// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import '../base/common.dart'; import '../base/file_system.dart'; import '../cache.dart'; import '../globals.dart' as globals; import '../runner/flutter_command.dart'; import '../template.dart'; class IdeConfigCommand extends FlutterCommand { IdeConfigCommand() { argParser.addFlag( 'overwrite', negatable: true, defaultsTo: false, help: 'When performing operations, overwrite existing files.', ); argParser.addFlag( 'update-templates', negatable: false, help: 'Update the templates in the template directory from the current ' 'configuration files. This is the opposite of what $name usually does. ' 'Will search the flutter tree for .iml files and copy any missing ones ' 'into the template directory. If --overwrite is also specified, it will ' 'update any out-of-date files, and remove any deleted files from the ' 'template directory.', ); argParser.addFlag( 'with-root-module', negatable: true, defaultsTo: true, help: 'Also create module that corresponds to the root of Flutter tree. ' 'This makes the entire Flutter tree browsable and searchable in IDE. ' 'Without this flag, only the child modules will be visible in IDE.', ); } @override final String name = 'ide-config'; @override Future<Set<DevelopmentArtifact>> get requiredArtifacts async => const <DevelopmentArtifact>{}; @override final String description = 'Configure the IDE for use in the Flutter tree.\n\n' 'If run on a Flutter tree that is already configured for the IDE, this ' 'command will add any new configurations, recreate any files that are ' 'missing. If --overwrite is specified, will revert existing files to ' 'the template versions, reset the module list, and return configuration ' 'settings to the template versions.\n\n' 'This command is intended for Flutter developers to help them set up the ' "Flutter tree for development in an IDE. It doesn't affect other projects.\n\n" 'Currently, IntelliJ is the default (and only) IDE that may be configured.'; @override final bool hidden = true; @override String get invocation => '${runner.executableName} $name'; static const String _ideName = 'intellij'; Directory get _templateDirectory { return globals.fs.directory(globals.fs.path.join( Cache.flutterRoot, 'packages', 'flutter_tools', 'ide_templates', _ideName, )); } Directory get _createTemplatesDirectory { return globals.fs.directory(globals.fs.path.join( Cache.flutterRoot, 'packages', 'flutter_tools', 'templates', )); } Directory get _flutterRoot => globals.fs.directory(globals.fs.path.absolute(Cache.flutterRoot)); // Returns true if any entire path element is equal to dir. bool _hasDirectoryInPath(FileSystemEntity entity, String dir) { String path = entity.absolute.path; while (path.isNotEmpty && globals.fs.path.dirname(path) != path) { if (globals.fs.path.basename(path) == dir) { return true; } path = globals.fs.path.dirname(path); } return false; } // Returns true if child is anywhere underneath parent. bool _isChildDirectoryOf(FileSystemEntity parent, FileSystemEntity child) { return child.absolute.path.startsWith(parent.absolute.path); } // Checks the contents of the two files to see if they have changes. bool _fileIsIdentical(File src, File dest) { if (src.lengthSync() != dest.lengthSync()) { return false; } // Test byte by byte. We're assuming that these are small files. final List<int> srcBytes = src.readAsBytesSync(); final List<int> destBytes = dest.readAsBytesSync(); for (int i = 0; i < srcBytes.length; ++i) { if (srcBytes[i] != destBytes[i]) { return false; } } return true; } // Discovers and syncs with existing configuration files in the Flutter tree. void _handleTemplateUpdate() { if (!_flutterRoot.existsSync()) { return; } final Set<String> manifest = <String>{}; final Iterable<File> flutterFiles = _flutterRoot.listSync(recursive: true).whereType<File>(); for (final File srcFile in flutterFiles) { final String relativePath = globals.fs.path.relative(srcFile.path, from: _flutterRoot.absolute.path); // Skip template files in both the ide_templates and templates // directories to avoid copying onto themselves. if (_isChildDirectoryOf(_templateDirectory, srcFile) || _isChildDirectoryOf(_createTemplatesDirectory, srcFile)) { continue; } // Skip files we aren't interested in. final RegExp _trackedIdeaFileRegExp = RegExp( r'(\.name|modules.xml|vcs.xml)$', ); final bool isATrackedIdeaFile = _hasDirectoryInPath(srcFile, '.idea') && (_trackedIdeaFileRegExp.hasMatch(relativePath) || _hasDirectoryInPath(srcFile, 'runConfigurations')); final bool isAnImlOutsideIdea = !isATrackedIdeaFile && srcFile.path.endsWith('.iml'); if (!isATrackedIdeaFile && !isAnImlOutsideIdea) { continue; } final File finalDestinationFile = globals.fs.file(globals.fs.path.absolute( _templateDirectory.absolute.path, '$relativePath${Template.copyTemplateExtension}')); final String relativeDestination = globals.fs.path.relative(finalDestinationFile.path, from: _flutterRoot.absolute.path); if (finalDestinationFile.existsSync()) { if (_fileIsIdentical(srcFile, finalDestinationFile)) { globals.printTrace(' $relativeDestination (identical)'); manifest.add('$relativePath${Template.copyTemplateExtension}'); continue; } if (boolArg('overwrite')) { finalDestinationFile.deleteSync(); globals.printStatus(' $relativeDestination (overwritten)'); } else { globals.printTrace(' $relativeDestination (existing - skipped)'); manifest.add('$relativePath${Template.copyTemplateExtension}'); continue; } } else { globals.printStatus(' $relativeDestination (added)'); } final Directory finalDestinationDir = globals.fs.directory(finalDestinationFile.dirname); if (!finalDestinationDir.existsSync()) { globals.printTrace(" ${finalDestinationDir.path} doesn't exist, creating."); finalDestinationDir.createSync(recursive: true); } srcFile.copySync(finalDestinationFile.path); manifest.add('$relativePath${Template.copyTemplateExtension}'); } // If we're not overwriting, then we're not going to remove missing items either. if (!boolArg('overwrite')) { return; } // Look for any files under the template dir that don't exist in the manifest and remove // them. final Iterable<File> templateFiles = _templateDirectory.listSync(recursive: true).whereType<File>(); for (final File templateFile in templateFiles) { final String relativePath = globals.fs.path.relative( templateFile.absolute.path, from: _templateDirectory.absolute.path, ); if (!manifest.contains(relativePath)) { templateFile.deleteSync(); final String relativeDestination = globals.fs.path.relative(templateFile.path, from: _flutterRoot.absolute.path); globals.printStatus(' $relativeDestination (removed)'); } // If the directory is now empty, then remove it, and do the same for its parent, // until we escape to the template directory. Directory parentDir = globals.fs.directory(templateFile.dirname); while (parentDir.listSync().isEmpty) { parentDir.deleteSync(); globals.printTrace(' ${globals.fs.path.relative(parentDir.absolute.path)} (empty directory - removed)'); parentDir = globals.fs.directory(parentDir.dirname); if (globals.fs.path.isWithin(_templateDirectory.absolute.path, parentDir.absolute.path)) { break; } } } } @override Future<FlutterCommandResult> runCommand() async { if (argResults.rest.isNotEmpty) { throwToolExit('Currently, the only supported IDE is IntelliJ\n$usage', exitCode: 2); } if (boolArg('update-templates')) { _handleTemplateUpdate(); return FlutterCommandResult.success(); } final String flutterRoot = globals.fs.path.absolute(Cache.flutterRoot); final String dirPath = globals.fs.path.normalize( globals.fs.directory(globals.fs.path.absolute(Cache.flutterRoot)).absolute.path, ); final String error = _validateFlutterDir(dirPath, flutterRoot: flutterRoot); if (error != null) { throwToolExit(error); } globals.printStatus('Updating IDE configuration for Flutter tree at $dirPath...'); int generatedCount = 0; generatedCount += _renderTemplate(_ideName, dirPath, <String, dynamic>{ 'withRootModule': boolArg('with-root-module'), 'android': true, }); globals.printStatus('Wrote $generatedCount files.'); globals.printStatus(''); globals.printStatus('Your IntelliJ configuration is now up to date. It is prudent to ' 'restart IntelliJ, if running.'); return FlutterCommandResult.success(); } int _renderTemplate(String templateName, String dirPath, Map<String, dynamic> context) { final Template template = Template( _templateDirectory, _templateDirectory, null, fileSystem: globals.fs, templateManifest: null, logger: globals.logger, templateRenderer: globals.templateRenderer, ); return template.render( globals.fs.directory(dirPath), context, overwriteExisting: boolArg('overwrite'), ); } } /// Return null if the flutter root directory is a valid destination. Return a /// validation message if we should disallow the directory. String _validateFlutterDir(String dirPath, { String flutterRoot }) { final FileSystemEntityType type = globals.fs.typeSync(dirPath); switch (type) { case FileSystemEntityType.link: // Do not overwrite links. return "Invalid project root dir: '$dirPath' - refers to a link."; default: return null; } }