/** * Scripting for handling custom code snippets */ /** * Shows the requested snippet, and stores the current state in visibleSnippet. */ function showSnippet(name, visibleSnippet) { if (visibleSnippet == name) return; if (visibleSnippet != null) { var shown = document.getElementById(visibleSnippet); var attribute = document.createAttribute('hidden'); if (shown != null) { shown.setAttributeNode(attribute); } var button = document.getElementById(visibleSnippet + 'Button'); if (button != null) { button.removeAttribute('selected'); } } if (name == null || name == '') { visibleSnippet = null; return; } var newlyVisible = document.getElementById(name); if (newlyVisible != null) { visibleSnippet = name; newlyVisible.removeAttribute('hidden'); } else { visibleSnippet = null; } var button = document.getElementById(name + 'Button'); var selectedAttribute = document.createAttribute('selected'); if (button != null) { button.setAttributeNode(selectedAttribute); } return visibleSnippet; } // Finds a sibling to given element with the given id. function findSiblingWithId(element, id) { var siblings = element.parentNode.children; var siblingWithId = null; for (var i = siblings.length; i--;) { if (siblings[i] == element) continue; if (siblings[i].id == id) { siblingWithId = siblings[i]; break; } } return siblingWithId; }; // Returns true if the browser supports the "copy" command. function supportsCopying() { return !!document.queryCommandSupported && !!document.queryCommandSupported('copy'); } // Copies the text inside the currently visible snippet to the clipboard, or the // given element, if any. function copyTextToClipboard(element) { if (typeof element === 'string') { var elementSelector = '#' + element + ' .language-dart'; element = document.querySelector(elementSelector); if (element == null) { console.log( 'copyTextToClipboard: Unable to find element for "' + elementSelector + '"'); return; } } if (!supportsCopying()) { alert('Unable to copy to clipboard (not supported by browser)'); return; } if (element.hasAttribute('contenteditable')) { element.focus(); } var selection = window.getSelection(); var range = document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(element); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); document.execCommand('copy'); }