// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// @dart = 2.8

import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:package_config/package_config.dart';

/// The JavaScript bootstrap script to support in-browser hot restart.
/// The [requireUrl] loads our cached RequireJS script file. The [mapperUrl]
/// loads the special Dart stack trace mapper. The [entrypoint] is the
/// actual main.dart file.
/// This file is served when the browser requests "main.dart.js" in debug mode,
/// and is responsible for bootstrapping the RequireJS modules and attaching
/// the hot reload hooks.
String generateBootstrapScript({
  @required String requireUrl,
  @required String mapperUrl,
}) {
  return '''
"use strict";

// Attach source mapping.
var mapperEl = document.createElement("script");
mapperEl.defer = true;
mapperEl.async = false;
mapperEl.src = "$mapperUrl";

// Attach require JS.
var requireEl = document.createElement("script");
requireEl.defer = true;
requireEl.async = false;
requireEl.src = "$requireUrl";
// This attribute tells require JS what to load as main (defined below).
requireEl.setAttribute("data-main", "main_module.bootstrap");

/// Generate a synthetic main module which captures the application's main
/// method.
/// If a [bootstrapModule] name is not provided, defaults to 'main_module.bootstrap'.
/// RE: Object.keys usage in app.main:
/// This attaches the main entrypoint and hot reload functionality to the window.
/// The app module will have a single property which contains the actual application
/// code. The property name is based off of the entrypoint that is generated, for example
/// the file `foo/bar/baz.dart` will generate a property named approximately
/// `foo__bar__baz`. Rather than attempt to guess, we assume the first property of
/// this object is the module.
String generateMainModule({
  @required String entrypoint,
  @required bool nullAssertions,
  @required bool nativeNullAssertions,
  String bootstrapModule = 'main_module.bootstrap',
}) {
  // TODO(jonahwilliams): fix typo in dwds and update.
  return '''
// Create the main module loaded below.
define("$bootstrapModule", ["$entrypoint", "dart_sdk"], function(app, dart_sdk) {

  // See the generateMainModule doc comment.
  var child = {};
  child.main = app[Object.keys(app)[0]].main;


  window.\$dartLoader = {};
  window.\$dartLoader.rootDirectories = [];
  if (window.\$requireLoader) {
    window.\$requireLoader.getModuleLibraries = dart_sdk.dart.getModuleLibraries;
  if (window.\$dartStackTraceUtility && !window.\$dartStackTraceUtility.ready) {
    window.\$dartStackTraceUtility.ready = true;
    let dart = dart_sdk.dart;
    window.\$dartStackTraceUtility.setSourceMapProvider(function(url) {
      var baseUrl = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host;
      url = url.replace(baseUrl + '/', '');
      if (url == 'dart_sdk.js') {
        return dart.getSourceMap('dart_sdk');
      url = url.replace(".lib.js", "");
      return dart.getSourceMap(url);

/// Generates the bootstrap logic required for a flutter test running in a browser.
/// This hard-codes the device pixel ratio to 3.0 and a 2400 x 1800 window size.
String generateTestEntrypoint({
  @required String relativeTestPath,
  @required String absolutePath,
  @required String testConfigPath,
  @required LanguageVersion languageVersion,
}) {
  return '''
  // @dart = ${languageVersion.major}.${languageVersion.minor}
  import 'org-dartlang-app:///$relativeTestPath' as test;
  import 'dart:ui' as ui;
  import 'dart:html';
  import 'dart:js';
  ${testConfigPath != null ? "import '${Uri.file(testConfigPath)}' as test_config;" : ""}
  import 'package:stream_channel/stream_channel.dart';
  import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
  import 'package:test_api/src/backend/stack_trace_formatter.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
  import 'package:test_api/src/remote_listener.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
  import 'package:test_api/src/suite_channel_manager.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports

  Future<void> main() async {
    ui.debugEmulateFlutterTesterEnvironment = true;
    await ui.webOnlyInitializePlatform();
    webGoldenComparator = DefaultWebGoldenComparator(Uri.parse('$absolutePath'));
    (ui.window as dynamic).debugOverrideDevicePixelRatio(3.0);
    (ui.window as dynamic).webOnlyDebugPhysicalSizeOverride = const ui.Size(2400, 1800);

    internalBootstrapBrowserTest(() {
      return ${testConfigPath != null ? "() => test_config.testExecutable(test.main)" : "test.main"};

  void internalBootstrapBrowserTest(Function getMain()) {
    var channel = serializeSuite(getMain, hidePrints: false);

  StreamChannel serializeSuite(Function getMain(), {bool hidePrints = true}) => RemoteListener.start(getMain, hidePrints: hidePrints);

  StreamChannel suiteChannel(String name) {
    var manager = SuiteChannelManager.current;
    if (manager == null) {
      throw StateError('suiteChannel() may only be called within a test worker.');
    return manager.connectOut(name);

  StreamChannel postMessageChannel() {
    var controller = StreamChannelController(sync: true);
    window.onMessage.firstWhere((message) {
      return message.origin == window.location.origin && message.data == "port";
    }).then((message) {
      var port = message.ports.first;
      var portSubscription = port.onMessage.listen((message) {
      controller.local.stream.listen((data) {
        port.postMessage({"data": data});
      }, onDone: () {
        port.postMessage({"event": "done"});
    context['parent'].callMethod('postMessage', [
      JsObject.jsify({"href": window.location.href, "ready": true}),
    return controller.foreign;

/// Generate the unit test bootstrap file.
String generateTestBootstrapFileContents(String mainUri, String requireUrl, String mapperUrl) {
  return '''
(function() {
  if (typeof document != 'undefined') {
    var el = document.createElement("script");
    el.defer = true;
    el.async = false;
    el.src = '$mapperUrl';

    el = document.createElement("script");
    el.defer = true;
    el.async = false;
    el.src = '$requireUrl';
    el.setAttribute("data-main", '$mainUri');
  } else {
    importScripts('$mapperUrl', '$requireUrl');
      baseUrl: baseUrl,
    window = self;