import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import '../gallery/demo.dart'; class ImagesDemo extends StatelessWidget { static const String routeName = '/images'; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return new TabbedComponentDemoScaffold( title: 'Animated images', demos: <ComponentDemoTabData>[ new ComponentDemoTabData( tabName: 'ANIMATED WEBP', description: '', exampleCodeTag: 'animated_image', demoWidget: new Semantics( label: 'Example of animated WEBP', child: new Image.asset('packages/flutter_gallery_assets/animated_flutter_stickers.webp'), ), ), new ComponentDemoTabData( tabName: 'ANIMATED GIF', description: '', exampleCodeTag: 'animated_image', demoWidget: new Semantics( label: 'Example of animated GIF', child:new Image.asset('packages/flutter_gallery_assets/animated_flutter_lgtm.gif'), ), ), ] ); } }