// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:ui' show Color, hashValues; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; import 'button_theme.dart'; import 'chip_theme.dart'; import 'color_scheme.dart'; import 'colors.dart'; import 'ink_splash.dart'; import 'ink_well.dart' show InteractiveInkFeatureFactory; import 'input_decorator.dart'; import 'page_transitions_theme.dart'; import 'slider_theme.dart'; import 'tab_bar_theme.dart'; import 'text_theme.dart'; import 'typography.dart'; export 'package:flutter/services.dart' show Brightness; // Deriving these values is black magic. The spec claims that pressed buttons // have a highlight of 0x66999999, but that's clearly wrong. The videos in the // spec show that buttons have a composited highlight of #E1E1E1 on a background // of #FAFAFA. Assuming that the highlight really has an opacity of 0x66, we can // solve for the actual color of the highlight: const Color _kLightThemeHighlightColor = Color(0x66BCBCBC); // The same video shows the splash compositing to #D7D7D7 on a background of // #E1E1E1. Again, assuming the splash has an opacity of 0x66, we can solve for // the actual color of the splash: const Color _kLightThemeSplashColor = Color(0x66C8C8C8); // Unfortunately, a similar video isn't available for the dark theme, which // means we assume the values in the spec are actually correct. const Color _kDarkThemeHighlightColor = Color(0x40CCCCCC); const Color _kDarkThemeSplashColor = Color(0x40CCCCCC); /// Configures the tap target and layout size of certain Material widgets. /// /// Changing the value in [ThemeData.materialTapTargetSize] will affect the /// accessibility experience. /// /// Some of the impacted widgets include: /// /// * [FloatingActionButton], only the mini tap target size is increased. /// * [MaterialButton] /// * [OutlineButton] /// * [FlatButton] /// * [RaisedButton] /// * [TimePicker] /// * [SnackBar] /// * [Chip] /// * [RawChip] /// * [InputChip] /// * [ChoiceChip] /// * [FilterChip] /// * [ActionChip] /// * [Radio] /// * [Switch] /// * [Checkbox] enum MaterialTapTargetSize { /// Expands the minimum tap target size to 48px by 48px. /// /// This is the default value of [ThemeData.materialHitTestSize] and the /// recommended size to conform to Android accessibility scanner /// recommendations. padded, /// Shrinks the tap target size to the minimum provided by the Material /// specification. shrinkWrap, } /// Holds the color and typography values for a material design theme. /// /// Use this class to configure a [Theme] widget. /// /// To obtain the current theme, use [Theme.of]. @immutable class ThemeData extends Diagnosticable { /// Create a [ThemeData] given a set of preferred values. /// /// Default values will be derived for arguments that are omitted. /// /// The most useful values to give are, in order of importance: /// /// * The desired theme [brightness]. /// /// * The primary color palette (the [primarySwatch]), chosen from /// one of the swatches defined by the material design spec. This /// should be one of the maps from the [Colors] class that do not /// have "accent" in their name. /// /// * The [accentColor], sometimes called the secondary color, and, /// if the accent color is specified, its brightness /// ([accentColorBrightness]), so that the right contrasting text /// color will be used over the accent color. /// /// See <https://material.google.com/style/color.html> for /// more discussion on how to pick the right colors. factory ThemeData({ Brightness brightness, MaterialColor primarySwatch, Color primaryColor, Brightness primaryColorBrightness, Color primaryColorLight, Color primaryColorDark, Color accentColor, Brightness accentColorBrightness, Color canvasColor, Color scaffoldBackgroundColor, Color bottomAppBarColor, Color cardColor, Color dividerColor, Color highlightColor, Color splashColor, InteractiveInkFeatureFactory splashFactory, Color selectedRowColor, Color unselectedWidgetColor, Color disabledColor, Color buttonColor, ButtonThemeData buttonTheme, Color secondaryHeaderColor, Color textSelectionColor, Color cursorColor, Color textSelectionHandleColor, Color backgroundColor, Color dialogBackgroundColor, Color indicatorColor, Color hintColor, Color errorColor, Color toggleableActiveColor, String fontFamily, TextTheme textTheme, TextTheme primaryTextTheme, TextTheme accentTextTheme, InputDecorationTheme inputDecorationTheme, IconThemeData iconTheme, IconThemeData primaryIconTheme, IconThemeData accentIconTheme, SliderThemeData sliderTheme, TabBarTheme tabBarTheme, ChipThemeData chipTheme, TargetPlatform platform, MaterialTapTargetSize materialTapTargetSize, PageTransitionsTheme pageTransitionsTheme, ColorScheme colorScheme, Typography typography, }) { brightness ??= Brightness.light; final bool isDark = brightness == Brightness.dark; primarySwatch ??= Colors.blue; primaryColor ??= isDark ? Colors.grey[900] : primarySwatch; primaryColorBrightness ??= estimateBrightnessForColor(primaryColor); primaryColorLight ??= isDark ? Colors.grey[500] : primarySwatch[100]; primaryColorDark ??= isDark ? Colors.black : primarySwatch[700]; final bool primaryIsDark = primaryColorBrightness == Brightness.dark; toggleableActiveColor ??= isDark ? Colors.tealAccent[200] : (accentColor ?? primarySwatch[600]); accentColor ??= isDark ? Colors.tealAccent[200] : primarySwatch[500]; accentColorBrightness ??= estimateBrightnessForColor(accentColor); final bool accentIsDark = accentColorBrightness == Brightness.dark; canvasColor ??= isDark ? Colors.grey[850] : Colors.grey[50]; scaffoldBackgroundColor ??= canvasColor; bottomAppBarColor ??= isDark ? Colors.grey[800] : Colors.white; cardColor ??= isDark ? Colors.grey[800] : Colors.white; dividerColor ??= isDark ? const Color(0x1FFFFFFF) : const Color(0x1F000000); // Create a ColorScheme that is backwards compatible as possible // with the existing default ThemeData color values. colorScheme ??= ColorScheme.fromSwatch( primarySwatch: primarySwatch, primaryColorDark: primaryColorDark, accentColor: accentColor, cardColor: cardColor, backgroundColor: backgroundColor, errorColor: errorColor, brightness: brightness, ); splashFactory ??= InkSplash.splashFactory; selectedRowColor ??= Colors.grey[100]; unselectedWidgetColor ??= isDark ? Colors.white70 : Colors.black54; // Spec doesn't specify a dark theme secondaryHeaderColor, this is a guess. secondaryHeaderColor ??= isDark ? Colors.grey[700] : primarySwatch[50]; textSelectionColor ??= isDark ? accentColor : primarySwatch[200]; // todo (sandrasandeep): change to color provided by Material Design team cursorColor = cursorColor ?? const Color.fromRGBO(66, 133, 244, 1.0); textSelectionHandleColor ??= isDark ? Colors.tealAccent[400] : primarySwatch[300]; backgroundColor ??= isDark ? Colors.grey[700] : primarySwatch[200]; dialogBackgroundColor ??= isDark ? Colors.grey[800] : Colors.white; indicatorColor ??= accentColor == primaryColor ? Colors.white : accentColor; hintColor ??= isDark ? const Color(0x80FFFFFF) : const Color(0x8A000000); errorColor ??= Colors.red[700]; inputDecorationTheme ??= const InputDecorationTheme(); pageTransitionsTheme ??= const PageTransitionsTheme(); primaryIconTheme ??= primaryIsDark ? const IconThemeData(color: Colors.white) : const IconThemeData(color: Colors.black); accentIconTheme ??= accentIsDark ? const IconThemeData(color: Colors.white) : const IconThemeData(color: Colors.black); iconTheme ??= isDark ? const IconThemeData(color: Colors.white) : const IconThemeData(color: Colors.black87); platform ??= defaultTargetPlatform; typography ??= Typography(platform: platform); final TextTheme defaultTextTheme = isDark ? typography.white : typography.black; textTheme = defaultTextTheme.merge(textTheme); final TextTheme defaultPrimaryTextTheme = primaryIsDark ? typography.white : typography.black; primaryTextTheme = defaultPrimaryTextTheme.merge(primaryTextTheme); final TextTheme defaultAccentTextTheme = accentIsDark ? typography.white : typography.black; accentTextTheme = defaultAccentTextTheme.merge(accentTextTheme); materialTapTargetSize ??= MaterialTapTargetSize.padded; if (fontFamily != null) { textTheme = textTheme.apply(fontFamily: fontFamily); primaryTextTheme = primaryTextTheme.apply(fontFamily: fontFamily); accentTextTheme = accentTextTheme.apply(fontFamily: fontFamily); } // Used as the default color (fill color) for RaisedButtons. Computing the // default for ButtonThemeData for the sake of backwards compatibility. buttonColor ??= isDark ? primarySwatch[600] : Colors.grey[300]; buttonTheme ??= ButtonThemeData( colorScheme: colorScheme, buttonColor: buttonColor, disabledColor: disabledColor, highlightColor: highlightColor, splashColor: splashColor, materialTapTargetSize: materialTapTargetSize, ); disabledColor ??= isDark ? Colors.white30 : Colors.black38; highlightColor ??= isDark ? _kDarkThemeHighlightColor : _kLightThemeHighlightColor; splashColor ??= isDark ? _kDarkThemeSplashColor : _kLightThemeSplashColor; sliderTheme ??= SliderThemeData.fromPrimaryColors( primaryColor: primaryColor, primaryColorLight: primaryColorLight, primaryColorDark: primaryColorDark, valueIndicatorTextStyle: accentTextTheme.body2, ); tabBarTheme ??= const TabBarTheme(); chipTheme ??= ChipThemeData.fromDefaults( secondaryColor: primaryColor, brightness: brightness, labelStyle: textTheme.body2, ); return ThemeData.raw( brightness: brightness, primaryColor: primaryColor, primaryColorBrightness: primaryColorBrightness, primaryColorLight: primaryColorLight, primaryColorDark: primaryColorDark, accentColor: accentColor, accentColorBrightness: accentColorBrightness, canvasColor: canvasColor, scaffoldBackgroundColor: scaffoldBackgroundColor, bottomAppBarColor: bottomAppBarColor, cardColor: cardColor, dividerColor: dividerColor, highlightColor: highlightColor, splashColor: splashColor, splashFactory: splashFactory, selectedRowColor: selectedRowColor, unselectedWidgetColor: unselectedWidgetColor, disabledColor: disabledColor, buttonTheme: buttonTheme, buttonColor: buttonColor, toggleableActiveColor: toggleableActiveColor, secondaryHeaderColor: secondaryHeaderColor, textSelectionColor: textSelectionColor, cursorColor: cursorColor, textSelectionHandleColor: textSelectionHandleColor, backgroundColor: backgroundColor, dialogBackgroundColor: dialogBackgroundColor, indicatorColor: indicatorColor, hintColor: hintColor, errorColor: errorColor, textTheme: textTheme, primaryTextTheme: primaryTextTheme, accentTextTheme: accentTextTheme, inputDecorationTheme: inputDecorationTheme, iconTheme: iconTheme, primaryIconTheme: primaryIconTheme, accentIconTheme: accentIconTheme, sliderTheme: sliderTheme, tabBarTheme: tabBarTheme, chipTheme: chipTheme, platform: platform, materialTapTargetSize: materialTapTargetSize, pageTransitionsTheme: pageTransitionsTheme, colorScheme: colorScheme, typography: typography, ); } /// Create a [ThemeData] given a set of exact values. All the values /// must be specified. /// /// This will rarely be used directly. It is used by [lerp] to /// create intermediate themes based on two themes created with the /// [new ThemeData] constructor. const ThemeData.raw({ // Warning: make sure these properties are in the exact same order as in // operator == and in the hashValues method and in the order of fields // in this class, and in the lerp() method. @required this.brightness, @required this.primaryColor, @required this.primaryColorBrightness, @required this.primaryColorLight, @required this.primaryColorDark, @required this.canvasColor, @required this.accentColor, @required this.accentColorBrightness, @required this.scaffoldBackgroundColor, @required this.bottomAppBarColor, @required this.cardColor, @required this.dividerColor, @required this.highlightColor, @required this.splashColor, @required this.splashFactory, @required this.selectedRowColor, @required this.unselectedWidgetColor, @required this.disabledColor, @required this.buttonTheme, @required this.buttonColor, @required this.secondaryHeaderColor, @required this.textSelectionColor, @required this.cursorColor, @required this.textSelectionHandleColor, @required this.backgroundColor, @required this.dialogBackgroundColor, @required this.indicatorColor, @required this.hintColor, @required this.errorColor, @required this.toggleableActiveColor, @required this.textTheme, @required this.primaryTextTheme, @required this.accentTextTheme, @required this.inputDecorationTheme, @required this.iconTheme, @required this.primaryIconTheme, @required this.accentIconTheme, @required this.sliderTheme, @required this.tabBarTheme, @required this.chipTheme, @required this.platform, @required this.materialTapTargetSize, @required this.pageTransitionsTheme, @required this.colorScheme, @required this.typography, }) : assert(brightness != null), assert(primaryColor != null), assert(primaryColorBrightness != null), assert(primaryColorLight != null), assert(primaryColorDark != null), assert(accentColor != null), assert(accentColorBrightness != null), assert(canvasColor != null), assert(scaffoldBackgroundColor != null), assert(bottomAppBarColor != null), assert(cardColor != null), assert(dividerColor != null), assert(highlightColor != null), assert(splashColor != null), assert(splashFactory != null), assert(selectedRowColor != null), assert(unselectedWidgetColor != null), assert(disabledColor != null), assert(toggleableActiveColor != null), assert(buttonTheme != null), assert(secondaryHeaderColor != null), assert(textSelectionColor != null), assert(cursorColor != null), assert(textSelectionHandleColor != null), assert(backgroundColor != null), assert(dialogBackgroundColor != null), assert(indicatorColor != null), assert(hintColor != null), assert(errorColor != null), assert(textTheme != null), assert(primaryTextTheme != null), assert(accentTextTheme != null), assert(inputDecorationTheme != null), assert(iconTheme != null), assert(primaryIconTheme != null), assert(accentIconTheme != null), assert(sliderTheme != null), assert(tabBarTheme != null), assert(chipTheme != null), assert(platform != null), assert(materialTapTargetSize != null), assert(pageTransitionsTheme != null), assert(colorScheme != null), assert(typography != null); // Warning: make sure these properties are in the exact same order as in // hashValues() and in the raw constructor and in the order of fields in // the class and in the lerp() method. /// A default light blue theme. /// /// This theme does not contain text geometry. Instead, it is expected that /// this theme is localized using text geometry using [ThemeData.localize]. factory ThemeData.light() => ThemeData(brightness: Brightness.light); /// A default dark theme with a teal accent color. /// /// This theme does not contain text geometry. Instead, it is expected that /// this theme is localized using text geometry using [ThemeData.localize]. factory ThemeData.dark() => ThemeData(brightness: Brightness.dark); /// The default color theme. Same as [new ThemeData.light]. /// /// This is used by [Theme.of] when no theme has been specified. /// /// This theme does not contain text geometry. Instead, it is expected that /// this theme is localized using text geometry using [ThemeData.localize]. /// /// Most applications would use [Theme.of], which provides correct localized /// text geometry. factory ThemeData.fallback() => ThemeData.light(); /// The brightness of the overall theme of the application. Used by widgets /// like buttons to determine what color to pick when not using the primary or /// accent color. /// /// When the [Brightness] is dark, the canvas, card, and primary colors are /// all dark. When the [Brightness] is light, the canvas and card colors /// are bright, and the primary color's darkness varies as described by /// primaryColorBrightness. The primaryColor does not contrast well with the /// card and canvas colors when the brightness is dark; when the brightness is /// dark, use Colors.white or the accentColor for a contrasting color. final Brightness brightness; /// The background color for major parts of the app (toolbars, tab bars, etc) final Color primaryColor; /// The brightness of the [primaryColor]. Used to determine the color of text and /// icons placed on top of the primary color (e.g. toolbar text). final Brightness primaryColorBrightness; /// A lighter version of the [primaryColor]. final Color primaryColorLight; /// A darker version of the [primaryColor]. final Color primaryColorDark; /// The default color of [MaterialType.canvas] [Material]. final Color canvasColor; /// The foreground color for widgets (knobs, text, overscroll edge effect, etc). final Color accentColor; /// The brightness of the [accentColor]. Used to determine the color of text /// and icons placed on top of the accent color (e.g. the icons on a floating /// action button). final Brightness accentColorBrightness; /// The default color of the [Material] that underlies the [Scaffold]. The /// background color for a typical material app or a page within the app. final Color scaffoldBackgroundColor; /// The default color of the [BottomAppBar]. /// /// This can be overridden by specifying [BottomAppBar.color]. final Color bottomAppBarColor; /// The color of [Material] when it is used as a [Card]. final Color cardColor; /// The color of [Divider]s and [PopupMenuDivider]s, also used /// between [ListTile]s, between rows in [DataTable]s, and so forth. /// /// To create an appropriate [BorderSide] that uses this color, consider /// [Divider.createBorderSide]. final Color dividerColor; /// The highlight color used during ink splash animations or to /// indicate an item in a menu is selected. final Color highlightColor; /// The color of ink splashes. See [InkWell]. final Color splashColor; /// Defines the appearance of ink splashes produces by [InkWell] /// and [InkResponse]. /// /// See also: /// /// * [InkSplash.splashFactory], which defines the default splash. /// * [InkRipple.splashFactory], which defines a splash that spreads out /// more aggressively than the default. final InteractiveInkFeatureFactory splashFactory; /// The color used to highlight selected rows. final Color selectedRowColor; /// The color used for widgets in their inactive (but enabled) /// state. For example, an unchecked checkbox. Usually contrasted /// with the [accentColor]. See also [disabledColor]. final Color unselectedWidgetColor; /// The color used for widgets that are inoperative, regardless of /// their state. For example, a disabled checkbox (which may be /// checked or unchecked). final Color disabledColor; /// Defines the default configuration of button widgets, like [RaisedButton] /// and [FlatButton]. final ButtonThemeData buttonTheme; /// The default fill color of the [Material] used in [RaisedButton]s. final Color buttonColor; /// The color of the header of a [PaginatedDataTable] when there are selected rows. // According to the spec for data tables: // https://material.google.com/components/data-tables.html#data-tables-tables-within-cards // ...this should be the "50-value of secondary app color". final Color secondaryHeaderColor; /// The color of text selections in text fields, such as [TextField]. final Color textSelectionColor; /// The color of cursors in Material-style text fields, such as [TextField]. final Color cursorColor; /// The color of the handles used to adjust what part of the text is currently selected. final Color textSelectionHandleColor; /// A color that contrasts with the [primaryColor], e.g. used as the /// remaining part of a progress bar. final Color backgroundColor; /// The background color of [Dialog] elements. final Color dialogBackgroundColor; /// The color of the selected tab indicator in a tab bar. final Color indicatorColor; /// The color to use for hint text or placeholder text, e.g. in /// [TextField] fields. final Color hintColor; /// The color to use for input validation errors, e.g. in [TextField] fields. final Color errorColor; /// The color used to highlight the active states of toggleable widgets like /// [Switch], [Radio], and [Checkbox]. final Color toggleableActiveColor; /// Text with a color that contrasts with the card and canvas colors. final TextTheme textTheme; /// A text theme that contrasts with the primary color. final TextTheme primaryTextTheme; /// A text theme that contrasts with the accent color. final TextTheme accentTextTheme; /// The default [InputDecoration] values for [InputDecorator], [TextField], /// and [TextFormField] are based on this theme. /// /// See [InputDecoration.applyDefaults]. final InputDecorationTheme inputDecorationTheme; /// An icon theme that contrasts with the card and canvas colors. final IconThemeData iconTheme; /// An icon theme that contrasts with the primary color. final IconThemeData primaryIconTheme; /// An icon theme that contrasts with the accent color. final IconThemeData accentIconTheme; /// The colors and shapes used to render [Slider]. /// /// This is the value returned from [SliderTheme.of]. final SliderThemeData sliderTheme; /// A theme for customizing the size, shape, and color of the tab bar indicator. final TabBarTheme tabBarTheme; /// The colors and styles used to render [Chip], [ /// /// This is the value returned from [ChipTheme.of]. final ChipThemeData chipTheme; /// The platform the material widgets should adapt to target. /// /// Defaults to the current platform. This should be used in order to style UI /// elements according to platform conventions. /// /// [Platform.defaultTargetPlatform] should be used directly instead only in /// rare cases where it's necessary to determine behavior based on the /// platform. [dart.io.Platform.environment] should be used when it's critical /// to actually know the current platform, without any overrides possible (for /// example, when a system API is about to be called). final TargetPlatform platform; /// Configures the hit test size of certain Material widgets. final MaterialTapTargetSize materialTapTargetSize; /// Default [MaterialPageRoute] transitions per [TargetPlatform]. /// /// [MaterialPageRoute.buildTransitions] delegates to a [PageTransitionsBuilder] /// whose [PageTransitionsBuilder.platform] matches [platform]. If a matching /// builder is not found, a builder whose platform is null is used. final PageTransitionsTheme pageTransitionsTheme; /// A set of thirteen colors that can be used to configure the /// color properties of most components. /// /// This property was added much later than the theme's set of highly /// specific colors, like [cardColor], [buttonColor], [canvasColor] etc. /// New components can be defined exclusively in terms of [colorScheme]. /// Existing components will gradually migrate to it, to the extent /// that is possible without significant backwards compatibility breaks. final ColorScheme colorScheme; /// The color and geometry [TextTheme] values used to configure [textTheme], /// [primaryTextTheme], and [accentTextTheme]. final Typography typography; /// Creates a copy of this theme but with the given fields replaced with the new values. ThemeData copyWith({ Brightness brightness, Color primaryColor, Brightness primaryColorBrightness, Color primaryColorLight, Color primaryColorDark, Color accentColor, Brightness accentColorBrightness, Color canvasColor, Color scaffoldBackgroundColor, Color bottomAppBarColor, Color cardColor, Color dividerColor, Color highlightColor, Color splashColor, InteractiveInkFeatureFactory splashFactory, Color selectedRowColor, Color unselectedWidgetColor, Color disabledColor, ButtonThemeData buttonTheme, Color buttonColor, Color secondaryHeaderColor, Color textSelectionColor, Color cursorColor, Color textSelectionHandleColor, Color backgroundColor, Color dialogBackgroundColor, Color indicatorColor, Color hintColor, Color errorColor, Color toggleableActiveColor, TextTheme textTheme, TextTheme primaryTextTheme, TextTheme accentTextTheme, InputDecorationTheme inputDecorationTheme, IconThemeData iconTheme, IconThemeData primaryIconTheme, IconThemeData accentIconTheme, SliderThemeData sliderTheme, TabBarTheme tabBarTheme, ChipThemeData chipTheme, TargetPlatform platform, MaterialTapTargetSize materialTapTargetSize, PageTransitionsTheme pageTransitionsTheme, ColorScheme colorScheme, Typography typography, }) { return ThemeData.raw( brightness: brightness ?? this.brightness, primaryColor: primaryColor ?? this.primaryColor, primaryColorBrightness: primaryColorBrightness ?? this.primaryColorBrightness, primaryColorLight: primaryColorLight ?? this.primaryColorLight, primaryColorDark: primaryColorDark ?? this.primaryColorDark, accentColor: accentColor ?? this.accentColor, accentColorBrightness: accentColorBrightness ?? this.accentColorBrightness, canvasColor: canvasColor ?? this.canvasColor, scaffoldBackgroundColor: scaffoldBackgroundColor ?? this.scaffoldBackgroundColor, bottomAppBarColor: bottomAppBarColor ?? this.bottomAppBarColor, cardColor: cardColor ?? this.cardColor, dividerColor: dividerColor ?? this.dividerColor, highlightColor: highlightColor ?? this.highlightColor, splashColor: splashColor ?? this.splashColor, splashFactory: splashFactory ?? this.splashFactory, selectedRowColor: selectedRowColor ?? this.selectedRowColor, unselectedWidgetColor: unselectedWidgetColor ?? this.unselectedWidgetColor, disabledColor: disabledColor ?? this.disabledColor, buttonColor: buttonColor ?? this.buttonColor, buttonTheme: buttonTheme ?? this.buttonTheme, secondaryHeaderColor: secondaryHeaderColor ?? this.secondaryHeaderColor, textSelectionColor: textSelectionColor ?? this.textSelectionColor, cursorColor: cursorColor ?? this.cursorColor, textSelectionHandleColor: textSelectionHandleColor ?? this.textSelectionHandleColor, backgroundColor: backgroundColor ?? this.backgroundColor, dialogBackgroundColor: dialogBackgroundColor ?? this.dialogBackgroundColor, indicatorColor: indicatorColor ?? this.indicatorColor, hintColor: hintColor ?? this.hintColor, errorColor: errorColor ?? this.errorColor, toggleableActiveColor: toggleableActiveColor ?? this.toggleableActiveColor, textTheme: textTheme ?? this.textTheme, primaryTextTheme: primaryTextTheme ?? this.primaryTextTheme, accentTextTheme: accentTextTheme ?? this.accentTextTheme, inputDecorationTheme: inputDecorationTheme ?? this.inputDecorationTheme, iconTheme: iconTheme ?? this.iconTheme, primaryIconTheme: primaryIconTheme ?? this.primaryIconTheme, accentIconTheme: accentIconTheme ?? this.accentIconTheme, sliderTheme: sliderTheme ?? this.sliderTheme, tabBarTheme: tabBarTheme ?? this.tabBarTheme, chipTheme: chipTheme ?? this.chipTheme, platform: platform ?? this.platform, materialTapTargetSize: materialTapTargetSize ?? this.materialTapTargetSize, pageTransitionsTheme: pageTransitionsTheme ?? this.pageTransitionsTheme, colorScheme: colorScheme ?? this.colorScheme, typography: typography ?? this.typography, ); } // The number 5 was chosen without any real science or research behind it. It // just seemed like a number that's not too big (we should be able to fit 5 // copies of ThemeData in memory comfortably) and not too small (most apps // shouldn't have more than 5 theme/localization pairs). static const int _localizedThemeDataCacheSize = 5; /// Caches localized themes to speed up the [localize] method. static final _FifoCache<_IdentityThemeDataCacheKey, ThemeData> _localizedThemeDataCache = _FifoCache<_IdentityThemeDataCacheKey, ThemeData>(_localizedThemeDataCacheSize); /// Returns a new theme built by merging the text geometry provided by the /// [localTextGeometry] theme with the [baseTheme]. /// /// For those text styles in the [baseTheme] whose [TextStyle.inherit] is set /// to true, the returned theme's text styles inherit the geometric properties /// of [localTextGeometry]. The resulting text styles' [TextStyle.inherit] is /// set to those provided by [localTextGeometry]. static ThemeData localize(ThemeData baseTheme, TextTheme localTextGeometry) { // WARNING: this method memoizes the result in a cache based on the // previously seen baseTheme and localTextGeometry. Memoization is safe // because all inputs and outputs of this function are deeply immutable, and // the computations are referentially transparent. It only short-circuits // the computation if the new inputs are identical() to the previous ones. // It does not use the == operator, which performs a costly deep comparison. // // When changing this method, make sure the memoization logic is correct. // Remember: // // There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation // and naming things. -- Phil Karlton assert(baseTheme != null); assert(localTextGeometry != null); return _localizedThemeDataCache.putIfAbsent( _IdentityThemeDataCacheKey(baseTheme, localTextGeometry), () { return baseTheme.copyWith( primaryTextTheme: localTextGeometry.merge(baseTheme.primaryTextTheme), accentTextTheme: localTextGeometry.merge(baseTheme.accentTextTheme), textTheme: localTextGeometry.merge(baseTheme.textTheme), ); }, ); } /// Determines whether the given [Color] is [Brightness.light] or /// [Brightness.dark]. /// /// This compares the luminosity of the given color to a threshold value that /// matches the material design specification. static Brightness estimateBrightnessForColor(Color color) { final double relativeLuminance = color.computeLuminance(); // See <https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#contrast-ratiodef> // The spec says to use kThreshold=0.0525, but Material Design appears to bias // more towards using light text than WCAG20 recommends. Material Design spec // doesn't say what value to use, but 0.15 seemed close to what the Material // Design spec shows for its color palette on // <https://material.io/go/design-theming#color-color-palette>. const double kThreshold = 0.15; if ((relativeLuminance + 0.05) * (relativeLuminance + 0.05) > kThreshold) return Brightness.light; return Brightness.dark; } /// Linearly interpolate between two themes. /// /// The arguments must not be null. /// /// {@macro dart.ui.shadow.lerp} static ThemeData lerp(ThemeData a, ThemeData b, double t) { assert(a != null); assert(b != null); assert(t != null); // Warning: make sure these properties are in the exact same order as in // hashValues() and in the raw constructor and in the order of fields in // the class and in the lerp() method. return ThemeData.raw( brightness: t < 0.5 ? a.brightness : b.brightness, primaryColor: Color.lerp(a.primaryColor, b.primaryColor, t), primaryColorBrightness: t < 0.5 ? a.primaryColorBrightness : b.primaryColorBrightness, primaryColorLight: Color.lerp(a.primaryColorLight, b.primaryColorLight, t), primaryColorDark: Color.lerp(a.primaryColorDark, b.primaryColorDark, t), canvasColor: Color.lerp(a.canvasColor, b.canvasColor, t), accentColor: Color.lerp(a.accentColor, b.accentColor, t), accentColorBrightness: t < 0.5 ? a.accentColorBrightness : b.accentColorBrightness, scaffoldBackgroundColor: Color.lerp(a.scaffoldBackgroundColor, b.scaffoldBackgroundColor, t), bottomAppBarColor: Color.lerp(a.bottomAppBarColor, b.bottomAppBarColor, t), cardColor: Color.lerp(a.cardColor, b.cardColor, t), dividerColor: Color.lerp(a.dividerColor, b.dividerColor, t), highlightColor: Color.lerp(a.highlightColor, b.highlightColor, t), splashColor: Color.lerp(a.splashColor, b.splashColor, t), splashFactory: t < 0.5 ? a.splashFactory : b.splashFactory, selectedRowColor: Color.lerp(a.selectedRowColor, b.selectedRowColor, t), unselectedWidgetColor: Color.lerp(a.unselectedWidgetColor, b.unselectedWidgetColor, t), disabledColor: Color.lerp(a.disabledColor, b.disabledColor, t), buttonTheme: t < 0.5 ? a.buttonTheme : b.buttonTheme, buttonColor: Color.lerp(a.buttonColor, b.buttonColor, t), secondaryHeaderColor: Color.lerp(a.secondaryHeaderColor, b.secondaryHeaderColor, t), textSelectionColor: Color.lerp(a.textSelectionColor, b.textSelectionColor, t), cursorColor: Color.lerp(a.cursorColor, b.cursorColor, t), textSelectionHandleColor: Color.lerp(a.textSelectionHandleColor, b.textSelectionHandleColor, t), backgroundColor: Color.lerp(a.backgroundColor, b.backgroundColor, t), dialogBackgroundColor: Color.lerp(a.dialogBackgroundColor, b.dialogBackgroundColor, t), indicatorColor: Color.lerp(a.indicatorColor, b.indicatorColor, t), hintColor: Color.lerp(a.hintColor, b.hintColor, t), errorColor: Color.lerp(a.errorColor, b.errorColor, t), toggleableActiveColor: Color.lerp(a.toggleableActiveColor, b.toggleableActiveColor, t), textTheme: TextTheme.lerp(a.textTheme, b.textTheme, t), primaryTextTheme: TextTheme.lerp(a.primaryTextTheme, b.primaryTextTheme, t), accentTextTheme: TextTheme.lerp(a.accentTextTheme, b.accentTextTheme, t), inputDecorationTheme: t < 0.5 ? a.inputDecorationTheme : b.inputDecorationTheme, iconTheme: IconThemeData.lerp(a.iconTheme, b.iconTheme, t), primaryIconTheme: IconThemeData.lerp(a.primaryIconTheme, b.primaryIconTheme, t), accentIconTheme: IconThemeData.lerp(a.accentIconTheme, b.accentIconTheme, t), sliderTheme: SliderThemeData.lerp(a.sliderTheme, b.sliderTheme, t), tabBarTheme: TabBarTheme.lerp(a.tabBarTheme, b.tabBarTheme, t), chipTheme: ChipThemeData.lerp(a.chipTheme, b.chipTheme, t), platform: t < 0.5 ? a.platform : b.platform, materialTapTargetSize: t < 0.5 ? a.materialTapTargetSize : b.materialTapTargetSize, pageTransitionsTheme: t < 0.5 ? a.pageTransitionsTheme : b.pageTransitionsTheme, colorScheme: ColorScheme.lerp(a.colorScheme, b.colorScheme, t), typography: Typography.lerp(a.typography, b.typography, t), ); } @override bool operator ==(Object other) { if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) return false; final ThemeData otherData = other; // Warning: make sure these properties are in the exact same order as in // hashValues() and in the raw constructor and in the order of fields in // the class and in the lerp() method. return (otherData.brightness == brightness) && (otherData.primaryColor == primaryColor) && (otherData.primaryColorBrightness == primaryColorBrightness) && (otherData.primaryColorLight == primaryColorLight) && (otherData.primaryColorDark == primaryColorDark) && (otherData.accentColor == accentColor) && (otherData.accentColorBrightness == accentColorBrightness) && (otherData.canvasColor == canvasColor) && (otherData.scaffoldBackgroundColor == scaffoldBackgroundColor) && (otherData.bottomAppBarColor == bottomAppBarColor) && (otherData.cardColor == cardColor) && (otherData.dividerColor == dividerColor) && (otherData.highlightColor == highlightColor) && (otherData.splashColor == splashColor) && (otherData.splashFactory == splashFactory) && (otherData.selectedRowColor == selectedRowColor) && (otherData.unselectedWidgetColor == unselectedWidgetColor) && (otherData.disabledColor == disabledColor) && (otherData.buttonTheme == buttonTheme) && (otherData.buttonColor == buttonColor) && (otherData.secondaryHeaderColor == secondaryHeaderColor) && (otherData.textSelectionColor == textSelectionColor) && (otherData.cursorColor == cursorColor) && (otherData.textSelectionHandleColor == textSelectionHandleColor) && (otherData.backgroundColor == backgroundColor) && (otherData.dialogBackgroundColor == dialogBackgroundColor) && (otherData.indicatorColor == indicatorColor) && (otherData.hintColor == hintColor) && (otherData.errorColor == errorColor) && (otherData.toggleableActiveColor == toggleableActiveColor) && (otherData.textTheme == textTheme) && (otherData.primaryTextTheme == primaryTextTheme) && (otherData.accentTextTheme == accentTextTheme) && (otherData.inputDecorationTheme == inputDecorationTheme) && (otherData.iconTheme == iconTheme) && (otherData.primaryIconTheme == primaryIconTheme) && (otherData.accentIconTheme == accentIconTheme) && (otherData.sliderTheme == sliderTheme) && (otherData.tabBarTheme == tabBarTheme) && (otherData.chipTheme == chipTheme) && (otherData.platform == platform) && (otherData.materialTapTargetSize == materialTapTargetSize) && (otherData.pageTransitionsTheme == pageTransitionsTheme) && (otherData.colorScheme == colorScheme) && (otherData.typography == typography); } @override int get hashCode { // The hashValues() function supports up to 20 arguments. return hashValues( // Warning: make sure these properties are in the exact same order as in // operator == and in the raw constructor and in the order of fields in // the class and in the lerp() method. brightness, primaryColor, primaryColorBrightness, primaryColorLight, primaryColorDark, accentColor, accentColorBrightness, canvasColor, scaffoldBackgroundColor, bottomAppBarColor, cardColor, dividerColor, highlightColor, splashColor, splashFactory, selectedRowColor, unselectedWidgetColor, disabledColor, buttonTheme, hashValues( buttonColor, toggleableActiveColor, secondaryHeaderColor, textSelectionColor, cursorColor, textSelectionHandleColor, backgroundColor, dialogBackgroundColor, indicatorColor, hintColor, errorColor, textTheme, primaryTextTheme, accentTextTheme, inputDecorationTheme, iconTheme, primaryIconTheme, accentIconTheme, sliderTheme, hashValues( tabBarTheme, chipTheme, platform, materialTapTargetSize, pageTransitionsTheme, colorScheme, typography, ), ), ); } @override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { super.debugFillProperties(properties); final ThemeData defaultData = ThemeData.fallback(); properties.add(EnumProperty<TargetPlatform>('platform', platform, defaultValue: defaultTargetPlatform)); properties.add(EnumProperty<Brightness>('brightness', brightness, defaultValue: defaultData.brightness)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Color>('primaryColor', primaryColor, defaultValue: defaultData.primaryColor)); properties.add(EnumProperty<Brightness>('primaryColorBrightness', primaryColorBrightness, defaultValue: defaultData.primaryColorBrightness)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Color>('accentColor', accentColor, defaultValue: defaultData.accentColor)); properties.add(EnumProperty<Brightness>('accentColorBrightness', accentColorBrightness, defaultValue: defaultData.accentColorBrightness)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Color>('canvasColor', canvasColor, defaultValue: defaultData.canvasColor)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Color>('scaffoldBackgroundColor', scaffoldBackgroundColor, defaultValue: defaultData.scaffoldBackgroundColor)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Color>('bottomAppBarColor', bottomAppBarColor, defaultValue: defaultData.bottomAppBarColor)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Color>('cardColor', cardColor, defaultValue: defaultData.cardColor)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Color>('dividerColor', dividerColor, defaultValue: defaultData.dividerColor)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Color>('highlightColor', highlightColor, defaultValue: defaultData.highlightColor)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Color>('splashColor', splashColor, defaultValue: defaultData.splashColor)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Color>('selectedRowColor', selectedRowColor, defaultValue: defaultData.selectedRowColor)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Color>('unselectedWidgetColor', unselectedWidgetColor, defaultValue: defaultData.unselectedWidgetColor)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Color>('disabledColor', disabledColor, defaultValue: defaultData.disabledColor)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Color>('buttonColor', buttonColor, defaultValue: defaultData.buttonColor)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Color>('secondaryHeaderColor', secondaryHeaderColor, defaultValue: defaultData.secondaryHeaderColor)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Color>('textSelectionColor', textSelectionColor, defaultValue: defaultData.textSelectionColor)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Color>('cursorColor', cursorColor, defaultValue: defaultData.cursorColor)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Color>('textSelectionHandleColor', textSelectionHandleColor, defaultValue: defaultData.textSelectionHandleColor)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Color>('backgroundColor', backgroundColor, defaultValue: defaultData.backgroundColor)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Color>('dialogBackgroundColor', dialogBackgroundColor, defaultValue: defaultData.dialogBackgroundColor)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Color>('indicatorColor', indicatorColor, defaultValue: defaultData.indicatorColor)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Color>('hintColor', hintColor, defaultValue: defaultData.hintColor)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Color>('errorColor', errorColor, defaultValue: defaultData.errorColor)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Color>('toggleableActiveColor', toggleableActiveColor, defaultValue: defaultData.toggleableActiveColor)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<ButtonThemeData>('buttonTheme', buttonTheme)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<TextTheme>('textTheme', textTheme)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<TextTheme>('primaryTextTheme', primaryTextTheme)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<TextTheme>('accentTextTheme', accentTextTheme)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<InputDecorationTheme>('inputDecorationTheme', inputDecorationTheme)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<IconThemeData>('iconTheme', iconTheme)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<IconThemeData>('primaryIconTheme', primaryIconTheme)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<IconThemeData>('accentIconTheme', accentIconTheme)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<SliderThemeData>('sliderTheme', sliderTheme)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<TabBarTheme>('tabBarTheme', tabBarTheme)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<ChipThemeData>('chipTheme', chipTheme)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<MaterialTapTargetSize>('materialTapTargetSize', materialTapTargetSize)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<PageTransitionsTheme>('pageTransitionsTheme', pageTransitionsTheme)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<ColorScheme>('colorScheme', colorScheme, defaultValue: defaultData.colorScheme)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Typography>('typography', typography, defaultValue: defaultData.typography)); } } class _IdentityThemeDataCacheKey { _IdentityThemeDataCacheKey(this.baseTheme, this.localTextGeometry); final ThemeData baseTheme; final TextTheme localTextGeometry; // Using XOR to make the hash function as fast as possible (e.g. Jenkins is // noticeably slower). @override int get hashCode => identityHashCode(baseTheme) ^ identityHashCode(localTextGeometry); @override bool operator ==(Object other) { // We are explicitly ignoring the possibility that the types might not // match in the interests of speed. final _IdentityThemeDataCacheKey otherKey = other; return identical(baseTheme, otherKey.baseTheme) && identical(localTextGeometry, otherKey.localTextGeometry); } } /// Cache of objects of limited size that uses the first in first out eviction /// strategy (a.k.a least recently inserted). /// /// The key that was inserted before all other keys is evicted first, i.e. the /// one inserted least recently. class _FifoCache<K, V> { _FifoCache(this._maximumSize) : assert(_maximumSize != null && _maximumSize > 0); /// In Dart the map literal uses a linked hash-map implementation, whose keys /// are stored such that [Map.keys] returns them in the order they were /// inserted. final Map<K, V> _cache = <K, V>{}; /// Maximum number of entries to store in the cache. /// /// Once this many entries have been cached, the entry inserted least recently /// is evicted when adding a new entry. final int _maximumSize; /// Returns the previously cached value for the given key, if available; /// if not, calls the given callback to obtain it first. /// /// The arguments must not be null. V putIfAbsent(K key, V loader()) { assert(key != null); assert(loader != null); final V result = _cache[key]; if (result != null) return result; if (_cache.length == _maximumSize) _cache.remove(_cache.keys.first); return _cache[key] = loader(); } }