// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as path; import '../android/android_sdk.dart'; import '../application_package.dart'; import '../base/common.dart'; import '../base/os.dart'; import '../base/process.dart'; import '../build_configuration.dart'; import '../device.dart'; import '../flx.dart' as flx; import '../globals.dart'; import '../toolchain.dart'; import 'adb.dart'; import 'android.dart'; const String _defaultAdbPath = 'adb'; // Path where the FLX bundle will be copied on the device. const String _deviceBundlePath = '/data/local/tmp/dev.flx'; // Path where the snapshot will be copied on the device. const String _deviceSnapshotPath = '/data/local/tmp/dev_snapshot.bin'; class AndroidDevices extends PollingDeviceDiscovery { AndroidDevices() : super('AndroidDevices'); bool get supportsPlatform => true; List<Device> pollingGetDevices() => getAdbDevices(); } class AndroidDevice extends Device { AndroidDevice( String id, { this.productID, this.modelID, this.deviceCodeName }) : super(id); final String productID; final String modelID; final String deviceCodeName; bool get isLocalEmulator => false; List<String> adbCommandForDevice(List<String> args) { return <String>[androidSdk.adbPath, '-s', id]..addAll(args); } bool _isValidAdbVersion(String adbVersion) { // Sample output: 'Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.31' Match versionFields = new RegExp(r'(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)').firstMatch(adbVersion); if (versionFields != null) { int majorVersion = int.parse(versionFields[1]); int minorVersion = int.parse(versionFields[2]); int patchVersion = int.parse(versionFields[3]); if (majorVersion > 1) { return true; } if (majorVersion == 1 && minorVersion > 0) { return true; } if (majorVersion == 1 && minorVersion == 0 && patchVersion >= 32) { return true; } return false; } printError( 'Unrecognized adb version string $adbVersion. Skipping version check.'); return true; } bool _checkForSupportedAdbVersion() { if (androidSdk == null) return false; try { String adbVersion = runCheckedSync(<String>[androidSdk.adbPath, 'version']); if (_isValidAdbVersion(adbVersion)) return true; printError('The ADB at "${androidSdk.adbPath}" is too old; please install version 1.0.32 or later.'); } catch (error, trace) { printError('Error running ADB: $error', trace); } return false; } bool _checkForSupportedAndroidVersion() { try { // If the server is automatically restarted, then we get irrelevant // output lines like this, which we want to ignore: // adb server is out of date. killing.. // * daemon started successfully * runCheckedSync(adbCommandForDevice(<String>['start-server'])); // Sample output: '22' String sdkVersion = runCheckedSync( adbCommandForDevice(<String>['shell', 'getprop', 'ro.build.version.sdk']) ).trimRight(); int sdkVersionParsed = int.parse(sdkVersion, onError: (String source) => null); if (sdkVersionParsed == null) { printError('Unexpected response from getprop: "$sdkVersion"'); return false; } if (sdkVersionParsed < minApiLevel) { printError( 'The Android version ($sdkVersion) on the target device is too old. Please ' 'use a $minVersionName (version $minApiLevel / $minVersionText) device or later.'); return false; } return true; } catch (e) { printError('Unexpected failure from adb: $e'); return false; } } String _getDeviceSha1Path(ApplicationPackage app) { return '/data/local/tmp/sky.${app.id}.sha1'; } String _getDeviceApkSha1(ApplicationPackage app) { return runCheckedSync(adbCommandForDevice(<String>['shell', 'cat', _getDeviceSha1Path(app)])); } String _getSourceSha1(ApplicationPackage app) { File shaFile = new File('${app.localPath}.sha1'); return shaFile.existsSync() ? shaFile.readAsStringSync() : ''; } String get name => modelID; @override bool isAppInstalled(ApplicationPackage app) { // Just check for the existence of the application SHA. return _getDeviceApkSha1(app) == _getSourceSha1(app); } @override bool installApp(ApplicationPackage app) { if (!FileSystemEntity.isFileSync(app.localPath)) { printError('"${app.localPath}" does not exist.'); return false; } if (!_checkForSupportedAdbVersion() || !_checkForSupportedAndroidVersion()) return false; printStatus('Installing ${app.name} on device.'); runCheckedSync(adbCommandForDevice(<String>['install', '-r', app.localPath])); runCheckedSync(adbCommandForDevice(<String>['shell', 'echo', '-n', _getSourceSha1(app), '>', _getDeviceSha1Path(app)])); return true; } Future _forwardObservatoryPort(int port) async { bool portWasZero = port == 0; if (port == 0) { // Auto-bind to a port. Set up forwarding for that port. Emit a stdout // message similar to the command-line VM so that tools can parse the output. // "Observatory listening on" port = await findAvailablePort(); } try { // Set up port forwarding for observatory. runCheckedSync(adbCommandForDevice(<String>[ 'forward', 'tcp:$port', 'tcp:$observatoryDefaultPort' ])); if (portWasZero) printStatus('Observatory listening on$port'); } catch (e) { printError('Unable to forward Observatory port $port: $e'); } } Future<bool> startBundle(AndroidApk apk, String bundlePath, { bool checked: true, bool traceStartup: false, String route, bool clearLogs: false, bool startPaused: false, int debugPort: observatoryDefaultPort }) async { printTrace('$this startBundle'); if (!FileSystemEntity.isFileSync(bundlePath)) { printError('Cannot find $bundlePath'); return false; } await _forwardObservatoryPort(debugPort); if (clearLogs) this.clearLogs(); runCheckedSync(adbCommandForDevice(<String>['push', bundlePath, _deviceBundlePath])); List<String> cmd = adbCommandForDevice(<String>[ 'shell', 'am', 'start', '-a', 'android.intent.action.RUN', '-d', _deviceBundlePath, '-f', '0x20000000', // FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP '--ez', 'enable-background-compilation', 'true', ]); if (checked) cmd.addAll(<String>['--ez', 'enable-checked-mode', 'true']); if (traceStartup) cmd.addAll(<String>['--ez', 'trace-startup', 'true']); if (startPaused) cmd.addAll(<String>['--ez', 'start-paused', 'true']); if (route != null) cmd.addAll(<String>['--es', 'route', route]); cmd.add(apk.launchActivity); String result = runCheckedSync(cmd); // This invocation returns 0 even when it fails. if (result.contains('Error: ')) { printError(result.trim()); return false; } return true; } @override Future<bool> startApp( ApplicationPackage package, Toolchain toolchain, { String mainPath, String route, bool checked: true, bool clearLogs: false, bool startPaused: false, int debugPort: observatoryDefaultPort, Map<String, dynamic> platformArgs }) async { if (!_checkForSupportedAdbVersion() || !_checkForSupportedAndroidVersion()) return false; String localBundlePath = await flx.buildFlx( toolchain, mainPath: mainPath ); printTrace('Starting bundle for $this.'); if (await startBundle( package, localBundlePath, checked: checked, traceStartup: platformArgs['trace-startup'], route: route, clearLogs: clearLogs, startPaused: startPaused, debugPort: debugPort )) { return true; } else { return false; } } Future<bool> stopApp(ApplicationPackage app) { List<String> command = adbCommandForDevice(<String>['shell', 'am', 'force-stop', app.id]); return runCommandAndStreamOutput(command).then((int exitCode) => exitCode == 0); } @override TargetPlatform get platform => TargetPlatform.android; void clearLogs() { runSync(adbCommandForDevice(<String>['-s', id, 'logcat', '-c'])); } DeviceLogReader createLogReader() => new _AdbLogReader(this); void startTracing(AndroidApk apk) { runCheckedSync(adbCommandForDevice(<String>[ 'shell', 'am', 'broadcast', '-a', '${apk.id}.TRACING_START' ])); } // Return the most recent timestamp in the Android log. The format can be // passed to logcat's -T option. String get lastLogcatTimestamp { String output = runCheckedSync(adbCommandForDevice(<String>[ '-s', id, 'logcat', '-v', 'time', '-t', '1' ])); RegExp timeRegExp = new RegExp(r'^\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{3}', multiLine: true); Match timeMatch = timeRegExp.firstMatch(output); return timeMatch[0]; } Future<String> stopTracing(AndroidApk apk, { String outPath }) async { // Workaround for logcat -c not always working: // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25645012/logcat-on-android-l-not-clearing-after-unplugging-and-reconnecting String beforeStop = lastLogcatTimestamp; runCheckedSync(adbCommandForDevice(<String>[ 'shell', 'am', 'broadcast', '-a', '${apk.id}.TRACING_STOP' ])); RegExp traceRegExp = new RegExp(r'Saving trace to (\S+)', multiLine: true); RegExp completeRegExp = new RegExp(r'Trace complete', multiLine: true); String tracePath = null; bool isComplete = false; while (!isComplete) { String logs = runCheckedSync(adbCommandForDevice(<String>[ '-s', id, 'logcat', '-d', '-T', beforeStop ])); Match fileMatch = traceRegExp.firstMatch(logs); if (fileMatch != null && fileMatch[1] != null) { tracePath = fileMatch[1]; } isComplete = completeRegExp.hasMatch(logs); } if (tracePath != null) { String localPath = (outPath != null) ? outPath : path.basename(tracePath); // Run cat via ADB to print the captured trace file. (adb pull will be unable // to access the file if it does not have root permissions) IOSink catOutput = new File(localPath).openWrite(); List<String> catCommand = adbCommandForDevice( <String>['shell', 'run-as', apk.id, 'cat', tracePath] ); Process catProcess = await Process.start(catCommand[0], catCommand.getRange(1, catCommand.length).toList()); catProcess.stdout.pipe(catOutput); int exitCode = await catProcess.exitCode; if (exitCode != 0) throw 'Error code $exitCode returned when running ${catCommand.join(" ")}'; runSync(adbCommandForDevice( <String>['shell', 'run-as', apk.id, 'rm', tracePath] )); return localPath; } printError('No trace file detected. ' 'Did you remember to start the trace before stopping it?'); return null; } bool isSupported() => true; Future<bool> refreshSnapshot(AndroidApk apk, String snapshotPath) async { if (!FileSystemEntity.isFileSync(snapshotPath)) { printError('Cannot find $snapshotPath'); return false; } runCheckedSync(adbCommandForDevice(<String>['push', snapshotPath, _deviceSnapshotPath])); List<String> cmd = adbCommandForDevice(<String>[ 'shell', 'am', 'start', '-a', 'android.intent.action.RUN', '-d', _deviceBundlePath, '-f', '0x20000000', // FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP '--es', 'snapshot', _deviceSnapshotPath, apk.launchActivity, ]); runCheckedSync(cmd); return true; } } List<AndroidDevice> getAdbDevices() { String adbPath = getAdbPath(androidSdk); if (adbPath == null) return <AndroidDevice>[]; List<AndroidDevice> devices = []; List<String> output = runSync(<String>[adbPath, 'devices', '-l']).trim().split('\n'); // 015d172c98400a03 device usb:340787200X product:nakasi model:Nexus_7 device:grouper RegExp deviceRegex1 = new RegExp( r'^(\S+)\s+device\s+.*product:(\S+)\s+model:(\S+)\s+device:(\S+)$'); // 0149947A0D01500C device usb:340787200X RegExp deviceRegex2 = new RegExp(r'^(\S+)\s+device\s+\S+$'); RegExp unauthorizedRegex = new RegExp(r'^(\S+)\s+unauthorized\s+\S+$'); RegExp offlineRegex = new RegExp(r'^(\S+)\s+offline\s+\S+$'); // Skip the first line, which is always 'List of devices attached'. for (String line in output.skip(1)) { // Skip lines like: // * daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 * // * daemon started successfully * if (line.startsWith('* daemon ')) continue; if (line.startsWith('List of devices')) continue; if (deviceRegex1.hasMatch(line)) { Match match = deviceRegex1.firstMatch(line); String deviceID = match[1]; String productID = match[2]; String modelID = match[3]; String deviceCodeName = match[4]; if (modelID != null) modelID = cleanAdbDeviceName(modelID); devices.add(new AndroidDevice( deviceID, productID: productID, modelID: modelID, deviceCodeName: deviceCodeName )); } else if (deviceRegex2.hasMatch(line)) { Match match = deviceRegex2.firstMatch(line); String deviceID = match[1]; devices.add(new AndroidDevice(deviceID)); } else if (unauthorizedRegex.hasMatch(line)) { Match match = unauthorizedRegex.firstMatch(line); String deviceID = match[1]; printError( 'Device $deviceID is not authorized.\n' 'You might need to check your device for an authorization dialog.' ); } else if (offlineRegex.hasMatch(line)) { Match match = offlineRegex.firstMatch(line); String deviceID = match[1]; printError('Device $deviceID is offline.'); } else { printError( 'Unexpected failure parsing device information from adb output:\n' '$line\n' 'Please report a bug at https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/new'); } } return devices; } /// A log reader that logs from `adb logcat`. class _AdbLogReader extends DeviceLogReader { _AdbLogReader(this.device); final AndroidDevice device; String get name => device.name; Future<int> logs({ bool clear: false, bool showPrefix: false }) async { if (clear) device.clearLogs(); return await runCommandAndStreamOutput(device.adbCommandForDevice(<String>[ '-s', device.id, 'logcat', '-v', 'tag', // Only log the tag and the message '-T', device.lastLogcatTimestamp, '-s', 'flutter:V', 'ActivityManager:W', 'System.err:W', '*:F', ]), prefix: showPrefix ? '[$name] ' : ''); } int get hashCode => name.hashCode; bool operator ==(dynamic other) { if (identical(this, other)) return true; if (other is! _AdbLogReader) return false; return other.device.id == device.id; } }