// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:developer';
import 'dart:ui' as ui show window;
import 'dart:ui' show VoidCallback;

import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';

import 'debug.dart';
import 'priority.dart';

export 'dart:ui' show VoidCallback;

/// Slows down animations by this factor to help in development.
double get timeDilation => _timeDilation;
double _timeDilation = 1.0;
set timeDilation(double value) {
  if (_timeDilation == value)
  // We need to resetEpoch first so that we capture start of the epoch with the
  // current time dilation.
  _timeDilation = value;

/// A frame-related callback from the scheduler.
/// The timeStamp is the number of milliseconds since the beginning of the
/// scheduler's epoch. Use timeStamp to determine how far to advance animation
/// timelines so that all the animations in the system are synchronized to a
/// common time base.
typedef void FrameCallback(Duration timeStamp);

/// Signature for the [SchedulerBinding.schedulingStrategy] callback. Called
/// whenever the system needs to decide whether a task at a given
/// priority needs to be run.
/// Return true if a task with the given priority should be executed
/// at this time, false otherwise.
/// See also [defaultSchedulingStrategy].
typedef bool SchedulingStrategy({ int priority, SchedulerBinding scheduler });

class _TaskEntry {
  const _TaskEntry(this.task, this.priority);
  final VoidCallback task;
  final int priority;

class _FrameCallbackEntry {
  _FrameCallbackEntry(this.callback, { bool rescheduling: false }) {
    assert(() {
      if (rescheduling) {
        assert(() {
          if (debugCurrentCallbackStack == null) {
            throw new FlutterError(
              'addFrameCallback or scheduleFrameCallback called with rescheduling true, but no callback is in scope.\n'
              'The "rescheduling" argument should only be set to true if the '
              'callback is being reregistered from within the callback itself, '
              'and only then if the callback itself is entirely synchronous. '
              'If this is the initial registration of the callback, or if the '
              'callback is asynchronous, then do not use the "rescheduling" '
          return true;
        debugStack = debugCurrentCallbackStack;
      } else {
        // TODO(ianh): trim the frames from this library, so that the call to scheduleFrameCallback is the top one
        debugStack = StackTrace.current;
      return true;

  final FrameCallback callback;

  // debug-mode fields
  static StackTrace debugCurrentCallbackStack;
  StackTrace debugStack;

/// Scheduler for running the following:
/// * _Frame callbacks_, triggered by the system's
///   [ui.window.onBeginFrame] callback, for synchronising the
///   application's behavior to the system's display. For example, the
///   rendering layer uses this to drive its rendering pipeline.
/// * Non-rendering tasks, to be run between frames. These are given a
///   priority and are executed in priority order according to a
///   [schedulingStrategy].
abstract class SchedulerBinding extends BindingBase {

  void initInstances() {
    _instance = this;
    ui.window.onBeginFrame = handleBeginFrame;

  /// The current [SchedulerBinding], if one has been created.
  static SchedulerBinding get instance => _instance;
  static SchedulerBinding _instance;

  void initServiceExtensions() {
      name: 'timeDilation',
      getter: () => timeDilation,
      setter: (double value) {
        timeDilation = value;

  /// The strategy to use when deciding whether to run a task or not.
  /// Defaults to [defaultSchedulingStrategy].
  SchedulingStrategy schedulingStrategy = defaultSchedulingStrategy;

  static int _taskSorter (_TaskEntry e1, _TaskEntry e2) {
    return -e1.priority.compareTo(e2.priority);
  final PriorityQueue<_TaskEntry> _taskQueue = new HeapPriorityQueue<_TaskEntry>(_taskSorter);

  /// Schedules the given `task` with the given `priority`.
  /// Tasks will be executed between frames, in priority order,
  /// excluding tasks that are skipped by the current
  /// [schedulingStrategy]. Tasks should be short (as in, up to a
  /// millisecond), so as to not cause the regular frame callbacks to
  /// get delayed.
  void scheduleTask(VoidCallback task, Priority priority) {
    bool isFirstTask = _taskQueue.isEmpty;
    _taskQueue.add(new _TaskEntry(task, priority.value));
    if (isFirstTask)

  // Whether this scheduler already requested to be called from the event loop.
  bool _hasRequestedAnEventLoopCallback = false;

  // Ensures that the scheduler is awakened by the event loop.
  void _ensureEventLoopCallback() {
    if (_hasRequestedAnEventLoopCallback)
    _hasRequestedAnEventLoopCallback = true;

  /// Called by the system when there is time to run tasks.
  void handleEventLoopCallback() {
    _hasRequestedAnEventLoopCallback = false;

  // Called when the system wakes up and at the end of each frame.
  void _runTasks() {
    if (_taskQueue.isEmpty)
    _TaskEntry entry = _taskQueue.first;
    // TODO(floitsch): for now we only expose the priority. It might
    // be interesting to provide more info (like, how long the task
    // ran the last time, or how long is left in this frame).
    if (schedulingStrategy(priority: entry.priority, scheduler: this)) {
      try {
      } finally {
        if (_taskQueue.isNotEmpty)
    } else {
      // TODO(floitsch): we shouldn't need to request a frame. Just schedule
      // an event-loop callback.

  int _nextFrameCallbackId = 0; // positive
  Map<int, _FrameCallbackEntry> _transientCallbacks = <int, _FrameCallbackEntry>{};
  final Set<int> _removedIds = new HashSet<int>();

  /// The current number of transient frame callbacks scheduled.
  /// This is reset to zero just before all the currently scheduled
  /// transient callbacks are called, at the start of a frame.
  /// This number is primarily exposed so that tests can verify that
  /// there are no unexpected transient callbacks still registered
  /// after a test's resources have been gracefully disposed.
  int get transientCallbackCount => _transientCallbacks.length;

  /// Schedules the given transient frame callback.
  /// Adds the given callback to the list of frame callbacks and ensures that a
  /// frame is scheduled.
  /// If this is a one-off registration, ignore the `rescheduling` argument.
  /// If this is a callback that will be reregistered each time it fires, then
  /// when you reregister the callback, set the `rescheduling` argument to true.
  /// This has no effect in release builds, but in debug builds, it ensures that
  /// the stack trace that is stored for this callback is the original stack
  /// trace for when the callback was _first_ registered, rather than the stack
  /// trace for when the callback is reregistered. This makes it easier to track
  /// down the original reason that a particular callback was called. If
  /// `rescheduling` is true, the call must be in the context of a frame
  /// callback.
  /// Callbacks registered with this method can be canceled using
  /// [cancelFrameCallbackWithId].
  int scheduleFrameCallback(FrameCallback callback, { bool rescheduling: false }) {
    return addFrameCallback(callback, rescheduling: rescheduling);

  /// Adds a transient frame callback.
  /// Frame callbacks are executed at the beginning of a frame (see
  /// [handleBeginFrame]).
  /// These callbacks are executed in the order in which they have
  /// been added.
  /// Callbacks registered with this method will not be called until
  /// a frame is requested. To register a callback and ensure that a
  /// frame is immediately scheduled, use [scheduleFrameCallback].
  /// If this is a one-off registration, ignore the `rescheduling` argument.
  /// If this is a callback that will be reregistered each time it fires, then
  /// when you reregister the callback, set the `rescheduling` argument to true.
  /// This has no effect in release builds, but in debug builds, it ensures that
  /// the stack trace that is stored for this callback is the original stack
  /// trace for when the callback was _first_ registered, rather than the stack
  /// trace for when the callback is reregistered. This makes it easier to track
  /// down the original reason that a particular callback was called. If
  /// `rescheduling` is true, the call must be in the context of a frame
  /// callback.
  /// Callbacks registered with this method can be canceled using
  /// [cancelFrameCallbackWithId].
  int addFrameCallback(FrameCallback callback, { bool rescheduling: false }) {
    _nextFrameCallbackId += 1;
    _transientCallbacks[_nextFrameCallbackId] = new _FrameCallbackEntry(callback, rescheduling: rescheduling);
    return _nextFrameCallbackId;

  /// Cancels the transient frame callback with the given [id].
  /// Removes the given callback from the list of frame callbacks. If a frame
  /// has been requested, this does not also cancel that request.
  /// Transient frame callbacks are those registered using
  /// [scheduleFrameCallback] or [addFrameCallback].
  void cancelFrameCallbackWithId(int id) {
    assert(id > 0);

  /// Asserts that there are no registered transient callbacks; if
  /// there are, prints their locations and throws an exception.
  /// A transient frame callback is one that was registered with
  /// [scheduleFrameCallback] or [addFrameCallback].
  /// This is expected to be called at the end of tests (the
  /// flutter_test framework does it automatically in normal cases).
  /// Call this method when you expect there to be no transient
  /// callbacks registered, in an assert statement with a message that
  /// you want printed when a transient callback is registered:
  /// ```dart
  /// assert(SchedulerBinding.instance.debugAssertNoTransientCallbacks(
  ///   'A leak of transient callbacks was detected while doing foo.'
  /// ));
  /// ```
  /// Does nothing if asserts are disabled. Always returns true.
  bool debugAssertNoTransientCallbacks(String reason) {
    assert(() {
      if (transientCallbackCount > 0) {
        // We cache the values so that we can produce them later
        // even if the information collector is called after
        // the problem has been resolved.
        final int count = transientCallbackCount;
        final Map<int, _FrameCallbackEntry> callbacks = new Map<int, _FrameCallbackEntry>.from(_transientCallbacks);
        FlutterError.reportError(new FlutterErrorDetails(
          exception: reason,
          library: 'scheduler library',
          informationCollector: (StringBuffer information) {
            if (count == 1) {
                'There was one transient callback left. '
                'The stack trace for when it was registered is as follows:'
            } else {
                'There were $count transient callbacks left. '
                'The stack traces for when they were registered are as follows:'
            for (int id in callbacks.keys) {
              _FrameCallbackEntry entry = callbacks[id];
              information.writeln('── callback $id ──');
      return true;
    return true;

  /// Prints the stack for where the current transient callback was registered.
  /// A transient frame callback is one that was registered with
  /// [scheduleFrameCallback] or [addFrameCallback].
  /// When called in debug more and in the context of a transient callback, this
  /// function prints the stack trace from where the current transient callback
  /// was registered (i.e. where it first called addFrameCallback or
  /// scheduleFrameCallback).
  /// When called in debug mode in other contexts, it prints a message saying
  /// that this function was not called in the context a transient callback.
  /// In release mode, this function does nothing.
  /// To call this function, use the following code:
  /// ```dart
  ///   SchedulerBinding.debugPrintTransientCallbackRegistrationStack();
  /// ```
  static void debugPrintTransientCallbackRegistrationStack() {
    assert(() {
      if (_FrameCallbackEntry.debugCurrentCallbackStack != null) {
        debugPrint('When the current transient callback was registered, this was the stack:');
      } else {
        debugPrint('No transient callback is currently executing.');
      return true;

  final List<FrameCallback> _persistentCallbacks = new List<FrameCallback>();

  /// Adds a persistent frame callback.
  /// Persistent callbacks are called after transient
  /// (non-persistent) frame callbacks.
  /// Does *not* request a new frame. Conceptually, persistent frame
  /// callbacks are observers of "begin frame" events. Since they are
  /// executed after the transient frame callbacks they can drive the
  /// rendering pipeline.
  /// Persistent frame callbacks cannot be unregistered. Once registered, they
  /// are called for every frame for the lifetime of the application.
  void addPersistentFrameCallback(FrameCallback callback) {

  final List<FrameCallback> _postFrameCallbacks = new List<FrameCallback>();

  /// Schedule a callback for the end of this frame.
  /// Does *not* request a new frame.
  /// This callback is run during a frame, just after the persistent
  /// frame callbacks (which is when the main rendering pipeline has
  /// been flushed). If a frame is in progress and post-frame
  /// callbacks haven't been executed yet, then the registered
  /// callback is still executed during the frame. Otherwise, the
  /// registered callback is executed during the next frame.
  /// The callbacks are executed in the order in which they have been
  /// added.
  /// Post-frame callbacks cannot be unregistered. They are called exactly once.
  void addPostFrameCallback(FrameCallback callback) {

  /// Whether this scheduler has requested that handleBeginFrame be called soon.
  bool get hasScheduledFrame => _hasScheduledFrame;
  bool _hasScheduledFrame = false;

  /// Whether this scheduler is currently producing a frame in [handleBeginFrame].
  bool get isProducingFrame => _isProducingFrame;
  bool _isProducingFrame = false;

  /// Schedules a new frame using [scheduleFrame] if this object is not
  /// currently producing a frame.
  /// After this is called, the framework ensures that the end of the
  /// [handleBeginFrame] function will (eventually) be reached.
  void ensureVisualUpdate() {
    if (_isProducingFrame)

  /// If necessary, schedules a new frame by calling
  /// [ui.window.scheduleFrame].
  /// After this is called, the engine will (eventually) call
  /// [handleBeginFrame]. (This call might be delayed, e.g. if the
  /// device's screen is turned off it will typically be delayed until
  /// the screen is on and the application is visible.)
  void scheduleFrame() {
    if (_hasScheduledFrame)
    _hasScheduledFrame = true;

  Duration _firstRawTimeStampInEpoch;
  Duration _epochStart = Duration.ZERO;
  Duration _lastRawTimeStamp = Duration.ZERO;

  /// Prepares the scheduler for a non-monotonic change to how time stamps are calcuated.
  /// Callbacks received from the scheduler assume that their time stamps are
  /// monotonically increasing. The raw time stamp passed to [handleBeginFrame]
  /// is monotonic, but the scheduler might adjust those time stamps to provide
  /// [timeDilation]. Without careful handling, these adjusts could cause time
  /// to appear to run backwards.
  /// The [resetEpoch] function ensures that the time stamps are monotonic by
  /// reseting the base time stamp used for future time stamp adjustments to the
  /// current value. For example, if the [timeDilation] decreases, rather than
  /// scaling down the [Duration] since the beginning of time, [resetEpoch] will
  /// ensure that we only scale down the duration since [resetEpoch] was called.
  /// Note: Setting [timeDilation] calls [resetEpoch] automatically. You don't
  /// need to call [resetEpoch] yourself.
  void resetEpoch() {
    _epochStart = _adjustForEpoch(_lastRawTimeStamp);
    _firstRawTimeStampInEpoch = null;

  /// Adjusts the given time stamp into the current epoch.
  /// This both offsets the time stamp to account for when the epoch started
  /// (both in raw time and in the epoch's own time line) and scales the time
  /// stamp to reflect the time dilation in the current epoch.
  /// These mechanisms together combine to ensure that the durations we give
  /// during frame callbacks are monotonically increasing.
  Duration _adjustForEpoch(Duration rawTimeStamp) {
    Duration rawDurationSinceEpoch = _firstRawTimeStampInEpoch == null ? Duration.ZERO : rawTimeStamp - _firstRawTimeStampInEpoch;
    return new Duration(microseconds: (rawDurationSinceEpoch.inMicroseconds / timeDilation).round() + _epochStart.inMicroseconds);

  /// Called by the engine to produce a new frame.
  /// This function first calls all the callbacks registered by
  /// [scheduleFrameCallback]/[addFrameCallback], then calls all the
  /// callbacks registered by [addPersistentFrameCallback], which
  /// typically drive the rendering pipeline, and finally calls the
  /// callbacks registered by [addPostFrameCallback].
  void handleBeginFrame(Duration rawTimeStamp) {
    _firstRawTimeStampInEpoch ??= rawTimeStamp;
    Duration timeStamp = _adjustForEpoch(rawTimeStamp);
    assert(() {
      if (debugPrintBeginFrameBanner)
        debugPrint('━━━━━━━┫ Begin Frame ($timeStamp) ┣━━━━━━━');
      return true;
    _lastRawTimeStamp = rawTimeStamp;
    _isProducingFrame = true;
    _hasScheduledFrame = false;

    for (FrameCallback callback in _persistentCallbacks)
      _invokeFrameCallback(callback, timeStamp);

    _isProducingFrame = false;

    List<FrameCallback> localPostFrameCallbacks =
        new List<FrameCallback>.from(_postFrameCallbacks);
    for (FrameCallback callback in localPostFrameCallbacks)
      _invokeFrameCallback(callback, timeStamp);


    // All frame-related callbacks have been executed. Run lower-priority tasks.

  void _invokeTransientFrameCallbacks(Duration timeStamp) {
    Map<int, _FrameCallbackEntry> callbacks = _transientCallbacks;
    _transientCallbacks = new Map<int, _FrameCallbackEntry>();
    callbacks.forEach((int id, _FrameCallbackEntry callbackEntry) {
      if (!_removedIds.contains(id))
        _invokeFrameCallback(callbackEntry.callback, timeStamp, callbackEntry.debugStack);

  // Calls the given [callback] with [timestamp] as argument.
  // Wraps the callback in a try/catch and forwards any error to
  // [debugSchedulerExceptionHandler], if set. If not set, then simply prints
  // the error.
  void _invokeFrameCallback(FrameCallback callback, Duration timeStamp, [ StackTrace callbackStack ]) {
    assert(callback != null);
    assert(_FrameCallbackEntry.debugCurrentCallbackStack == null);
    // TODO(ianh): Consider using a Zone instead to track the current callback registration stack
    assert(() { _FrameCallbackEntry.debugCurrentCallbackStack = callbackStack; return true; });
    try {
    } catch (exception, exceptionStack) {
      FlutterError.reportError(new FlutterErrorDetails(
        exception: exception,
        stack: exceptionStack,
        library: 'scheduler library',
        context: 'during a scheduler callback',
        informationCollector: (callbackStack == null) ? null : (StringBuffer information) {
            '\nThis exception was thrown in the context of a scheduler callback. '
            'When the scheduler callback was _registered_ (as opposed to when the '
            'exception was thrown), this was the stack:'
    assert(() { _FrameCallbackEntry.debugCurrentCallbackStack = null; return true; });

/// The default [SchedulingStrategy] for [SchedulerBinding.schedulingStrategy].
/// If there are any frame callbacks registered, only runs tasks with
/// a [Priority] of [Priority.animation] or higher. Otherwise, runs
/// all tasks.
bool defaultSchedulingStrategy({ int priority, SchedulerBinding scheduler }) {
  if (scheduler.transientCallbackCount > 0)
    return priority >= Priority.animation.value;
  return true;