// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:math' as math; import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; import 'material.dart'; import 'theme.dart'; const double _kLinearProgressIndicatorHeight = 6.0; const double _kMinCircularProgressIndicatorSize = 36.0; const double _kCircularProgressIndicatorStrokeWidth = 4.0; // TODO(hansmuller): implement the support for buffer indicator /// A base class for material design progress indicators /// /// This widget cannot be instantiated directly. For a linear progress /// indicator, see [LinearProgressIndicator]. For a circular progress indicator, /// see [CircularProgressIndicator]. /// /// See also: /// /// * <https://www.google.com/design/spec/components/progress-activity.html> abstract class ProgressIndicator extends StatefulWidget { /// Creates a progress indicator. /// /// The [value] argument can be either null (corresponding to an indeterminate /// progress indcator) or non-null (corresponding to a determinate progress /// indicator). See [value] for details. ProgressIndicator({ Key key, this.value, this.backgroundColor, this.valueColor }) : super(key: key); /// If non-null, the value of this progress indicator with 0.0 corresponding /// to no progress having been made and 1.0 corresponding to all the progress /// having been made. /// /// If null, this progress indicator is indeterminate, which means the /// indicator displays a predetermined animation that does not indicator how /// much actual progress is being made. final double value; /// The progress indicator's background color. If null, the background color is /// the current theme's backgroundColor. final Color backgroundColor; /// The indicator's color is the animation's value. To specify a constant /// color use: `new AlwaysStoppedAnimation<Color>(color)`. /// /// If null, the progress indicator is rendered with the current theme's primaryColor. final Animation<Color> valueColor; Color _getBackgroundColor(BuildContext context) => backgroundColor ?? Theme.of(context).backgroundColor; Color _getValueColor(BuildContext context) => valueColor?.value ?? Theme.of(context).primaryColor; @override void debugFillDescription(List<String> description) { super.debugFillDescription(description); description.add('${(value.clamp(0.0, 1.0) * 100.0).toStringAsFixed(1)}%'); } } class _LinearProgressIndicatorPainter extends CustomPainter { const _LinearProgressIndicatorPainter({ this.backgroundColor, this.valueColor, this.value, this.animationValue }); final Color backgroundColor; final Color valueColor; final double value; final double animationValue; @override void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) { Paint paint = new Paint() ..color = backgroundColor ..style = PaintingStyle.fill; canvas.drawRect(Point.origin & size, paint); paint.color = valueColor; if (value != null) { double width = value.clamp(0.0, 1.0) * size.width; canvas.drawRect(Point.origin & new Size(width, size.height), paint); } else { double startX = size.width * (1.5 * animationValue - 0.5); double endX = startX + 0.5 * size.width; double x = startX.clamp(0.0, size.width); double width = endX.clamp(0.0, size.width) - x; canvas.drawRect(new Point(x, 0.0) & new Size(width, size.height), paint); } } @override bool shouldRepaint(_LinearProgressIndicatorPainter oldPainter) { return oldPainter.backgroundColor != backgroundColor || oldPainter.valueColor != valueColor || oldPainter.value != value || oldPainter.animationValue != animationValue; } } /// A material design linear progress indicator. /// /// A widget that shows progress along a line. There are two kinds of linear /// progress indicators: /// /// * _Determinate_. Determinate progress indicators have a specific value at /// each point in time, and the value should increase monotonically from 0.0 /// to 1.0, at which time the indicator is complete. To create a determinate /// progress indicator, use a non-null [value] between 0.0 and 1.0. /// * _Indeterminate_. Indeterminate progress indicators do not have a specific /// value at each point in time and instead indicate that progress is being /// made without indicating how much progress remains. To create an /// indeterminate progress indicator, use a null [value]. /// /// See also: /// /// * [CircularProgressIndicator] /// * <https://www.google.com/design/spec/components/progress-activity.html#progress-activity-types-of-indicators> class LinearProgressIndicator extends ProgressIndicator { /// Creates a linear progress indicator. /// /// The [value] argument can be either null (corresponding to an indeterminate /// progress indcator) or non-null (corresponding to a determinate progress /// indicator). See [value] for details. LinearProgressIndicator({ Key key, double value }) : super(key: key, value: value); @override _LinearProgressIndicatorState createState() => new _LinearProgressIndicatorState(); } class _LinearProgressIndicatorState extends State<LinearProgressIndicator> { Animation<double> _animation; AnimationController _controller; @override void initState() { super.initState(); _controller = new AnimationController( duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 1500) )..repeat(); _animation = new CurvedAnimation(parent: _controller, curve: Curves.fastOutSlowIn); } @override void dispose() { _controller.dispose(); super.dispose(); } Widget _buildIndicator(BuildContext context, double animationValue) { return new Container( constraints: new BoxConstraints.tightFor( width: double.INFINITY, height: _kLinearProgressIndicatorHeight ), child: new CustomPaint( painter: new _LinearProgressIndicatorPainter( backgroundColor: config._getBackgroundColor(context), valueColor: config._getValueColor(context), value: config.value, // may be null animationValue: animationValue // ignored if config.value is not null ) ) ); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { if (config.value != null) return _buildIndicator(context, _animation.value); return new AnimatedBuilder( animation: _animation, builder: (BuildContext context, Widget child) { return _buildIndicator(context, _animation.value); } ); } } class _CircularProgressIndicatorPainter extends CustomPainter { static const double _kTwoPI = math.PI * 2.0; static const double _kEpsilon = .001; // Canavs.drawArc(r, 0, 2*PI) doesn't draw anything, so just get close. static const double _kSweep = _kTwoPI - _kEpsilon; static const double _kStartAngle = -math.PI / 2.0; _CircularProgressIndicatorPainter({ this.valueColor, double value, double headValue, double tailValue, int stepValue, double rotationValue, this.strokeWidth }) : this.value = value, this.headValue = headValue, this.tailValue = tailValue, this.stepValue = stepValue, this.rotationValue = rotationValue, arcStart = value != null ? _kStartAngle : _kStartAngle + tailValue * 3 / 2 * math.PI + rotationValue * math.PI * 1.7 - stepValue * 0.8 * math.PI, arcSweep = value != null ? value.clamp(0.0, 1.0) * _kSweep : math.max(headValue * 3 / 2 * math.PI - tailValue * 3 / 2 * math.PI, _kEpsilon); final Color valueColor; final double value; final double headValue; final double tailValue; final int stepValue; final double rotationValue; final double strokeWidth; final double arcStart; final double arcSweep; @override void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) { Paint paint = new Paint() ..color = valueColor ..strokeWidth = strokeWidth ..style = PaintingStyle.stroke; if (value == null) // Indeterminate paint.strokeCap = StrokeCap.square; Path path = new Path() ..arcTo(Point.origin & size, arcStart, arcSweep, false); canvas.drawPath(path, paint); } @override bool shouldRepaint(_CircularProgressIndicatorPainter oldPainter) { return oldPainter.valueColor != valueColor || oldPainter.value != value || oldPainter.headValue != headValue || oldPainter.tailValue != tailValue || oldPainter.stepValue != stepValue || oldPainter.rotationValue != rotationValue || oldPainter.strokeWidth != strokeWidth; } } /// A material design circular progress indicator. /// /// A widget that shows progress along a circle. There are two kinds of circular /// progress indicators: /// /// * _Determinate_. Determinate progress indicators have a specific value at /// each point in time, and the value should increase monotonically from 0.0 /// to 1.0, at which time the indicator is complete. To create a determinate /// progress indicator, use a non-null [value] between 0.0 and 1.0. /// * _Indeterminate_. Indeterminate progress indicators do not have a specific /// value at each point in time and instead indicate that progress is being /// made without indicating how much progress remains. To create an /// indeterminate progress indicator, use a null [value]. /// /// See also: /// /// * [LinearProgressIndicator] /// * <https://www.google.com/design/spec/components/progress-activity.html#progress-activity-types-of-indicators> class CircularProgressIndicator extends ProgressIndicator { /// Creates a circular progress indicator. /// /// The [value] argument can be either null (corresponding to an indeterminate /// progress indcator) or non-null (corresponding to a determinate progress /// indicator). See [value] for details. CircularProgressIndicator({ Key key, double value, Color backgroundColor, Animation<Color> valueColor }) : super(key: key, value: value, backgroundColor: backgroundColor, valueColor: valueColor); @override _CircularProgressIndicatorState createState() => new _CircularProgressIndicatorState(); } // Tweens used by circular progress indicator final Animatable<double> _kStrokeHeadTween = new CurveTween( curve: new Interval(0.0, 0.5, curve: Curves.fastOutSlowIn) ).chain(new CurveTween( curve: new SawTooth(5) )); final Animatable<double> _kStrokeTailTween = new CurveTween( curve: new Interval(0.5, 1.0, curve: Curves.fastOutSlowIn) ).chain(new CurveTween( curve: new SawTooth(5) )); final Animatable<int> _kStepTween = new StepTween(begin: 0, end: 5); final Animatable<double> _kRotationTween = new CurveTween(curve: new SawTooth(5)); class _CircularProgressIndicatorState extends State<CircularProgressIndicator> { AnimationController _controller; @override void initState() { super.initState(); _controller = new AnimationController( duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 6666) )..repeat(); } @override void dispose() { _controller.dispose(); super.dispose(); } Widget _buildIndicator(BuildContext context, double headValue, double tailValue, int stepValue, double rotationValue) { return new Container( constraints: new BoxConstraints( minWidth: _kMinCircularProgressIndicatorSize, minHeight: _kMinCircularProgressIndicatorSize ), child: new CustomPaint( painter: new _CircularProgressIndicatorPainter( valueColor: config._getValueColor(context), value: config.value, // may be null headValue: headValue, // remaining arguments are ignored if config.value is not null tailValue: tailValue, stepValue: stepValue, rotationValue: rotationValue, strokeWidth: _kCircularProgressIndicatorStrokeWidth ) ) ); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { if (config.value != null) return _buildIndicator(context, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0.0); return new AnimatedBuilder( animation: _controller, builder: (BuildContext context, Widget child) { return _buildIndicator( context, _kStrokeHeadTween.evaluate(_controller), _kStrokeTailTween.evaluate(_controller), _kStepTween.evaluate(_controller), _kRotationTween.evaluate(_controller) ); } ); } } class _RefreshProgressIndicatorPainter extends _CircularProgressIndicatorPainter { _RefreshProgressIndicatorPainter({ Color valueColor, double value, double headValue, double tailValue, int stepValue, double rotationValue, double strokeWidth }) : super( valueColor: valueColor, value: value, headValue: headValue, tailValue: tailValue, stepValue: stepValue, rotationValue: rotationValue, strokeWidth: strokeWidth ); void paintArrowhead(Canvas canvas, Size size) { // ux, uy: a unit vector whose direction parallels the base of the arrowhead. // Note that -ux, uy points in the direction the arrowhead points. final double arcEnd = arcStart + arcSweep; final double ux = math.cos(arcEnd); final double uy = math.sin(arcEnd); assert(size.width == size.height); final double radius = size.width / 2.0; final double arrowHeadRadius = strokeWidth * 1.5; final double innerRadius = radius - arrowHeadRadius; final double outerRadius = radius + arrowHeadRadius; Path path = new Path() ..moveTo(radius + ux * innerRadius, radius + uy * innerRadius) ..lineTo(radius + ux * outerRadius, radius + uy * outerRadius) ..lineTo(radius + ux * radius + -uy * strokeWidth * 2.0, radius + uy * radius + ux * strokeWidth * 2.0) ..close(); Paint paint = new Paint() ..color = valueColor ..strokeWidth = strokeWidth ..style = PaintingStyle.fill; canvas.drawPath(path, paint); } @override void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) { super.paint(canvas, size); paintArrowhead(canvas, size); } } class RefreshProgressIndicator extends CircularProgressIndicator { RefreshProgressIndicator({ Key key, double value, Color backgroundColor, Animation<Color> valueColor }) : super(key: key, value: value, backgroundColor: backgroundColor, valueColor: valueColor); @override _RefreshProgressIndicatorState createState() => new _RefreshProgressIndicatorState(); } class _RefreshProgressIndicatorState extends _CircularProgressIndicatorState { static double _kIndicatorSize = 40.0; @override Widget _buildIndicator(BuildContext context, double headValue, double tailValue, int stepValue, double rotationValue) { return new Container( width: _kIndicatorSize, height: _kIndicatorSize, margin: const EdgeInsets.all(4.0), // acommodate the shadow child: new Material( type: MaterialType.circle, color: Theme.of(context).canvasColor, elevation: 2, child: new Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(12.0), child: new CustomPaint( painter: new _RefreshProgressIndicatorPainter( valueColor: config._getValueColor(context), value: config.value, // may be null headValue: headValue, // remaining arguments are ignored if config.value is not null tailValue: tailValue, stepValue: stepValue, rotationValue: rotationValue, strokeWidth: 2.0 ) ) ) ) ); } }