// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // @dart = 2.8 import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; import 'package:process/process.dart'; import '../artifacts.dart'; import '../build_info.dart'; import '../macos/xcode.dart'; import 'file_system.dart'; import 'logger.dart'; import 'process.dart'; /// A snapshot build configuration. class SnapshotType { SnapshotType(this.platform, this.mode) : assert(mode != null); final TargetPlatform platform; final BuildMode mode; @override String toString() => '$platform $mode'; } /// Interface to the gen_snapshot command-line tool. class GenSnapshot { GenSnapshot({ @required Artifacts artifacts, @required ProcessManager processManager, @required Logger logger, }) : _artifacts = artifacts, _processUtils = ProcessUtils(logger: logger, processManager: processManager); final Artifacts _artifacts; final ProcessUtils _processUtils; String getSnapshotterPath(SnapshotType snapshotType) { return _artifacts.getArtifactPath( Artifact.genSnapshot, platform: snapshotType.platform, mode: snapshotType.mode); } /// Ignored warning messages from gen_snapshot. static const Set<String> kIgnoredWarnings = <String>{ // --strip on elf snapshot. 'Warning: Generating ELF library without DWARF debugging information.', // --strip on ios-assembly snapshot. 'Warning: Generating assembly code without DWARF debugging information.', // A fun two-part message with spaces for obfuscation. 'Warning: This VM has been configured to obfuscate symbol information which violates the Dart standard.', ' See dartbug.com/30524 for more information.', }; Future<int> run({ @required SnapshotType snapshotType, DarwinArch darwinArch, Iterable<String> additionalArgs = const <String>[], }) { final List<String> args = <String>[ ...additionalArgs, ]; String snapshotterPath = getSnapshotterPath(snapshotType); // iOS has a separate gen_snapshot for armv7 and arm64 in the same, // directory. So we need to select the right one. if (snapshotType.platform == TargetPlatform.ios) { snapshotterPath += '_' + getNameForDarwinArch(darwinArch); } return _processUtils.stream( <String>[snapshotterPath, ...args], mapFunction: (String line) => kIgnoredWarnings.contains(line) ? null : line, ); } } class AOTSnapshotter { AOTSnapshotter({ this.reportTimings = false, @required Logger logger, @required FileSystem fileSystem, @required Xcode xcode, @required ProcessManager processManager, @required Artifacts artifacts, }) : _logger = logger, _fileSystem = fileSystem, _xcode = xcode, _genSnapshot = GenSnapshot( artifacts: artifacts, processManager: processManager, logger: logger, ); final Logger _logger; final FileSystem _fileSystem; final Xcode _xcode; final GenSnapshot _genSnapshot; /// If true then AOTSnapshotter would report timings for individual building /// steps (Dart front-end parsing and snapshot generation) in a stable /// machine readable form. See [AOTSnapshotter._timedStep]. final bool reportTimings; /// Builds an architecture-specific ahead-of-time compiled snapshot of the specified script. Future<int> build({ @required TargetPlatform platform, @required BuildMode buildMode, @required String mainPath, @required String outputPath, DarwinArch darwinArch, String sdkRoot, List<String> extraGenSnapshotOptions = const <String>[], @required bool bitcode, @required String splitDebugInfo, @required bool dartObfuscation, bool quiet = false, }) async { assert(platform != TargetPlatform.ios || darwinArch != null); if (bitcode && platform != TargetPlatform.ios) { _logger.printError('Bitcode is only supported for iOS.'); return 1; } if (!_isValidAotPlatform(platform, buildMode)) { _logger.printError('${getNameForTargetPlatform(platform)} does not support AOT compilation.'); return 1; } final Directory outputDir = _fileSystem.directory(outputPath); outputDir.createSync(recursive: true); final List<String> genSnapshotArgs = <String>[ '--deterministic', ]; // We strip snapshot by default, but allow to suppress this behavior // by supplying --no-strip in extraGenSnapshotOptions. bool shouldStrip = true; if (extraGenSnapshotOptions != null && extraGenSnapshotOptions.isNotEmpty) { _logger.printTrace('Extra gen_snapshot options: $extraGenSnapshotOptions'); for (final String option in extraGenSnapshotOptions) { if (option == '--no-strip') { shouldStrip = false; continue; } genSnapshotArgs.add(option); } } final String assembly = _fileSystem.path.join(outputDir.path, 'snapshot_assembly.S'); if (platform == TargetPlatform.ios || platform == TargetPlatform.darwin_x64) { genSnapshotArgs.addAll(<String>[ '--snapshot_kind=app-aot-assembly', '--assembly=$assembly', ]); } else { final String aotSharedLibrary = _fileSystem.path.join(outputDir.path, 'app.so'); genSnapshotArgs.addAll(<String>[ '--snapshot_kind=app-aot-elf', '--elf=$aotSharedLibrary', ]); } if (shouldStrip) { genSnapshotArgs.add('--strip'); } if (platform == TargetPlatform.android_arm || darwinArch == DarwinArch.armv7) { // Use softfp for Android armv7 devices. // This is the default for armv7 iOS builds, but harmless to set. // TODO(cbracken): eliminate this when we fix https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/17489 genSnapshotArgs.add('--no-sim-use-hardfp'); // Not supported by the Pixel in 32-bit mode. genSnapshotArgs.add('--no-use-integer-division'); } // The name of the debug file must contain additional information about // the architecture, since a single build command may produce // multiple debug files. final String archName = getNameForTargetPlatform(platform, darwinArch: darwinArch); final String debugFilename = 'app.$archName.symbols'; final bool shouldSplitDebugInfo = splitDebugInfo?.isNotEmpty ?? false; if (shouldSplitDebugInfo) { _fileSystem.directory(splitDebugInfo) .createSync(recursive: true); } // Optimization arguments. genSnapshotArgs.addAll(<String>[ // Faster async/await if (shouldSplitDebugInfo) ...<String>[ '--dwarf-stack-traces', '--save-debugging-info=${_fileSystem.path.join(splitDebugInfo, debugFilename)}' ], if (dartObfuscation) '--obfuscate', ]); genSnapshotArgs.add(mainPath); final SnapshotType snapshotType = SnapshotType(platform, buildMode); final int genSnapshotExitCode = await _genSnapshot.run( snapshotType: snapshotType, additionalArgs: genSnapshotArgs, darwinArch: darwinArch, ); if (genSnapshotExitCode != 0) { _logger.printError('Dart snapshot generator failed with exit code $genSnapshotExitCode'); return genSnapshotExitCode; } // On iOS and macOS, we use Xcode to compile the snapshot into a dynamic library that the // end-developer can link into their app. if (platform == TargetPlatform.ios || platform == TargetPlatform.darwin_x64) { final RunResult result = await _buildFramework( appleArch: darwinArch, isIOS: platform == TargetPlatform.ios, sdkRoot: sdkRoot, assemblyPath: assembly, outputPath: outputDir.path, bitcode: bitcode, quiet: quiet, ); if (result.exitCode != 0) { return result.exitCode; } } return 0; } /// Builds an iOS or macOS framework at [outputPath]/App.framework from the assembly /// source at [assemblyPath]. Future<RunResult> _buildFramework({ @required DarwinArch appleArch, @required bool isIOS, @required String sdkRoot, @required String assemblyPath, @required String outputPath, @required bool bitcode, @required bool quiet }) async { final String targetArch = getNameForDarwinArch(appleArch); if (!quiet) { _logger.printStatus('Building App.framework for $targetArch...'); } final List<String> commonBuildOptions = <String>[ '-arch', targetArch, if (isIOS) // When the minimum version is updated, remember to update // template MinimumOSVersion. // https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/62902 '-miphoneos-version-min=8.0', ]; const String embedBitcodeArg = '-fembed-bitcode'; final String assemblyO = _fileSystem.path.join(outputPath, 'snapshot_assembly.o'); List<String> isysrootArgs; if (sdkRoot != null) { isysrootArgs = <String>['-isysroot', sdkRoot]; } final RunResult compileResult = await _xcode.cc(<String>[ '-arch', targetArch, if (isysrootArgs != null) ...isysrootArgs, if (bitcode) embedBitcodeArg, '-c', assemblyPath, '-o', assemblyO, ]); if (compileResult.exitCode != 0) { _logger.printError('Failed to compile AOT snapshot. Compiler terminated with exit code ${compileResult.exitCode}'); return compileResult; } final String frameworkDir = _fileSystem.path.join(outputPath, 'App.framework'); _fileSystem.directory(frameworkDir).createSync(recursive: true); final String appLib = _fileSystem.path.join(frameworkDir, 'App'); final List<String> linkArgs = <String>[ ...commonBuildOptions, '-dynamiclib', '-Xlinker', '-rpath', '-Xlinker', '@executable_path/Frameworks', '-Xlinker', '-rpath', '-Xlinker', '@loader_path/Frameworks', '-install_name', '@rpath/App.framework/App', if (bitcode) embedBitcodeArg, if (isysrootArgs != null) ...isysrootArgs, '-o', appLib, assemblyO, ]; final RunResult linkResult = await _xcode.clang(linkArgs); if (linkResult.exitCode != 0) { _logger.printError('Failed to link AOT snapshot. Linker terminated with exit code ${compileResult.exitCode}'); } return linkResult; } bool _isValidAotPlatform(TargetPlatform platform, BuildMode buildMode) { if (buildMode == BuildMode.debug) { return false; } return const <TargetPlatform>[ TargetPlatform.android_arm, TargetPlatform.android_arm64, TargetPlatform.android_x64, TargetPlatform.ios, TargetPlatform.darwin_x64, TargetPlatform.linux_x64, TargetPlatform.linux_arm64, TargetPlatform.windows_x64, ].contains(platform); } }