// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart'; import 'application_package.dart'; import 'base/utils.dart'; import 'commands/build_apk.dart'; import 'commands/install.dart'; import 'commands/trace.dart'; import 'device.dart'; import 'globals.dart'; import 'resident_runner.dart'; class RunAndStayResident extends ResidentRunner { RunAndStayResident( Device device, { String target, DebuggingOptions debuggingOptions, bool usesTerminalUI: true, this.traceStartup: false, this.applicationBinary }) : super(device, target: target, debuggingOptions: debuggingOptions, usesTerminalUI: usesTerminalUI); ApplicationPackage _package; String _mainPath; LaunchResult _result; final bool traceStartup; final String applicationBinary; bool get prebuiltMode => applicationBinary != null; @override Future<int> run({ Completer<DebugConnectionInfo> connectionInfoCompleter, Completer<Null> appStartedCompleter, String route, bool shouldBuild: true }) { // Don't let uncaught errors kill the process. return Chain.capture(() { assert(shouldBuild == !prebuiltMode); return _run( traceStartup: traceStartup, connectionInfoCompleter: connectionInfoCompleter, appStartedCompleter: appStartedCompleter, route: route, shouldBuild: shouldBuild ); }, onError: (dynamic error, StackTrace stackTrace) { printError('Exception from flutter run: $error', stackTrace); }); } Future<int> _run({ bool traceStartup: false, Completer<DebugConnectionInfo> connectionInfoCompleter, Completer<Null> appStartedCompleter, String route, bool shouldBuild: true }) async { if (!prebuiltMode) { _mainPath = findMainDartFile(target); if (!FileSystemEntity.isFileSync(_mainPath)) { String message = 'Tried to run $_mainPath, but that file does not exist.'; if (target == null) message += '\nConsider using the -t option to specify the Dart file to start.'; printError(message); return 1; } } _package = getApplicationPackageForPlatform(device.platform, applicationBinary: applicationBinary); if (_package == null) { String message = 'No application found for ${device.platform}.'; String hint = getMissingPackageHintForPlatform(device.platform); if (hint != null) message += '\n$hint'; printError(message); return 1; } Stopwatch startTime = new Stopwatch()..start(); // TODO(devoncarew): We shouldn't have to do type checks here. if (shouldBuild && device is AndroidDevice) { printTrace('Running build command.'); await buildApk( device.platform, target: target, buildMode: debuggingOptions.buildMode ); } // TODO(devoncarew): Move this into the device.startApp() impls. if (_package != null) { printTrace('Stopping app "${_package.name}" on ${device.name}.'); await device.stopApp(_package); } // TODO(devoncarew): This fails for ios devices - we haven't built yet. if (prebuiltMode || device is AndroidDevice) { printTrace('Running install command.'); if (!(installApp(device, _package, uninstall: false))) return 1; } Map<String, dynamic> platformArgs; if (traceStartup != null) platformArgs = <String, dynamic>{ 'trace-startup': traceStartup }; await startEchoingDeviceLog(_package); if (_mainPath == null) { assert(prebuiltMode); printStatus('Running ${_package.displayName} on ${device.name}'); } else { printStatus('Running ${getDisplayPath(_mainPath)} on ${device.name}...'); } _result = await device.startApp( _package, debuggingOptions.buildMode, mainPath: _mainPath, debuggingOptions: debuggingOptions, platformArgs: platformArgs, route: route, prebuiltApplication: prebuiltMode ); if (!_result.started) { printError('Error running application on ${device.name}.'); await stopEchoingDeviceLog(); return 2; } startTime.stop(); if (_result.hasObservatory) connectionInfoCompleter?.complete(new DebugConnectionInfo(_result.observatoryPort)); // Connect to observatory. if (debuggingOptions.debuggingEnabled) { await connectToServiceProtocol(_result.observatoryPort); } printTrace('Application running.'); if (vmService != null) { await vmService.vm.refreshViews(); printTrace('Connected to ${vmService.vm.mainView}\.'); } if (vmService != null && traceStartup) { printStatus('Downloading startup trace info...'); try { await downloadStartupTrace(vmService); } catch(error) { printError(error); return 2; } appFinished(); } else { setupTerminal(); registerSignalHandlers(); } appStartedCompleter?.complete(); return waitForAppToFinish(); } @override Future<Null> handleTerminalCommand(String code) async => null; @override Future<Null> cleanupAfterSignal() async { await stopEchoingDeviceLog(); await stopApp(); } @override Future<Null> cleanupAtFinish() async { await stopEchoingDeviceLog(); } @override void printHelp({ @required bool details }) { bool haveDetails = false; if (_result.hasObservatory) printStatus('The Observatory debugger and profiler is available at:${_result.observatoryPort}/'); if (supportsServiceProtocol) { haveDetails = true; if (details) { printStatus('To dump the widget hierarchy of the app (debugDumpApp), press "w".'); printStatus('To dump the rendering tree of the app (debugDumpRenderTree), press "t".'); } } if (haveDetails && !details) { printStatus('For a more detailed help message, press "h" or F1. To quit, press "q", F10, or Ctrl-C.'); } else { printStatus('To repeat this help message, press "h" or F1. To quit, press "q", F10, or Ctrl-C.'); } } @override Future<Null> preStop() async { // If we're running in release mode, stop the app using the device logic. if (vmService == null) await device.stopApp(_package); } }