#include "run_loop.h" #include <Windows.h> // Don't stomp std::min/std::max #undef max #undef min #include <algorithm> RunLoop::RunLoop() {} RunLoop::~RunLoop() {} void RunLoop::Run() { bool keep_running = true; TimePoint next_flutter_event_time = TimePoint::clock::now(); while (keep_running) { std::chrono::nanoseconds wait_duration = std::max(std::chrono::nanoseconds(0), next_flutter_event_time - TimePoint::clock::now()); ::MsgWaitForMultipleObjects( 0, nullptr, FALSE, static_cast<DWORD>(wait_duration.count() / 1000), QS_ALLINPUT); bool processed_events = false; MSG message; // All pending Windows messages must be processed; MsgWaitForMultipleObjects // won't return again for items left in the queue after PeekMessage. while (::PeekMessage(&message, nullptr, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { processed_events = true; if (message.message == WM_QUIT) { keep_running = false; break; } ::TranslateMessage(&message); ::DispatchMessage(&message); // Allow Flutter to process messages each time a Windows message is // processed, to prevent starvation. next_flutter_event_time = std::min(next_flutter_event_time, ProcessFlutterMessages()); } // If the PeekMessage loop didn't run, process Flutter messages. if (!processed_events) { next_flutter_event_time = std::min(next_flutter_event_time, ProcessFlutterMessages()); } } } void RunLoop::RegisterFlutterInstance( flutter::FlutterViewController* flutter_instance) { flutter_instances_.insert(flutter_instance); } void RunLoop::UnregisterFlutterInstance( flutter::FlutterViewController* flutter_instance) { flutter_instances_.erase(flutter_instance); } RunLoop::TimePoint RunLoop::ProcessFlutterMessages() { TimePoint next_event_time = TimePoint::max(); for (auto flutter_controller : flutter_instances_) { std::chrono::nanoseconds wait_duration = flutter_controller->ProcessMessages(); if (wait_duration != std::chrono::nanoseconds::max()) { next_event_time = std::min(next_event_time, TimePoint::clock::now() + wait_duration); } } return next_event_time; }