# Flutter Conductor Command-line tool for managing a release of the Flutter SDK. Also see https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Release-process for more information on the release process. ## Requirements Some basic requirements to conduct a release are: - a Linux or macOS computer set up for Flutter development. The conductor does not support Windows. - git - Mirrors on GitHub of the Flutter [framework](https://github.com/flutter/flutter) and [engine](https://github.com/flutter/engine) repositories. ## Usage The main entrypoint for the conductor is [bin/conductor](bin/conductor). For brevity, the rest of this document will assume that this entrypoint is on the shell path. All available commands can be seen via: `conductor help` Releases are initialized with the `start` sub-command, like: ``` conductor start \ --candidate-branch=flutter-2.2-candidate.10 \ --release-channel=beta \ --framework-mirror=git@github.com:username/flutter.git \ --engine-mirror=git@github.com:username/engine.git \ --engine-cherrypicks=72114dafe28c8700f1d5d629c6ae9d34172ba395 \ --framework-cherrypicks=a3e66b396746f6581b2b7efd1b0d0f0074215128,d8d853436206e86f416236b930e97779b143a100 \ --dart-revision=4511eb2a779a612d9d6b2012123575013e0aef12 \ --increment=m ``` For more details on these command line arguments, see `conductor help start`. This command will write to disk a state file that will persist until the release is completed. To see the current status of the release (at any time), issue the command: `conductor status` Once initializing the release, the conductor tool will issue instructions for manual steps that must be executed by the user. At any time these instructions can be seen via `conductor status`. Once these manual steps have been completed, you can proceed to the next step by using the command: `conductor next` Upon successful completion of the release, the following command will remove the persistent state file: `conductor clean` ## Steps Once the user has finished manual steps for each step, they proceed to the next step with the command: `conductor next` ### Apply Engine Cherrypicks The tool will attempt to auto-apply all engine cherrypicks. However, any cherrypicks that result in a merge conflict will be reverted and it is left to the user to manually cherry-pick them (with the command `git cherry-pick $REVISION`) and resolve the merge conflict in their checkout. Once a PR is opened, the user must validate CI builds. If there are regressions (or if the `licenses_check` fails, then `//engine/ci/licenses_golden/licenses_third_party` must be updated to match the output of the failing test), then the user must fix these tests in their local checkout and push their changes again. ### Codesign Engine Binaries The user must validate post-submit CI builds for their merged engine PR have passed. A link to the web dashboard is available via `conductor status`. Once the post-submit CI builds have all passed, the user must codesign engine binaries for the **merged** engine commit. ### Apply Framework Cherrypicks The tool will attempt to auto-apply all framework cherrypicks. However, any cherrypicks that result in a merge conflict will be reverted and it is left to the user to manually cherry-pick them (with the command `git cherry-pick $REVISION`) and resolve the merge conflict in their checkout. ### Publish Version This step will add a version git tag to the final Framework commit and push it to the upstream repository. ### Publish Channel This step will push the Framework candidate branch to the upstream release branch. ### Verify Release For the final step, the user must manually verify that packaging builds have finished successfully. The conductor will produce links to the dashboards for monitoring CI builds.