// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:async';

import 'package:devtools_server/devtools_server.dart' as devtools_server;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:package_config/package_config.dart';
import 'package:vm_service/vm_service.dart' as vm_service;

import 'application_package.dart';
import 'artifacts.dart';
import 'asset.dart';
import 'base/command_help.dart';
import 'base/common.dart';
import 'base/file_system.dart';
import 'base/io.dart' as io;
import 'base/logger.dart';
import 'base/signals.dart';
import 'base/terminal.dart';
import 'base/utils.dart';
import 'build_info.dart';
import 'build_system/build_system.dart';
import 'build_system/targets/localizations.dart';
import 'bundle.dart';
import 'cache.dart';
import 'codegen.dart';
import 'compile.dart';
import 'dart/package_map.dart';
import 'devfs.dart';
import 'device.dart';
import 'features.dart';
import 'globals.dart' as globals;
import 'project.dart';
import 'run_cold.dart';
import 'run_hot.dart';
import 'vmservice.dart';

class FlutterDevice {
    this.device, {
    @required this.buildInfo,
    TargetModel targetModel = TargetModel.flutter,
    TargetPlatform targetPlatform,
    ResidentCompiler generator,
  }) : assert(buildInfo.trackWidgetCreation != null),
       generator = generator ?? ResidentCompiler(
           platform: targetPlatform,
           mode: buildInfo.mode,
         buildMode: buildInfo.mode,
         trackWidgetCreation: buildInfo.trackWidgetCreation,
         fileSystemRoots: fileSystemRoots ?? <String>[],
         fileSystemScheme: fileSystemScheme,
         targetModel: targetModel,
         dartDefines: buildInfo.dartDefines,
         packagesPath: globalPackagesPath,
         extraFrontEndOptions: buildInfo.extraFrontEndOptions,

  /// Create a [FlutterDevice] with optional code generation enabled.
  static Future<FlutterDevice> create(
    Device device, {
    @required FlutterProject flutterProject,
    @required String target,
    @required BuildInfo buildInfo,
    List<String> fileSystemRoots,
    String fileSystemScheme,
    String viewFilter,
    TargetModel targetModel = TargetModel.flutter,
    List<String> experimentalFlags,
    ResidentCompiler generator,
    String userIdentifier,
  }) async {
    ResidentCompiler generator;
    final TargetPlatform targetPlatform = await device.targetPlatform;
    if (device.platformType == PlatformType.fuchsia) {
      targetModel = TargetModel.flutterRunner;
    // For both web and non-web platforms we initialize dill to/from
    // a shared location for faster bootstrapping. If the compiler fails
    // due to a kernel target or version mismatch, no error is reported
    // and the compiler starts up as normal. Unexpected errors will print
    // a warning message and dump some debug information which can be
    // used to file a bug, but the compiler will still start up correctly.
    if (targetPlatform == TargetPlatform.web_javascript) {
      generator = ResidentCompiler(
        globals.artifacts.getArtifactPath(Artifact.flutterWebSdk, mode: buildInfo.mode),
        buildMode: buildInfo.mode,
        trackWidgetCreation: buildInfo.trackWidgetCreation,
        fileSystemRoots: fileSystemRoots ?? <String>[],
        // Override the filesystem scheme so that the frontend_server can find
        // the generated entrypoint code.
        fileSystemScheme: 'org-dartlang-app',
          (String message, {bool emphasis, TerminalColor color, }) =>
        initializeFromDill: getDefaultCachedKernelPath(
          trackWidgetCreation: buildInfo.trackWidgetCreation,
        targetModel: TargetModel.dartdevc,
        extraFrontEndOptions: buildInfo.extraFrontEndOptions,
        platformDill: globals.fs.file(globals.artifacts
          .getArtifactPath(Artifact.webPlatformKernelDill, mode: buildInfo.mode))
        dartDefines: buildInfo.dartDefines,
        librariesSpec: globals.fs.file(globals.artifacts
        packagesPath: globalPackagesPath,
    } else {
      generator = ResidentCompiler(
          platform: targetPlatform,
          mode: buildInfo.mode,
        buildMode: buildInfo.mode,
        trackWidgetCreation: buildInfo.trackWidgetCreation,
        fileSystemRoots: fileSystemRoots,
        fileSystemScheme: fileSystemScheme,
        targetModel: targetModel,
        dartDefines: buildInfo.dartDefines,
        extraFrontEndOptions: buildInfo.extraFrontEndOptions,
        initializeFromDill: getDefaultCachedKernelPath(
          trackWidgetCreation: buildInfo.trackWidgetCreation,
        packagesPath: globalPackagesPath,

    if (flutterProject.hasBuilders) {
      generator = await CodeGeneratingResidentCompiler.create(
        residentCompiler: generator,
        flutterProject: flutterProject,

    return FlutterDevice(
      fileSystemRoots: fileSystemRoots,
      viewFilter: viewFilter,
      targetModel: targetModel,
      targetPlatform: targetPlatform,
      generator: generator,
      buildInfo: buildInfo,
      userIdentifier: userIdentifier,

  final Device device;
  final ResidentCompiler generator;
  final BuildInfo buildInfo;
  final String userIdentifier;
  Stream<Uri> observatoryUris;
  vm_service.VmService vmService;
  DevFS devFS;
  ApplicationPackage package;
  List<String> fileSystemRoots;
  String fileSystemScheme;
  StreamSubscription<String> _loggingSubscription;
  bool _isListeningForObservatoryUri;
  final String viewFilter;

  /// Whether the stream [observatoryUris] is still open.
  bool get isWaitingForObservatory => _isListeningForObservatoryUri ?? false;

  /// If the [reloadSources] parameter is not null the 'reloadSources' service
  /// will be registered.
  /// The 'reloadSources' service can be used by other Service Protocol clients
  /// connected to the VM (e.g. Observatory) to request a reload of the source
  /// code of the running application (a.k.a. HotReload).
  /// The 'compileExpression' service can be used to compile user-provided
  /// expressions requested during debugging of the application.
  /// This ensures that the reload process follows the normal orchestration of
  /// the Flutter Tools and not just the VM internal service.
  Future<void> connect({
    ReloadSources reloadSources,
    Restart restart,
    CompileExpression compileExpression,
    ReloadMethod reloadMethod,
    GetSkSLMethod getSkSLMethod,
    PrintStructuredErrorLogMethod printStructuredErrorLogMethod,
  }) {
    final Completer<void> completer = Completer<void>();
    StreamSubscription<void> subscription;
    bool isWaitingForVm = false;

    subscription = observatoryUris.listen((Uri observatoryUri) async {
      // FYI, this message is used as a sentinel in tests.
      globals.printTrace('Connecting to service protocol: $observatoryUri');
      isWaitingForVm = true;
      vm_service.VmService service;

      try {
        service = await connectToVmService(
          reloadSources: reloadSources,
          restart: restart,
          compileExpression: compileExpression,
          reloadMethod: reloadMethod,
          getSkSLMethod: getSkSLMethod,
          printStructuredErrorLogMethod: printStructuredErrorLogMethod,
          device: device,
      } on Exception catch (exception) {
        globals.printTrace('Fail to connect to service protocol: $observatoryUri: $exception');
        if (!completer.isCompleted && !_isListeningForObservatoryUri) {
          completer.completeError('failed to connect to $observatoryUri');
      if (completer.isCompleted) {
      globals.printTrace('Successfully connected to service protocol: $observatoryUri');

      vmService = service;
      (await device.getLogReader(app: package)).connectedVMService = vmService;
      await subscription.cancel();
    }, onError: (dynamic error) {
      globals.printTrace('Fail to handle observatory URI: $error');
    }, onDone: () {
      _isListeningForObservatoryUri = false;
      if (!completer.isCompleted && !isWaitingForVm) {
        completer.completeError('connection to device ended too early');
    _isListeningForObservatoryUri = true;
    return completer.future;

  Future<void> exitApps({
    @visibleForTesting Duration timeoutDelay = const Duration(seconds: 10),
  }) async {
    if (!device.supportsFlutterExit || vmService == null) {
      return device.stopApp(package, userIdentifier: userIdentifier);
    final List<FlutterView> views = await vmService.getFlutterViews();
    if (views == null || views.isEmpty) {
      return device.stopApp(package, userIdentifier: userIdentifier);
    // If any of the flutter views are paused, we might not be able to
    // cleanly exit since the service extension may not have been registered.
    for (final FlutterView flutterView in views) {
      final vm_service.Isolate isolate = await vmService
      if (isolate == null) {
      if (isPauseEvent(isolate.pauseEvent.kind)) {
        return device.stopApp(package, userIdentifier: userIdentifier);
    for (final FlutterView view in views) {
      if (view != null && view.uiIsolate != null) {
        // If successful, there will be no response from flutterExit.
          isolateId: view.uiIsolate.id,
    return vmService.onDone
      .catchError((dynamic error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
          'unhanlded error waiting for vm service exit:\n $error',
          stackTrace: stackTrace,
      .timeout(timeoutDelay, onTimeout: () {
        // TODO(jonahwilliams): this only seems to fail on CI in the
        // flutter_attach_android_test. This log should help verify this
        // is where the tool is getting stuck.
        globals.logger.printTrace('error: vm service shutdown failed');
        return device.stopApp(package, userIdentifier: userIdentifier);

  Future<Uri> setupDevFS(
    String fsName,
    Directory rootDirectory, {
    String packagesFilePath,
  }) {
    // One devFS per device. Shared by all running instances.
    devFS = DevFS(
      osUtils: globals.os,
      fileSystem: globals.fs,
      logger: globals.logger,
    return devFS.create();

  Future<List<Future<vm_service.ReloadReport>>> reloadSources(
    String entryPath, {
    bool pause = false,
  }) async {
    final String deviceEntryUri = devFS.baseUri
    final vm_service.VM vm = await vmService.getVM();
    return <Future<vm_service.ReloadReport>>[
      for (final vm_service.IsolateRef isolateRef in vm.isolates)
          pause: pause,
          rootLibUri: deviceEntryUri,

  Future<void> resetAssetDirectory() async {
    final Uri deviceAssetsDirectoryUri = devFS.baseUri.resolveUri(
    assert(deviceAssetsDirectoryUri != null);
    final List<FlutterView> views = await vmService.getFlutterViews();
    await Future.wait<void>(views.map<Future<void>>(
      (FlutterView view) => vmService.setAssetDirectory(
        assetsDirectory: deviceAssetsDirectoryUri,
        uiIsolateId: view.uiIsolate.id,
        viewId: view.id,

  Future<void> debugDumpApp() async {
    final List<FlutterView> views = await vmService.getFlutterViews();
    for (final FlutterView view in views) {
      await vmService.flutterDebugDumpApp(
        isolateId: view.uiIsolate.id,

  Future<void> debugDumpRenderTree() async {
    final List<FlutterView> views = await vmService.getFlutterViews();
    for (final FlutterView view in views) {
      await vmService.flutterDebugDumpRenderTree(
        isolateId: view.uiIsolate.id,

  Future<void> debugDumpLayerTree() async {
    final List<FlutterView> views = await vmService.getFlutterViews();
    for (final FlutterView view in views) {
      await vmService.flutterDebugDumpLayerTree(
        isolateId: view.uiIsolate.id,

  Future<void> debugDumpSemanticsTreeInTraversalOrder() async {
    final List<FlutterView> views = await vmService.getFlutterViews();
    for (final FlutterView view in views) {
      await vmService.flutterDebugDumpSemanticsTreeInTraversalOrder(
        isolateId: view.uiIsolate.id,

  Future<void> debugDumpSemanticsTreeInInverseHitTestOrder() async {
    final List<FlutterView> views = await vmService.getFlutterViews();
    for (final FlutterView view in views) {
      await vmService.flutterDebugDumpSemanticsTreeInInverseHitTestOrder(
        isolateId: view.uiIsolate.id,

  Future<void> toggleDebugPaintSizeEnabled() async {
    final List<FlutterView> views = await vmService.getFlutterViews();
    for (final FlutterView view in views) {
      await vmService.flutterToggleDebugPaintSizeEnabled(
        isolateId: view.uiIsolate.id,

  Future<void> toggleDebugCheckElevationsEnabled() async {
    final List<FlutterView> views = await vmService.getFlutterViews();
    for (final FlutterView view in views) {
      await vmService.flutterToggleDebugCheckElevationsEnabled(
        isolateId: view.uiIsolate.id,

  Future<void> debugTogglePerformanceOverlayOverride() async {
    final List<FlutterView> views = await vmService.getFlutterViews();
    for (final FlutterView view in views) {
      await vmService.flutterTogglePerformanceOverlayOverride(
        isolateId: view.uiIsolate.id,

  Future<void> toggleWidgetInspector() async {
    final List<FlutterView> views = await vmService.getFlutterViews();
    for (final FlutterView view in views) {
      await vmService.flutterToggleWidgetInspector(
        isolateId: view.uiIsolate.id,

  Future<void> toggleProfileWidgetBuilds() async {
    final List<FlutterView> views = await vmService.getFlutterViews();
    for (final FlutterView view in views) {
      await vmService.flutterToggleProfileWidgetBuilds(
        isolateId: view.uiIsolate.id,

  Future<String> togglePlatform({ String from }) async {
    final List<FlutterView> views = await vmService.getFlutterViews();
    final String to = nextPlatform(from, featureFlags);
    for (final FlutterView view in views) {
      await vmService.flutterPlatformOverride(
        platform: to,
        isolateId: view.uiIsolate.id,
    return to;

  Future<void> startEchoingDeviceLog() async {
    if (_loggingSubscription != null) {
    final Stream<String> logStream = (await device.getLogReader(app: package)).logLines;
    if (logStream == null) {
      globals.printError('Failed to read device log stream');
    _loggingSubscription = logStream.listen((String line) {
      if (!line.contains('Observatory listening on http')) {
        globals.printStatus(line, wrap: false);

  Future<void> stopEchoingDeviceLog() async {
    if (_loggingSubscription == null) {
    await _loggingSubscription.cancel();
    _loggingSubscription = null;

  Future<void> initLogReader() async {
    final vm_service.VM vm = await vmService.getVM();
    final DeviceLogReader logReader = await device.getLogReader(app: package);
    logReader.appPid = vm.pid;

  Future<int> runHot({
    HotRunner hotRunner,
    String route,
  }) async {
    final bool prebuiltMode = hotRunner.applicationBinary != null;
    final String modeName = hotRunner.debuggingOptions.buildInfo.friendlyModeName;
      'Launching ${globals.fsUtils.getDisplayPath(hotRunner.mainPath)} '
      'on ${device.name} in $modeName mode...',

    final TargetPlatform targetPlatform = await device.targetPlatform;
    package = await ApplicationPackageFactory.instance.getPackageForPlatform(
      buildInfo: hotRunner.debuggingOptions.buildInfo,
      applicationBinary: hotRunner.applicationBinary,

    if (package == null) {
      String message = 'No application found for $targetPlatform.';
      final String hint = await getMissingPackageHintForPlatform(targetPlatform);
      if (hint != null) {
        message += '\n$hint';
      return 1;

    final Map<String, dynamic> platformArgs = <String, dynamic>{};

    await startEchoingDeviceLog();

    // Start the application.
    final Future<LaunchResult> futureResult = device.startApp(
      mainPath: hotRunner.mainPath,
      debuggingOptions: hotRunner.debuggingOptions,
      platformArgs: platformArgs,
      route: route,
      prebuiltApplication: prebuiltMode,
      ipv6: hotRunner.ipv6,
      userIdentifier: userIdentifier,

    final LaunchResult result = await futureResult;

    if (!result.started) {
      globals.printError('Error launching application on ${device.name}.');
      await stopEchoingDeviceLog();
      return 2;
    if (result.hasObservatory) {
      observatoryUris = Stream<Uri>
    } else {
      observatoryUris = const Stream<Uri>
    return 0;

  Future<int> runCold({
    ColdRunner coldRunner,
    String route,
  }) async {
    final TargetPlatform targetPlatform = await device.targetPlatform;
    package = await ApplicationPackageFactory.instance.getPackageForPlatform(
      buildInfo: coldRunner.debuggingOptions.buildInfo,
      applicationBinary: coldRunner.applicationBinary,

    final String modeName = coldRunner.debuggingOptions.buildInfo.friendlyModeName;
    final bool prebuiltMode = coldRunner.applicationBinary != null;
    if (coldRunner.mainPath == null) {
        'Launching ${package.displayName} '
        'on ${device.name} in $modeName mode...',
    } else {
        'Launching ${globals.fsUtils.getDisplayPath(coldRunner.mainPath)} '
        'on ${device.name} in $modeName mode...',

    if (package == null) {
      String message = 'No application found for $targetPlatform.';
      final String hint = await getMissingPackageHintForPlatform(targetPlatform);
      if (hint != null) {
        message += '\n$hint';
      return 1;

    final Map<String, dynamic> platformArgs = <String, dynamic>{};
    if (coldRunner.traceStartup != null) {
      platformArgs['trace-startup'] = coldRunner.traceStartup;

    await startEchoingDeviceLog();

    final LaunchResult result = await device.startApp(
      mainPath: coldRunner.mainPath,
      debuggingOptions: coldRunner.debuggingOptions,
      platformArgs: platformArgs,
      route: route,
      prebuiltApplication: prebuiltMode,
      ipv6: coldRunner.ipv6,
      userIdentifier: userIdentifier,

    if (!result.started) {
      globals.printError('Error running application on ${device.name}.');
      await stopEchoingDeviceLog();
      return 2;
    if (result.hasObservatory) {
      observatoryUris = Stream<Uri>
    } else {
      observatoryUris = const Stream<Uri>
    return 0;

  Future<UpdateFSReport> updateDevFS({
    Uri mainUri,
    String target,
    AssetBundle bundle,
    DateTime firstBuildTime,
    bool bundleFirstUpload = false,
    bool bundleDirty = false,
    bool fullRestart = false,
    String projectRootPath,
    String pathToReload,
    @required String dillOutputPath,
    @required List<Uri> invalidatedFiles,
    @required PackageConfig packageConfig,
  }) async {
    final Status devFSStatus = globals.logger.startProgress(
      'Syncing files to device ${device.name}...',
      timeout: timeoutConfiguration.fastOperation,
    UpdateFSReport report;
    try {
      report = await devFS.update(
        mainUri: mainUri,
        target: target,
        bundle: bundle,
        firstBuildTime: firstBuildTime,
        bundleFirstUpload: bundleFirstUpload,
        generator: generator,
        fullRestart: fullRestart,
        dillOutputPath: dillOutputPath,
        trackWidgetCreation: buildInfo.trackWidgetCreation,
        projectRootPath: projectRootPath,
        pathToReload: pathToReload,
        invalidatedFiles: invalidatedFiles,
        packageConfig: packageConfig,
    } on DevFSException {
      return UpdateFSReport(success: false);
    globals.printTrace('Synced ${getSizeAsMB(report.syncedBytes)}.');
    return report;

  Future<void> updateReloadStatus(bool wasReloadSuccessful) async {
    if (wasReloadSuccessful) {
    } else {
      await generator?.reject();

// Shared code between different resident application runners.
abstract class ResidentRunner {
    this.flutterDevices, {
    String projectRootPath,
    String packagesFilePath,
    this.stayResident = true,
    this.hotMode = true,
    String dillOutputPath,
  }) : mainPath = findMainDartFile(target),
       projectRootPath = projectRootPath ?? globals.fs.currentDirectory.path,
       packagesFilePath = packagesFilePath ?? globals.fs.path.absolute(globalPackagesPath),
       _dillOutputPath = dillOutputPath,
       artifactDirectory = dillOutputPath == null
          ? globals.fs.systemTempDirectory.createTempSync('flutter_tool.')
          : globals.fs.file(dillOutputPath).parent,
       assetBundle = AssetBundleFactory.instance.createBundle(),
       commandHelp = CommandHelp(
         logger: globals.logger,
         terminal: globals.terminal,
         platform: globals.platform,
         outputPreferences: globals.outputPreferences,
       ) {
    if (!artifactDirectory.existsSync()) {
      artifactDirectory.createSync(recursive: true);

  final List<FlutterDevice> flutterDevices;

  final String target;
  final DebuggingOptions debuggingOptions;
  final bool stayResident;
  final bool ipv6;
  final String _dillOutputPath;
  /// The parent location of the incremental artifacts.
  final Directory artifactDirectory;
  final String packagesFilePath;
  final String projectRootPath;
  final String mainPath;
  final AssetBundle assetBundle;

  final CommandHelp commandHelp;

  io.HttpServer _devtoolsServer;

  bool _exited = false;
  Completer<int> _finished = Completer<int>();
  bool hotMode;

  /// Returns true if every device is streaming observatory URIs.
  bool get isWaitingForObservatory {
    return flutterDevices.every((FlutterDevice device) {
      return device.isWaitingForObservatory;

  String get dillOutputPath => _dillOutputPath ?? globals.fs.path.join(artifactDirectory.path, 'app.dill');
  String getReloadPath({ bool fullRestart }) => mainPath + (fullRestart ? '' : '.incremental') + '.dill';

  bool get debuggingEnabled => debuggingOptions.debuggingEnabled;
  bool get isRunningDebug => debuggingOptions.buildInfo.isDebug;
  bool get isRunningProfile => debuggingOptions.buildInfo.isProfile;
  bool get isRunningRelease => debuggingOptions.buildInfo.isRelease;
  bool get supportsServiceProtocol => isRunningDebug || isRunningProfile;
  bool get supportsCanvasKit => false;
  bool get supportsWriteSkSL => supportsServiceProtocol;
  bool get trackWidgetCreation => debuggingOptions.buildInfo.trackWidgetCreation;

  // Returns the Uri of the first connected device for mobile,
  // and only connected device for web.
  // Would be null if there is no device connected or
  // there is no devFS associated with the first device.
  Uri get uri => flutterDevices.first?.devFS?.baseUri;

  /// Returns [true] if the resident runner exited after invoking [exit()].
  bool get exited => _exited;

  /// Whether this runner can hot restart.
  /// To prevent scenarios where only a subset of devices are hot restarted,
  /// the runner requires that all attached devices can support hot restart
  /// before enabling it.
  bool get canHotRestart {
    return flutterDevices.every((FlutterDevice device) {
      return device.device.supportsHotRestart;

  /// Invoke an RPC extension method on the first attached ui isolate of the first device.
  // TODO(jonahwilliams): Update/Remove this method when refactoring the resident
  // runner to support a single flutter device.
  Future<Map<String, dynamic>> invokeFlutterExtensionRpcRawOnFirstIsolate(
    String method, {
    Map<String, dynamic> params,
  }) async {
    final List<FlutterView> views = await flutterDevices
    return flutterDevices
        args: params,
        isolateId: views

  /// Whether this runner can hot reload.
  bool get canHotReload => hotMode;

  /// Start the app and keep the process running during its lifetime.
  /// Returns the exit code that we should use for the flutter tool process; 0
  /// for success, 1 for user error (e.g. bad arguments), 2 for other failures.
  Future<int> run({
    Completer<DebugConnectionInfo> connectionInfoCompleter,
    Completer<void> appStartedCompleter,
    String route,

  Future<int> attach({
    Completer<DebugConnectionInfo> connectionInfoCompleter,
    Completer<void> appStartedCompleter,

  bool get supportsRestart => false;

  Future<OperationResult> restart({ bool fullRestart = false, bool pause = false, String reason }) {
    final String mode = isRunningProfile ? 'profile' :
        isRunningRelease ? 'release' : 'this';
    throw '${fullRestart ? 'Restart' : 'Reload'} is not supported in $mode mode';

  BuildResult _lastBuild;
  Environment _environment;
  Future<void> runSourceGenerators() async {
    _environment ??= Environment(
      artifacts: globals.artifacts,
      logger: globals.logger,
      cacheDir: globals.cache.getRoot(),
      engineVersion: globals.flutterVersion.engineRevision,
      fileSystem: globals.fs,
      flutterRootDir: globals.fs.directory(Cache.flutterRoot),
      outputDir: globals.fs.directory(getBuildDirectory()),
      processManager: globals.processManager,
      projectDir: globals.fs.currentDirectory,
    globals.logger.printTrace('Starting incremental build...');
    _lastBuild = await globals.buildSystem.buildIncremental(
      const GenerateLocalizationsTarget(),
    if (!_lastBuild.success) {
      for (final ExceptionMeasurement exceptionMeasurement in _lastBuild.exceptions.values) {
          stackTrace: globals.logger.isVerbose
            ? exceptionMeasurement.stackTrace
            : null,

  /// Toggle whether canvaskit is being used for rendering, returning the new
  /// state.
  /// Only supported on the web.
  Future<bool> toggleCanvaskit() {
    throw Exception('Canvaskit not supported by this runner.');

  /// List the attached flutter views.
  Future<List<FlutterView>> listFlutterViews() async {
    return (await Future.wait(
      flutterDevices.map((FlutterDevice d) => d.vmService.getFlutterViews()))
    ).expand((List<FlutterView> views) => views).toList();

  /// Write the SkSL shaders to a zip file in build directory.
  /// Returns the name of the file, or `null` on failures.
  Future<String> writeSkSL() async {
    if (!supportsWriteSkSL) {
      throw Exception('writeSkSL is not supported by this runner.');
    final List<FlutterView> views = await flutterDevices
    final Map<String, Object> data = await flutterDevices.first.vmService.getSkSLs(
      viewId: views.first.id,
    final Device device = flutterDevices.first.device;
    return sharedSkSlWriter(device, data);

  /// The resident runner API for interaction with the reloadMethod vmservice
  /// request.
  /// This API should only be called for UI only-changes spanning a single
  /// library/Widget.
  /// The value [classId] should be the identifier of the StatelessWidget that
  /// was invalidated, or the StatefulWidget for the corresponding State class
  /// that was invalidated. This must be provided.
  /// The value [libraryId] should be the absolute file URI for the containing
  /// library of the widget that was invalidated. This must be provided.
  Future<OperationResult> reloadMethod({ String classId, String libraryId }) {
    throw UnsupportedError('Method is not supported.');

  void writeVmserviceFile() {
    if (debuggingOptions.vmserviceOutFile != null) {
      try {
        final String address = flutterDevices.first.vmService.wsAddress.toString();
        final File vmserviceOutFile = globals.fs.file(debuggingOptions.vmserviceOutFile);
        vmserviceOutFile.createSync(recursive: true);
      } on FileSystemException {
        globals.printError('Failed to write vmservice-out-file at ${debuggingOptions.vmserviceOutFile}');

  Future<void> exit() async {
    _exited = true;
    await shutdownDevtools();
    await stopEchoingDeviceLog();
    await preExit();
    await exitApp();

  Future<void> detach() async {
    await shutdownDevtools();
    await stopEchoingDeviceLog();
    await preExit();

  Future<void> debugDumpApp() async {
    for (final FlutterDevice device in flutterDevices) {
      await device.debugDumpApp();

  Future<void> debugDumpRenderTree() async {
    for (final FlutterDevice device in flutterDevices) {
      await device.debugDumpRenderTree();

  Future<void> debugDumpLayerTree() async {
    for (final FlutterDevice device in flutterDevices) {
      await device.debugDumpLayerTree();

  Future<void> debugDumpSemanticsTreeInTraversalOrder() async {
    for (final FlutterDevice device in flutterDevices) {
      await device.debugDumpSemanticsTreeInTraversalOrder();

  Future<void> debugDumpSemanticsTreeInInverseHitTestOrder() async {
    for (final FlutterDevice device in flutterDevices) {
      await device.debugDumpSemanticsTreeInInverseHitTestOrder();

  Future<void> debugToggleDebugPaintSizeEnabled() async {
    for (final FlutterDevice device in flutterDevices) {
      await device.toggleDebugPaintSizeEnabled();

  Future<void> debugToggleDebugCheckElevationsEnabled() async {
    for (final FlutterDevice device in flutterDevices) {
      await device.toggleDebugCheckElevationsEnabled();

  Future<void> debugTogglePerformanceOverlayOverride() async {
    for (final FlutterDevice device in flutterDevices) {
      await device.debugTogglePerformanceOverlayOverride();

  Future<void> debugToggleWidgetInspector() async {
    for (final FlutterDevice device in flutterDevices) {
      await device.toggleWidgetInspector();

  Future<void> debugToggleProfileWidgetBuilds() async {
    for (final FlutterDevice device in flutterDevices) {
      await device.toggleProfileWidgetBuilds();

  /// Take a screenshot on the provided [device].
  /// If the device has a connected vmservice, this method will attempt to hide
  /// and restore the debug banner before taking the screenshot.
  /// Throws an [AssertionError] if [Devce.supportsScreenshot] is not true.
  Future<void> screenshot(FlutterDevice device) async {

    final Status status = globals.logger.startProgress(
      'Taking screenshot for ${device.device.name}...',
      timeout: timeoutConfiguration.fastOperation,
    final File outputFile = globals.fsUtils.getUniqueFile(
    final List<FlutterView> views = await device
    try {
      if (supportsServiceProtocol && isRunningDebug) {
        try {
          for (final FlutterView view in views) {
            await device.vmService.flutterDebugAllowBanner(
              isolateId: view.uiIsolate.id,
        } on Exception catch (error) {
          globals.printError('Error communicating with Flutter on the device: $error');
      try {
        await device.device.takeScreenshot(outputFile);
      } finally {
        if (supportsServiceProtocol && isRunningDebug) {
          try {
            for (final FlutterView view in views) {
              await device.vmService.flutterDebugAllowBanner(
                isolateId: view.uiIsolate.id,
          } on Exception catch (error) {
            globals.printError('Error communicating with Flutter on the device: $error');
      final int sizeKB = outputFile.lengthSync() ~/ 1024;
        'Screenshot written to ${globals.fs.path.relative(outputFile.path)} (${sizeKB}kB).',
    } on Exception catch (error) {
      globals.printError('Error taking screenshot: $error');

  Future<void> debugTogglePlatform() async {
    final List<FlutterView> views = await flutterDevices
    final String isolateId = views.first.uiIsolate.id;
    final String from = await flutterDevices
        isolateId: isolateId,
    String to;
    for (final FlutterDevice device in flutterDevices) {
      to = await device.togglePlatform(from: from);
    globals.printStatus('Switched operating system to $to');

  Future<void> stopEchoingDeviceLog() async {
    await Future.wait<void>(
      flutterDevices.map<Future<void>>((FlutterDevice device) => device.stopEchoingDeviceLog())

  void cacheInitialDillCompilation() {
    if (_dillOutputPath != null) {
    globals.logger.printTrace('Caching compiled dill');
    final File outputDill = globals.fs.file(dillOutputPath);
    if (outputDill.existsSync()) {
      final String copyPath = getDefaultCachedKernelPath(
        trackWidgetCreation: trackWidgetCreation,
          .createSync(recursive: true);

  void printStructuredErrorLog(vm_service.Event event) {
    if (event.extensionKind == 'Flutter.Error') {
      final Map<dynamic, dynamic> json = event.extensionData?.data;
      if (json != null && json.containsKey('renderedErrorText')) {

  /// If the [reloadSources] parameter is not null the 'reloadSources' service
  /// will be registered.
  // Failures should be indicated by completing the future with an error, using
  // a string as the error object, which will be used by the caller (attach())
  // to display an error message.
  Future<void> connectToServiceProtocol({
    ReloadSources reloadSources,
    Restart restart,
    CompileExpression compileExpression,
    ReloadMethod reloadMethod,
    GetSkSLMethod getSkSLMethod,
  }) async {
    if (!debuggingOptions.debuggingEnabled) {
      throw 'The service protocol is not enabled.';
    _finished = Completer<int>();
    // Listen for service protocol connection to close.
    for (final FlutterDevice device in flutterDevices) {
      await device.connect(
        reloadSources: reloadSources,
        restart: restart,
        compileExpression: compileExpression,
        reloadMethod: reloadMethod,
        getSkSLMethod: getSkSLMethod,
        printStructuredErrorLogMethod: printStructuredErrorLog,
      // This will wait for at least one flutter view before returning.
      final Status status = globals.logger.startProgress(
        'Waiting for ${device.device.name} to report its views...',
        timeout: const Duration(milliseconds: 200),
      try {
        await device.vmService.getFlutterViews();
      } finally {
      // This hooks up callbacks for when the connection stops in the future.
      // We don't want to wait for them. We don't handle errors in those callbacks'
      // futures either because they just print to logger and is not critical.
        onError: _serviceProtocolError,

  Future<void> launchDevTools() async {
    try {
      _devtoolsServer ??= await devtools_server.serveDevTools(
        enableStdinCommands: false,
      await devtools_server.launchDevTools(
        <String, dynamic>{
          'reuseWindows': true,
        false,  // headless mode,
        false,  // machine mode
    } on Exception catch (e, st) {
      globals.printTrace('Failed to launch DevTools: $e\n$st');

  Future<void> shutdownDevtools() async {
    await _devtoolsServer?.close();
    _devtoolsServer = null;

  Future<void> _serviceProtocolDone(dynamic object) async {
    globals.printTrace('Service protocol connection closed.');

  Future<void> _serviceProtocolError(dynamic error, StackTrace stack) {
    globals.printTrace('Service protocol connection closed with an error: $error\n$stack');
    return Future<void>.error(error, stack);

  void _serviceDisconnected() {
    if (_exited) {
      // User requested the application exit.
    if (_finished.isCompleted) {
    globals.printStatus('Lost connection to device.');

  void appFinished() {
    if (_finished.isCompleted) {
    globals.printStatus('Application finished.');

  Future<int> waitForAppToFinish() async {
    final int exitCode = await _finished.future;
    assert(exitCode != null);
    await cleanupAtFinish();
    return exitCode;

  Future<void> preExit() async {
    // If _dillOutputPath is null, the tool created a temporary directory for
    // the dill.
    if (_dillOutputPath == null && artifactDirectory.existsSync()) {
      artifactDirectory.deleteSync(recursive: true);

  Future<void> exitApp() async {
    final List<Future<void>> futures = <Future<void>>[
      for (final FlutterDevice device in flutterDevices)  device.exitApps(),
    await Future.wait(futures);

  /// Called to print help to the terminal.
  void printHelp({ @required bool details });

  void printHelpDetails() {
    if (flutterDevices.any((FlutterDevice d) => d.device.supportsScreenshot)) {
    if (supportsServiceProtocol) {
      if (isRunningDebug) {
      } else {
      if (supportsCanvasKit){
      if (supportsWriteSkSL) {
      // `P` should precede `a`

  /// Called when a signal has requested we exit.
  Future<void> cleanupAfterSignal();

  /// Called right before we exit.
  Future<void> cleanupAtFinish();

  // Clears the screen.
  void clearScreen() => globals.logger.clear();

class OperationResult {
  OperationResult(this.code, this.message, { this.fatal = false });

  /// The result of the operation; a non-zero code indicates a failure.
  final int code;

  /// A user facing message about the results of the operation.
  final String message;

  /// Whether this error should cause the runner to exit.
  final bool fatal;

  bool get isOk => code == 0;

  static final OperationResult ok = OperationResult(0, '');

/// Given the value of the --target option, return the path of the Dart file
/// where the app's main function should be.
String findMainDartFile([ String target ]) {
  target ??= '';
  final String targetPath = globals.fs.path.absolute(target);
  if (globals.fs.isDirectorySync(targetPath)) {
    return globals.fs.path.join(targetPath, 'lib', 'main.dart');
  return targetPath;

Future<String> getMissingPackageHintForPlatform(TargetPlatform platform) async {
  switch (platform) {
    case TargetPlatform.android_arm:
    case TargetPlatform.android_arm64:
    case TargetPlatform.android_x64:
    case TargetPlatform.android_x86:
      final FlutterProject project = FlutterProject.current();
      final String manifestPath = globals.fs.path.relative(project.android.appManifestFile.path);
      return 'Is your project missing an $manifestPath?\nConsider running "flutter create ." to create one.';
    case TargetPlatform.ios:
      return 'Is your project missing an ios/Runner/Info.plist?\nConsider running "flutter create ." to create one.';
      return null;

/// Redirects terminal commands to the correct resident runner methods.
class TerminalHandler {

  final ResidentRunner residentRunner;
  bool _processingUserRequest = false;
  StreamSubscription<void> subscription;

  String lastReceivedCommand;

  void setupTerminal() {
    if (!globals.logger.quiet) {
      residentRunner.printHelp(details: false);
    globals.terminal.singleCharMode = true;
    subscription = globals.terminal.keystrokes.listen(processTerminalInput);

  final Map<io.ProcessSignal, Object> _signalTokens = <io.ProcessSignal, Object>{};

  void _addSignalHandler(io.ProcessSignal signal, SignalHandler handler) {
    _signalTokens[signal] = globals.signals.addHandler(signal, handler);

  void registerSignalHandlers() {

    _addSignalHandler(io.ProcessSignal.SIGINT, _cleanUp);
    _addSignalHandler(io.ProcessSignal.SIGTERM, _cleanUp);
    if (!residentRunner.supportsServiceProtocol || !residentRunner.supportsRestart) {
    _addSignalHandler(io.ProcessSignal.SIGUSR1, _handleSignal);
    _addSignalHandler(io.ProcessSignal.SIGUSR2, _handleSignal);

  /// Unregisters terminal signal and keystroke handlers.
  void stop() {
    for (final MapEntry<io.ProcessSignal, Object> entry in _signalTokens.entries) {
      globals.signals.removeHandler(entry.key, entry.value);

  /// Returns [true] if the input has been handled by this function.
  Future<bool> _commonTerminalInputHandler(String character) async {
    globals.printStatus(''); // the key the user tapped might be on this line
    switch(character) {
      case 'a':
        if (residentRunner.supportsServiceProtocol) {
          await residentRunner.debugToggleProfileWidgetBuilds();
          return true;
        return false;
      case 'c':
        return true;
      case 'd':
      case 'D':
        await residentRunner.detach();
        return true;
      case 'g':
        await residentRunner.runSourceGenerators();
        return true;
      case 'h':
      case 'H':
      case '?':
        // help
        residentRunner.printHelp(details: true);
        return true;
      case 'i':
      case 'I':
        if (residentRunner.supportsServiceProtocol) {
          await residentRunner.debugToggleWidgetInspector();
          return true;
        return false;
      case 'k':
        if (residentRunner.supportsCanvasKit) {
          final bool result = await residentRunner.toggleCanvaskit();
          globals.printStatus('${result ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled'} CanvasKit');
          return true;
        return false;
      case 'l':
        final List<FlutterView> views = await residentRunner.listFlutterViews();
        globals.printStatus('Connected ${pluralize('view', views.length)}:');
        for (final FlutterView v in views) {
          globals.printStatus('${v.uiIsolate.name} (${v.uiIsolate.id})', indent: 2);
        return true;
      case 'L':
        if (residentRunner.supportsServiceProtocol) {
          await residentRunner.debugDumpLayerTree();
          return true;
        return false;
      case 'o':
      case 'O':
        if (residentRunner.supportsServiceProtocol && residentRunner.isRunningDebug) {
          await residentRunner.debugTogglePlatform();
          return true;
        return false;
      case 'M':
        if (residentRunner.supportsWriteSkSL) {
          await residentRunner.writeSkSL();
          return true;
        return false;
      case 'p':
        if (residentRunner.supportsServiceProtocol && residentRunner.isRunningDebug) {
          await residentRunner.debugToggleDebugPaintSizeEnabled();
          return true;
        return false;
      case 'P':
        if (residentRunner.supportsServiceProtocol) {
          await residentRunner.debugTogglePerformanceOverlayOverride();
          return true;
        return false;
      case 'q':
      case 'Q':
        // exit
        await residentRunner.exit();
        return true;
      case 's':
        for (final FlutterDevice device in residentRunner.flutterDevices) {
          if (device.device.supportsScreenshot) {
            await residentRunner.screenshot(device);
        return true;
      case 'r':
        if (!residentRunner.canHotReload) {
          return false;
        final OperationResult result = await residentRunner.restart(fullRestart: false);
        if (result.fatal) {
        if (!result.isOk) {
          globals.printStatus('Try again after fixing the above error(s).', emphasis: true);
        return true;
      case 'R':
        // If hot restart is not supported for all devices, ignore the command.
        if (!residentRunner.canHotRestart || !residentRunner.hotMode) {
          return false;
        final OperationResult result = await residentRunner.restart(fullRestart: true);
        if (result.fatal) {
        if (!result.isOk) {
          globals.printStatus('Try again after fixing the above error(s).', emphasis: true);
        return true;
      case 'S':
        if (residentRunner.supportsServiceProtocol) {
          await residentRunner.debugDumpSemanticsTreeInTraversalOrder();
          return true;
        return false;
      case 't':
      case 'T':
        if (residentRunner.supportsServiceProtocol) {
          await residentRunner.debugDumpRenderTree();
          return true;
        return false;
      case 'U':
        if (residentRunner.supportsServiceProtocol) {
          await residentRunner.debugDumpSemanticsTreeInInverseHitTestOrder();
          return true;
        return false;
      case 'v':
        if (residentRunner.supportsServiceProtocol) {
          await residentRunner.launchDevTools();
          return true;
        return false;
      case 'w':
      case 'W':
        if (residentRunner.supportsServiceProtocol) {
          await residentRunner.debugDumpApp();
          return true;
        return false;
      case 'z':
      case 'Z':
        await residentRunner.debugToggleDebugCheckElevationsEnabled();
        return true;
    return false;

  Future<void> processTerminalInput(String command) async {
    // When terminal doesn't support line mode, '\n' can sneak into the input.
    command = command.trim();
    if (_processingUserRequest) {
      globals.printTrace('Ignoring terminal input: "$command" because we are busy.');
    _processingUserRequest = true;
    try {
      lastReceivedCommand = command;
      await _commonTerminalInputHandler(command);
    // Catch all exception since this is doing cleanup and rethrowing.
    } catch (error, st) { // ignore: avoid_catches_without_on_clauses
      // Don't print stack traces for known error types.
      if (error is! ToolExit) {
      await _cleanUp(null);
    } finally {
      _processingUserRequest = false;

  Future<void> _handleSignal(io.ProcessSignal signal) async {
    if (_processingUserRequest) {
      globals.printTrace('Ignoring signal: "$signal" because we are busy.');
    _processingUserRequest = true;

    final bool fullRestart = signal == io.ProcessSignal.SIGUSR2;

    try {
      await residentRunner.restart(fullRestart: fullRestart);
    } finally {
      _processingUserRequest = false;

  Future<void> _cleanUp(io.ProcessSignal signal) async {
    globals.terminal.singleCharMode = false;
    await subscription?.cancel();
    await residentRunner.cleanupAfterSignal();

class DebugConnectionInfo {
  DebugConnectionInfo({ this.httpUri, this.wsUri, this.baseUri });

  // TODO(danrubel): the httpUri field should be removed as part of
  // https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/7050
  final Uri httpUri;
  final Uri wsUri;
  final String baseUri;

/// Returns the next platform value for the switcher.
/// These values must match what is available in
/// packages/flutter/lib/src/foundation/binding.dart
String nextPlatform(String currentPlatform, FeatureFlags featureFlags) {
  switch (currentPlatform) {
    case 'android':
      return 'iOS';
    case 'iOS':
      return 'fuchsia';
    case 'fuchsia':
      if (featureFlags.isMacOSEnabled) {
        return 'macOS';
      return 'android';
    case 'macOS':
      return 'android';
      assert(false); // Invalid current platform.
      return 'android';