name: flutter_tools description: Tools for building Flutter applications homepage: author: Flutter Authors <> environment: sdk: '>=1.19.0 <2.0.0' dependencies: archive: ^1.0.20 args: ^0.13.4 cli_util: ^0.1.2 coverage: ^0.9.2 crypto: '>=1.1.1 <3.0.0' file: 2.3.4 http: ^0.11.3+12 intl: '>=0.14.0 <0.16.0' json_rpc_2: ^2.0.0 json_schema: 1.0.6 linter: 0.1.35 meta: ^1.0.5 mustache: ^0.2.5 package_config: '>=0.1.5 <2.0.0' platform: 2.1.1 plugin: ^0.2.0 process: 2.0.5 quiver: ^0.24.0 stack_trace: ^1.4.0 stream_channel: ^1.6.1 usage: ^3.2.0+1 vm_service_client: '0.2.2+4' web_socket_channel: ^1.0.4 xml: ^2.4.1 yaml: ^2.1.3 # We depend on very specific internal implementation details of the # 'test' package, which change between versions, so here we pin it # precisely. When changing this, also update the pubspec.yaml files # for the flutter_test and devicelab packages. All other packages # should depend on flutter_test to transitively get the pinned # version. test: 0.12.24+2 # Version from the vended Dart SDK as defined in `dependency_overrides`. analyzer: any front_end: any dev_dependencies: collection: '>=1.9.1 <2.0.0' mockito: ^2.0.2 # Exclude this package from the hosted API docs. dartdoc: nodoc: true dependency_overrides: analyzer: path: ../../bin/cache/dart-sdk/lib/analyzer front_end: path: ../../bin/cache/dart-sdk/lib/front_end kernel: path: ../../bin/cache/dart-sdk/lib/kernel