// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; import 'package:vm_service/vm_service.dart' as vm_service; import '../application_package.dart'; import '../artifacts.dart'; import '../base/common.dart'; import '../base/context.dart'; import '../base/file_system.dart'; import '../base/io.dart'; import '../base/logger.dart'; import '../base/net.dart'; import '../base/platform.dart'; import '../base/process.dart'; import '../base/time.dart'; import '../build_info.dart'; import '../device.dart'; import '../device_port_forwarder.dart'; import '../globals.dart' as globals; import '../project.dart'; import '../vmservice.dart'; import 'application_package.dart'; import 'fuchsia_build.dart'; import 'fuchsia_pm.dart'; import 'fuchsia_sdk.dart'; import 'fuchsia_workflow.dart'; import 'pkgctl.dart'; import 'session_control.dart'; import 'tiles_ctl.dart'; /// The [FuchsiaDeviceTools] instance. FuchsiaDeviceTools get fuchsiaDeviceTools => context.get<FuchsiaDeviceTools>()!; /// Fuchsia device-side tools. class FuchsiaDeviceTools { late final FuchsiaPkgctl pkgctl = FuchsiaPkgctl(); late final FuchsiaTilesCtl tilesCtl = FuchsiaTilesCtl(); late final FuchsiaSessionControl sessionControl = FuchsiaSessionControl(); } final String _ipv4Loopback = InternetAddress.loopbackIPv4.address; final String _ipv6Loopback = InternetAddress.loopbackIPv6.address; // Enables testing the fuchsia isolate discovery Future<FlutterVmService> _kDefaultFuchsiaIsolateDiscoveryConnector(Uri uri) { return connectToVmService(uri, logger: globals.logger); } Future<void> _kDefaultDartDevelopmentServiceStarter( Device device, Uri observatoryUri, bool disableServiceAuthCodes, ) async { await device.dds.startDartDevelopmentService( observatoryUri, hostPort: 0, ipv6: true, disableServiceAuthCodes: disableServiceAuthCodes, logger: globals.logger, ); } /// Read the log for a particular device. class _FuchsiaLogReader extends DeviceLogReader { _FuchsiaLogReader(this._device, this._systemClock, [this._app]); // \S matches non-whitespace characters. static final RegExp _flutterLogOutput = RegExp(r'INFO: \S+\(flutter\): '); final FuchsiaDevice _device; final ApplicationPackage? _app; final SystemClock _systemClock; @override String get name => _device.name; Stream<String>? _logLines; @override Stream<String> get logLines { final Stream<String>? logStream = globals.fuchsiaSdk?.syslogs(_device.id); _logLines ??= _processLogs(logStream); return _logLines ?? const Stream<String>.empty(); } Stream<String>? _processLogs(Stream<String>? lines) { if (lines == null) { return null; } // Get the starting time of the log processor to filter logs from before // the process attached. final DateTime startTime = _systemClock.now(); // Determine if line comes from flutter, and optionally whether it matches // the correct fuchsia module. final ApplicationPackage? app = _app; final RegExp matchRegExp = app == null ? _flutterLogOutput : RegExp('INFO: ${app.name}(\\.cmx)?\\(flutter\\): '); return Stream<String>.eventTransformed( lines, (EventSink<String> output) => _FuchsiaLogSink(output, matchRegExp, startTime), ); } @override String toString() => name; @override void dispose() { // The Fuchsia SDK syslog process is killed when the subscription to the // logLines Stream is canceled. } } class _FuchsiaLogSink implements EventSink<String> { _FuchsiaLogSink(this._outputSink, this._matchRegExp, this._startTime); static final RegExp _utcDateOutput = RegExp(r'\d+\-\d+\-\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+'); final EventSink<String> _outputSink; final RegExp _matchRegExp; final DateTime _startTime; @override void add(String line) { if (!_matchRegExp.hasMatch(line)) { return; } final String? rawDate = _utcDateOutput.firstMatch(line)?.group(0); if (rawDate == null) { return; } final DateTime logTime = DateTime.parse(rawDate); if (logTime.millisecondsSinceEpoch < _startTime.millisecondsSinceEpoch) { return; } _outputSink.add( '[${logTime.toLocal()}] Flutter: ${line.split(_matchRegExp).last}'); } @override void addError(Object error, [StackTrace? stackTrace]) { _outputSink.addError(error, stackTrace); } @override void close() { _outputSink.close(); } } /// Device discovery for Fuchsia devices. class FuchsiaDevices extends PollingDeviceDiscovery { FuchsiaDevices({ required Platform platform, required FuchsiaWorkflow fuchsiaWorkflow, required FuchsiaSdk fuchsiaSdk, required Logger logger, }) : _platform = platform, _fuchsiaWorkflow = fuchsiaWorkflow, _fuchsiaSdk = fuchsiaSdk, _logger = logger, super('Fuchsia devices'); final Platform _platform; final FuchsiaWorkflow _fuchsiaWorkflow; final FuchsiaSdk _fuchsiaSdk; final Logger _logger; @override bool get supportsPlatform => isFuchsiaSupportedPlatform(_platform); @override bool get canListAnything => _fuchsiaWorkflow.canListDevices; @override Future<List<Device>> pollingGetDevices({ Duration? timeout }) async { if (!_fuchsiaWorkflow.canListDevices) { return <Device>[]; } // TODO(omerlevran): Remove once soft transition is complete fxb/67602. final List<String>? text = (await _fuchsiaSdk.listDevices( timeout: timeout, ))?.split('\n'); if (text == null || text.isEmpty) { return <Device>[]; } final List<FuchsiaDevice> devices = <FuchsiaDevice>[]; for (final String line in text) { final FuchsiaDevice? device = await _parseDevice(line); if (device == null) { continue; } devices.add(device); } return devices; } @override Future<List<String>> getDiagnostics() async => const <String>[]; Future<FuchsiaDevice?> _parseDevice(String text) async { final String line = text.trim(); // ['ip', 'device name'] final List<String> words = line.split(' '); if (words.length < 2) { return null; } final String name = words[1]; // TODO(omerlevran): Add support for resolve on the FuchsiaSdk Object. final String? resolvedHost = await _fuchsiaSdk.fuchsiaFfx.resolve(name); if (resolvedHost == null) { _logger.printError('Failed to resolve host for Fuchsia device `$name`'); return null; } return FuchsiaDevice(resolvedHost, name: name); } @override List<String> get wellKnownIds => const <String>[]; } class FuchsiaDevice extends Device { FuchsiaDevice(super.id, {required this.name}) : super( platformType: PlatformType.fuchsia, category: null, ephemeral: true, ); @override bool get supportsHotReload => true; @override bool get supportsHotRestart => false; @override bool get supportsFlutterExit => false; @override final String name; @override Future<bool> get isLocalEmulator async => false; @override Future<String?> get emulatorId async => null; @override bool get supportsStartPaused => false; late final Future<bool> isSession = _initIsSession(); /// Determine if the Fuchsia device is running a session based build. /// /// If the device is running a session based build, `session_control` should be /// used to launch apps, otherwise `tiles_ctl` should be used. Future<bool> _initIsSession() async { final RunResult result = await shell('which session_control'); if (result.exitCode != 0) { return false; } return true; } @override Future<bool> isAppInstalled( ApplicationPackage app, { String? userIdentifier, }) async => false; @override Future<bool> isLatestBuildInstalled(ApplicationPackage app) async => false; @override Future<bool> installApp( ApplicationPackage app, { String? userIdentifier, }) => Future<bool>.value(false); @override Future<bool> uninstallApp( ApplicationPackage app, { String? userIdentifier, }) async => false; @override bool isSupported() => true; @override bool supportsRuntimeMode(BuildMode buildMode) => buildMode != BuildMode.jitRelease; @override Future<LaunchResult> startApp( covariant FuchsiaApp package, { String? mainPath, String? route, required DebuggingOptions debuggingOptions, Map<String, Object?> platformArgs = const <String, Object?>{}, bool prebuiltApplication = false, bool ipv6 = false, String? userIdentifier, }) async { if (await isSession) { globals.printTrace('Running on a session framework based build.'); } else { globals.printTrace('Running on a non session framework based build.'); } if (!prebuiltApplication) { await buildFuchsia(fuchsiaProject: FlutterProject.current().fuchsia, targetPlatform: await targetPlatform, target: mainPath, buildInfo: debuggingOptions.buildInfo); } // Stop the app if it's currently running. await stopApp(package); // Find out who the device thinks we are. final int port = await globals.os.findFreePort(); if (port == 0) { globals.printError('Failed to find a free port'); return LaunchResult.failed(); } // Try Start with a fresh package repo in case one was left over from a // previous run. final Directory packageRepo = globals.fs.directory(globals.fs.path.join(getFuchsiaBuildDirectory(), '.pkg-repo')); try { if (packageRepo.existsSync()) { packageRepo.deleteSync(recursive: true); } packageRepo.createSync(recursive: true); } on Exception catch (e) { globals.printError('Failed to create Fuchsia package repo directory ' 'at ${packageRepo.path}: $e'); return LaunchResult.failed(); } final String appName = FlutterProject.current().manifest.appName; final Status status = globals.logger.startProgress( 'Starting Fuchsia application $appName...', ); FuchsiaPackageServer? fuchsiaPackageServer; bool serverRegistered = false; String fuchsiaUrl; try { // Start up a package server. const String packageServerName = FuchsiaPackageServer.toolHost; fuchsiaPackageServer = FuchsiaPackageServer(packageRepo.path, packageServerName, '', port); if (!await fuchsiaPackageServer.start()) { globals.printError('Failed to start the Fuchsia package server'); return LaunchResult.failed(); } // Serve the application's package. final File farArchive = package.farArchive(debuggingOptions.buildInfo.mode); if (!await fuchsiaPackageServer.addPackage(farArchive)) { globals.printError('Failed to add package to the package server'); return LaunchResult.failed(); } // Serve the flutter_runner. final File flutterRunnerArchive = globals.fs.file(globals.artifacts!.getArtifactPath( Artifact.fuchsiaFlutterRunner, platform: await targetPlatform, mode: debuggingOptions.buildInfo.mode, )); if (!await fuchsiaPackageServer.addPackage(flutterRunnerArchive)) { globals.printError( 'Failed to add flutter_runner package to the package server'); return LaunchResult.failed(); } // Teach the package controller about the package server. if (!await fuchsiaDeviceTools.pkgctl .addRepo(this, fuchsiaPackageServer)) { globals.printError('Failed to teach amber about the package server'); return LaunchResult.failed(); } serverRegistered = true; // Tell the package controller to prefetch the flutter_runner. String flutterRunnerName; if (debuggingOptions.buildInfo.usesAot) { if (debuggingOptions.buildInfo.mode.isRelease) { flutterRunnerName = 'flutter_aot_product_runner'; } else { flutterRunnerName = 'flutter_aot_runner'; } } else { if (debuggingOptions.buildInfo.mode.isRelease) { flutterRunnerName = 'flutter_jit_product_runner'; } else { flutterRunnerName = 'flutter_jit_runner'; } } if (!await fuchsiaDeviceTools.pkgctl .resolve(this, fuchsiaPackageServer.name, flutterRunnerName)) { globals .printError('Failed to get pkgctl to prefetch the flutter_runner'); return LaunchResult.failed(); } // Tell the package controller to prefetch the app. if (!await fuchsiaDeviceTools.pkgctl .resolve(this, fuchsiaPackageServer.name, appName)) { globals.printError('Failed to get pkgctl to prefetch the package'); return LaunchResult.failed(); } fuchsiaUrl = 'fuchsia-pkg://$packageServerName/$appName#meta/$appName.cmx'; if (await isSession) { // Instruct session_control to start the app if (!await fuchsiaDeviceTools.sessionControl.add(this, fuchsiaUrl)) { globals.printError('Failed to add the app to session_control'); return LaunchResult.failed(); } } else { // Ensure tiles_ctl is started, and start the app. if (!await FuchsiaTilesCtl.ensureStarted(this)) { globals.printError( 'Failed to ensure that tiles is started on the device'); return LaunchResult.failed(); } // Instruct tiles_ctl to start the app. if (!await fuchsiaDeviceTools.tilesCtl .add(this, fuchsiaUrl, <String>[])) { globals.printError('Failed to add the app to tiles'); return LaunchResult.failed(); } } } finally { // Try to un-teach the package controller about the package server if // needed. if (serverRegistered && fuchsiaPackageServer != null) { await fuchsiaDeviceTools.pkgctl.rmRepo(this, fuchsiaPackageServer); } // Shutdown the package server and delete the package repo; globals.printTrace("Shutting down the tool's package server."); fuchsiaPackageServer?.stop(); globals.printTrace( "Removing the tool's package repo: at ${packageRepo.path}"); try { packageRepo.deleteSync(recursive: true); } on Exception catch (e) { globals.printError('Failed to remove Fuchsia package repo directory ' 'at ${packageRepo.path}: $e.'); } status.cancel(); } if (debuggingOptions.buildInfo.mode.isRelease) { globals.printTrace('App successfully started in a release mode.'); return LaunchResult.succeeded(); } globals.printTrace( 'App started in a non-release mode. Setting up vmservice connection.'); // In a debug or profile build, try to find the observatory uri. final FuchsiaIsolateDiscoveryProtocol discovery = getIsolateDiscoveryProtocol(appName); try { final Uri observatoryUri = await discovery.uri; return LaunchResult.succeeded(observatoryUri: observatoryUri); } finally { discovery.dispose(); } } @override Future<bool> stopApp( covariant FuchsiaApp app, { String? userIdentifier, }) async { if (await isSession) { // Currently there are no way to close a running app programmatically // using the session framework afaik. So this is a no-op. return true; } final int appKey = await FuchsiaTilesCtl.findAppKey(this, app.id); if (appKey != -1) { if (!await fuchsiaDeviceTools.tilesCtl.remove(this, appKey)) { globals.printError('tiles_ctl remove on ${app.id} failed.'); return false; } } return true; } Future<TargetPlatform> _queryTargetPlatform() async { const TargetPlatform defaultTargetPlatform = TargetPlatform.fuchsia_arm64; if (!globals.fuchsiaArtifacts!.hasSshConfig) { globals.printTrace('Could not determine Fuchsia target platform because ' 'Fuchsia ssh configuration is missing.\n' 'Defaulting to arm64.'); return defaultTargetPlatform; } final RunResult result = await shell('uname -m'); if (result.exitCode != 0) { globals.printError( 'Could not determine Fuchsia target platform type:\n$result\n' 'Defaulting to arm64.'); return defaultTargetPlatform; } final String machine = result.stdout.trim(); switch (machine) { case 'aarch64': return TargetPlatform.fuchsia_arm64; case 'x86_64': return TargetPlatform.fuchsia_x64; default: globals.printError('Unknown Fuchsia target platform "$machine". ' 'Defaulting to arm64.'); return defaultTargetPlatform; } } @override bool get supportsScreenshot => isFuchsiaSupportedPlatform(globals.platform); @override Future<void> takeScreenshot(File outputFile) async { if (outputFile.basename.split('.').last != 'ppm') { throw Exception('${outputFile.path} must be a .ppm file'); } final RunResult screencapResult = await shell('screencap > /tmp/screenshot.ppm'); if (screencapResult.exitCode != 0) { throw Exception('Could not take a screenshot on device $name:\n$screencapResult'); } try { final RunResult scpResult = await scp('/tmp/screenshot.ppm', outputFile.path); if (scpResult.exitCode != 0) { throw Exception('Failed to copy screenshot from device:\n$scpResult'); } } finally { try { final RunResult deleteResult = await shell('rm /tmp/screenshot.ppm'); if (deleteResult.exitCode != 0) { globals.printError( 'Failed to delete screenshot.ppm from the device:\n$deleteResult' ); } } on Exception catch (e) { globals.printError( 'Failed to delete screenshot.ppm from the device: $e' ); } } } @override late final Future<TargetPlatform> targetPlatform = _queryTargetPlatform(); @override Future<String> get sdkNameAndVersion async { const String defaultName = 'Fuchsia'; if (!globals.fuchsiaArtifacts!.hasSshConfig) { globals.printTrace('Could not determine Fuchsia sdk name or version ' 'because Fuchsia ssh configuration is missing.'); return defaultName; } const String versionPath = '/pkgfs/packages/build-info/0/data/version'; final RunResult catResult = await shell('cat $versionPath'); if (catResult.exitCode != 0) { globals.printTrace('Failed to cat $versionPath: ${catResult.stderr}'); return defaultName; } final String version = catResult.stdout.trim(); if (version.isEmpty) { globals.printTrace('$versionPath was empty'); return defaultName; } return 'Fuchsia $version'; } @override DeviceLogReader getLogReader({ ApplicationPackage? app, bool includePastLogs = false, }) { assert(!includePastLogs, 'Past log reading not supported on Fuchsia.'); return _logReader ??= _FuchsiaLogReader(this, globals.systemClock, app); } _FuchsiaLogReader? _logReader; @override DevicePortForwarder get portForwarder => _portForwarder ??= _FuchsiaPortForwarder(this); DevicePortForwarder? _portForwarder; @visibleForTesting set portForwarder(DevicePortForwarder forwarder) { _portForwarder = forwarder; } @override void clearLogs() {} /// [true] if the current host address is IPv6. late final bool ipv6 = isIPv6Address(id); /// Return the address that the device should use to communicate with the /// host. late final Future<String> hostAddress = () async { final RunResult result = await shell(r'echo $SSH_CONNECTION'); void fail() { throwToolExit('Failed to get local address, aborting.\n$result'); } if (result.exitCode != 0) { fail(); } final List<String> splitResult = result.stdout.split(' '); if (splitResult.isEmpty) { fail(); } final String addr = splitResult[0].replaceAll('%', '%25'); if (addr.isEmpty) { fail(); } return addr; }(); /// List the ports currently running a dart observatory. Future<List<int>> servicePorts() async { const String findCommand = 'find /hub -name vmservice-port'; final RunResult findResult = await shell(findCommand); if (findResult.exitCode != 0) { throwToolExit("'$findCommand' on device $name failed. stderr: '${findResult.stderr}'"); } final String findOutput = findResult.stdout; if (findOutput.trim() == '') { throwToolExit( 'No Dart Observatories found. Are you running a debug build?'); } final List<int> ports = <int>[]; for (final String path in findOutput.split('\n')) { if (path == '') { continue; } final String lsCommand = 'ls $path'; final RunResult lsResult = await shell(lsCommand); if (lsResult.exitCode != 0) { throwToolExit("'$lsCommand' on device $name failed"); } final String lsOutput = lsResult.stdout; for (final String line in lsOutput.split('\n')) { if (line == '') { continue; } final int? port = int.tryParse(line); if (port != null) { ports.add(port); } } } return ports; } /// Run `command` on the Fuchsia device shell. Future<RunResult> shell(String command) async { final File? sshConfig = globals.fuchsiaArtifacts?.sshConfig; if (sshConfig == null) { throwToolExit('Cannot interact with device. No ssh config.\n' 'Try setting FUCHSIA_SSH_CONFIG or FUCHSIA_BUILD_DIR.'); } return globals.processUtils.run(<String>[ 'ssh', '-F', sshConfig.absolute.path, id, // Device's IP address. command, ]); } /// Transfer the file [origin] from the device to [destination]. Future<RunResult> scp(String origin, String destination) async { final File? sshConfig = globals.fuchsiaArtifacts!.sshConfig; if (sshConfig == null) { throwToolExit('Cannot interact with device. No ssh config.\n' 'Try setting FUCHSIA_SSH_CONFIG or FUCHSIA_BUILD_DIR.'); } return globals.processUtils.run(<String>[ 'scp', '-F', sshConfig.absolute.path, '$id:$origin', destination, ]); } /// Finds the first port running a VM matching `isolateName` from the /// provided set of `ports`. /// /// Returns null if no isolate port can be found. Future<int> findIsolatePort(String isolateName, List<int> ports) async { for (final int port in ports) { try { // Note: The square-bracket enclosure for using the IPv6 loopback // didn't appear to work, but when assigning to the IPv4 loopback device, // netstat shows that the local port is actually being used on the IPv6 // loopback (::1). final Uri uri = Uri.parse('http://[$_ipv6Loopback]:$port'); final FlutterVmService vmService = await connectToVmService(uri, logger: globals.logger); final List<FlutterView> flutterViews = await vmService.getFlutterViews(); for (final FlutterView flutterView in flutterViews) { final vm_service.IsolateRef? uiIsolate = flutterView.uiIsolate; if (uiIsolate == null) { continue; } final int? port = vmService.httpAddress?.port; if (port != null && (uiIsolate.name?.contains(isolateName) ?? false)) { return port; } } } on SocketException catch (err) { globals.printTrace('Failed to connect to $port: $err'); } } throwToolExit('No ports found running $isolateName'); } FuchsiaIsolateDiscoveryProtocol getIsolateDiscoveryProtocol(String isolateName) { return FuchsiaIsolateDiscoveryProtocol(this, isolateName); } @override bool isSupportedForProject(FlutterProject flutterProject) { return flutterProject.fuchsia.existsSync(); } @override Future<void> dispose() async { await _portForwarder?.dispose(); } } class FuchsiaIsolateDiscoveryProtocol { FuchsiaIsolateDiscoveryProtocol( this._device, this._isolateName, [ this._vmServiceConnector = _kDefaultFuchsiaIsolateDiscoveryConnector, this._ddsStarter = _kDefaultDartDevelopmentServiceStarter, this._pollOnce = false, ]); static const Duration _pollDuration = Duration(seconds: 10); final Map<int, FlutterVmService> _ports = <int, FlutterVmService>{}; final FuchsiaDevice _device; final String _isolateName; final Completer<Uri> _foundUri = Completer<Uri>(); final Future<FlutterVmService> Function(Uri) _vmServiceConnector; final Future<void> Function(Device, Uri, bool) _ddsStarter; // whether to only poll once. final bool _pollOnce; Timer? _pollingTimer; Status? _status; FutureOr<Uri> get uri { if (_uri != null) { return _uri!; } _status ??= globals.logger.startProgress( 'Waiting for a connection from $_isolateName on ${_device.name}...', ); unawaited(_findIsolate()); // Completes the _foundUri Future. return _foundUri.future.then((Uri uri) { _uri = uri; return uri; }); } Uri? _uri; void dispose() { if (!_foundUri.isCompleted) { _status?.cancel(); _status = null; _pollingTimer?.cancel(); _pollingTimer = null; _foundUri.completeError(Exception('Did not complete')); } } Future<void> _findIsolate() async { final List<int> ports = await _device.servicePorts(); for (final int port in ports) { FlutterVmService? service; if (_ports.containsKey(port)) { service = _ports[port]; } else { final int localPort = await _device.portForwarder.forward(port); try { final Uri uri = Uri.parse('http://[$_ipv6Loopback]:$localPort'); await _ddsStarter(_device, uri, true); service = await _vmServiceConnector(_device.dds.uri!); _ports[port] = service; } on SocketException catch (err) { globals.printTrace('Failed to connect to $localPort: $err'); continue; } } final List<FlutterView> flutterViews = await service?.getFlutterViews() ?? <FlutterView>[]; for (final FlutterView flutterView in flutterViews) { final vm_service.IsolateRef? uiIsolate = flutterView.uiIsolate; if (uiIsolate == null) { continue; } final int? port = service?.httpAddress?.port; if (port != null && (uiIsolate.name?.contains(_isolateName) ?? false)) { _foundUri.complete(_device.ipv6 ? Uri.parse('http://[$_ipv6Loopback]:$port/') : Uri.parse('http://$_ipv4Loopback:$port/')); _status?.stop(); return; } } } if (_pollOnce) { _foundUri.completeError(Exception('Max iterations exceeded')); _status?.stop(); return; } _pollingTimer = Timer(_pollDuration, _findIsolate); } } class _FuchsiaPortForwarder extends DevicePortForwarder { _FuchsiaPortForwarder(this.device); final FuchsiaDevice device; final Map<int, Process> _processes = <int, Process>{}; @override Future<int> forward(int devicePort, {int? hostPort}) async { hostPort ??= await globals.os.findFreePort(); if (hostPort == 0) { throwToolExit('Failed to forward port $devicePort. No free host-side ports'); } final File? sshConfig = globals.fuchsiaArtifacts?.sshConfig; if (sshConfig == null) { throwToolExit('Cannot interact with device. No ssh config.\n' 'Try setting FUCHSIA_SSH_CONFIG or FUCHSIA_BUILD_DIR.'); } // Note: the provided command works around a bug in -N, see US-515 // for more explanation. final List<String> command = <String>[ 'ssh', '-6', '-F', sshConfig.absolute.path, '-nNT', '-vvv', '-f', '-L', '$hostPort:$_ipv4Loopback:$devicePort', device.id, // Device's IP address. 'true', ]; final Process process = await globals.processManager.start(command); unawaited(process.exitCode.then((int exitCode) { if (exitCode != 0) { throwToolExit('Failed to forward port:$devicePort'); } })); _processes[hostPort] = process; _forwardedPorts.add(ForwardedPort(hostPort, devicePort)); return hostPort; } @override List<ForwardedPort> get forwardedPorts => _forwardedPorts; final List<ForwardedPort> _forwardedPorts = <ForwardedPort>[]; @override Future<void> unforward(ForwardedPort forwardedPort) async { _forwardedPorts.remove(forwardedPort); final Process? process = _processes.remove(forwardedPort.hostPort); process?.kill(); final File? sshConfig = globals.fuchsiaArtifacts?.sshConfig; if (sshConfig == null) { // Nothing to cancel. return; } final List<String> command = <String>[ 'ssh', '-F', sshConfig.absolute.path, '-O', 'cancel', '-vvv', '-L', '${forwardedPort.hostPort}:$_ipv4Loopback:${forwardedPort.devicePort}', device.id, // Device's IP address. ]; final ProcessResult result = await globals.processManager.run(command); if (result.exitCode != 0) { throwToolExit( 'Unforward command failed:\n' 'stdout: ${result.stdout}\n' 'stderr: ${result.stderr}' ); } } @override Future<void> dispose() async { final List<ForwardedPort> forwardedPortsCopy = List<ForwardedPort>.of(forwardedPorts); for (final ForwardedPort port in forwardedPortsCopy) { await unforward(port); } } }