// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'package:collection/collection.dart' show lowerBound; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/semantics.dart'; import '../../gallery/demo.dart'; enum LeaveBehindDemoAction { reset, horizontalSwipe, leftSwipe, rightSwipe } class LeaveBehindItem implements Comparable<LeaveBehindItem> { LeaveBehindItem({ this.index, this.name, this.subject, this.body }); LeaveBehindItem.from(LeaveBehindItem item) : index = item.index, name = item.name, subject = item.subject, body = item.body; final int index; final String name; final String subject; final String body; @override int compareTo(LeaveBehindItem other) => index.compareTo(other.index); } class LeaveBehindDemo extends StatefulWidget { const LeaveBehindDemo({ Key key }) : super(key: key); static const String routeName = '/material/leave-behind'; @override LeaveBehindDemoState createState() => LeaveBehindDemoState(); } class LeaveBehindDemoState extends State<LeaveBehindDemo> { static final GlobalKey<ScaffoldState> _scaffoldKey = GlobalKey<ScaffoldState>(); DismissDirection _dismissDirection = DismissDirection.horizontal; List<LeaveBehindItem> leaveBehindItems; void initListItems() { leaveBehindItems = List<LeaveBehindItem>.generate(16, (int index) { return LeaveBehindItem( index: index, name: 'Item $index Sender', subject: 'Subject: $index', body: "[$index] first line of the message's body..." ); }); } @override void initState() { super.initState(); initListItems(); } void handleDemoAction(LeaveBehindDemoAction action) { setState(() { switch (action) { case LeaveBehindDemoAction.reset: initListItems(); break; case LeaveBehindDemoAction.horizontalSwipe: _dismissDirection = DismissDirection.horizontal; break; case LeaveBehindDemoAction.leftSwipe: _dismissDirection = DismissDirection.endToStart; break; case LeaveBehindDemoAction.rightSwipe: _dismissDirection = DismissDirection.startToEnd; break; } }); } void handleUndo(LeaveBehindItem item) { final int insertionIndex = lowerBound(leaveBehindItems, item); setState(() { leaveBehindItems.insert(insertionIndex, item); }); } void _handleArchive(LeaveBehindItem item) { setState(() { leaveBehindItems.remove(item); }); _scaffoldKey.currentState.showSnackBar(SnackBar( content: Text('You archived item ${item.index}'), action: SnackBarAction( label: 'UNDO', onPressed: () { handleUndo(item); } ) )); } void _handleDelete(LeaveBehindItem item) { setState(() { leaveBehindItems.remove(item); }); _scaffoldKey.currentState.showSnackBar(SnackBar( content: Text('You deleted item ${item.index}'), action: SnackBarAction( label: 'UNDO', onPressed: () { handleUndo(item); } ) )); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { Widget body; if (leaveBehindItems.isEmpty) { body = Center( child: RaisedButton( onPressed: () => handleDemoAction(LeaveBehindDemoAction.reset), child: const Text('Reset the list'), ), ); } else { body = ListView( children: leaveBehindItems.map<Widget>((LeaveBehindItem item) { return _LeaveBehindListItem( item: item, onArchive: _handleArchive, onDelete: _handleDelete, dismissDirection: _dismissDirection, ); }).toList() ); } return Scaffold( key: _scaffoldKey, appBar: AppBar( title: const Text('Swipe to dismiss'), actions: <Widget>[ MaterialDemoDocumentationButton(LeaveBehindDemo.routeName), PopupMenuButton<LeaveBehindDemoAction>( onSelected: handleDemoAction, itemBuilder: (BuildContext context) => <PopupMenuEntry<LeaveBehindDemoAction>>[ const PopupMenuItem<LeaveBehindDemoAction>( value: LeaveBehindDemoAction.reset, child: Text('Reset the list') ), const PopupMenuDivider(), CheckedPopupMenuItem<LeaveBehindDemoAction>( value: LeaveBehindDemoAction.horizontalSwipe, checked: _dismissDirection == DismissDirection.horizontal, child: const Text('Horizontal swipe') ), CheckedPopupMenuItem<LeaveBehindDemoAction>( value: LeaveBehindDemoAction.leftSwipe, checked: _dismissDirection == DismissDirection.endToStart, child: const Text('Only swipe left') ), CheckedPopupMenuItem<LeaveBehindDemoAction>( value: LeaveBehindDemoAction.rightSwipe, checked: _dismissDirection == DismissDirection.startToEnd, child: const Text('Only swipe right') ) ] ) ] ), body: body, ); } } class _LeaveBehindListItem extends StatelessWidget { const _LeaveBehindListItem({ Key key, @required this.item, @required this.onArchive, @required this.onDelete, @required this.dismissDirection, }) : super(key: key); final LeaveBehindItem item; final DismissDirection dismissDirection; final void Function(LeaveBehindItem) onArchive; final void Function(LeaveBehindItem) onDelete; void _handleArchive() { onArchive(item); } void _handleDelete() { onDelete(item); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final ThemeData theme = Theme.of(context); return Semantics( customSemanticsActions: <CustomSemanticsAction, VoidCallback>{ const CustomSemanticsAction(label: 'Archive'): _handleArchive, const CustomSemanticsAction(label: 'Delete'): _handleDelete, }, child: Dismissible( key: ObjectKey(item), direction: dismissDirection, onDismissed: (DismissDirection direction) { if (direction == DismissDirection.endToStart) _handleArchive(); else _handleDelete(); }, background: Container( color: theme.primaryColor, child: const ListTile( leading: Icon(Icons.delete, color: Colors.white, size: 36.0) ) ), secondaryBackground: Container( color: theme.primaryColor, child: const ListTile( trailing: Icon(Icons.archive, color: Colors.white, size: 36.0) ) ), child: Container( decoration: BoxDecoration( color: theme.canvasColor, border: Border(bottom: BorderSide(color: theme.dividerColor)) ), child: ListTile( title: Text(item.name), subtitle: Text('${item.subject}\n${item.body}'), isThreeLine: true ), ), ), ); } }