// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert' show BASE64, UTF8; import 'asset.dart'; import 'base/context.dart'; import 'base/file_system.dart'; import 'base/io.dart'; import 'build_info.dart'; import 'dart/package_map.dart'; import 'globals.dart'; import 'vmservice.dart'; typedef void DevFSProgressReporter(int progress, int max); class DevFSConfig { /// Should DevFS assume that symlink targets are stable? bool cacheSymlinks = false; /// Should DevFS assume that there are no symlinks to directories? bool noDirectorySymlinks = false; } DevFSConfig get devFSConfig => context[DevFSConfig]; /// Common superclass for content copied to the device. abstract class DevFSContent { bool _exists = true; /// Return `true` if this is the first time this method is called /// or if the entry has been modified since this method was last called. bool get isModified; int get size; Future> contentsAsBytes(); Stream> contentsAsStream(); Stream> contentsAsCompressedStream() { return contentsAsStream().transform(GZIP.encoder); } /// Return the list of files this content depends on. List get fileDependencies => []; } // File content to be copied to the device. class DevFSFileContent extends DevFSContent { DevFSFileContent(this.file); final FileSystemEntity file; FileSystemEntity _linkTarget; FileStat _fileStat; File _getFile() { if (_linkTarget != null) { return _linkTarget; } if (file is Link) { // The link target. return fs.file(file.resolveSymbolicLinksSync()); } return file; } void _stat() { if (_linkTarget != null) { // Stat the cached symlink target. _fileStat = _linkTarget.statSync(); return; } _fileStat = file.statSync(); if (_fileStat.type == FileSystemEntityType.LINK) { // Resolve, stat, and maybe cache the symlink target. final String resolved = file.resolveSymbolicLinksSync(); final FileSystemEntity linkTarget = fs.file(resolved); // Stat the link target. _fileStat = linkTarget.statSync(); if (devFSConfig.cacheSymlinks) { _linkTarget = linkTarget; } } } @override List get fileDependencies => [_getFile().path]; @override bool get isModified { final FileStat _oldFileStat = _fileStat; _stat(); return _oldFileStat == null || _fileStat.modified.isAfter(_oldFileStat.modified); } @override int get size { if (_fileStat == null) _stat(); return _fileStat.size; } @override Future> contentsAsBytes() => _getFile().readAsBytes(); @override Stream> contentsAsStream() => _getFile().openRead(); } /// Byte content to be copied to the device. class DevFSByteContent extends DevFSContent { DevFSByteContent(this._bytes); List _bytes; bool _isModified = true; List get bytes => _bytes; set bytes(List value) { _bytes = value; _isModified = true; } /// Return `true` only once so that the content is written to the device only once. @override bool get isModified { final bool modified = _isModified; _isModified = false; return modified; } @override int get size => _bytes.length; @override Future> contentsAsBytes() async => _bytes; @override Stream> contentsAsStream() => new Stream>.fromIterable(>[_bytes]); } /// String content to be copied to the device. class DevFSStringContent extends DevFSByteContent { DevFSStringContent(String string) : _string = string, super(UTF8.encode(string)); String _string; String get string => _string; set string(String value) { _string = value; super.bytes = UTF8.encode(_string); } @override set bytes(List value) { string = UTF8.decode(value); } } /// Abstract DevFS operations interface. abstract class DevFSOperations { Future create(String fsName); Future destroy(String fsName); Future writeFile(String fsName, Uri deviceUri, DevFSContent content); Future deleteFile(String fsName, Uri deviceUri); } /// An implementation of [DevFSOperations] that speaks to the /// vm service. class ServiceProtocolDevFSOperations implements DevFSOperations { final VMService vmService; ServiceProtocolDevFSOperations(this.vmService); @override Future create(String fsName) async { final Map response = await vmService.vm.createDevFS(fsName); return Uri.parse(response['uri']); } @override Future destroy(String fsName) async { await vmService.vm.invokeRpcRaw( '_deleteDevFS', params: { 'fsName': fsName }, ); } @override Future writeFile(String fsName, Uri deviceUri, DevFSContent content) async { List bytes; try { bytes = await content.contentsAsBytes(); } catch (e) { return e; } final String fileContents = BASE64.encode(bytes); try { return await vmService.vm.invokeRpcRaw( '_writeDevFSFile', params: { 'fsName': fsName, 'uri': deviceUri.toString(), 'fileContents': fileContents }, ); } catch (error) { printTrace('DevFS: Failed to write $deviceUri: $error'); } } @override Future deleteFile(String fsName, Uri deviceUri) async { // TODO(johnmccutchan): Add file deletion to the devFS protocol. } } class _DevFSHttpWriter { _DevFSHttpWriter(this.fsName, VMService serviceProtocol) : httpAddress = serviceProtocol.httpAddress; final String fsName; final Uri httpAddress; static const int kMaxInFlight = 6; static const int kMaxRetries = 3; int _inFlight = 0; Map _outstanding; Completer _completer; HttpClient _client; int _done; int _max; Future write(Map entries, {DevFSProgressReporter progressReporter}) async { _client = new HttpClient(); _client.maxConnectionsPerHost = kMaxInFlight; _completer = new Completer(); _outstanding = new Map.from(entries); _done = 0; _max = _outstanding.length; _scheduleWrites(progressReporter); await _completer.future; _client.close(); } void _scheduleWrites(DevFSProgressReporter progressReporter) { while (_inFlight < kMaxInFlight) { if (_outstanding.isEmpty) { // Finished. break; } final Uri deviceUri = _outstanding.keys.first; final DevFSContent content = _outstanding.remove(deviceUri); _scheduleWrite(deviceUri, content, progressReporter); _inFlight++; } } Future _scheduleWrite( Uri deviceUri, DevFSContent content, DevFSProgressReporter progressReporter, [ int retry = 0, ]) async { try { final HttpClientRequest request = await _client.putUrl(httpAddress); request.headers.removeAll(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT_ENCODING); request.headers.add('dev_fs_name', fsName); request.headers.add('dev_fs_uri_b64', BASE64.encode(UTF8.encode(deviceUri.toString()))); final Stream> contents = content.contentsAsCompressedStream(); await request.addStream(contents); final HttpClientResponse response = await request.close(); await response.drain(); } catch (e) { if (retry < kMaxRetries) { printTrace('Retrying writing "$deviceUri" to DevFS due to error: $e'); _scheduleWrite(deviceUri, content, progressReporter, retry + 1); return; } else { printError('Error writing "$deviceUri" to DevFS: $e'); } } if (progressReporter != null) { _done++; progressReporter(_done, _max); } _inFlight--; if ((_outstanding.isEmpty) && (_inFlight == 0)) { _completer.complete(null); } else { _scheduleWrites(progressReporter); } } } class DevFS { /// Create a [DevFS] named [fsName] for the local files in [directory]. DevFS(VMService serviceProtocol, this.fsName, this.rootDirectory, { String packagesFilePath }) : _operations = new ServiceProtocolDevFSOperations(serviceProtocol), _httpWriter = new _DevFSHttpWriter(fsName, serviceProtocol) { _packagesFilePath = packagesFilePath ?? fs.path.join(rootDirectory.path, kPackagesFileName); } DevFS.operations(this._operations, this.fsName, this.rootDirectory, { String packagesFilePath, }) : _httpWriter = null { _packagesFilePath = packagesFilePath ?? fs.path.join(rootDirectory.path, kPackagesFileName); } final DevFSOperations _operations; final _DevFSHttpWriter _httpWriter; final String fsName; final Directory rootDirectory; String _packagesFilePath; final Map _entries = {}; final Set assetPathsToEvict = new Set(); final List>> _pendingOperations = >>[]; Uri _baseUri; Uri get baseUri => _baseUri; Future create() async { printTrace('DevFS: Creating new filesystem on the device ($_baseUri)'); _baseUri = await _operations.create(fsName); printTrace('DevFS: Created new filesystem on the device ($_baseUri)'); return _baseUri; } Future destroy() async { printTrace('DevFS: Deleting filesystem on the device ($_baseUri)'); await _operations.destroy(fsName); printTrace('DevFS: Deleted filesystem on the device ($_baseUri)'); } /// Update files on the device and return the number of bytes sync'd Future update({ DevFSProgressReporter progressReporter, AssetBundle bundle, bool bundleDirty: false, Set fileFilter}) async { // Mark all entries as possibly deleted. for (DevFSContent content in _entries.values) { content._exists = false; } // Scan workspace, packages, and assets printTrace('DevFS: Starting sync from $rootDirectory'); logger.printTrace('Scanning project files'); await _scanDirectory(rootDirectory, recursive: true, fileFilter: fileFilter); if (fs.isFileSync(_packagesFilePath)) { printTrace('Scanning package files'); await _scanPackages(fileFilter); } if (bundle != null) { printTrace('Scanning asset files'); bundle.entries.forEach((String archivePath, DevFSContent content) { _scanBundleEntry(archivePath, content, bundleDirty); }); } // Handle deletions. printTrace('Scanning for deleted files'); final String assetBuildDirPrefix = _asUriPath(getAssetBuildDirectory()); final List toRemove = []; _entries.forEach((Uri deviceUri, DevFSContent content) { if (!content._exists) { final Future> operation = _operations.deleteFile(fsName, deviceUri); if (operation != null) _pendingOperations.add(operation); toRemove.add(deviceUri); if (deviceUri.path.startsWith(assetBuildDirPrefix)) { final String archivePath = deviceUri.path.substring(assetBuildDirPrefix.length); assetPathsToEvict.add(archivePath); } } }); if (toRemove.isNotEmpty) { printTrace('Removing deleted files'); toRemove.forEach(_entries.remove); await Future.wait(_pendingOperations); _pendingOperations.clear(); } // Update modified files int numBytes = 0; final Map dirtyEntries = {}; _entries.forEach((Uri deviceUri, DevFSContent content) { String archivePath; if (deviceUri.path.startsWith(assetBuildDirPrefix)) archivePath = deviceUri.path.substring(assetBuildDirPrefix.length); if (content.isModified || (bundleDirty && archivePath != null)) { dirtyEntries[deviceUri] = content; numBytes += content.size; if (archivePath != null) assetPathsToEvict.add(archivePath); } }); if (dirtyEntries.isNotEmpty) { printTrace('Updating files'); if (_httpWriter != null) { try { await _httpWriter.write(dirtyEntries, progressReporter: progressReporter); } catch (e) { printError("Could not update files on device: $e"); } } else { // Make service protocol requests for each. dirtyEntries.forEach((Uri deviceUri, DevFSContent content) { final Future> operation = _operations.writeFile(fsName, deviceUri, content); if (operation != null) _pendingOperations.add(operation); }); if (progressReporter != null) { final int max = _pendingOperations.length; int complete = 0; _pendingOperations.forEach((Future f) => f.whenComplete(() { // TODO(ianh): If one of the pending operations fail, we'll keep // calling progressReporter long after update() has completed its // future, assuming that doesn't crash the app. complete += 1; progressReporter(complete, max); })); } await Future.wait(_pendingOperations, eagerError: true); _pendingOperations.clear(); } } printTrace('DevFS: Sync finished'); return numBytes; } void _scanFile(Uri deviceUri, FileSystemEntity file) { final DevFSContent content = _entries.putIfAbsent(deviceUri, () => new DevFSFileContent(file)); content._exists = true; } void _scanBundleEntry(String archivePath, DevFSContent content, bool bundleDirty) { // We write the assets into the AssetBundle working dir so that they // are in the same location in DevFS and the iOS simulator. final Uri deviceUri = fs.path.toUri(fs.path.join(getAssetBuildDirectory(), archivePath)); _entries[deviceUri] = content; content._exists = true; } bool _shouldIgnore(Uri deviceUri) { final List ignoredUriPrefixes = ['android/', _asUriPath(getBuildDirectory()), 'ios/', '.pub/']; for (String ignoredUriPrefix in ignoredUriPrefixes) { if (deviceUri.path.startsWith(ignoredUriPrefix)) return true; } return false; } Future _scanDirectory(Directory directory, {Uri directoryUriOnDevice, bool recursive: false, bool ignoreDotFiles: true, Set fileFilter}) async { if (directoryUriOnDevice == null) { final String relativeRootPath = fs.path.relative(directory.path, from: rootDirectory.path); if (relativeRootPath == '.') { directoryUriOnDevice = new Uri(); } else { directoryUriOnDevice = fs.path.toUri(relativeRootPath); } } try { final Stream files = directory.list(recursive: recursive, followLinks: false); await for (FileSystemEntity file in files) { if (!devFSConfig.noDirectorySymlinks && (file is Link)) { // Check if this is a symlink to a directory and skip it. try { final FileSystemEntityType linkType = fs.statSync(file.resolveSymbolicLinksSync()).type; if (linkType == FileSystemEntityType.DIRECTORY) continue; } on FileSystemException catch (e) { _printScanDirectoryError(file.path, e); continue; } } if (file is Directory) { // Skip non-files. continue; } assert((file is Link) || (file is File)); if (ignoreDotFiles && fs.path.basename(file.path).startsWith('.')) { // Skip dot files. continue; } final String relativePath = fs.path.relative(file.path, from: directory.path); final Uri deviceUri = directoryUriOnDevice.resolveUri(fs.path.toUri(relativePath)); final String canonicalizeFilePath = fs.path.canonicalize(file.absolute.path); if ((fileFilter != null) && !fileFilter.contains(canonicalizeFilePath)) { // Skip files that are not included in the filter. continue; } if (ignoreDotFiles && deviceUri.path.startsWith('.')) { // Skip directories that start with a dot. continue; } if (!_shouldIgnore(deviceUri)) _scanFile(deviceUri, file); } } on FileSystemException catch (e) { _printScanDirectoryError(directory.path, e); return false; } return true; } void _printScanDirectoryError(String path, Exception e) { printError( 'Error while scanning $path.\n' 'Hot Reload might not work until the following error is resolved:\n' '$e\n' ); } Future _scanPackages(Set fileFilter) async { StringBuffer sb; final PackageMap packageMap = new PackageMap(_packagesFilePath); for (String packageName in packageMap.map.keys) { final Uri packageUri = packageMap.map[packageName]; final String packagePath = fs.path.fromUri(packageUri); final Directory packageDirectory = fs.directory(packageUri); Uri directoryUriOnDevice = fs.path.toUri(fs.path.join('packages', packageName) + fs.path.separator); bool packageExists; if (fs.path.isWithin(rootDirectory.path, packagePath)) { // We already scanned everything under the root directory. packageExists = packageDirectory.existsSync(); directoryUriOnDevice = fs.path.toUri( fs.path.relative(packagePath, from: rootDirectory.path) + fs.path.separator ); } else { packageExists = await _scanDirectory(packageDirectory, directoryUriOnDevice: directoryUriOnDevice, recursive: true, fileFilter: fileFilter); } if (packageExists) { sb ??= new StringBuffer(); sb.writeln('$packageName:$directoryUriOnDevice'); } } if (sb != null) { final DevFSContent content = _entries[fs.path.toUri('.packages')]; if (content is DevFSStringContent && content.string == sb.toString()) { content._exists = true; return; } _entries[fs.path.toUri('.packages')] = new DevFSStringContent(sb.toString()); } } } /// Converts a platform-specific file path to a platform-independent Uri path. String _asUriPath(String filePath) => fs.path.toUri(filePath).path + '/';