// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';

import '../widget/test_semantics.dart';

// This file uses "as dynamic" in a few places to defeat the static
// analysis. In general you want to avoid using this style in your
// code, as it will cause the analyzer to be unable to help you catch
// errors.
// In this case, we do it because we are trying to call internal
// methods of the tooltip code in order to test it. Normally, the
// state of a tooltip is a private class, but by using a GlobalKey we
// can get a handle to that object and by using "as dynamic" we can
// bypass the analyzer's type checks and call methods that we aren't
// supposed to be able to know about.
// It's ok to do this in tests, but you really don't want to do it in
// production code.

void main() {
  testWidgets('Does tooltip end up in the right place - center', (WidgetTester tester) async {
    GlobalKey key = new GlobalKey();
    await tester.pumpWidget(
      new Overlay(
        initialEntries: <OverlayEntry>[
          new OverlayEntry(
            builder: (BuildContext context) {
              return new Stack(
                children: <Widget>[
                  new Positioned(
                    left: 300.0,
                    top: 0.0,
                    child: new Tooltip(
                      key: key,
                      message: 'TIP',
                      height: 20.0,
                      padding: const EdgeInsets.all(5.0),
                      verticalOffset: 20.0,
                      preferBelow: false,
                      child: new Container(
                        width: 0.0,
                        height: 0.0
    (key.currentState as dynamic).ensureTooltipVisible(); // before using "as dynamic" in your code, see note top of file
    await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 2)); // faded in, show timer started (and at 0.0)

    /********************* 800x600 screen
     *      o            * y=0
     *      |            * }- 20.0 vertical offset, of which 10.0 is in the screen edge margin
     *   +----+          * \- (5.0 padding in height)
     *   |    |          * |- 20 height
     *   +----+          * /- (5.0 padding in height)
     *                   *

    RenderBox tip = tester.renderObject(find.text('TIP')).parent.parent.parent.parent.parent;
    expect(tip.localToGlobal(tip.size.topLeft(Point.origin)), equals(const Point(284.0, 20.0)));

  testWidgets('Does tooltip end up in the right place - top left', (WidgetTester tester) async {
    GlobalKey key = new GlobalKey();
    await tester.pumpWidget(
      new Overlay(
        initialEntries: <OverlayEntry>[
          new OverlayEntry(
            builder: (BuildContext context) {
              return new Stack(
                children: <Widget>[
                  new Positioned(
                    left: 0.0,
                    top: 0.0,
                    child: new Tooltip(
                      key: key,
                      message: 'TIP',
                      height: 20.0,
                      padding: const EdgeInsets.all(5.0),
                      verticalOffset: 20.0,
                      preferBelow: false,
                      child: new Container(
                        width: 0.0,
                        height: 0.0
    (key.currentState as dynamic).ensureTooltipVisible(); // before using "as dynamic" in your code, see note top of file
    await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 2)); // faded in, show timer started (and at 0.0)

    /********************* 800x600 screen
     *o                  * y=0
     *|                  * }- 20.0 vertical offset, of which 10.0 is in the screen edge margin
     *+----+             * \- (5.0 padding in height)
     *|    |             * |- 20 height
     *+----+             * /- (5.0 padding in height)
     *                   *

    RenderBox tip = tester.renderObject(find.text('TIP')).parent.parent.parent.parent.parent;
    expect(tip.size.height, equals(20.0)); // 10.0 height + 5.0 padding * 2 (top, bottom)
    expect(tip.localToGlobal(tip.size.topLeft(Point.origin)), equals(const Point(10.0, 20.0)));

  testWidgets('Does tooltip end up in the right place - center prefer above fits', (WidgetTester tester) async {
    GlobalKey key = new GlobalKey();
    await tester.pumpWidget(
      new Overlay(
        initialEntries: <OverlayEntry>[
          new OverlayEntry(
            builder: (BuildContext context) {
              return new Stack(
                children: <Widget>[
                  new Positioned(
                    left: 400.0,
                    top: 300.0,
                    child: new Tooltip(
                      key: key,
                      message: 'TIP',
                      height: 100.0,
                      padding: const EdgeInsets.all(0.0),
                      verticalOffset: 100.0,
                      preferBelow: false,
                      child: new Container(
                        width: 0.0,
                        height: 0.0
    (key.currentState as dynamic).ensureTooltipVisible(); // before using "as dynamic" in your code, see note top of file
    await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 2)); // faded in, show timer started (and at 0.0)

    /********************* 800x600 screen
     *        ___        * }- 10.0 margin
     *       |___|       * }-100.0 height
     *         |         * }-100.0 vertical offset
     *         o         * y=300.0
     *                   *
     *                   *
     *                   *

    RenderBox tip = tester.renderObject(find.text('TIP')).parent;
    expect(tip.size.height, equals(100.0));
    expect(tip.localToGlobal(tip.size.topLeft(Point.origin)).y, equals(100.0));
    expect(tip.localToGlobal(tip.size.bottomRight(Point.origin)).y, equals(200.0));

  testWidgets('Does tooltip end up in the right place - center prefer above does not fit', (WidgetTester tester) async {
    GlobalKey key = new GlobalKey();
    await tester.pumpWidget(
      new Overlay(
        initialEntries: <OverlayEntry>[
          new OverlayEntry(
            builder: (BuildContext context) {
              return new Stack(
                children: <Widget>[
                  new Positioned(
                    left: 400.0,
                    top: 299.0,
                    child: new Tooltip(
                      key: key,
                      message: 'TIP',
                      height: 190.0,
                      padding: const EdgeInsets.all(0.0),
                      verticalOffset: 100.0,
                      preferBelow: false,
                      child: new Container(
                        width: 0.0,
                        height: 0.0
    (key.currentState as dynamic).ensureTooltipVisible(); // before using "as dynamic" in your code, see note top of file
    await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 2)); // faded in, show timer started (and at 0.0)

    // we try to put it here but it doesn't fit:
    /********************* 800x600 screen
     *        ___        * }- 10.0 margin
     *       |___|       * }-190.0 height (starts at y=9.0)
     *         |         * }-100.0 vertical offset
     *         o         * y=299.0
     *                   *
     *                   *
     *                   *

    // so we put it here:
    /********************* 800x600 screen
     *                   *
     *                   *
     *         o         * y=299.0
     *        _|_        * }-100.0 vertical offset
     *       |___|       * }-190.0 height
     *                   * }- 10.0 margin

    RenderBox tip = tester.renderObject(find.text('TIP')).parent;
    expect(tip.size.height, equals(190.0));
    expect(tip.localToGlobal(tip.size.topLeft(Point.origin)).y, equals(399.0));
    expect(tip.localToGlobal(tip.size.bottomRight(Point.origin)).y, equals(589.0));

  testWidgets('Does tooltip end up in the right place - center prefer below fits', (WidgetTester tester) async {
    GlobalKey key = new GlobalKey();
    await tester.pumpWidget(
      new Overlay(
        initialEntries: <OverlayEntry>[
          new OverlayEntry(
            builder: (BuildContext context) {
              return new Stack(
                children: <Widget>[
                  new Positioned(
                    left: 400.0,
                    top: 300.0,
                    child: new Tooltip(
                      key: key,
                      message: 'TIP',
                      height: 190.0,
                      padding: const EdgeInsets.all(0.0),
                      verticalOffset: 100.0,
                      preferBelow: true,
                      child: new Container(
                        width: 0.0,
                        height: 0.0
    (key.currentState as dynamic).ensureTooltipVisible(); // before using "as dynamic" in your code, see note top of file
    await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 2)); // faded in, show timer started (and at 0.0)

    /********************* 800x600 screen
     *                   *
     *                   *
     *         o         * y=300.0
     *        _|_        * }-100.0 vertical offset
     *       |___|       * }-190.0 height
     *                   * }- 10.0 margin

    RenderBox tip = tester.renderObject(find.text('TIP')).parent;
    expect(tip.size.height, equals(190.0));
    expect(tip.localToGlobal(tip.size.topLeft(Point.origin)).y, equals(400.0));
    expect(tip.localToGlobal(tip.size.bottomRight(Point.origin)).y, equals(590.0));

  testWidgets('Does tooltip end up in the right place - way off to the right', (WidgetTester tester) async {
    GlobalKey key = new GlobalKey();
    await tester.pumpWidget(
      new Overlay(
        initialEntries: <OverlayEntry>[
          new OverlayEntry(
            builder: (BuildContext context) {
              return new Stack(
                children: <Widget>[
                  new Positioned(
                    left: 1600.0,
                    top: 300.0,
                    child: new Tooltip(
                      key: key,
                      message: 'TIP',
                      height: 10.0,
                      padding: const EdgeInsets.all(0.0),
                      verticalOffset: 10.0,
                      preferBelow: true,
                      child: new Container(
                        width: 0.0,
                        height: 0.0
    (key.currentState as dynamic).ensureTooltipVisible(); // before using "as dynamic" in your code, see note top of file
    await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 2)); // faded in, show timer started (and at 0.0)

    /********************* 800x600 screen
     *                   *
     *                   *
     *                   * y=300.0;   target -->   o
     *              ___| * }-10.0 vertical offset
     *             |___| * }-10.0 height
     *                   *
     *                   * }-10.0 margin

    RenderBox tip = tester.renderObject(find.text('TIP')).parent;
    expect(tip.size.height, equals(10.0));
    expect(tip.localToGlobal(tip.size.topLeft(Point.origin)).y, equals(310.0));
    expect(tip.localToGlobal(tip.size.bottomRight(Point.origin)).x, equals(790.0));
    expect(tip.localToGlobal(tip.size.bottomRight(Point.origin)).y, equals(320.0));

  testWidgets('Does tooltip end up in the right place - near the edge', (WidgetTester tester) async {
    GlobalKey key = new GlobalKey();
    await tester.pumpWidget(
      new Overlay(
        initialEntries: <OverlayEntry>[
          new OverlayEntry(
            builder: (BuildContext context) {
              return new Stack(
                children: <Widget>[
                  new Positioned(
                    left: 780.0,
                    top: 300.0,
                    child: new Tooltip(
                      key: key,
                      message: 'TIP',
                      height: 10.0,
                      padding: const EdgeInsets.all(0.0),
                      verticalOffset: 10.0,
                      preferBelow: true,
                      child: new Container(
                        width: 0.0,
                        height: 0.0
    (key.currentState as dynamic).ensureTooltipVisible(); // before using "as dynamic" in your code, see note top of file
    await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 2)); // faded in, show timer started (and at 0.0)

    /********************* 800x600 screen
     *                   *
     *                   *
     *                o  * y=300.0
     *              __|  * }-10.0 vertical offset
     *             |___| * }-10.0 height
     *                   *
     *                   * }-10.0 margin

    RenderBox tip = tester.renderObject(find.text('TIP')).parent;
    expect(tip.size.height, equals(10.0));
    expect(tip.localToGlobal(tip.size.topLeft(Point.origin)).y, equals(310.0));
    expect(tip.localToGlobal(tip.size.bottomRight(Point.origin)).x, equals(790.0));
    expect(tip.localToGlobal(tip.size.bottomRight(Point.origin)).y, equals(320.0));

  testWidgets('Does tooltip contribute semantics', (WidgetTester tester) async {
    TestSemanticsListener client = new TestSemanticsListener();
    GlobalKey key = new GlobalKey();
    await tester.pumpWidget(
      new Overlay(
        initialEntries: <OverlayEntry>[
          new OverlayEntry(
            builder: (BuildContext context) {
              return new Stack(
                children: <Widget>[
                  new Positioned(
                    left: 780.0,
                    top: 300.0,
                    child: new Tooltip(
                      key: key,
                      message: 'TIP',
                      child: new Container(width: 0.0, height: 0.0)
    expect(client.updates.length, equals(2));
    expect(client.updates[0].id, equals(0));
    expect(client.updates[0].flags.canBeTapped, isFalse);
    expect(client.updates[0].flags.canBeLongPressed, isFalse);
    expect(client.updates[0].flags.canBeScrolledHorizontally, isFalse);
    expect(client.updates[0].flags.canBeScrolledVertically, isFalse);
    expect(client.updates[0].flags.hasCheckedState, isFalse);
    expect(client.updates[0].flags.isChecked, isFalse);
    expect(client.updates[0].strings.label, equals('TIP'));
    expect(client.updates[0].geometry.transform, isNull);
    expect(client.updates[0].geometry.left, equals(0.0));
    expect(client.updates[0].geometry.top, equals(0.0));
    expect(client.updates[0].geometry.width, equals(800.0));
    expect(client.updates[0].geometry.height, equals(600.0));
    expect(client.updates[0].children.length, equals(0));
    expect(client.updates[1], isNull);

    // before using "as dynamic" in your code, see note top of file
    (key.currentState as dynamic).ensureTooltipVisible(); // this triggers a rebuild of the semantics because the tree changes

    await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 2)); // faded in, show timer started (and at 0.0)
    expect(client.updates.length, equals(2));
    expect(client.updates[0].id, equals(0));
    expect(client.updates[0].flags.canBeTapped, isFalse);
    expect(client.updates[0].flags.canBeLongPressed, isFalse);
    expect(client.updates[0].flags.canBeScrolledHorizontally, isFalse);
    expect(client.updates[0].flags.canBeScrolledVertically, isFalse);
    expect(client.updates[0].flags.hasCheckedState, isFalse);
    expect(client.updates[0].flags.isChecked, isFalse);
    expect(client.updates[0].strings.label, equals('TIP'));
    expect(client.updates[0].geometry.transform, isNull);
    expect(client.updates[0].geometry.left, equals(0.0));
    expect(client.updates[0].geometry.top, equals(0.0));
    expect(client.updates[0].geometry.width, equals(800.0));
    expect(client.updates[0].geometry.height, equals(600.0));
    expect(client.updates[0].children.length, equals(0));
    expect(client.updates[1], isNull);