// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:file/file.dart'; import 'package:matcher/matcher.dart'; import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as path; import 'package:vm_service/vm_service.dart' as vms; import 'package:webdriver/async_io.dart' as async_io; import 'package:webdriver/support/async.dart'; import '../common/error.dart'; import '../common/message.dart'; import 'common.dart'; import 'driver.dart'; import 'timeline.dart'; /// An implementation of the Flutter Driver using the WebDriver. /// /// Example of how to test WebFlutterDriver: /// 1. Launch WebDriver binary: ./chromedriver --port=4444 /// 2. Run test script: flutter drive --target=test_driver/scroll_perf_web.dart -d web-server --release class WebFlutterDriver extends FlutterDriver { /// Creates a driver that uses a connection provided by the given /// [_connection]. WebFlutterDriver.connectedTo( this._connection, { bool printCommunication = false, bool logCommunicationToFile = true, }) : _printCommunication = printCommunication, _logCommunicationToFile = logCommunicationToFile, _startTime = DateTime.now(), _driverId = _nextDriverId++ { _logFilePathName = path.join(testOutputsDirectory, 'flutter_driver_commands_$_driverId.log'); } final FlutterWebConnection _connection; DateTime _startTime; static int _nextDriverId = 0; /// The unique ID of this driver instance. final int _driverId; /// Start time for tracing. @visibleForTesting DateTime get startTime => _startTime; @override vms.Isolate get appIsolate => throw UnsupportedError('WebFlutterDriver does not support appIsolate'); @override vms.VmService get serviceClient => throw UnsupportedError('WebFlutterDriver does not support serviceClient'); @override async_io.WebDriver get webDriver => _connection._driver; /// Whether to print communication between host and app to `stdout`. final bool _printCommunication; /// Whether to log communication between host and app to `flutter_driver_commands.log`. final bool _logCommunicationToFile; /// Logs are written here when _logCommunicationToFile is true. late final String _logFilePathName; /// Getter for file pathname where logs are written when _logCommunicationToFile is true String get logFilePathName => _logFilePathName; /// Creates a driver that uses a connection provided by the given /// [hostUrl] which would fallback to environment variable VM_SERVICE_URL. /// Driver also depends on environment variables DRIVER_SESSION_ID, /// BROWSER_SUPPORTS_TIMELINE, DRIVER_SESSION_URI, DRIVER_SESSION_SPEC, /// DRIVER_SESSION_CAPABILITIES and ANDROID_CHROME_ON_EMULATOR for /// configurations. /// /// See [FlutterDriver.connect] for more documentation. static Future connectWeb({ String? hostUrl, bool printCommunication = false, bool logCommunicationToFile = true, Duration? timeout, }) async { hostUrl ??= Platform.environment['VM_SERVICE_URL']; final Map settings = { 'support-timeline-action': Platform.environment['SUPPORT_TIMELINE_ACTION'] == 'true', 'session-id': Platform.environment['DRIVER_SESSION_ID'], 'session-uri': Platform.environment['DRIVER_SESSION_URI'], 'session-spec': Platform.environment['DRIVER_SESSION_SPEC'], 'android-chrome-on-emulator': Platform.environment['ANDROID_CHROME_ON_EMULATOR'] == 'true', 'session-capabilities': Platform.environment['DRIVER_SESSION_CAPABILITIES'], }; final FlutterWebConnection connection = await FlutterWebConnection.connect (hostUrl!, settings, timeout: timeout); return WebFlutterDriver.connectedTo( connection, printCommunication: printCommunication, logCommunicationToFile: logCommunicationToFile, ); } static DriverError _createMalformedExtensionResponseError(Object? data) { throw DriverError( 'Received malformed response from the FlutterDriver extension.\n' 'Expected a JSON map containing a "response" field and, optionally, an ' '"isError" field, but got ${data.runtimeType}: $data' ); } @override Future> sendCommand(Command command) async { final Map response; final Object? data; final Map serialized = command.serialize(); _logCommunication('>>> $serialized'); try { data = await _connection.sendCommand("window.\$flutterDriver('${jsonEncode(serialized)}')", command.timeout); // The returned data is expected to be a string. If it's null or anything // other than a string, something's wrong. if (data is! String) { throw _createMalformedExtensionResponseError(data); } final Object? decoded = json.decode(data); if (decoded is! Map) { throw _createMalformedExtensionResponseError(data); } else { response = decoded; } _logCommunication('<<< $response'); } on DriverError catch (_) { rethrow; } catch (error, stackTrace) { throw DriverError( 'FlutterDriver command ${command.runtimeType} failed due to a remote error.\n' 'Command sent: ${jsonEncode(serialized)}', error, stackTrace ); } final Object? isError = response['isError']; final Object? responseData = response['response']; if (isError is! bool?) { throw _createMalformedExtensionResponseError(data); } else if (isError ?? false) { throw DriverError('Error in Flutter application: $responseData'); } if (responseData is! Map) { throw _createMalformedExtensionResponseError(data); } return responseData; } @override Future close() => _connection.close(); @override Future waitUntilFirstFrameRasterized() async { throw UnimplementedError(); } void _logCommunication(String message) { if (_printCommunication) { driverLog('WebFlutterDriver', message); } if (_logCommunicationToFile) { final File file = fs.file(_logFilePathName); file.createSync(recursive: true); // no-op if file exists file.writeAsStringSync('${DateTime.now()} $message\n', mode: FileMode.append, flush: true); } } @override Future> screenshot() async { await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2)); return _connection.screenshot(); } @override Future startTracing({ List streams = const [TimelineStream.all], Duration timeout = kUnusuallyLongTimeout, }) async { _checkBrowserSupportsTimeline(); } @override Future stopTracingAndDownloadTimeline({Duration timeout = kUnusuallyLongTimeout}) async { _checkBrowserSupportsTimeline(); final List> events = >[]; for (final async_io.LogEntry entry in await _connection.logs.toList()) { if (_startTime.isBefore(entry.timestamp)) { final Map data = (jsonDecode(entry.message!) as Map)['message'] as Map; if (data['method'] == 'Tracing.dataCollected') { // 'ts' data collected from Chrome is in double format, conversion needed try { final Map params = data['params'] as Map; params['ts'] = double.parse(params['ts'].toString()).toInt(); } on FormatException catch (_) { // data is corrupted, skip continue; } events.add(data['params']! as Map); } } } final Map json = { 'traceEvents': events, }; return Timeline.fromJson(json); } @override Future traceAction(Future Function() action, { List streams = const [TimelineStream.all], bool retainPriorEvents = false, }) async { _checkBrowserSupportsTimeline(); if (!retainPriorEvents) { await clearTimeline(); } await startTracing(streams: streams); await action(); return stopTracingAndDownloadTimeline(); } @override Future clearTimeline({Duration timeout = kUnusuallyLongTimeout}) async { _checkBrowserSupportsTimeline(); // Reset start time _startTime = DateTime.now(); } /// Checks whether browser supports Timeline related operations. void _checkBrowserSupportsTimeline() { if (!_connection.supportsTimelineAction) { throw UnsupportedError('Timeline action is not supported by current testing browser'); } } } /// Encapsulates connection information to an instance of a Flutter Web application. class FlutterWebConnection { /// Creates a FlutterWebConnection with WebDriver /// and whether the WebDriver supports timeline action. FlutterWebConnection(this._driver, this.supportsTimelineAction); final async_io.WebDriver _driver; /// Whether the connected WebDriver supports timeline action for Flutter Web Driver. bool supportsTimelineAction; /// Starts WebDriver with the given [settings] and /// establishes the connection to Flutter Web application. static Future connect( String url, Map settings, {Duration? timeout}) async { final String sessionId = settings['session-id'].toString(); final Uri sessionUri = Uri.parse(settings['session-uri'].toString()); final async_io.WebDriver driver = async_io.WebDriver( sessionUri, sessionId, json.decode(settings['session-capabilities'] as String) as Map, async_io.AsyncIoRequestClient(sessionUri.resolve('session/$sessionId/')), async_io.WebDriverSpec.W3c, ); if (settings['android-chrome-on-emulator'] == true) { final Uri localUri = Uri.parse(url); // Converts to Android Emulator Uri. // Hardcode the host to based on // https://developer.android.com/studio/run/emulator-networking url = Uri(scheme: localUri.scheme, host: '', port:localUri.port).toString(); } await driver.get(url); await waitUntilExtensionInstalled(driver, timeout); return FlutterWebConnection(driver, settings['support-timeline-action'] as bool); } /// Sends command via WebDriver to Flutter web application. Future sendCommand(String script, Duration? duration) async { // This code should not be reachable before the VM service extension is // initialized. The VM service extension is expected to initialize both // `$flutterDriverResult` and `$flutterDriver` variables before attempting // to send commands. This part checks that `$flutterDriverResult` is present. // `$flutterDriver` is not checked because it is covered by the `script` // that's executed next. try { await _driver.execute(r'return $flutterDriverResult', []); } catch (error, stackTrace) { throw DriverError( 'Driver extension has not been initialized correctly.\n' 'If the test uses a custom VM service extension, make sure it conforms ' 'to the protocol used by package:integration_test and ' 'package:flutter_driver.\n' 'If the test uses VM service extensions provided by the Flutter SDK, ' 'then this error is likely caused by a bug in Flutter. Please report it ' 'by filing a bug on GitHub:\n' ' https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/new?template=2_bug.yml', error, stackTrace, ); } String phase = 'executing'; try { // Execute the script, which should leave the result in the `$flutterDriverResult` global variable. await _driver.execute(script, []); // Read the result. phase = 'reading'; final dynamic result = await waitFor( () => _driver.execute(r'return $flutterDriverResult', []), matcher: isNotNull, timeout: duration ?? const Duration(days: 30), ); // Reset the result to null to avoid polluting the results of future commands. phase = 'resetting'; await _driver.execute(r'$flutterDriverResult = null', []); return result; } catch (error, stackTrace) { throw DriverError( 'Error while $phase FlutterDriver result for command: $script', error, stackTrace, ); } } /// Gets performance log from WebDriver. Stream get logs => _driver.logs.get(async_io.LogType.performance); /// Takes screenshot via WebDriver. Future> screenshot() => _driver.captureScreenshotAsList(); /// Closes the WebDriver. Future close() async { await _driver.quit(closeSession: false); } } /// Waits until extension is installed. Future waitUntilExtensionInstalled(async_io.WebDriver driver, Duration? timeout) async { await waitFor(() => driver.execute(r'return typeof(window.$flutterDriver)', []), matcher: 'function', timeout: timeout ?? const Duration(days: 365)); }