(String consequence, String installInstructions) => 'CocoaPods not installed.\n' '$consequence\n' 'To install:\n' '$installInstructions'; String cocoaPodsUnknownVersion(String consequence, String upgradeInstructions) => 'Unknown CocoaPods version installed.\n' '$consequence\n' 'To upgrade:\n' '$upgradeInstructions'; String cocoaPodsOutdated(String currentVersion, String recVersion, String consequence, String upgradeInstructions) => 'CocoaPods $currentVersion out of date ($recVersion is recommended).\n' '$consequence\n' 'To upgrade:\n' '$upgradeInstructions'; String cocoaPodsBrokenInstall(String consequence, String reinstallInstructions) => 'CocoaPods installed but not working.\n' '$consequence\n' 'To re-install CocoaPods, run:\n' '$reinstallInstructions'; // Messages used in VsCodeValidator String vsCodeVersion(String version) => 'version $version'; String vsCodeLocation(String location) => 'VS Code at $location'; String vsCodeFlutterExtensionMissing(String url) => 'Flutter extension not installed; install from\n$url'; // Messages used in VisualStudioValidator String visualStudioVersion(String name, String version) => '$name version $version'; String visualStudioLocation(String location) => 'Visual Studio at $location'; String visualStudioMissingComponents(String workload, List<String> components) => 'Visual Studio is missing necessary components. Please re-run the ' 'Visual Studio installer for the "$workload" workload, and include these components:\n' ' ${components.join('\n ')}'; String visualStudioMissing(String workload, List<String> components) => 'Visual Studio not installed; this is necessary for Windows development.\n' 'Download at https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/.\n' 'Please install the "$workload" workload, including following components:\n ${components.join('\n ')}'; String get visualStudioIsPrerelease => 'The current Visual Studio installation is a pre-release version. It may not be ' 'supported by Flutter yet.'; String get visualStudioNotLaunchable => 'The current Visual Studio installation is not launchable. Please reinstall Visual Studio.'; String get visualStudioIsIncomplete => 'The current Visual Studio installation is incomplete. Please reinstall Visual Studio.'; String get visualStudioRebootRequired => 'Visual Studio requires a reboot of your system to complete installation.'; // Messages used in FlutterCommand String flutterElapsedTime(String name, String elapsedTime) => '"flutter $name" took $elapsedTime.'; String get flutterNoDevelopmentDevice => "Unable to locate a development device; please run 'flutter doctor' " 'for information about installing additional components.'; String flutterNoMatchingDevice(String deviceId) => 'No devices found with name or id ' "matching '$deviceId'"; String get flutterNoDevicesFound => 'No devices found'; String get flutterNoSupportedDevices => 'No supported devices connected.'; String flutterFoundSpecifiedDevices(int count, String deviceId) => 'Found $count devices with name or id matching $deviceId:'; String get flutterSpecifyDeviceWithAllOption => 'More than one device connected; please specify a device with ' "the '-d <deviceId>' flag, or use '-d all' to act on all devices."; String get flutterSpecifyDevice => 'More than one device connected; please specify a device with ' "the '-d <deviceId>' flag."; String get flutterNoConnectedDevices => 'No connected devices.'; String get flutterNoPubspec => 'Error: No pubspec.yaml file found.\n' 'This command should be run from the root of your Flutter project.\n' 'Do not run this command from the root of your git clone of Flutter.'; String flutterTargetFileMissing(String path) => 'Target file "$path" not found.'; String get flutterBasePatchFlagsExclusive => 'Error: Only one of --baseline, --patch is allowed.'; String get flutterBaselineRequiresTraceFile => 'Error: --baseline requires --compilation-trace-file to be specified.'; String get flutterPatchRequiresTraceFile => 'Error: --patch requires --compilation-trace-file to be specified.'; // Messages used in FlutterCommandRunner String runnerNoRoot(String error) => 'Unable to locate flutter root: $error'; String runnerWrapColumnInvalid(dynamic value) => 'Argument to --wrap-column must be a positive integer. You supplied $value.'; String runnerWrapColumnParseError(dynamic value) => 'Unable to parse argument --wrap-column=$value. Must be a positive integer.'; String runnerBugReportFinished(String zipFileName) => 'Bug report written to $zipFileName.\n' 'Warning: this bug report contains local paths, device identifiers, and log snippets.'; String get runnerNoRecordTo => 'record-to location not specified'; String get runnerNoReplayFrom => 'replay-from location not specified'; String runnerNoEngineSrcDir(String enginePackageName, String engineEnvVar) => 'Unable to detect local Flutter engine src directory.\n' 'Either specify a dependency_override for the $enginePackageName package in your pubspec.yaml and ' 'ensure --package-root is set if necessary, or set the \$$engineEnvVar environment variable, or ' 'use --local-engine-src-path to specify the path to the root of your flutter/engine repository.'; String runnerNoEngineBuildDirInPath(String engineSourcePath) => 'Unable to detect a Flutter engine build directory in $engineSourcePath.\n' 'Please ensure that $engineSourcePath is a Flutter engine \'src\' directory and that ' 'you have compiled the engine in that directory, which should produce an \'out\' directory'; String get runnerLocalEngineRequired => 'You must specify --local-engine if you are using a locally built engine.'; String runnerNoEngineBuild(String engineBuildPath) => 'No Flutter engine build found at $engineBuildPath.'; String runnerWrongFlutterInstance(String flutterRoot, String currentDir) => 'Warning: the \'flutter\' tool you are currently running is not the one from the current directory:\n' ' running Flutter : $flutterRoot\n' ' current directory: $currentDir\n' 'This can happen when you have multiple copies of flutter installed. Please check your system path to verify ' 'that you\'re running the expected version (run \'flutter --version\' to see which flutter is on your path).\n'; String runnerRemovedFlutterRepo(String flutterRoot, String flutterPath) => 'Warning! This package referenced a Flutter repository via the .packages file that is ' 'no longer available. The repository from which the \'flutter\' tool is currently ' 'executing will be used instead.\n' ' running Flutter tool: $flutterRoot\n' ' previous reference : $flutterPath\n' 'This can happen if you deleted or moved your copy of the Flutter repository, or ' 'if it was on a volume that is no longer mounted or has been mounted at a ' 'different location. Please check your system path to verify that you are running ' 'the expected version (run \'flutter --version\' to see which flutter is on your path).\n'; String runnerChangedFlutterRepo(String flutterRoot, String flutterPath) => 'Warning! The \'flutter\' tool you are currently running is from a different Flutter ' 'repository than the one last used by this package. The repository from which the ' '\'flutter\' tool is currently executing will be used instead.\n' ' running Flutter tool: $flutterRoot\n' ' previous reference : $flutterPath\n' 'This can happen when you have multiple copies of flutter installed. Please check ' 'your system path to verify that you are running the expected version (run ' '\'flutter --version\' to see which flutter is on your path).\n'; String invalidVersionSettingHintMessage(String invalidVersion) => 'Invalid version $invalidVersion found, default value will be used.\n' 'In pubspec.yaml, a valid version should look like: build-name+build-number.\n' 'In Android, build-name is used as versionName while build-number used as versionCode.\n' 'Read more about Android versioning at https://developer.android.com/studio/publish/versioning\n' 'In iOS, build-name is used as CFBundleShortVersionString while build-number used as CFBundleVersion.\n' 'Read more about iOS versioning at\n' 'https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/General/Reference/InfoPlistKeyReference/Articles/CoreFoundationKeys.html\n'; }