// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart'; void main() { test('debugChildrenHaveDuplicateKeys control test', () { const Key key = Key('key'); final List<Widget> children = <Widget>[ Container(key: key), Container(key: key), ]; final Widget widget = Flex( direction: Axis.vertical, children: children ); FlutterError error; try { debugChildrenHaveDuplicateKeys(widget, children); } on FlutterError catch (e) { error = e; } finally { expect(error, isNotNull); expect( error.toStringDeep(), equalsIgnoringHashCodes( 'FlutterError\n' ' Duplicate keys found.\n' ' If multiple keyed nodes exist as children of another node, they\n' ' must have unique keys.\n' ' Flex(direction: vertical, mainAxisAlignment: start,\n' ' crossAxisAlignment: center) has multiple children with key\n' ' [<\'key\'>].\n', ), ); } }); test('debugItemsHaveDuplicateKeys control test', () { const Key key = Key('key'); final List<Widget> items = <Widget>[ Container(key: key), Container(key: key), ]; FlutterError error; try { debugItemsHaveDuplicateKeys(items); } on FlutterError catch (e) { error = e; } finally { expect(error, isNotNull); expect( error.toStringDeep(), equalsIgnoringHashCodes( 'FlutterError\n' ' Duplicate key found: [<\'key\'>].\n' ), ); } }); testWidgets('debugCheckHasTable control test', (WidgetTester tester) async { await tester.pumpWidget( Builder( builder: (BuildContext context) { FlutterError error; try { debugCheckHasTable(context); } on FlutterError catch (e) { error = e; } finally { expect(error, isNotNull); expect(error.diagnostics.length, 4); expect(error.diagnostics[2], isInstanceOf<DiagnosticsProperty<Element>>()); expect( error.toStringDeep(), equalsIgnoringHashCodes( 'FlutterError\n' ' No Table widget found.\n' ' Builder widgets require a Table widget ancestor.\n' ' The specific widget that could not find a Table ancestor was:\n' ' Builder\n' ' The ownership chain for the affected widget is: "Builder ←\n' ' [root]"\n' ), ); } return Container(); } ), ); }); testWidgets('debugCheckHasMediaQuery control test', (WidgetTester tester) async { await tester.pumpWidget( Builder( builder: (BuildContext context) { FlutterError error; try { debugCheckHasMediaQuery(context); } on FlutterError catch (e) { error = e; } finally { expect(error, isNotNull); expect(error.diagnostics.length, 5); expect(error.diagnostics[2], isInstanceOf<DiagnosticsProperty<Element>>()); expect(error.diagnostics.last.level, DiagnosticLevel.hint); expect( error.diagnostics.last.toStringDeep(), equalsIgnoringHashCodes( 'Typically, the MediaQuery widget is introduced by the MaterialApp\n' 'or WidgetsApp widget at the top of your application widget tree.\n' ), ); expect( error.toStringDeep(), equalsIgnoringHashCodes( 'FlutterError\n' ' No MediaQuery widget found.\n' ' Builder widgets require a MediaQuery widget ancestor.\n' ' The specific widget that could not find a MediaQuery ancestor\n' ' was:\n' ' Builder\n' ' The ownership chain for the affected widget is: "Builder ←\n' ' [root]"\n' ' Typically, the MediaQuery widget is introduced by the MaterialApp\n' ' or WidgetsApp widget at the top of your application widget tree.\n' ), ); } return Container(); } ), ); }); test('debugWidgetBuilderValue control test', () { final Widget widget = Container(); FlutterError error; try { debugWidgetBuilderValue(widget, null); } on FlutterError catch (e) { error = e; } finally { expect(error, isNotNull); expect(error.diagnostics.length, 4); expect(error.diagnostics[1], isInstanceOf<DiagnosticsProperty<Widget>>()); expect(error.diagnostics[1].style, DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty); expect( error.diagnostics[1].toStringDeep(), equalsIgnoringHashCodes( 'The offending widget is:\n' ' Container\n' ) ); expect(error.diagnostics[2].level, DiagnosticLevel.info); expect(error.diagnostics[3].level, DiagnosticLevel.hint); expect( error.diagnostics[3].toStringDeep(), equalsIgnoringHashCodes( 'To return an empty space that causes the building widget to fill\n' 'available room, return "Container()". To return an empty space\n' 'that takes as little room as possible, return "Container(width:\n' '0.0, height: 0.0)".\n', ) ); expect( error.toStringDeep(), equalsIgnoringHashCodes( 'FlutterError\n' ' A build function returned null.\n' ' The offending widget is:\n' ' Container\n' ' Build functions must never return null.\n' ' To return an empty space that causes the building widget to fill\n' ' available room, return "Container()". To return an empty space\n' ' that takes as little room as possible, return "Container(width:\n' ' 0.0, height: 0.0)".\n' ), ); error = null; } try { debugWidgetBuilderValue(widget, widget); } on FlutterError catch (e) { error = e; } finally { expect(error, isNotNull); expect(error.diagnostics.length, 3); expect(error.diagnostics[1], isInstanceOf<DiagnosticsProperty<Widget>>()); expect(error.diagnostics[1].style, DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty); expect( error.diagnostics[1].toStringDeep(), equalsIgnoringHashCodes( 'The offending widget is:\n' ' Container\n' ) ); expect( error.toStringDeep(), equalsIgnoringHashCodes( 'FlutterError\n' ' A build function returned context.widget.\n' ' The offending widget is:\n' ' Container\n' ' Build functions must never return their BuildContext parameter\'s\n' ' widget or a child that contains "context.widget". Doing so\n' ' introduces a loop in the widget tree that can cause the app to\n' ' crash.\n' ), ); } }); test('debugAssertAllWidgetVarsUnset', () { debugHighlightDeprecatedWidgets = true; FlutterError error; try { debugAssertAllWidgetVarsUnset('The value of a widget debug variable was changed by the test.'); } on FlutterError catch (e) { error = e; } finally { expect(error, isNotNull); expect(error.diagnostics.length, 1); expect( error.toStringDeep(), 'FlutterError\n' ' The value of a widget debug variable was changed by the test.\n', ); } }); }