// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:ui' as ui; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/src/physics/utils.dart' show nearEqual; import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart'; import '../rendering/mock_canvas.dart'; const Color _kScrollbarColor = Color(0xFF123456); const double _kThickness = 2.5; const double _kMinThumbExtent = 18.0; const Duration _kScrollbarFadeDuration = Duration(milliseconds: 300); const Duration _kScrollbarTimeToFade = Duration(milliseconds: 600); ScrollbarPainter _buildPainter({ TextDirection textDirection = TextDirection.ltr, EdgeInsets padding = EdgeInsets.zero, Color color = _kScrollbarColor, double thickness = _kThickness, double mainAxisMargin = 0.0, double crossAxisMargin = 0.0, Radius? radius, Radius? trackRadius, double minLength = _kMinThumbExtent, double? minOverscrollLength, ScrollbarOrientation? scrollbarOrientation, required ScrollMetrics scrollMetrics, }) { return ScrollbarPainter( color: color, textDirection: textDirection, thickness: thickness, padding: padding, mainAxisMargin: mainAxisMargin, crossAxisMargin: crossAxisMargin, radius: radius, trackRadius: trackRadius, minLength: minLength, minOverscrollLength: minOverscrollLength ?? minLength, fadeoutOpacityAnimation: kAlwaysCompleteAnimation, scrollbarOrientation: scrollbarOrientation, )..update(scrollMetrics, scrollMetrics.axisDirection); } class _DrawRectOnceCanvas extends Fake implements Canvas { List<Rect> rects = <Rect>[]; List<RRect> rrects = <RRect>[]; @override void drawRect(Rect rect, Paint paint) { rects.add(rect); } @override void drawRRect(ui.RRect rrect, ui.Paint paint) { rrects.add(rrect); } @override void drawLine(Offset p1, Offset p2, Paint paint) {} } void main() { final _DrawRectOnceCanvas testCanvas = _DrawRectOnceCanvas(); ScrollbarPainter painter; Rect captureRect() => testCanvas.rects.removeLast(); RRect captureRRect() => testCanvas.rrects.removeLast(); tearDown(() { testCanvas.rects.clear(); testCanvas.rrects.clear(); }); final ScrollMetrics defaultMetrics = FixedScrollMetrics( minScrollExtent: 0, maxScrollExtent: 0, pixels: 0, viewportDimension: 100, axisDirection: AxisDirection.down, ); test( 'Scrollbar is not smaller than minLength with large scroll views, ' 'if minLength is small ', () { const double minLen = 3.5; const Size size = Size(600, 10); final ScrollMetrics metrics = defaultMetrics.copyWith( maxScrollExtent: 100000, viewportDimension: size.height, ); // When overscroll. painter = _buildPainter( minLength: minLen, minOverscrollLength: minLen, scrollMetrics: metrics, ); painter.paint(testCanvas, size); final Rect rect0 = captureRect(); expect(rect0.top, 0); expect(rect0.left, size.width - _kThickness); expect(rect0.width, _kThickness); expect(rect0.height >= minLen, true); // When scroll normally. const double newPixels = 1.0; painter.update(metrics.copyWith(pixels: newPixels), metrics.axisDirection); painter.paint(testCanvas, size); final Rect rect1 = captureRect(); expect(rect1.left, size.width - _kThickness); expect(rect1.width, _kThickness); expect(rect1.height >= minLen, true); }, ); test( 'When scrolling normally (no overscrolling), the size of the scrollbar stays the same, ' 'and it scrolls evenly', () { const double viewportDimension = 23; const double maxExtent = 100; final ScrollMetrics startingMetrics = defaultMetrics.copyWith( maxScrollExtent: maxExtent, viewportDimension: viewportDimension, ); const Size size = Size(600, viewportDimension); const double minLen = 0; painter = _buildPainter( minLength: minLen, minOverscrollLength: minLen, scrollMetrics: defaultMetrics, ); final List<ScrollMetrics> metricsList = <ScrollMetrics> [ startingMetrics.copyWith(pixels: 0.01), ...List<ScrollMetrics>.generate( (maxExtent / viewportDimension).round(), (int index) => startingMetrics.copyWith(pixels: (index + 1) * viewportDimension), ).where((ScrollMetrics metrics) => !metrics.outOfRange), startingMetrics.copyWith(pixels: maxExtent - 0.01), ]; late double lastCoefficient; for (final ScrollMetrics metrics in metricsList) { painter.update(metrics, metrics.axisDirection); painter.paint(testCanvas, size); final Rect rect = captureRect(); final double newCoefficient = metrics.pixels/rect.top; lastCoefficient = newCoefficient; expect(rect.top >= 0, true); expect(rect.bottom <= maxExtent, true); expect(rect.left, size.width - _kThickness); expect(rect.width, _kThickness); expect(nearEqual(rect.height, viewportDimension * viewportDimension / (viewportDimension + maxExtent), 0.001), true); expect(nearEqual(lastCoefficient, newCoefficient, 0.001), true); } }, ); test( 'mainAxisMargin is respected', () { const double viewportDimension = 23; const double maxExtent = 100; final ScrollMetrics startingMetrics = defaultMetrics.copyWith( maxScrollExtent: maxExtent, viewportDimension: viewportDimension, ); const Size size = Size(600, viewportDimension); const double minLen = 0; const List<double> margins = <double> [-10, 1, viewportDimension/2 - 0.01]; for (final double margin in margins) { painter = _buildPainter( mainAxisMargin: margin, minLength: minLen, scrollMetrics: defaultMetrics, ); // Overscroll to double.negativeInfinity (top). painter.update( startingMetrics.copyWith(pixels: double.negativeInfinity), startingMetrics.axisDirection, ); painter.paint(testCanvas, size); expect(captureRect().top, margin); // Overscroll to double.infinity (down). painter.update( startingMetrics.copyWith(pixels: double.infinity), startingMetrics.axisDirection, ); painter.paint(testCanvas, size); expect(size.height - captureRect().bottom, margin); } }, ); test( 'crossAxisMargin & text direction are respected', () { const double viewportDimension = 23; const double maxExtent = 100; final ScrollMetrics startingMetrics = defaultMetrics.copyWith( maxScrollExtent: maxExtent, viewportDimension: viewportDimension, ); const Size size = Size(600, viewportDimension); const double margin = 4; for (final TextDirection textDirection in TextDirection.values) { painter = _buildPainter( crossAxisMargin: margin, scrollMetrics: startingMetrics, textDirection: textDirection, ); for (final AxisDirection direction in AxisDirection.values) { painter.update( startingMetrics.copyWith(axisDirection: direction), direction, ); painter.paint(testCanvas, size); final Rect rect = captureRect(); switch (direction) { case AxisDirection.up: case AxisDirection.down: expect( margin, textDirection == TextDirection.ltr ? size.width - rect.right : rect.left, ); break; case AxisDirection.left: case AxisDirection.right: expect(margin, size.height - rect.bottom); break; } } } }, ); test('scrollbarOrientation are respected', () { const double viewportDimension = 23; const double maxExtent = 100; final ScrollMetrics startingMetrics = defaultMetrics.copyWith( maxScrollExtent: maxExtent, viewportDimension: viewportDimension, ); const Size size = Size(600, viewportDimension); for (final ScrollbarOrientation scrollbarOrientation in ScrollbarOrientation.values) { final AxisDirection axisDirection; if (scrollbarOrientation == ScrollbarOrientation.left || scrollbarOrientation == ScrollbarOrientation.right) { axisDirection = AxisDirection.down; } else { axisDirection = AxisDirection.right; } painter = _buildPainter( scrollMetrics: startingMetrics, scrollbarOrientation: scrollbarOrientation, ); painter.update( startingMetrics.copyWith(axisDirection: axisDirection), axisDirection ); painter.paint(testCanvas, size); final Rect rect = captureRect(); switch (scrollbarOrientation) { case ScrollbarOrientation.left: expect(rect.left, 0); expect(rect.top, 0); expect(rect.right, _kThickness); expect(rect.bottom, _kMinThumbExtent); break; case ScrollbarOrientation.right: expect(rect.left, 600 - _kThickness); expect(rect.top, 0); expect(rect.right, 600); expect(rect.bottom, _kMinThumbExtent); break; case ScrollbarOrientation.top: expect(rect.left, 0); expect(rect.top, 0); expect(rect.right, _kMinThumbExtent); expect(rect.bottom, _kThickness); break; case ScrollbarOrientation.bottom: expect(rect.left, 0); expect(rect.top, 23 - _kThickness); expect(rect.right, _kMinThumbExtent); expect(rect.bottom, 23); break; } } }); test('scrollbarOrientation default values are correct', () { const double viewportDimension = 23; const double maxExtent = 100; final ScrollMetrics startingMetrics = defaultMetrics.copyWith( maxScrollExtent: maxExtent, viewportDimension: viewportDimension, ); const Size size = Size(600, viewportDimension); Rect rect; // Vertical scroll with TextDirection.ltr painter = _buildPainter( scrollMetrics: startingMetrics, ); painter.update( startingMetrics.copyWith(axisDirection: AxisDirection.down), AxisDirection.down ); painter.paint(testCanvas, size); rect = captureRect(); expect(rect.left, 600 - _kThickness); expect(rect.top, 0); expect(rect.right, 600); expect(rect.bottom, _kMinThumbExtent); // Vertical scroll with TextDirection.rtl painter = _buildPainter( scrollMetrics: startingMetrics, textDirection: TextDirection.rtl, ); painter.update( startingMetrics.copyWith(axisDirection: AxisDirection.down), AxisDirection.down ); painter.paint(testCanvas, size); rect = captureRect(); expect(rect.left, 0); expect(rect.top, 0); expect(rect.right, _kThickness); expect(rect.bottom, _kMinThumbExtent); // Horizontal scroll painter = _buildPainter( scrollMetrics: startingMetrics, ); painter.update( startingMetrics.copyWith(axisDirection: AxisDirection.right), AxisDirection.right, ); painter.paint(testCanvas, size); rect = captureRect(); expect(rect.left, 0); expect(rect.top, 23 - _kThickness); expect(rect.right, _kMinThumbExtent); expect(rect.bottom, 23); }); group('Padding works for all scroll directions', () { const EdgeInsets padding = EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(1, 2, 3, 4); const Size size = Size(60, 80); final ScrollMetrics metrics = defaultMetrics.copyWith( minScrollExtent: -100, maxScrollExtent: 240, axisDirection: AxisDirection.down, ); final ScrollbarPainter painter = _buildPainter( padding: padding, scrollMetrics: metrics, ); testWidgets('down', (WidgetTester tester) async { painter.update( metrics.copyWith( viewportDimension: size.height, pixels: double.negativeInfinity, ), AxisDirection.down, ); // Top overscroll. painter.paint(testCanvas, size); final Rect rect0 = captureRect(); expect(rect0.top, padding.top); expect(size.width - rect0.right, padding.right); // Bottom overscroll. painter.update( metrics.copyWith( viewportDimension: size.height, pixels: double.infinity, ), AxisDirection.down, ); painter.paint(testCanvas, size); final Rect rect1 = captureRect(); expect(size.height - rect1.bottom, padding.bottom); expect(size.width - rect1.right, padding.right); }); testWidgets('up', (WidgetTester tester) async { painter.update( metrics.copyWith( viewportDimension: size.height, pixels: double.infinity, axisDirection: AxisDirection.up, ), AxisDirection.up, ); // Top overscroll. painter.paint(testCanvas, size); final Rect rect0 = captureRect(); expect(rect0.top, padding.top); expect(size.width - rect0.right, padding.right); // Bottom overscroll. painter.update( metrics.copyWith( viewportDimension: size.height, pixels: double.negativeInfinity, axisDirection: AxisDirection.up, ), AxisDirection.up, ); painter.paint(testCanvas, size); final Rect rect1 = captureRect(); expect(size.height - rect1.bottom, padding.bottom); expect(size.width - rect1.right, padding.right); }); testWidgets('left', (WidgetTester tester) async { painter.update( metrics.copyWith( viewportDimension: size.width, pixels: double.negativeInfinity, axisDirection: AxisDirection.left, ), AxisDirection.left, ); // Right overscroll. painter.paint(testCanvas, size); final Rect rect0 = captureRect(); expect(size.height - rect0.bottom, padding.bottom); expect(size.width - rect0.right, padding.right); // Left overscroll. painter.update( metrics.copyWith( viewportDimension: size.width, pixels: double.infinity, axisDirection: AxisDirection.left, ), AxisDirection.left, ); painter.paint(testCanvas, size); final Rect rect1 = captureRect(); expect(size.height - rect1.bottom, padding.bottom); expect(rect1.left, padding.left); }); testWidgets('right', (WidgetTester tester) async { painter.update( metrics.copyWith( viewportDimension: size.width, pixels: double.infinity, axisDirection: AxisDirection.right, ), AxisDirection.right, ); // Right overscroll. painter.paint(testCanvas, size); final Rect rect0 = captureRect(); expect(size.height - rect0.bottom, padding.bottom); expect(size.width - rect0.right, padding.right); // Left overscroll. painter.update( metrics.copyWith( viewportDimension: size.width, pixels: double.negativeInfinity, axisDirection: AxisDirection.right, ), AxisDirection.right, ); painter.paint(testCanvas, size); final Rect rect1 = captureRect(); expect(size.height - rect1.bottom, padding.bottom); expect(rect1.left, padding.left); }); }); testWidgets('thumb resizes gradually on overscroll', (WidgetTester tester) async { const EdgeInsets padding = EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(1, 2, 3, 4); const Size size = Size(60, 300); final double scrollExtent = size.height * 10; final ScrollMetrics metrics = defaultMetrics.copyWith( minScrollExtent: 0, maxScrollExtent: scrollExtent, axisDirection: AxisDirection.down, viewportDimension: size.height, ); const double minOverscrollLength = 8.0; final ScrollbarPainter painter = _buildPainter( padding: padding, scrollMetrics: metrics, minLength: 36.0, minOverscrollLength: 8.0, ); // No overscroll gives a full sized thumb. painter.update( metrics.copyWith( pixels: 0.0, ), AxisDirection.down, ); painter.paint(testCanvas, size); final double fullThumbExtent = captureRect().height; expect(fullThumbExtent, greaterThan(_kMinThumbExtent)); // Scrolling to the middle also gives a full sized thumb. painter.update( metrics.copyWith( pixels: scrollExtent / 2, ), AxisDirection.down, ); painter.paint(testCanvas, size); expect(captureRect().height, moreOrLessEquals(fullThumbExtent, epsilon: 1e-6)); // Scrolling just to the very end also gives a full sized thumb. painter.update( metrics.copyWith( pixels: scrollExtent, ), AxisDirection.down, ); painter.paint(testCanvas, size); expect(captureRect().height, moreOrLessEquals(fullThumbExtent, epsilon: 1e-6)); // Scrolling just past the end shrinks the thumb slightly. painter.update( metrics.copyWith( pixels: scrollExtent * 1.001, ), AxisDirection.down, ); painter.paint(testCanvas, size); expect(captureRect().height, moreOrLessEquals(fullThumbExtent, epsilon: 2.0)); // Scrolling way past the end shrinks the thumb to minimum. painter.update( metrics.copyWith( pixels: double.infinity, ), AxisDirection.down, ); painter.paint(testCanvas, size); expect(captureRect().height, minOverscrollLength); }); test('should scroll towards the right direction', () { const Size size = Size(60, 80); const double maxScrollExtent = 240; const double minScrollExtent = -100; final ScrollMetrics startingMetrics = defaultMetrics.copyWith( minScrollExtent: minScrollExtent, maxScrollExtent: maxScrollExtent, axisDirection: AxisDirection.down, viewportDimension: size.height, ); for (final double minLength in <double>[_kMinThumbExtent, double.infinity]) { // Disregard `minLength` and `minOverscrollLength` to keep // scroll direction correct, if needed painter = _buildPainter( minLength: minLength, minOverscrollLength: minLength, scrollMetrics: startingMetrics, ); final Iterable<ScrollMetrics> metricsList = Iterable<ScrollMetrics>.generate( 9999, (int index) => startingMetrics.copyWith(pixels: minScrollExtent + index * size.height / 3), ) .takeWhile((ScrollMetrics metrics) => !metrics.outOfRange); Rect? previousRect; for (final ScrollMetrics metrics in metricsList) { painter.update(metrics, metrics.axisDirection); painter.paint(testCanvas, size); final Rect rect = captureRect(); if (previousRect != null) { if (rect.height == size.height) { // Size of the scrollbar is too large for the view port expect(previousRect.top <= rect.top, true); expect(previousRect.bottom <= rect.bottom, true); } else { // The scrollbar can fit in the view port. expect(previousRect.top < rect.top, true); expect(previousRect.bottom < rect.bottom, true); } } previousRect = rect; } } }, ); test('trackRadius and radius is respected', () { const double minLen = 3.5; const Size size = Size(600, 10); final ScrollMetrics metrics = defaultMetrics.copyWith( maxScrollExtent: 100000, viewportDimension: size.height, ); painter = _buildPainter( trackRadius: const Radius.circular(2.0), radius: const Radius.circular(3.0), minLength: minLen, minOverscrollLength: minLen, scrollMetrics: metrics, ); painter.paint(testCanvas, size); final RRect thumbRRect = captureRRect(); // thumb expect(thumbRRect.blRadius, const Radius.circular(3.0)); expect(thumbRRect.brRadius, const Radius.circular(3.0)); expect(thumbRRect.tlRadius, const Radius.circular(3.0)); expect(thumbRRect.trRadius, const Radius.circular(3.0)); final RRect trackRRect = captureRRect(); // track expect(trackRRect.blRadius, const Radius.circular(2.0)); expect(trackRRect.brRadius, const Radius.circular(2.0)); expect(trackRRect.tlRadius, const Radius.circular(2.0)); expect(trackRRect.trRadius, const Radius.circular(2.0)); }); testWidgets('ScrollbarPainter asserts if no TextDirection has been provided', (WidgetTester tester) async { final ScrollbarPainter painter = ScrollbarPainter( color: _kScrollbarColor, fadeoutOpacityAnimation: kAlwaysCompleteAnimation, ); const Size size = Size(60, 80); final ScrollMetrics scrollMetrics = defaultMetrics.copyWith( maxScrollExtent: 100000, viewportDimension: size.height, ); painter.update(scrollMetrics, scrollMetrics.axisDirection); // Try to paint the scrollbar try { painter.paint(testCanvas, size); } on AssertionError catch (error) { expect(error.message, 'A TextDirection must be provided before a Scrollbar can be painted.'); } }); testWidgets('Tapping the track area pages the Scroll View', (WidgetTester tester) async { final ScrollController scrollController = ScrollController(); await tester.pumpWidget( Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: const MediaQueryData(), child: RawScrollbar( isAlwaysShown: true, controller: scrollController, child: SingleChildScrollView( controller: scrollController, child: const SizedBox(width: 1000.0, height: 1000.0), ), ), ), ), ); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(scrollController.offset, 0.0); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 360.0), color: const Color(0x66BCBCBC), ), ); // Tap on the track area below the thumb. await tester.tapAt(const Offset(796.0, 550.0)); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(scrollController.offset, 400.0); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 240.0, 800.0, 600.0), color: const Color(0x66BCBCBC), ), ); // Tap on the track area above the thumb. await tester.tapAt(const Offset(796.0, 50.0)); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(scrollController.offset, 0.0); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 360.0), color: const Color(0x66BCBCBC), ), ); }); testWidgets('Scrollbar never goes away until finger lift', (WidgetTester tester) async { await tester.pumpWidget( const Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: MediaQueryData(), child: RawScrollbar( child: SingleChildScrollView( child: SizedBox(width: 4000.0, height: 4000.0), ), ), ), ), ); final TestGesture gesture = await tester.startGesture(tester.getCenter(find.byType(SingleChildScrollView))); await gesture.moveBy(const Offset(0.0, -20.0)); await tester.pump(); // Scrollbar fully showing await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 500)); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 3.0, 800.0, 93.0), color: const Color(0x66BCBCBC), ), ); await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 3)); await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 3)); // Still there. expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 3.0, 800.0, 93.0), color: const Color(0x66BCBCBC), ), ); await gesture.up(); await tester.pump(_kScrollbarTimeToFade); await tester.pump(_kScrollbarFadeDuration * 0.5); // Opacity going down now. expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 3.0, 800.0, 93.0), color: const Color(0x4fbcbcbc), ), ); }); testWidgets('Scrollbar does not fade away while hovering', (WidgetTester tester) async { await tester.pumpWidget( const Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: MediaQueryData(), child: RawScrollbar( child: SingleChildScrollView( child: SizedBox(width: 4000.0, height: 4000.0), ), ), ), ), ); final TestGesture gesture = await tester.startGesture(tester.getCenter(find.byType(SingleChildScrollView))); await gesture.moveBy(const Offset(0.0, -20.0)); await tester.pump(); // Scrollbar fully showing await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 500)); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 3.0, 800.0, 93.0), color: const Color(0x66BCBCBC), ), ); final TestPointer testPointer = TestPointer(1, ui.PointerDeviceKind.mouse); // Hover over the thumb to prevent the scrollbar from fading out. testPointer.hover(const Offset(790.0, 5.0)); await gesture.up(); await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 3)); // Still there. expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 3.0, 800.0, 93.0), color: const Color(0x66BCBCBC), ), ); }); testWidgets('Scrollbar will fade back in when hovering over known track area', (WidgetTester tester) async { await tester.pumpWidget( const Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: MediaQueryData(), child: RawScrollbar( child: SingleChildScrollView( child: SizedBox(width: 4000.0, height: 4000.0), ), ), ), ), ); final TestGesture gesture = await tester.startGesture(tester.getCenter(find.byType(SingleChildScrollView))); await gesture.moveBy(const Offset(0.0, -20.0)); await tester.pump(); // Scrollbar fully showing await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 500)); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 3.0, 800.0, 93.0), color: const Color(0x66BCBCBC), ), ); await gesture.up(); await tester.pump(_kScrollbarTimeToFade); await tester.pump(_kScrollbarFadeDuration * 0.5); // Scrollbar is fading out expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 3.0, 800.0, 93.0), color: const Color(0x4fbcbcbc), ), ); // Hover over scrollbar with mouse to bring opacity back up final TestGesture mouseGesture = await tester.createGesture(kind: ui.PointerDeviceKind.mouse); await mouseGesture.addPointer(); addTearDown(mouseGesture.removePointer); await mouseGesture.moveTo(const Offset(794.0, 5.0)); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); // Scrollbar should be visible expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 3.0, 800.0, 93.0), color: const Color(0x66BCBCBC), ), ); }); testWidgets('Scrollbar will show on hover without needing to scroll first for metrics', (WidgetTester tester) async { await tester.pumpWidget( const Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: MediaQueryData(), child: RawScrollbar( child: SingleChildScrollView( child: SizedBox(width: 4000.0, height: 4000.0), ), ), ), ), ); await tester.pump(); // Hover over scrollbar with mouse. Even though we have not scrolled, the // ScrollMetricsNotification will have informed the Scrollbar's hit testing. final TestGesture mouseGesture = await tester.createGesture(kind: ui.PointerDeviceKind.mouse); await mouseGesture.addPointer(); addTearDown(mouseGesture.removePointer); await mouseGesture.moveTo(const Offset(794.0, 5.0)); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); // Scrollbar should have appeared in response to hover event. expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 90.0), color: const Color(0x66BCBCBC), ), ); }); testWidgets('Scrollbar thumb can be dragged', (WidgetTester tester) async { final ScrollController scrollController = ScrollController(); await tester.pumpWidget( Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: const MediaQueryData(), child: PrimaryScrollController( controller: scrollController, child: RawScrollbar( isAlwaysShown: true, controller: scrollController, child: const SingleChildScrollView( child: SizedBox(width: 4000.0, height: 4000.0), ), ), ), ), ), ); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(scrollController.offset, 0.0); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 90.0), color: const Color(0x66BCBCBC), ), ); // Drag the thumb down to scroll down. const double scrollAmount = 10.0; final TestGesture dragScrollbarGesture = await tester.startGesture(const Offset(797.0, 45.0)); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); await dragScrollbarGesture.moveBy(const Offset(0.0, scrollAmount)); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); await dragScrollbarGesture.up(); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); // The view has scrolled more than it would have by a swipe gesture of the // same distance. expect(scrollController.offset, greaterThan(scrollAmount * 2)); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 10.0, 800.0, 100.0), color: const Color(0x66BCBCBC), ), ); }); testWidgets('Scrollbar thumb cannot be dragged into overscroll if the physics do not allow', (WidgetTester tester) async { final ScrollController scrollController = ScrollController(); await tester.pumpWidget( Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: const MediaQueryData(), child: PrimaryScrollController( controller: scrollController, child: RawScrollbar( isAlwaysShown: true, controller: scrollController, child: const SingleChildScrollView( child: SizedBox(width: 4000.0, height: 4000.0), ), ), ), ), ), ); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(scrollController.offset, 0.0); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 90.0), color: const Color(0x66BCBCBC), ), ); // Try to drag the thumb into overscroll. const double scrollAmount = -10.0; final TestGesture dragScrollbarGesture = await tester.startGesture(const Offset(797.0, 45.0)); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); await dragScrollbarGesture.moveBy(const Offset(0.0, scrollAmount)); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); // The physics should not have allowed us to enter overscroll. expect(scrollController.offset, 0.0); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 90.0), color: const Color(0x66BCBCBC), ), ); }); testWidgets('Scrollbar thumb cannot be dragged into overscroll if the platform does not allow it', (WidgetTester tester) async { final ScrollController scrollController = ScrollController(); await tester.pumpWidget( Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: const MediaQueryData(), child: ScrollConfiguration( // Don't apply a scrollbar automatically for this test. behavior: const ScrollBehavior().copyWith( scrollbars: false, physics: const AlwaysScrollableScrollPhysics(), ), child: PrimaryScrollController( controller: scrollController, child: RawScrollbar( isAlwaysShown: true, controller: scrollController, child: const SingleChildScrollView( primary: true, child: SizedBox(width: 4000.0, height: 4000.0), ), ), ), ), ), ), ); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(scrollController.offset, 0.0); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 90.0), color: const Color(0x66BCBCBC), ), ); // Try to drag the thumb into overscroll. const double scrollAmount = -10.0; final TestGesture dragScrollbarGesture = await tester.startGesture(const Offset(797.0, 45.0)); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); await dragScrollbarGesture.moveBy(const Offset(0.0, scrollAmount)); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); // The platform drag handling should not have allowed us to enter overscroll. expect(scrollController.offset, 0.0); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 90.0), color: const Color(0x66BCBCBC), ), ); await dragScrollbarGesture.up(); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); }, variant: const TargetPlatformVariant(<TargetPlatform>{ TargetPlatform.macOS, TargetPlatform.linux, TargetPlatform.windows, TargetPlatform.fuchsia, })); testWidgets('Scrollbar thumb can be dragged into overscroll if the platform allows it', (WidgetTester tester) async { final ScrollController scrollController = ScrollController(); await tester.pumpWidget( Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: const MediaQueryData(), child: ScrollConfiguration( // Don't apply a scrollbar automatically for this test. behavior: const ScrollBehavior().copyWith( scrollbars: false, physics: const AlwaysScrollableScrollPhysics(), ), child: PrimaryScrollController( controller: scrollController, child: RawScrollbar( isAlwaysShown: true, controller: scrollController, child: const SingleChildScrollView( child: SizedBox(width: 4000.0, height: 4000.0), ), ), ), ), ), ), ); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(scrollController.offset, 0.0); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 90.0), color: const Color(0x66BCBCBC), ), ); // Try to drag the thumb into overscroll. const double scrollAmount = -10.0; final TestGesture dragScrollbarGesture = await tester.startGesture(const Offset(797.0, 45.0)); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); await dragScrollbarGesture.moveBy(const Offset(0.0, scrollAmount)); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); // The platform drag handling should have allowed us to enter overscroll. expect(scrollController.offset, lessThan(-66.0)); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) ..rect( // The size of the scrollbar thumb shrinks when overscrolling rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 80.0), color: const Color(0x66BCBCBC), ), ); await dragScrollbarGesture.up(); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); }, variant: const TargetPlatformVariant(<TargetPlatform>{ TargetPlatform.android, TargetPlatform.iOS, })); // Regression test for https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/66444 testWidgets("RawScrollbar doesn't show when scroll the inner scrollable widget", (WidgetTester tester) async { final GlobalKey key1 = GlobalKey(); final GlobalKey key2 = GlobalKey(); final GlobalKey outerKey = GlobalKey(); final GlobalKey innerKey = GlobalKey(); await tester.pumpWidget( Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: const MediaQueryData(), child: RawScrollbar( key: key2, thumbColor: const Color(0x11111111), child: SingleChildScrollView( key: outerKey, child: SizedBox( height: 1000.0, width: double.infinity, child: Column( children: <Widget>[ RawScrollbar( key: key1, thumbColor: const Color(0x22222222), child: SizedBox( height: 300.0, width: double.infinity, child: SingleChildScrollView( key: innerKey, child: const SizedBox( key: Key('Inner scrollable'), height: 1000.0, width: double.infinity, ), ), ), ), ], ), ), ), ), ), ), ); // Drag the inner scrollable widget. await tester.drag(find.byKey(innerKey), const Offset(0.0, -25.0)); await tester.pump(); // Scrollbar fully showing. await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 500)); expect( tester.renderObject(find.byKey(key2)), paintsExactlyCountTimes(#drawRect, 2), // Each bar will call [drawRect] twice. ); expect( tester.renderObject(find.byKey(key1)), paintsExactlyCountTimes(#drawRect, 2), ); }); testWidgets('Scrollbar hit test area adjusts for PointerDeviceKind', (WidgetTester tester) async { final ScrollController scrollController = ScrollController(); await tester.pumpWidget( Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: const MediaQueryData(), child: PrimaryScrollController( controller: scrollController, child: RawScrollbar( isAlwaysShown: true, controller: scrollController, child: const SingleChildScrollView( child: SizedBox(width: 4000.0, height: 4000.0), ), ), ), ), ), ); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(scrollController.offset, 0.0); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 90.0), color: const Color(0x66BCBCBC), ), ); // Drag the scrollbar just outside of the painted thumb with touch input. // The hit test area is padded to meet the minimum interactive size. const double scrollAmount = 10.0; final TestGesture dragScrollbarGesture = await tester.startGesture(const Offset(790.0, 45.0)); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); await dragScrollbarGesture.moveBy(const Offset(0.0, scrollAmount)); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); // The scrollbar moved by scrollAmount, and the scrollOffset moved forward. expect(scrollController.offset, greaterThan(0.0)); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 10.0, 800.0, 100.0), color: const Color(0x66BCBCBC), ), ); // Move back to reset. await dragScrollbarGesture.moveBy(const Offset(0.0, -scrollAmount)); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); await dragScrollbarGesture.up(); expect(scrollController.offset, 0.0); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 90.0), color: const Color(0x66BCBCBC), ), ); // The same should not be possible with a mouse since it is more precise, // the padding it not necessary. final TestGesture gesture = await tester.createGesture(kind: ui.PointerDeviceKind.mouse); await gesture.addPointer(); await gesture.down(const Offset(790.0, 45.0)); await tester.pump(); await gesture.moveTo(const Offset(790.0, 55.0)); await gesture.up(); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); // The scrollbar/scrollable should not have moved. expect(scrollController.offset, 0.0); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 90.0), color: const Color(0x66BCBCBC), ), ); }); testWidgets('hit test', (WidgetTester tester) async { // Regression test for https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/99324 final ScrollController scrollController = ScrollController(); bool onTap = false; await tester.pumpWidget( Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: const MediaQueryData(), child: PrimaryScrollController( controller: scrollController, child: RawScrollbar( trackVisibility: true, thumbVisibility: true, controller: scrollController, child: SingleChildScrollView( child: GestureDetector( onTap: () => onTap = true, child: const SizedBox( width: 4000.0, height: 4000.0, child: ColoredBox(color: Color(0x00000000)), ), ), ), ), ), ), ), ); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(onTap, false); // Tap on track area. await tester.tapAt(const Offset(795.0, 550.0)); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(onTap, false); // Tap on thumb area. await tester.tapAt(const Offset(795.0, 10.0)); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(onTap, false); // Tap on content area. await tester.tapAt(const Offset(400.0, 300.0)); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(onTap, true); }); testWidgets('RawScrollbar.thumbVisibility asserts that a ScrollPosition is attached', (WidgetTester tester) async { final FlutterExceptionHandler? handler = FlutterError.onError; FlutterErrorDetails? error; FlutterError.onError = (FlutterErrorDetails details) { error = details; }; await tester.pumpWidget( Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: const MediaQueryData(), child: RawScrollbar( thumbVisibility: true, controller: ScrollController(), thumbColor: const Color(0x11111111), child: const SingleChildScrollView( child: SizedBox( height: 1000.0, width: 50.0, ), ), ), ), ), ); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(error, isNotNull); final AssertionError exception = error!.exception as AssertionError; expect( exception.message, contains("The Scrollbar's ScrollController has no ScrollPosition attached."), ); FlutterError.onError = handler; }); testWidgets('RawScrollbar.isAlwaysShown asserts that a ScrollPosition is attached', (WidgetTester tester) async { final FlutterExceptionHandler? handler = FlutterError.onError; FlutterErrorDetails? error; FlutterError.onError = (FlutterErrorDetails details) { error = details; }; await tester.pumpWidget( Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: const MediaQueryData(), child: RawScrollbar( isAlwaysShown: true, controller: ScrollController(), thumbColor: const Color(0x11111111), child: const SingleChildScrollView( child: SizedBox( height: 1000.0, width: 50.0, ), ), ), ), ), ); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(error, isNotNull); final AssertionError exception = error!.exception as AssertionError; expect( exception.message, contains("The Scrollbar's ScrollController has no ScrollPosition attached."), ); FlutterError.onError = handler; }); testWidgets('Interactive scrollbars should have a valid scroll controller', (WidgetTester tester) async { final ScrollController primaryScrollController = ScrollController(); final ScrollController scrollController = ScrollController(); await tester.pumpWidget( Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: const MediaQueryData(), child: PrimaryScrollController( controller: primaryScrollController, child: RawScrollbar( child: SingleChildScrollView( controller: scrollController, child: const SizedBox( height: 1000.0, width: 1000.0, ), ), ), ), ), ), ); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); AssertionError? exception = tester.takeException() as AssertionError?; // The scrollbar is not visible and cannot be interacted with, so no assertion. expect(exception, isNull); // Scroll to trigger the scrollbar to come into view. final TestGesture gesture = await tester.startGesture(tester.getCenter(find.byType(SingleChildScrollView))); await gesture.moveBy(const Offset(0.0, -20.0)); exception = tester.takeException() as AssertionError; expect(exception, isAssertionError); expect( exception.message, contains("The Scrollbar's ScrollController has no ScrollPosition attached."), ); }); testWidgets('Simultaneous dragging and pointer scrolling does not cause a crash', (WidgetTester tester) async { // Regression test for https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/70105 final ScrollController scrollController = ScrollController(); await tester.pumpWidget( Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: const MediaQueryData(), child: PrimaryScrollController( controller: scrollController, child: RawScrollbar( isAlwaysShown: true, controller: scrollController, child: const SingleChildScrollView( child: SizedBox(width: 4000.0, height: 4000.0), ), ), ), ), ), ); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(scrollController.offset, 0.0); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0), color: const Color(0x00000000), ) ..line( p1: const Offset(794.0, 0.0), p2: const Offset(794.0, 600.0), strokeWidth: 1.0, color: const Color(0x00000000), ) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 90.0), color: const Color(0x66bcbcbc), ), ); // Drag the thumb down to scroll down. const double scrollAmount = 10.0; final TestGesture dragScrollbarGesture = await tester.startGesture(const Offset(797.0, 45.0)); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0), color: const Color(0x00000000), ) ..line( p1: const Offset(794.0, 0.0), p2: const Offset(794.0, 600.0), strokeWidth: 1.0, color: const Color(0x00000000), ) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 90.0), // Drag color color: const Color(0x66bcbcbc), ), ); await dragScrollbarGesture.moveBy(const Offset(0.0, scrollAmount)); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(scrollController.offset, greaterThan(10.0)); final double previousOffset = scrollController.offset; expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0), color: const Color(0x00000000), ) ..line( p1: const Offset(794.0, 0.0), p2: const Offset(794.0, 600.0), strokeWidth: 1.0, color: const Color(0x00000000), ) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 10.0, 800.0, 100.0), color: const Color(0x66bcbcbc), ), ); // Execute a pointer scroll while dragging (drag gesture has not come up yet) final TestPointer pointer = TestPointer(1, ui.PointerDeviceKind.mouse); pointer.hover(const Offset(798.0, 15.0)); await tester.sendEventToBinding(pointer.scroll(const Offset(0.0, 20.0))); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); // Scrolling while holding the drag on the scrollbar and still hovered over // the scrollbar should not have changed the scroll offset. expect(pointer.location, const Offset(798.0, 15.0)); expect(scrollController.offset, previousOffset); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0), color: const Color(0x00000000), ) ..line( p1: const Offset(794.0, 0.0), p2: const Offset(794.0, 600.0), strokeWidth: 1.0, color: const Color(0x00000000), ) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 10.0, 800.0, 100.0), color: const Color(0x66bcbcbc), ), ); // Drag is still being held, move pointer to be hovering over another area // of the scrollable (not over the scrollbar) and execute another pointer scroll pointer.hover(tester.getCenter(find.byType(SingleChildScrollView))); await tester.sendEventToBinding(pointer.scroll(const Offset(0.0, -70.0))); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); // Scrolling while holding the drag on the scrollbar changed the offset expect(pointer.location, const Offset(400.0, 300.0)); expect(scrollController.offset, 0.0); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0), color: const Color(0x00000000), ) ..line( p1: const Offset(794.0, 0.0), p2: const Offset(794.0, 600.0), strokeWidth: 1.0, color: const Color(0x00000000), ) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 90.0), color: const Color(0x66bcbcbc), ), ); await dragScrollbarGesture.up(); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(scrollController.offset, 0.0); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0), color: const Color(0x00000000), ) ..line( p1: const Offset(794.0, 0.0), p2: const Offset(794.0, 600.0), strokeWidth: 1.0, color: const Color(0x00000000), ) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 90.0), color: const Color(0x66bcbcbc), ), ); }); testWidgets('Scrollbar thumb can be dragged in reverse', (WidgetTester tester) async { final ScrollController scrollController = ScrollController(); await tester.pumpWidget( Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: const MediaQueryData(), child: PrimaryScrollController( controller: scrollController, child: RawScrollbar( isAlwaysShown: true, controller: scrollController, child: const SingleChildScrollView( reverse: true, child: SizedBox(width: 4000.0, height: 4000.0), ), ), ), ), ), ); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(scrollController.offset, 0.0); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 510.0, 800.0, 600.0), color: const Color(0x66BCBCBC), ), ); // Drag the thumb up to scroll up. const double scrollAmount = 10.0; final TestGesture dragScrollbarGesture = await tester.startGesture(const Offset(797.0, 550.0)); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); await dragScrollbarGesture.moveBy(const Offset(0.0, -scrollAmount)); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); await dragScrollbarGesture.up(); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); // The view has scrolled more than it would have by a swipe gesture of the // same distance. expect(scrollController.offset, greaterThan(scrollAmount * 2)); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 500.0, 800.0, 590.0), color: const Color(0x66BCBCBC), ), ); }); testWidgets('ScrollbarPainter asserts if scrollbarOrientation is used with wrong axisDirection', (WidgetTester tester) async { final ScrollbarPainter painter = ScrollbarPainter( color: _kScrollbarColor, fadeoutOpacityAnimation: kAlwaysCompleteAnimation, textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, scrollbarOrientation: ScrollbarOrientation.left, ); const Size size = Size(60, 80); final ScrollMetrics scrollMetrics = defaultMetrics.copyWith( maxScrollExtent: 100, viewportDimension: size.height, axisDirection: AxisDirection.right, ); painter.update(scrollMetrics, scrollMetrics.axisDirection); expect(() => painter.paint(testCanvas, size), throwsA(isA<AssertionError>())); }); testWidgets('RawScrollbar mainAxisMargin property works properly', (WidgetTester tester) async { final ScrollController scrollController = ScrollController(); await tester.pumpWidget( Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: const MediaQueryData(), child: RawScrollbar( mainAxisMargin: 10, isAlwaysShown: true, controller: scrollController, child: SingleChildScrollView( controller: scrollController, child: const SizedBox(width: 1000.0, height: 1000.0), ), ), ), ), ); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(scrollController.offset, 0.0); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 10.0, 800.0, 590.0)) ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 10.0, 800.0, 358.0)) ); }); testWidgets('shape property of RawScrollbar can draw a BeveledRectangleBorder', (WidgetTester tester) async { final ScrollController scrollController = ScrollController(); await tester.pumpWidget( Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: const MediaQueryData(), child: RawScrollbar( shape: const BeveledRectangleBorder( borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(8.0)) ), controller: scrollController, isAlwaysShown: true, child: SingleChildScrollView( controller: scrollController, child: const SizedBox(height: 1000.0), ), ), ))); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) ..path( includes: const <Offset>[ Offset(797.0, 0.0), Offset(797.0, 18.0), ], excludes: const <Offset>[ Offset(796.0, 0.0), Offset(798.0, 0.0), ], ), ); }); testWidgets('minThumbLength property of RawScrollbar is respected', (WidgetTester tester) async { final ScrollController scrollController = ScrollController(); await tester.pumpWidget( Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: const MediaQueryData(), child: RawScrollbar( controller: scrollController, minThumbLength: 21, minOverscrollLength: 8, isAlwaysShown: true, child: SingleChildScrollView( controller: scrollController, child: const SizedBox(width: 1000.0, height: 50000.0), ), ), ))); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) // track ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 21.0))); // thumb }); testWidgets('shape property of RawScrollbar can draw a CircleBorder', (WidgetTester tester) async { final ScrollController scrollController = ScrollController(); await tester.pumpWidget( Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: const MediaQueryData(), child: RawScrollbar( shape: const CircleBorder(side: BorderSide(width: 2.0)), thickness: 36.0, controller: scrollController, isAlwaysShown: true, child: SingleChildScrollView( controller: scrollController, child: const SizedBox(height: 1000.0, width: 1000), ), ), ))); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..path( includes: const <Offset>[ Offset(782.0, 180.0), Offset(782.0, 180.0 - 18.0), Offset(782.0 + 18.0, 180), Offset(782.0, 180.0 + 18.0), Offset(782.0 - 18.0, 180), ], ) ..circle(x: 782.0, y: 180.0, radius: 17.0, strokeWidth: 2.0) ); }); testWidgets('crossAxisMargin property of RawScrollbar is respected', (WidgetTester tester) async { final ScrollController scrollController = ScrollController(); await tester.pumpWidget( Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: const MediaQueryData(), child: RawScrollbar( controller: scrollController, crossAxisMargin: 30, isAlwaysShown: true, child: SingleChildScrollView( controller: scrollController, child: const SizedBox(width: 1000.0, height: 1000.0), ), ), ))); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(734.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(764.0, 0.0, 770.0, 360.0))); }); testWidgets('shape property of RawScrollbar can draw a RoundedRectangleBorder', (WidgetTester tester) async { final ScrollController scrollController = ScrollController(); await tester.pumpWidget( Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: const MediaQueryData(), child: RawScrollbar( thickness: 20, shape: const RoundedRectangleBorder(borderRadius: BorderRadius.only(topLeft: Radius.circular(8))), controller: scrollController, isAlwaysShown: true, child: SingleChildScrollView( controller: scrollController, child: const SizedBox(height: 1000.0, width: 1000.0), ), ), ))); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(780.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) ..path( includes: const <Offset>[ Offset(800.0, 0.0), ], excludes: const <Offset>[ Offset(780.0, 0.0), ], ), ); }); testWidgets('minOverscrollLength property of RawScrollbar is respected', (WidgetTester tester) async { final ScrollController scrollController = ScrollController(); await tester.pumpWidget( Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: const MediaQueryData(), child: RawScrollbar( controller: scrollController, isAlwaysShown: true, minOverscrollLength: 8.0, minThumbLength: 36.0, child: SingleChildScrollView( physics: const BouncingScrollPhysics(), controller: scrollController, child: const SizedBox(height: 10000), ) ), ) ) ); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); final TestGesture gesture = await tester.startGesture(tester.getCenter(find.byType(RawScrollbar))); await gesture.moveBy(const Offset(0, 1000)); await tester.pump(); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 8.0))); }); testWidgets('not passing any shape or radius to RawScrollbar will draw the usual rectangular thumb', (WidgetTester tester) async { final ScrollController scrollController = ScrollController(); await tester.pumpWidget( Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: const MediaQueryData(), child: RawScrollbar( controller: scrollController, isAlwaysShown: true, child: SingleChildScrollView( controller: scrollController, child: const SizedBox(height: 1000.0), ), ), ))); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 360.0)) ); }); testWidgets('The bar can show or hide when the viewport size change', (WidgetTester tester) async { final ScrollController scrollController = ScrollController(); Widget buildFrame(double height) { return Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: const MediaQueryData(), child: RawScrollbar( controller: scrollController, isAlwaysShown: true, child: SingleChildScrollView( controller: scrollController, child: SizedBox(width: double.infinity, height: height) ), ), ), ); } await tester.pumpWidget(buildFrame(600.0)); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(find.byType(RawScrollbar), isNot(paints..rect())); // Not shown. await tester.pumpWidget(buildFrame(600.1)); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints..rect()..rect()); // Show the bar. await tester.pumpWidget(buildFrame(600.0)); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(find.byType(RawScrollbar), isNot(paints..rect())); // Hide the bar. }); testWidgets('The bar can show or hide when the window size change', (WidgetTester tester) async { final ScrollController scrollController = ScrollController(); Widget buildFrame() { return Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: const MediaQueryData(), child: PrimaryScrollController( controller: scrollController, child: RawScrollbar( isAlwaysShown: true, controller: scrollController, child: const SingleChildScrollView( child: SizedBox( width: double.infinity, height: 600.0, ), ), ), ), ), ); } tester.binding.window.physicalSizeTestValue = const Size(800.0, 600.0); tester.binding.window.devicePixelRatioTestValue = 1; addTearDown(tester.binding.window.clearPhysicalSizeTestValue); addTearDown(tester.binding.window.clearDevicePixelRatioTestValue); await tester.pumpWidget(buildFrame()); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(scrollController.offset, 0.0); expect(find.byType(RawScrollbar), isNot(paints..rect())); // Not shown. tester.binding.window.physicalSizeTestValue = const Size(800.0, 599.0); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints..rect()..rect()); // Show the bar. tester.binding.window.physicalSizeTestValue = const Size(800.0, 600.0); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(find.byType(RawScrollbar), isNot(paints..rect())); // Not shown. }); testWidgets('Scrollbar will not flip axes based on notification is there is a scroll controller', (WidgetTester tester) async { // Regression test for https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/87697 final ScrollController verticalScrollController = ScrollController(); final ScrollController horizontalScrollController = ScrollController(); Widget buildFrame() { return Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: const MediaQueryData(), child: RawScrollbar( isAlwaysShown: true, controller: verticalScrollController, // This scrollbar will receive scroll notifications from both nested // scroll views of opposite axes, but should stay on the vertical // axis that its scroll controller is associated with. notificationPredicate: (ScrollNotification notification) => notification.depth <= 1, child: SingleChildScrollView( controller: verticalScrollController, child: SingleChildScrollView( scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal, controller: horizontalScrollController, child: const SizedBox( width: 1000.0, height: 1000.0, ), ), ), ), ), ); } await tester.pumpWidget(buildFrame()); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(verticalScrollController.offset, 0.0); expect(horizontalScrollController.offset, 0.0); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 360.0), color: const Color(0x66BCBCBC), ), ); // Move the horizontal scroll view. The vertical scrollbar should not flip. horizontalScrollController.jumpTo(10.0); expect(verticalScrollController.offset, 0.0); expect(horizontalScrollController.offset, 10.0); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 360.0), color: const Color(0x66BCBCBC), ), ); }); testWidgets('notificationPredicate depth test.', (WidgetTester tester) async { final ScrollController scrollController = ScrollController(); final List<int> depths = <int>[]; Widget buildFrame() { return Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: const MediaQueryData(), child: RawScrollbar( notificationPredicate: (ScrollNotification notification) { depths.add(notification.depth); return notification.depth == 0; }, controller: scrollController, isAlwaysShown: true, child: SingleChildScrollView( controller: scrollController, child: const SingleChildScrollView(), ), ), ), ); } await tester.pumpWidget(buildFrame()); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); // `notificationPredicate` should be called twice with different `depth` // because there are two scrollable widgets. expect(depths.length, 2); expect(depths[0], 1); expect(depths[1], 0); }); // Regression test for https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/92262 testWidgets('Do not crash when resize from scrollable to non-scrollable.', (WidgetTester tester) async { final ScrollController scrollController = ScrollController(); Widget buildFrame(double height) { return Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: const MediaQueryData(), child: RawScrollbar( controller: scrollController, interactive: true, isAlwaysShown: true, child: SingleChildScrollView( controller: scrollController, child: Container( width: 100.0, height: height, color: const Color(0xFF000000), ), ), ), ), ); } await tester.pumpWidget(buildFrame(700.0)); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); await tester.pumpWidget(buildFrame(600.0)); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); // Try to drag the thumb. final TestGesture dragScrollbarGesture = await tester.startGesture(const Offset(798.0, 5.0)); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); await dragScrollbarGesture.moveBy(const Offset(0.0, 5.0)); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); }); testWidgets('Scrollbar thumb can be dragged when the scrollable widget has a negative minScrollExtent - desktop', (WidgetTester tester) async { // Regression test for https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/95840 final ScrollController scrollController = ScrollController(); final UniqueKey uniqueKey = UniqueKey(); await tester.pumpWidget( Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: const MediaQueryData(), child: ScrollConfiguration( behavior: const ScrollBehavior().copyWith( scrollbars: false, ), child: PrimaryScrollController( controller: scrollController, child: RawScrollbar( isAlwaysShown: true, controller: scrollController, child: CustomScrollView( primary: true, center: uniqueKey, slivers: <Widget>[ SliverToBoxAdapter( child: Container( height: 600.0, ), ), SliverToBoxAdapter( key: uniqueKey, child: Container( height: 600.0, ), ), SliverToBoxAdapter( child: Container( height: 600.0, ), ), ], ), ), ), ), ), ), ); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(scrollController.offset, 0.0); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 200.0, 800.0, 400.0), color: const Color(0x66BCBCBC), ), ); // Drag the thumb up to scroll up. const double scrollAmount = -10.0; final TestGesture dragScrollbarGesture = await tester.startGesture(const Offset(797.0, 300.0)); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); await dragScrollbarGesture.moveBy(const Offset(0.0, scrollAmount)); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); await dragScrollbarGesture.up(); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); // The view has scrolled more than it would have by a swipe gesture of the // same distance. expect(scrollController.offset, lessThan(scrollAmount * 2)); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 190.0, 800.0, 390.0), color: const Color(0x66BCBCBC), ), ); }, variant: TargetPlatformVariant.desktop()); testWidgets('Scrollbar thumb can be dragged when the scrollable widget has a negative minScrollExtent - mobile', (WidgetTester tester) async { // Regression test for https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/95840 final ScrollController scrollController = ScrollController(); final UniqueKey uniqueKey = UniqueKey(); await tester.pumpWidget( Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: const MediaQueryData(), child: ScrollConfiguration( behavior: const ScrollBehavior().copyWith( scrollbars: false, ), child: PrimaryScrollController( controller: scrollController, child: RawScrollbar( isAlwaysShown: true, controller: scrollController, child: CustomScrollView( center: uniqueKey, slivers: <Widget>[ SliverToBoxAdapter( child: Container( height: 600.0, ), ), SliverToBoxAdapter( key: uniqueKey, child: Container( height: 600.0, ), ), SliverToBoxAdapter( child: Container( height: 600.0, ), ), ], ), ), ), ), ), ), ); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(scrollController.offset, 0.0); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 200.0, 800.0, 400.0), color: const Color(0x66BCBCBC), ), ); // Drag the thumb up to scroll up. const double scrollAmount = -10.0; final TestGesture dragScrollbarGesture = await tester.startGesture(const Offset(797.0, 300.0)); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); await dragScrollbarGesture.moveBy(const Offset(0.0, scrollAmount)); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); await dragScrollbarGesture.up(); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); // The view has scrolled more than it would have by a swipe gesture of the // same distance. expect(scrollController.offset, lessThan(scrollAmount * 2)); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0)) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 190.0, 800.0, 390.0), color: const Color(0x66BCBCBC), ), ); }, variant: TargetPlatformVariant.mobile()); test('ScrollbarPainter.shouldRepaint returns true when any of the properties changes', () { ScrollbarPainter createPainter({ Color color = const Color(0xFF000000), Animation<double> fadeoutOpacityAnimation = kAlwaysCompleteAnimation, Color trackColor = const Color(0x00000000), Color trackBorderColor = const Color(0x00000000), TextDirection textDirection = TextDirection.ltr, double thickness = _kThickness, EdgeInsets padding = EdgeInsets.zero, double mainAxisMargin = 0.0, double crossAxisMargin = 0.0, Radius? radius, Radius? trackRadius, OutlinedBorder? shape, double minLength = _kMinThumbExtent, double? minOverscrollLength, ScrollbarOrientation scrollbarOrientation = ScrollbarOrientation.top, }) { return ScrollbarPainter( color: color, fadeoutOpacityAnimation: fadeoutOpacityAnimation, trackColor: trackColor, trackBorderColor: trackBorderColor, textDirection: textDirection, thickness: thickness, padding: padding, mainAxisMargin: mainAxisMargin, crossAxisMargin: crossAxisMargin, radius: radius, trackRadius: trackRadius, shape: shape, minLength: minLength, minOverscrollLength: minOverscrollLength, scrollbarOrientation: scrollbarOrientation, ); } final ScrollbarPainter painter = createPainter(); expect(painter.shouldRepaint(createPainter()), false); expect(painter.shouldRepaint(createPainter(color: const Color(0xFFFFFFFF))), true); expect(painter.shouldRepaint(createPainter(fadeoutOpacityAnimation: kAlwaysDismissedAnimation)), true); expect(painter.shouldRepaint(createPainter(trackColor: const Color(0xFFFFFFFF))), true); expect(painter.shouldRepaint(createPainter(trackBorderColor: const Color(0xFFFFFFFF))), true); expect(painter.shouldRepaint(createPainter(textDirection: TextDirection.rtl)), true); expect(painter.shouldRepaint(createPainter(thickness: _kThickness + 1.0)), true); expect(painter.shouldRepaint(createPainter(padding: const EdgeInsets.all(1.0))), true); expect(painter.shouldRepaint(createPainter(mainAxisMargin: 1.0)), true); expect(painter.shouldRepaint(createPainter(crossAxisMargin: 1.0)), true); expect(painter.shouldRepaint(createPainter(radius: const Radius.circular(1.0))), true); expect(painter.shouldRepaint(createPainter(trackRadius: const Radius.circular(1.0))), true); expect(painter.shouldRepaint(createPainter(shape: const CircleBorder(side: BorderSide(width: 2.0)))), true); expect(painter.shouldRepaint(createPainter(minLength: _kMinThumbExtent + 1.0)), true); expect(painter.shouldRepaint(createPainter(minOverscrollLength: 1.0)), true); expect(painter.shouldRepaint(createPainter(scrollbarOrientation: ScrollbarOrientation.bottom)), true); }); testWidgets('Scrollbar track can be drawn', (WidgetTester tester) async { final ScrollController scrollController = ScrollController(); await tester.pumpWidget( Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: const MediaQueryData(), child: PrimaryScrollController( controller: scrollController, child: RawScrollbar( thumbVisibility: true, trackVisibility: true, controller: scrollController, child: const SingleChildScrollView( child: SizedBox(width: 4000.0, height: 4000.0), ), ), ), ), ), ); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(scrollController.offset, 0.0); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0), color: const Color(0x08000000), ) ..line( p1: const Offset(794.0, 0.0), p2: const Offset(794.0, 600.0), strokeWidth: 1.0, color: const Color(0x1a000000), ) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 90.0), color: const Color(0x66BCBCBC), ), ); }); testWidgets('RawScrollbar correctly assigns colors', (WidgetTester tester) async { final ScrollController scrollController = ScrollController(); await tester.pumpWidget( Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: const MediaQueryData(), child: PrimaryScrollController( controller: scrollController, child: RawScrollbar( thumbVisibility: true, thumbColor: const Color(0xFFF44336), trackVisibility: true, trackColor: const Color(0xFF2196F3), trackBorderColor: const Color(0xFFFFEB3B), controller: scrollController, child: const SingleChildScrollView( child: SizedBox(width: 4000.0, height: 4000.0), ), ), ), ), ), ); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(scrollController.offset, 0.0); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0), color: const Color(0xFF2196F3), ) ..line( p1: const Offset(794.0, 0.0), p2: const Offset(794.0, 600.0), strokeWidth: 1.0, color: const Color(0xFFFFEB3B), ) ..rect( rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 90.0), color: const Color(0xFFF44336), ), ); }); testWidgets('trackRadius and radius properties of RawScrollbar can draw RoundedRectangularRect', (WidgetTester tester) async { final ScrollController scrollController = ScrollController(); await tester.pumpWidget( Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: const MediaQueryData(), child: PrimaryScrollController( controller: scrollController, child: RawScrollbar( thumbVisibility: true, trackVisibility: true, trackRadius: const Radius.circular(1.0), radius: const Radius.circular(2.0), controller: scrollController, child: const SingleChildScrollView( child: SizedBox(width: 4000.0, height: 4000.0), ), ), ), ), ), ); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(scrollController.offset, 0.0); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rrect( rrect: RRect.fromLTRBR(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 600.0, const Radius.circular(1.0)), color: const Color(0x08000000), ) ..rrect( rrect: RRect.fromLTRBR(794.0, 0.0, 800.0, 90.0, const Radius.circular(2.0)), color: const Color(0x66bcbcbc), ) ); }); testWidgets('Scrollbar asserts that a visible track has a visible thumb', (WidgetTester tester) async { final ScrollController scrollController = ScrollController(); Widget buildApp() { return Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: const MediaQueryData(), child: PrimaryScrollController( controller: scrollController, child: RawScrollbar( thumbVisibility: false, trackVisibility: true, controller: scrollController, child: const SingleChildScrollView( child: SizedBox(width: 4000.0, height: 4000.0), ), ), ), ), ); } expect(() => tester.pumpWidget(buildApp()), throwsAssertionError); }); testWidgets('Skip the ScrollPosition check if the bar was unmounted', (WidgetTester tester) async { // Regression test for https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/103939 final ScrollController scrollController = ScrollController(); Widget buildApp(bool buildBar) { return Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: MediaQueryData( invertColors: buildBar, // Trigger a post frame check before unmount. ), child: PrimaryScrollController( controller: scrollController, child: LayoutBuilder( builder: (BuildContext context, BoxConstraints constraints) { Widget content = const SingleChildScrollView( child: SizedBox(width: 4000.0, height: 4000.0), ); if (buildBar) { content = RawScrollbar( thumbVisibility: true, child: content, ); } return content; }, ), ), ), ); } await tester.pumpWidget(buildApp(true)); await tester.pumpWidget(buildApp(false)); // Go without throw. }); testWidgets('Track offset respects padding', (WidgetTester tester) async { // Regression test for https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/106834 final ScrollController scrollController = ScrollController(); await tester.pumpWidget( Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: MediaQuery( data: const MediaQueryData( padding: EdgeInsets.all(50.0), ), child: RawScrollbar( controller: scrollController, minThumbLength: 21, minOverscrollLength: 8, thumbVisibility: true, child: SingleChildScrollView( controller: scrollController, child: const SizedBox(width: 1000.0, height: 50000.0), ), ), ) ) ); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect( find.byType(RawScrollbar), paints ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(744.0, 50.0, 750.0, 550.0)) // track ..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(744.0, 50.0, 750.0, 71.0)) ); // thumb }); }