// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:ui' as ui show TextBox; import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'rendering_tester.dart'; const String _kText = 'I polished up that handle so carefullee\nThat now I am the Ruler of the Queen\'s Navee!'; void main() { test('getOffsetForCaret control test', () { final RenderParagraph paragraph = new RenderParagraph(const TextSpan(text: _kText)); layout(paragraph); final Rect caret = new Rect.fromLTWH(0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 20.0); final Offset offset5 = paragraph.getOffsetForCaret(const TextPosition(offset: 5), caret); expect(offset5.dx, greaterThan(0.0)); final Offset offset25 = paragraph.getOffsetForCaret(const TextPosition(offset: 25), caret); expect(offset25.dx, greaterThan(offset5.dx)); final Offset offset50 = paragraph.getOffsetForCaret(const TextPosition(offset: 50), caret); expect(offset50.dy, greaterThan(offset5.dy)); }); test('getPositionForOffset control test', () { final RenderParagraph paragraph = new RenderParagraph(const TextSpan(text: _kText)); layout(paragraph); final TextPosition position20 = paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const Offset(20.0, 5.0)); expect(position20.offset, greaterThan(0.0)); final TextPosition position40 = paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const Offset(40.0, 5.0)); expect(position40.offset, greaterThan(position20.offset)); final TextPosition positionBelow = paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const Offset(5.0, 20.0)); expect(positionBelow.offset, greaterThan(position40.offset)); }); test('getBoxesForSelection control test', () { final RenderParagraph paragraph = new RenderParagraph(const TextSpan(text: _kText)); layout(paragraph); List<ui.TextBox> boxes = paragraph.getBoxesForSelection( const TextSelection(baseOffset: 5, extentOffset: 25) ); expect(boxes.length, equals(1)); boxes = paragraph.getBoxesForSelection( const TextSelection(baseOffset: 25, extentOffset: 50) ); expect(boxes.length, equals(3)); }); test('getWordBoundary control test', () { final RenderParagraph paragraph = new RenderParagraph(const TextSpan(text: _kText)); layout(paragraph); final TextRange range5 = paragraph.getWordBoundary(const TextPosition(offset: 5)); expect(range5.textInside(_kText), equals('polished')); final TextRange range50 = paragraph.getWordBoundary(const TextPosition(offset: 50)); expect(range50.textInside(_kText), equals(' ')); final TextRange range85 = paragraph.getWordBoundary(const TextPosition(offset: 75)); expect(range85.textInside(_kText), equals('Queen\'s')); }); test('overflow test', () { final RenderParagraph paragraph = new RenderParagraph( const TextSpan( text: 'This\n' // 4 characters * 10px font size = 40px width on the first line 'is a wrapping test. It should wrap at manual newlines, and if softWrap is true, also at spaces.', style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: 'Ahem', fontSize: 10.0)), maxLines: 1, softWrap: true, ); void relayoutWith({int maxLines, bool softWrap, TextOverflow overflow}) { paragraph ..maxLines = maxLines ..softWrap = softWrap ..overflow = overflow; pumpFrame(); } // Lay out in a narrow box to force wrapping. layout(paragraph, constraints: const BoxConstraints(maxWidth: 50.0)); // enough to fit "This" but not "This is" final double lineHeight = paragraph.size.height; relayoutWith(maxLines: 3, softWrap: true, overflow: TextOverflow.clip); expect(paragraph.size.height, equals(3 * lineHeight)); relayoutWith(maxLines: null, softWrap: true, overflow: TextOverflow.clip); expect(paragraph.size.height, greaterThan(5 * lineHeight)); // Try again with ellipsis overflow. We can't test that the ellipsis are // drawn, but we can test the sizing. relayoutWith(maxLines: 1, softWrap: true, overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis); expect(paragraph.size.height, equals(lineHeight)); relayoutWith(maxLines: 3, softWrap: true, overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis); expect(paragraph.size.height, equals(3 * lineHeight)); // This is the one weird case. If maxLines is null, we would expect to allow // infinite wrapping. However, if we did, we'd never know when to append an // ellipsis, so this really means "append ellipsis as soon as we exceed the // width". relayoutWith(maxLines: null, softWrap: true, overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis); expect(paragraph.size.height, equals(2 * lineHeight)); // Now with no soft wrapping. relayoutWith(maxLines: 1, softWrap: false, overflow: TextOverflow.clip); expect(paragraph.size.height, equals(lineHeight)); relayoutWith(maxLines: 3, softWrap: false, overflow: TextOverflow.clip); expect(paragraph.size.height, equals(2 * lineHeight)); relayoutWith(maxLines: null, softWrap: false, overflow: TextOverflow.clip); expect(paragraph.size.height, equals(2 * lineHeight)); relayoutWith(maxLines: 1, softWrap: false, overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis); expect(paragraph.size.height, equals(lineHeight)); relayoutWith(maxLines: 3, softWrap: false, overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis); expect(paragraph.size.height, equals(2 * lineHeight)); relayoutWith(maxLines: null, softWrap: false, overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis); expect(paragraph.size.height, equals(2 * lineHeight)); }); }